Paris, December 15th, 2020 - The Assange Case - Investigation Report 1 - Complaint 1
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Paris, December 15th, 2020
Complaint by the citizens of the world to protect the citizens of the world and the sovereignty of the institutions of their respective countries against the unlawfully actions of an extra-constitutional and extra-territorial state that violates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all the texts related to human rights and the UN Charter.
Complaint by citizens of the world to demand the immediate and unconditional release, protection and compensation of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange, a citizen clearly identifiable by several distinctive signs. The citizen who embodies Julian Paul Assange concept is both a prisoner of war and a hostage of this extra-constitutional and extra-territorial government. He is also a witness for the prosecution in cases of human trafficking and paedocriminal networks. He is therefore in great danger because he is in the hands of those whose crimes he has denounced. He is imprisoned incommunicado, tortured and he was himself a victim of these networks which can only exist thanks to the extra-constitutional and extra-territorial state against which this complaint is made.
We call upon the sovereign State of USA, the sovereign state of UK and all sovereign states to denounce the illegality of the mock trial of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange. This trial is not based on any legal charge and doesn't respect amendments of the Constitution of the United States of America. We call upon the sovereign State of USA, the sovereign state of UK and all sovereign states to do everything possible to free him and allow him to testify publicly, through the media, against this extra-constitutional and extra-territorial state under his birthday name how all citizen must do it. To date, he is the only living witness in a position to testify against this extra-constitutional and extra-territorial state, as well as against the paedocriminal and human trafficking.
On his freedom and testimony depend the freedom of all citizens and the sovereignty of all states.
The more than ten years lasting Assange affair is a compendium of lies, corruption, cheating, fraud, blackmail, extortion, usurpation of office, usurpation of identity, falsification of official documents, violations of fundamental human rights, violation of international law by private entities operating on the principle of mafias, acting in collusion within sovereign states that they have plundered of their sovereignty by colonising and undermining their institutional and governmental machineries.
The Assange case is a compendium of fake news, inept storytelling and defamation propagated by the mainstream media in violation of their own Munich Charter.
The Assange case is a mock trial conducted by illegal private entities, on private territory belonging to the Crown of England, under feudal law and the Navigation Act of 1660, in private Courts not governed by English sovereign law but by the British Crown, based on an indictment violating the US Constitution and international law (see rationale below), conducted unlawfully by an grand jury mandated by the Obama-Clinton administration against a citizen known only through the pseudonym
Julian Paul Assange, aka
Julian Paul Hawkins, aka
and not by his birth name.
The Assange case is the trial of a man without name, tried by judges who are not qualified to do so, defended by lawyers who have deep interest ties with the highest interests of the accusation side located in the USA.
The Assange case amounts to ten years of arbitrary sequestration incommunicado and torture inflicted on a citizen who is free of any charge.
Through the Assange case, the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange has been instrumentalised by entities such as the Wau Holland Foundation, the
Obama-Clinton administration,
the British crown, political parties like
DIEM 25, notably in link with the establishment of a universal jurisdiction.
This universal jurisdiction does not serve justice. It stages mock trials that end up destroying fundamental human rights and letting crimes unsanctioned or hidden. It allows private entities that are not subject to international law to take possession of the institutions of certain sovereign countries in order to neutralise them for set up a world government.
The Assange affair is a keystone of a subterranean war, more and more visible though, a war expressed in different manner and words, by political leaders such as Alexandre Loukachenko, Donald Trump, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, or Boris Johnson who appeals to the spirit of the Blitz and the New Jerusalem so dear to the heart of the English people.
"And this enthusiasm for a post war "New Jerusalem" gathered pace in the summer of 1941, as the newly appointed president of the board of education, Rab Butler (a Conservatrice), began drawing up plans for an overhaul of the education system. He proposed to raise the school leaving age, and to make free secondary education available to all.
A skilled politician, Butler overcame the opposition of Churchill and of the Anglican and Catholic Churches to publish a workable white paper which he prefaced with a quote from Disraeli - "upon the education of the people of this country the fate of this country depends." The bill became law in early 1944, allowing a new generation of children (Including this author's father) to receive. a free and extensive education, and subsequently to attend university.
Just as the blitz shocked people out of their rhythms, and encouraged extremes of behaviour, so the government was jolted into action by this extraordinary time - and rising public expectations.
Examining its behaviour, we see that - generally - it acted efficiently and with concern for its. people. And while events often took it by surprise, it usually did the right thing in the end.
It encouraged for example, the collective reorganization of London's welfare services by Henry Willing.
It offered deep shelter, and acknowledged the right of the people to trek out of towns and cities - albeit belatedly. It freed large numbers of Jewish and anti-nazi internees while the threat of invasion still persisted. It caught almost every nazi spy. It pursued progressive modes of reconstruction, in areas ranging from health to housing. It practiced as it preached: drilling for high grade oil in Sherwood was surely the ultimate example of "make do and mend". Of course, the government also introduce a huge number of regulations, arbitrary criminalizing swathes of the community over night, but it might be argued that it was being forced to improvise in unprecedented circumstances.
And even when conditions seemed insupportable, Blitz spirit came to the fore - spontaneous yet manufactured, real yet simplistic.
It inspired Caryl Brahms to write in her diary, in December 1940 : These are the days to be alive in. These days now. They are hard, unhappy, lonely, wasted infuriating, terrifying, heart-breaking days. But they are history. And in them we're part of history. We are lucky to be living now.
The blitz was the dark crucible of the social benefits of the national health service, of free. education, for all, of the collective spirit that guides much of the last century. Today's politicians and policy makers were born long after this benefits involved, and this, perhaps, is why they are. now being allowed to erode. It would be. very sad if the true legacy of Blitz Spirit were lost - because we fail to remember how hard they were won."
The Secret History of the blitz - Joshua Levine
New Jerusalem, conceived by the English under Nazi bombings, like the social security system created by
Ambroise Croizat at the end of the war, are the fruits of the grains sowed by the European philosophers of the Enlightenment, inscribed on the pediments of our institutions:
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.
This investigation report and this complaint aim essentially at bringing to the attention of the judicial authorities, the crimes and presumptions of crimes which threaten these fundamental values which are the cement of democracies in sovereign countries.
This investigation report and complaint are the property of everybody. We urge the judicial authorities of sovereign countries and all citizens of the world to use it to put an end to all crimes committed by the private or public entities against which it is filed.
We urge the judicial authorities and all citizens of the world to use it to free the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange, who was held incommunicado and tortured by private entities whose crimes he denounced, crimes that endanger all citizens of the world.
It is urgent that the sovereign governments of the world ensure the safety of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange and give him the opportunity to testify publicly about the crimes he witnessed and suffered. Many citizens from different countries have also been victims of these crimes. They have the right to know the truth. The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange and the governments of sovereign countries have a duty to tell it to them.
For all intents and purposes, we recall that the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange, presented by the media storytelling to the public, presents distinctive signs that make it possible to identify him.
Boris Johnson : “In the depths of the second world war, in 1942 when just about everything had gone wrong, the government sketched out a vision of the post war new Jerusalem that they wanted to build. And that is what we are doing now – in the teeth of this pandemic.”
Jean-Luc Mélenchon
denounces the closed-doors “Defence council“ which governs France instead of the Council of ministers. We have to guess that this council set up the “Global security law” agenda, which gives to private security agents similar power as state policemen. MPs life goes on during lock-down.
Alexander Loukashenko
uncovers the 900 M$ IMF “offer“ to force covid lockdown in Belarus. He calls “hybrid war“ the NATO/EU interventional pressure to get him out of presidency (for the pure love of democracy so indisputably incarnated by president Macron or his mentor Angela Merkel).
Donald Trump: The NYT titles “Trump’s War Against ‘the Deep State’ Enters a New Stage”.
Trump’s legal team claims to have tremendous proofs of massive 2020 electoral fraud. Donald Trump says that USA itself is in danger to disappear, together with freedom and democracy. If the massive fraud is real, Trump is probably right. If the fraud is made up by his team (huge lies to keep the power), then US democracy is also in great danger. In both hypothesis, a war on democracy, i.e. against people will, is on-going.
Prisoner of opinion : Julian Paul Assange (03/07/1971)
Prison : Belmarsh
Prisoner Number: A 93 79 AY
Subject: Request for information on mandate
representation in the case EAW 131226-10
European Arrest Warrant File No.
AM 131226-10 :
File No. RCJ CO/1925/2011
After a year and a half of investigation, Human Rights Association WJJA have proved that :
The name Julian Paul Assange is a pseudonym. The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange cannot be prosecuted under a name with is not his birth name. All proceedings against him are false and illegal. Swedish prosecutions and European warrants issued under Julian Paul Assange pseudonyms are therefore false and illegal. The political asylum and nationality established under the pseudonym Julian Paul Assange are therefore false. Any paper drawn up under the pseudonym Julian Paul Assange (identity card, driving licence, passport) is false and illegal.
➔ The birth certificate of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange does not bear his mother's signature and no father's name is mentioned. The name on this birth certificate, Julian Paul Hawkins and the information concerning this citizen have no legal value. The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange, aka Julian Paul Hawkins, aka Mendax, has no legal identity. He cannot be the subject of legal proceedings under any of these names.
We ask the sovereign government of the United Kingdom to kindly bring the official identity of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange to the attention of the general public and to provide proof of that identity.
As none of the legal proceedings against the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange are made under his birth name, none of these proceedings are legal.
page 13 and page 20
The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is therefore not subject to any legal proceedings. He must be released immediately
➔ The Criminal Court of Old Bailey is owned and operated by the City of London Corporation. It is an enclave which is legally independent from Britain and is a possession of the British Crown. The City of London Corporation, as a corporation, guild, association of businessmen, is not a subject of international law and therefore cannot sign treaties with states. The citizen known as Julian Assange cannot be tried in a court that is not administered by the UK Department of Justice. This procedure is a sham trial.
The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is therefore in the hands of private entities who are holding him hostage.
➔ As defined by its constitution, the United States cannot be considered as a sovereign "state", but a conglomerate of private entities. They are managed by private entities that are not linked to each other or to a central federal power. Each private entity, wrongly called a state, functions autonomously and cannot be considered as a sovereign state, subject to international law.
Consequently, the USA cannot be considered as a sovereign interlocutor by any other sovereign state, nor can it be a prescriber with regard to any international decision involving sovereign countries. Even US domestic elections are marred by this legal dysfunction. We urge the President of the United States of America and Congress to remedy this as soon as possible.
As long as American federalism is not managed by a sovereign central government, each entity composing it can only be considered as a private entity subject to the international laws voted by the other sovereign states. Consequently, they can be conquered and annexed to any other sovereign state. They have no legality. As a further consequence, the U.S. Army cannot be considered a regular army in the service of a sovereign state, but rather mercenary units in the service of private entities that any sovereign country is entitled to drive out of its territory without there is a declaration of war.
➔ Judge Vanessa Baraitser was in charge of the Alexandre Djouhri case involving Nicolas Sarkozy. This case links Judge Baraitser to the
Carlyle group
of which
Olivier Sarkozy was president.
The Carlyle Group is the parent company of Booz Allen & Hamilton, headed by
Robert James Woolsey, former director of the CIA, the company where Edward Snowden worked. The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange helped the citizen known as Edward Snowden flee the United States. There are therefore several major conflicts of interest between the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange and Justice Baraitser. These conflicts of interest are contrary to the rules of fair trial.
➔ Stella Morris, aka Stella or Sara Gonzalez Devant, aka Stella Smith Robertson who claims to be the partner of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is not a member of the English Bar. She therefore lied about her profession. She cannot be the lawyer for the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange. She does not have the right to be in the courtroom where she is yet regularly present. She has three names, none of which appears to be her birth name. She does not appear to have a legal identity. She worked at the Jeanne Sauvé Foundation where her mentor was Canadian Stephen Saideman.
Stephen Saideman has ties with NATO and especially the Council on Foreign Relations, on whose board
David M Rubinstein,
Cofounder an Co-executive Chairman of the Carlyle Group,
Thad W. Allen Senior
Executive Advisor Booz Allen Hamilton and
Janet Napolitano, President Barack Obama's first Homeland Security Secretary (2009-2013) sit. It is legitimate to consider collusion between Stella Morris, aka Stella or Sara Gonzalez Devant, aka Stella Smith Robertson, Vanessa Baraitser, Booz Allen Hamilton and the Carlyle Group to harm the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange. From the Obama-Clinton administration to the Booz Allen Hamilton led by Robert James Woolsey, all have a vested interest in the disappearance of prosecution witness Julian Paul Assange.
Moreover, since Stella Morris, aka Stella Gonzalez Devant, aka Stella Smith Robertson lied about her profession, it is likely that she lied about the nature of her relationship with the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange and her motherhood.
Through Booz Allen Hamilton and Robert James Woolsey, there is a link with
Lord Jacob Rothchild by
Genie Energie (Robert James Woolsey, Dick Cheney, Rupert Murdoch and Jacob Rothchild) and the Crown of England, owner of the private entity the City of London and therefore of the management of the Old Bailey. All these collusions are contrary to the rules of fair trial.
➔ Many of the lawyers for the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange are not registered with the English Bar and therefore cannot defend him. This is the case, among others, of Jennifer Robinson, Stella Morris aka Stella or Sara Gonzalez Devant aka Stella Smith Robertson, Geoffrey Robertson. They should not be in a courtroom. This is a major procedural flaw.
➔ Wikileaks is a portal that privatises informations. It is the opposite of open source.
Wikileaks was created by Andy Muller Maghun, director of the Berlin foundation Wau Holland. The Wau Holland foundation is linked to the Chaos Computer Club (CCC), which was in the past working with the Bundesnachrichtendienst – German Intelligence Service. Julian Assange is director of the 04 Wikikealeas project. He is an employee of the Wau Holland Foundation. His boss is Andy Muller Maguhn.
Julian Paul Assange is creative director on Collateral murder. The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is therefore not criminally responsible for Wikileaks publications.
Wikijustice Report of the Wau Holland Foundation Project 04 Wikileaks
➔ Collateral murder is a fictional document. It is not a historical document. It is not a journalistic work whose source and provenance are clearly determined. The citizen Julina Paul Assange is the creative director and producer of this document fiction. Making a documentary-fiction is not a crime liable to prosecution
➔ The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is held incommunicado and tortured on English territory by a private entity whose nature must be determined. He is the subject of a mock trial in private structures with no connection to the legal institutions of the United Kingdom. His identity was deliberately falsified by those who sequestered him so that no identification was possible and proceedings were instituted if, by misfortune, he was killed.
The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is a hostage or prisoner of war in the hands of private powers who advance in disguise.
After a year and a half of investigation, investigators from the human rights association WJJA believe that the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange may not be the only citizen sequestered by these private entities. Other citizens, presumably including children, appear to be deprived of their fundamental freedoms, abused, mistreated and exploited by these private entities both in the UK and in other countries such as the USA, France, Ukraine, Poland, Palestine, Belgium, Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, Australia and others yet to be identified.
This could be the largest international human trafficking operation by a mafia acting in collusion ever identified.
As the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange has apparently done everything possible to denounce this traffic and the paedocriminal networks that feed on it, he is in great danger since he is in the hands of those whose crimes he has denounced.
Aware that rapid intervention by the judicial and police authorities is desirable in view of the critical situation in which the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange finds himself and the many lives at stake, particularly the lives of very young children, the human rights association WJJA has decided to lodge a complaint with the judicial authorities of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and with all the judicial authorities of sovereign countries.
After a year and a half of investigation, the human rights association WJJA found that there was widespread corruption in most of the state bodies of sovereign countries that had been gangrenous by these private mafia-like entities.
These corrupt officials hamper investigations and are often themselves involved in trafficking, including at the highest levels of government. Only international cooperation between the police and the judicial authorities of the different sovereign countries that are victims of their crimes, supported by the authorities of those who are spared, will enable the dismantling of this now sprawling mafia.
Citizens other than the one known as Julian Paul Assange have tried to denounce the criminal actions of this international mafia.
We call on the judicial authorities of all sovereign governments to reopen investigations in order to shed light on all their crimes and to eradicate them from all areas where they can or could still be active.
This complaint has universal value. It is addressed to all judicial institutions in the world. It is for the good of each and every one of us. It can be filed by any citizen who wishes to do so with the authorities of his or her country.
We, WikiJustice Julian Assange association for the Defence of Human Rights (WJJA), file a complaint addressed to the English, USA and German Courts, and to the judiciary Courts of the sovereign countries which ratified the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for :
► Incommunicado Detention of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange, as Julian Paul Hawkins, as Mendax
► Torture of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange, as Julian Paul Hawkins, as Mendax
► Attempted crime on the person of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange, as Julian Paul Hawkins, as Mendax
► Manipulation and torture in order to drive the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange to suicide. However, we would like to draw the attention of the justice system to the fact that one of our informant (We protect our sources when they wish to remain anonymous) has mentioned the suicide of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange as early as 2019. Julian Assange was still in the building at 3 Hans Crescent Street. The exact phrase (that has been repeated to us several times is) was: "Julian Assange is going to commit suicide on the plane that is going to extradite him. If I were him, that's what I would do."
The citizen known as John Shipton, whose financial interests are at stake in the Wikileaks case since he owns the domain names and, and The citizen known as Stella Morris, aka Stella or Sara Gonzalez Devant, aka Stella Smiths Robertson, announce the suicide, one of her alleged son, the second, of the alleged father of her children, if the latter was to be extradited. This unanimous and repetitive statements sound more like an oracle pronounced by the Pithie in the antique temple of Delphes, than a simple fear.
The combativeness of the citizen known as Julian Assange during the various Court hearings does not let our association observers the impression that citizen known as Julian Paul Assange would have suicidal tendencies.
In view of these elements, it is legitimate to think that a crime against the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is programmed with the intention of disguising it as a suicide.
► Manipulation and torture citizens of many sovereign countries. Wearing the compulsory mask and confinement are deleterious MKultra type tortures, both physically and psychologically.
Numerous testimonies attest to serious psychopathologies, loss of spatial and temporal reference points, and in children, pathogenic anxiety contrary to the proper development of their bodies and brains, as well as serious respiratory pathologies due to the inhalation of their own carbon dioxide. Under-oxygenation also the respiratory insufficiency and neuro-motor capacities of both children and adults.
We recall that harming children is a violation of the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child. (see below).
► Rendition, containment in dark place or dark room and torture. We kindly ask the judicial authorities of the sovereign countries to reopen the Agisa and El Zery case as well as all other renditions cases.
► Violation of the Vienna Convention
► Violation of the Geneva Conventions
► Violation of the UN Charter
► Violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and all texts related to human rights
► Violation of the UN Convention against Torture
► Violation of fair trial and Habeas Corpus
► Human slavery
► Paedocriminality
► Murder of Karl Koch alias Hagbard, Boris Floricic alias Tron, Ibrahim Botani alias Ibrahim Copy Botani whose circumstances of death remain mysterious and whose birth names may not be legal
A few things about the Chaos Computer Club, Karl Koch and Boris Floricic
Years 2007 to 2009 – implementation of the 04 Wikileaks project in the Wau Holland Foundation
We call upon the justice of the countries concerned and all the sovereign countries to reopen the investigations concerning these three hackers.
We call on the judiciary of the countries concerned and of sovereign countries to investigate whether other hackers have not died in disturbing circumstances or disappeared after having been in contact with the
Chaos Computer Club, Wau Holland, manager of the Wikileaks portal, Pirate Bay or Booz Allen Hamilton (Edward Snowden case).
► Murder of CIA agent William Buckley involved in the MKultra program
► Disturbing disappearance of Youri Nosenko involved in the MKultra program
CIA agent William Buckley was one of the key agents involved in the development of the MKultra programme. He participated in the MKultra torture to which Russian agent Yuri Nosenko was subjected beyond reasonable doubt.
After being tortured, CIA agent Nosenko was placed in the witness protection programme and disappeared. It is reasonable to assume that Russian and CIA agents jointly developed a MKultra programme on both sides of the Iron Curtain. The Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow could have piloted the Russian Mkultra-like project.
"The files also claimed that Russian doctors had tortured captured Americans in North Vietnam and that the Patrice Lumumba Friendship University in Moscow had undertaken intensive training of Third World doctors in the art of medical torture. There were allegations that the KGB had set up "torture centres" in Bulgaria and East Germany, where victims endured a range of medical abuses.
Alarmed by the seriousness of the charges, Schlesinger ordered urgent checks, only to be told that while the charges were almost certainly accurate, there was nothing new in this. CIA base commanders had already reported this on several occasions. Nevertheless, Schlesinger issued a circular to all employees requiring management to be informed of CIA involvement in "any illegal activities". Within a few days, his office was covered with piles of papers that reported on a variety of MKultra operations, among other things. Schlesinger was increasingly stunned by the sheer extent of the Agency's misdeeds. Nothing had been too big or too small, too risky or too low, to be tried. Blackmail, sexual harassment and violence of all kinds, often ending in murder, had been commonplace. It was absolutely appalling. Since the time of Dulles, bribery had also been a common practice in the agency."
The CIA's Secret Weapons, Gordon Thoma
Yuri Nosenko agent might have been a key link between the American MKultra program and a possible Russian MKultra like program. Witnesses speak of children involved in these torture programs as were those of the Family cult in which the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange was allegedly raised.
We therefore call upon the judicial bodies of sovereign governments to investigate whether there have indeed been two mind control programs, with partial or intense cooperation between security agencies of the USSR and the USA, whether there has been any exchange or sharing of children, whether these children were stolen from sovereign countries other than the USSR and the USA. It should also be determined what these children were used for and what became of them. Could they have served as "Manchurian candidates" or served during the Vietnam War under Agent Buckley.
CIA Agent William Buckley, who was unable to protect President Anouar el Sadate from his criminals, is said to have died after unspeakable torture at the hands of
Dr. Aziz Al Aboub on behalf of the Hezbollah. William Buckley was a seasoned agent. The way he was set up by the Hezbollah is barely credible. An agent does not travel alone, sending his driver away while he is bringing sensitive documents, especially in a state as unstable as Lebanon at war. There are signs that agent Buckley was an embarrassing witness having been made to disappear.
In 1967, Agent Buckley allegedly produced a report against American soldiers following the extraction of a Vietnamese soldier's heart by an American doctor.
The report would have been closed without further action.
We therefore call on the judicial authorities of sovereign countries to open an investigation to shed light on the death of Agent William Buckley, his involvement in the MKultra programme and the assassination of Anouar El Sadate, his involvement in the torture of Agent Yuri Nosenko and the disappearance of the latter in the witness protection programme.
We request the US government to kindly provide the courts of sovereign countries with images of the torture inflicted by Dr. Aziz el Aboub on Agent William Buckley. We ask the leaders of the Hezbollah to give their version of the facts. No claim for the death of William Buckley seems to have been officially made by the Hezbollah leadership.
► Disturbing disappearance of
Sarah Harrisson
Sarah Harrison joined the team of the "04 Wikileaks" project as a collaborator of Julian Assange in July 2010. She is supposed to come from the Center for Investigative Journalism but the activity reports of the CIJ Charity and CIJ Company from 2003 to 2020 never mention her name.
Mark Davis' film "Inside Wikileaks" shows her in the role of project manager of "Wikileaks" publications, while Julian Assange promoted the project in the media. She was very close to Julian Assange with whom she worked daily as shown in the press conferences of 25 October 2010 and 4 November 2010, the photos taken by the press in front of the Westminster Court in December 2010 and February 2011, as well as the testimonies of eyewitnesses such as the author of the "Unauthorised Biography" of Julian Assange,
Andrew O’Hagan.
Laura Poitras' film "Risk" shows Sarah Harrison as a companion of Julian Assange. It also shows her role as manager of the "Wikileaks" project in July 2012 when Julian Assange enters into captivity in the flat at 3 Hans Crescent Street in London. Sarah Harrison is shown by the media as a collaborator of Edward Snowden from June to September 2013.
Subsequently the German media wrote that Sarah Harrison would live in Germany from 2014. She is credited as having headed the "Courage Foundation" from 2014 to April 2017, while the Wau Holland Stiftung creates a "whistleblower support" project Zivilcourage. Wau Holland Stiftung's directors must know Sarah Harrison since they are the directors of the WikiLeaks project for which she worked but her name is not inscribed in their public documents. In May 2016 she appears in video at a colloquium at the Université Libre de Bruxelles about Julian Assange, and on 4th of June 2016 at a European Parliament meeting.
She has since disappeared. It is not possible to contact her, write her or see her. No one from Julian Assange's former entourage seems to know where she is. The media announce her withdrawal from the "Courage Foundation" in April 2017, but the last picture that shows her is a photo from 8 December 2010 at the
Gavin MacFadyen tribute ceremony organised by the
Centrer for Investigate Journalism at Goldsmith University in London. Since then there are no more photos or information about her.
► Disturbing disappearance of Rodney Wayne Lomax, aka Prime Suspect
The characters Mendax (Liar in latin), Anthrax and Prime suspect appear in Suellette Dreyfus' novel Underground. We remind you that Edward Snowden is also known as Verax (Who speaks the truth in Latin).
Since the existence of these characters and their exploits seems to be attested only in Skeleton Dreyfus' book, we ask the judicial authorities of sovereign governments to kindly determine the official identities of each of them, to locate them and to kindly ask them to testify in the Assange case.
Rodney Lomax, aka
Prime Suspect, allegedly made contact with the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange while he was sequestered in the building at 3 Hans Crescent.
Since then, Rodney Lomax, aka Prime Suspect, seems to have disappeared.
We therefore request the judicial authorities of the sovereign countries to please open an investigation to determine where Rodney Lomax is and whether he is still alive.
In addition, Rodney Lomax aka Prime Suspect is connected to the Australian criminal case Family Murder.
Alan Barnes,
one of the victims, is alleged to have been a friend of his. He is pictured next to Assange on his Twitter account above.
The Family Murder case refers to torture practices of the Mkultra type as in the Assange type.
We therefore urge the judicial authorities of sovereign countries to reopen the investigation into the crime of Alan Barnes and the other victims of the Family Murder case.
Family Murder and Alan Barnes
► False writing, forgery and defraud
► Corruption, judiciary corruption and political corruption
► Misappropriation of public property and misappropriation of funds
► Breach of trust
► Human Trafficking
► Transnational Organized Crime
► Violation of the Munich Charter
► Disclosure of false information
► Propaganda
► Defamation
► Violation of labour laws
► Violation of image rights
► False testimony
We, WikiJustice Julian Assange association for the Defence of Human Rights (WJJA), file a complaint addressed to the English, USA and German Courts, and to the judiciary Courts of the sovereign countries which ratified the Universal Declaration of Human Rights against :
► An extra-constitutionnel and extra-territorial state that violates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all the texts related to human rights and the UN Charter.
This illegal state is denounced in a complaint by the government of the United States of America, District of Columbia : Criminal Action No. 20-165-JEB / United States ofAmerica v. KEVIN CLINESMITH. It produces the testimony of Christopher Earl Strunk.
Like the sovereign government of the United States of America, we suspect this extra-constitutional and extra-territorial State of circumventing international laws and violating fundamental human rights by using private entities, tax and legal havens under feudal law and the Navigation Act of 1660.
These private entities belong to the Crown of England and are managed by the family known as Mountbatten-Windsor and in particular by Charles known as Charles of Wales. Some of them are called Dominions. The central power of this extra-constitutional and extra-territorial state seems to lie in the Virginia City of London, aka City of London, possession of the Crown of England, matter of feudal law and the Navigation Act of 1660.
The Virginia City of London and the Crown of England were involved in the Assange case, notably through the City of London and the Old Bailey (See below). Because of a legal vacuum concerning the management of the possessions of the English crown, the State of Virginia of the United States of America remains subservient to the City of London by the Navigation Act of 1660.
However, if the State of Virginia is subservient to the City of London, it means that all American institutions, the Pentagon, the Congregation, the Federal Bank and the White House are also subservient to the City of London. This state of affairs is detrimental to the sovereignty of the United States of America which loses all sovereignty and is no longer a subject of International Law as long as the legal vacuum remains.
Furthermore, it is legitimate for the sovereign countries, subject to International Rights, to ask themselves who rules the United States of America: the sovereign state of the United States of America or the extra-constitutional and extra-territorial state in connection with the City of London, the Crown of England and the Dominions. Either the United States of America is a centralized sovereign state with Federal States under its control, subject to international law, or it is a conglomerate of private entities under the domination of an extra-constitutional and extra-territorial state whose governance seems to be localized in the City of London.
If it is the second hypothesis that prevails, none of USA actions has legality from the point of view of international law. They are not subject to international law.
They can't subject to international law. Only a sovereign country can be. From a territorial point of view, since each state is a private entity, none of them have no legality from a constitutional point of view, neither of international law, since it does not participate in the management of the central state and that, more, none this central state, none federal state are defined by the American constitution. What laws do the federal states obey if they do not belong to a sovereign state that centralizes powers and homogenizes laws?
Who runs the United States? A sovereign state with a president at its head or an extra-constitutional and extra-territorial state based in the City of London? This legal vacuum is of unprecedented seriousness because it places the United States of America outside international law and makes it lose all legitimacy. It is the open door to all violations of laws, national and international, to a secede between states or to war. This legal vacuum threatens the geopolitical balances and the sovereignty of all other sovereign countries. (See demonstration below)
► We therefore call upon the sovereign government of the United States of America and the sovereign states of the world to open as soon as possible an investigation to determine who rules the different states of America, an extra-constitutional and extra-territorial state whose governance would be in the City of London, in the hands of the Crown of England and its allies, or sovereign governors of different federal states subject to central sovereign governance whose center of command would be the White House, its président and the Congress, respecting a same constitution.
► If we are asking the governments of sovereign states to jointly open an investigation with USA government into this extra-constitutional and extra-territorial state, it is not to infringe on the sovereignty of the United States of America and its citizens, but on the contrary to help their regain it by law.
Many institutions of sovereign states seem to have been colonized by this extra-constitutional and extra-territorial state. Only an alliance of
world jurisdictions will be able to defeat this extra-constitutional and extra-territorial state without resorting to an armed war.
► We request the heads of sovereign states, guarantors of fundamental human rights and the sovereignty of their countries, to jointly open an investigation to identify the leaders and members of the extra-constitutional and extra-territorial state, in connection with the City of London and the Moutbatten-Windsor family, in order to dismantle it because it is not subject to international law and has not been validated by the citizens who have become its subjects in spite of themselves.
► We ask the heads of sovereign states, guarantors of fundamental human rights and the sovereignty of their countries, to create an official legal status in accordance with international law to the Dominions and other private entities owned by the Crown of England.
► We call upon the sovereign American government and the sovereign heads of state to jointly initiate an investigation to determine whether the extra-constitutional and extra-territorial state in relation to the City of London and the Crown of England is not involved in the American electoral fraud. Too much evidence of this fraud has been brought to the attention of the general public. No democratic country can and should tolerate electoral fraud.
If the United States courts refuse to open an investigation because they would be in headed by the extra-territorial and extra-constitutional state against which this complaint is made, it is vital that a coalition of sovereign countries' courts conduct this investigation. U.S. citizens have the right to access the truth, guaranteed by the First Amendment to their Constitution, and the right to hold a new election, with peace of mind, if fraud is proven.
► We call on sovereign states to open an investigation to determine whether this extra-constitutional and extra-territorial state is not involved in Operation Covid 19, which appears to serve a high level financial scam involving the sale of the assets of sovereign countries to private entities whose nature remains to be discovered. Where ever they occur, this abuse of public property amounts to treason.
Operation Covid 19 allows for the confiscation of institutions outside any legal framework by establishing terror through coercive measures, amounting to torture, on civilian populations (wearing masks, confinement, etc.) and through genocide on targeted populations, particularly in retirement homes, in France by Revotril, amounting to a crime against humanity.
► The citizen known as Stella Morris, aka Stella or Sara Gonzalez Devant, aka Stella Morris Robertson, aka…?
► Margaret Tatcher
who was involved in many cases, her government and those that followed,
Theresa May and the management and staff of English government
The management and staff of Belmarsh Prison
The Management and Staff of SERCO
A Part of Belmarsh Prison, the Thameside Prison, Griffin Manor Road London, SE28 0F, is run by the private Serco group which also provides private transfer of prisoners. Julian Assange was taken with a Serco van to 181 Marylebone Road on the 3 occasions that eyewitnesses were able to see him - on 21 October 2019, 20 December 2019 and 13 January 2020.
Serco was also seen by witnesses bringing prisoners to the Old Bailey on September 7, 8 and 9.
Julian Assange had shown the 3 times we have seen him a great fear of these militia men in a private company who keep him in detention.
On the other hand, Serco is involved in rape cases. Women detained at the Yarl's Wood Immigration Centre made 6 allegations of sexual assault against staff. The assaults are alleged to have taken place between 2013 and 2015 at the centre, which is run by Serco in Bedfordshire.
It is therefore legitimate to wonder if the Serco company is not involved in a rendition system as well as in the incommunicado incarceration and torture of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange.
We therefore request the legal authorities of the sovereign government of Great Britain to open an investigation to determine whether SERCO is not a private entity working for those who persecute or allow the persecution of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange and is not a militia in the service of private interests.
We request the legal authorities of the sovereign government of Great Britain to open an investigation into the rapes committed in the centers and prisons run by SERCO and to determine whether there are other victims.
► The citizen known as
Judge Baraitser, named by the media Vanessa Baraitser
► Judge Emma Aburthnot
► Judges Duncan Ouseley, Howard Riddle, judge Snow and judge Tanweer Ikram and all judicial personnel from all countries who worked on the Assange case for conducting false extradition proceedings against a citizen being prosecuted under a pseudonym and thus referring to illegal documents. The European Warrant was issued by the Swedish judicial authorities under the pseudonym Julian Paul Assange and not under the birth name of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange, whose birth name has yet to be determined. This arrest warrant has no legal value. None of the documents issued against the pseudonym of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange has any legal value. All the judges and judicial bodies in charge of the Assange case, regardless of their country, have conducted illegal proceedings by validating false documents.
► Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and the management and staff of US Government
► The management and staff of US Democrats in link with Assange case and all offenses in link with the Assange case
Andy Müller Maguhn,
Klaus Schleisieck, Bernd Fix,
Jens Ohlig,
Winfried Motzkus and
Wau Holland Stiftung
The management and staff of Chaos Computer Club
► The management and staff of Courage Foundation,
Nathan Fuller,
Sarah Harrison and
Naomi Colwin
Sevim Dagdelem,
Heike Hänsel and The
management and staff of Die Linke in link with Assange case and all offenses in link with the Assange case
► Angela Merkel
and the management and staff of German government
The citizen known as John Shipton owner of the domain names of and
► Kristinn Hrafnsson,
Ron Gonggrip,
Ingi Ragnar Ignason,
Gudmundur Ragnar Gudmundson,
Nadia H, Karl Neptunus,
Jenny Lee, P.L.,
Smari mac Carthy,
Borgnyr Thoroddsen,
Marie S, Daniel Schmitt,
Gottfrid Svartholm,
Jérémy Zimmerman and
all management and staff of Sunshine Press Production
Fredrik Neij,
Gottfrid Swartholm,
Carl Lundstrom,
Peter Sunde and Pirate Bay
Birgitta Jonsdottir and the management and staff of Pirate Party in link with Assange case and all offenses in link with the Assange case
Suelette Dreyfus
The citizen known as Anna Ardin, aka
Svea Anna Carolina Ardin, aka
Anna Bernadin, the citizen known as
Sofia Wilen,
Seth Benson,
► The management and staff of Christian democrats of Sweden in link with Assange case and all offenses in link with the Assange case
► Anna Ardin
Sofia Wilen
Marianne Ny,
Maria Haljebo Kjellstrand,
Ingrid Isgren,
Thomas Bodstrom,
Elisabeth Massi Fritz,
Irmeli Krans, Niklas Swenson, and
the management and staff of Sweden gouvernment
Niklas Svenson
The City of London administration. Executive Director of Mansion House and Central Criminal Court,
Vic Annells. The Mayor of the City of London
William Russell. The two sheriffs
Michael Mainelli
Christopher Hayward.
The management and staff of the Old Bailey
The management and staff of the Westminster Court
► The citizen known as Rosie Silvester and the management and staff of Security company Mitie. The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange was afraid of some of Mitie's employees. Several of our delegates and our doctors witnessed the fearful manifestations of Mr. Julian Paul Assange.
► The management and staff of Imperial college of London Saint Marys’ Hospital
► The management and staff of CIJ (Center for Investigative Journalism): Joseph Farrell, Suzan Benn, Caroline Nevejan, Isabel Hilton, Andy Müller Maguhn, Eyal Weizman, Finlay Dobbie, Becky Gardiner, Gill Philipps, Iona Craig, Barbara Bukovska, Martin Tomkinson, Elaine Potter, Michael Langley, Christopher Hird, Brian Basham, David Leigh, James Leigh, Gavin Miller, Josephine Glanville, Sami Akhine, Juliet Ferguson, Jake Charles Rees, Marina Calland, Tom Sanderson, Tom Sanderson.
► The management and staff of the of The Chase Manhattan Bank, Lloyds Bank, Commerzbank Kassel
The management and staff of the Bertha Foundation
Anthony Selwyn Tabatznik
known as
Tony Tabatznik
► Rafael Correa Delgado, Lenin Moreno, Ricardo Paturo Aroca, Guillaume Long, Andrés Fernando Hidalgo Bautista (Director of Documentation and Archive Management), Jorge Vantroi Moreno Fierro (Consul of Ecuador in London), Juan Fernando Salazar Granja (General coordinator of legal advice), Jose Luis Jacome Guerrero (Deputy minister for human mobility), Jorge Oswaldo Troya Fuertes (Directorate-General for Civil Status, Identification and Registration), Maria Auxiliadora Mosquera Real (General co-ordinator of legal advice, in charge), Santiago Javier Chavez Parera (Deputy minister for human mobility), Byron Rolando Suarez Sanchez (Minister for Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility, deputy), Maria Fernanda Espinosa Garcès (Minister for Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility, deputy), Carlos Abad (Ecuador's Ambassador to the United Kingdom), Fidel Narvaez, Maria Eugenia Avilés, Cathy Ward, and the management and staff of Ecuadorian government and Ecuadorian Embassy.
All the people named above appear on the asylum application and naturalisation documents of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange.
Lenin Moreno violated the Geneva Conventions by withdrawing political asylum from Julian Assange through an arbitrary act.
What has been given by the law can only be defeated by judgment and by law. Consequently, the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange still enjoys political asylum.
► The management and staff of Santiniketan park Association, the Great White Brotherhood, the Family Cult and other sects that could be linked to the Assange affair such as scientology, Black Sun, or organisations such as Fabian Society, etc.
► The management and staff of Australian Government
► The Crown of England : Philippe de Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, aka Philippe of Moutbatten; Elisabeth II, aka Elizabeth Alexandra Mary of Windsor, aka Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Bowes Lyon, his mother's name, the only identifiable name; Charles Philip Arthur George of Wales whose presumed name is Charles Philip Arthur George Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg; Anne presumed born Anne Elizabeth Alice Louise Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, first husband Mark Philipps, second husband Thimothy James Laurence Hamilton so now known as Anne Elizabeth Alice Louise Laurence Hamilton; Andrew Albert Christian Edward of York whose presumed name is Andrew Albert Christian Edward Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, aka Andrew Inverness, aka Air Miles Andy, aka "His Buffoon Highness", according to some of our informants, aka Andrew Hamilton; Edward Antony Richard Louis of Wessex, presumed name Edward Antony Richard Louis Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg; William William Arthur Philip Louis of Cambridge, presumed name William Arthur Philip Louis Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, Henry Charles Albert David of Sussex, aka Prince Harry, aka Toby Melvill, presumed name Henry Charles Albert David Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg; and all members of the alleged Mountbatten Windsor family.
Prince Andrew pseudonym
Pseudonym of Prince Harry aka Toby Melvill
In the presumed royal family is called Mountbatten Windsor, it's a bit like in the Assange family, no one is named Mountbatten Windsor.
We remind you that no title can be used as a birth name. The lineage is transmitted by the family name, therefore by the name of birth, generally attached to the initial feudal fiefdom.
Several families are eligible for the English crown: the descendants of the Stuart family, the Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg and the Oldenburg family.
Identity and political legitimacy
The identity of any sovereign is crucial to ensure his/her legitimacy. Identity is based on the transmission of the family name. In patrilineal European societies the name is transmitted by the father to the children (the mother's name is transmitted in the father's absence or by exception).
The name is an identity fixed at birth and cannot be changed other than by a court decision and for Princess Alice of Battenberg, just among the righteous important political and social reasons. Any use in public life of a name other than the bequeathed name misleads the interlocutor. In the case of persons with political responsibilities, the arbitrary use of a name other than that bequeathed by the family can be assimilated to fraud, deception with serious consequences for society as a whole.
The names of current British sovereigns who are also heads of state of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth states are questionable and this has important political consequences not only for the citizens of these states, but given Britain's role as a world power (nuclear power, member of the UN Security Council and founding member of the UN) this situation is detrimental to the people of Europe and to world balance and peace.
Indeed, the name Windsor - Mountbatten has no historical legitimacy. It is an artificial name created in 1917.
The family occupying the throne of England, the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth is a German family, von Sachsen Coburg Gotha.
George von Sachsen Coburg Gotha, father of Queen Elizabeth, is the great-grandson of Queen Victoria Sachsen Coburg Gotha, born Sachsen Coburg Saalfeld and von Braunschweig Lüneburg Calenberg (also called House of Hannover) and of Albert von Sachsen Coburg Gotha, husband of Victoria Sachsen Coburg Saalfeld Braunschweig Calenberg. These original fiefdom names, which in the case of noble families become surnames, shot that the royal family of England is a family of German origin (today's Land Hesse and Thuringia for Coburg).
Victoria von Sachsen Coburg Gotha is also the niece of Leopold I, the first king of the Belgians, in fact Leopold von Sachsen Coburg Saalfeld, her mother's brother. Victoria von Sachsen Coburg Gotha is considered to be the founder of the British monarchy in its present form. She came to power in 1837 thanks to exceptional circumstances (no male heir from the Braunschweig Lüneburg family) and the support of her uncle Lepold von Sachsen Coburg Saalfeld. His son Edward became King of Great Britain from 1901 to 1910. This son's son - George - became King from 1910 to 1936 and changed the original name of Sachsen Coburg Gotha to Windsor.
Married to
Mary von Teck,
George V von Sachsen Coburg Gotha was the father of Edward VIII, King of Great Britain who abdicated in 1937 for both personal and political reasons -
his support for Nazi Germany is known to historians. His son Albert became George VI
from 1937 to 1952. Albert von Sachsen Coburg Gotha married in 1923 to Elisabeth Bowes Lyon should never have become king, it was the exceptional political circumstances of his brother's abdication that led him to be the ruler in the troubled times of the British Resistance against the Nazis and the construction of the "New Jerusalem" after 1945 as well as the construction of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Albert von Sachsen Coburg Gotha should also have represented his country as head of state in the negotiations crucial for the future of Europe and humanity - the conferences in Teheran, Yalta, Podstam and Bretton Woods, with the negotiators of the other sovereign states having the rank of head of state. Albert von Sachsen Coburg Gotha was a member of Freemasonry because he was not expected to become Head of State, which may have influenced his way of governing - members of Freemasonry have bonds of brotherhood among themselves that transcend other class and family ties they may otherwise have. It would be important to know what role in British politics King George VI's adherence to Masonic principles played.
Elisabeth, the present Queen of the United Kingdom should bear the name of her father, von Sachsen Coburg und Gotha. Her children should bear the name of their father, Elisabeth's husband since 1947, Philipp von Battenberg, actually Philipp von Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Lüneburg.
Philipp von Battenberg is the son of Alice von Battenberg and André King of Greece (actually André von Schleswig Holstein Lüneburg Glücksburg, a branch of the Oldenburg family). Alice de Battenberg is the daughter of Victoria von Darmstadt Hesse and Louis de Battenberg (actually Louis Darmstadt Hesse). Victoria von Darmstadt Hesse is the daughter of Alice, the second daughter of Queen Victoria and Louis von Hessen. Victoria von Darmstadt Hesse married Louis von Battenberg in 1884. Battenberg is a nickname given by the Russian Tsar Nicholas to Louis Battenberg's mother, the Pole Julia Hauke (married in 1851 to Alexander von Darmstadt Hesse, a natural and therefore legitimate son of the von Darmstadt Hesse family).
Alix von Darmstadt Hesse, sister of Victoria von Darmstadt Hesse,
becomes Tsarina of Russia by marrying Nicholas II Romanov in 1894.
She is executed together with her husband and children by the Russian Revolutionaries in 1918.
Victoria von Darmstadt Hesse marries Battenberg, who died in 1950 and is the great-grandmother of the heir to the present throne of the United Kingdom Charles. She knew him at the time of his birth.
Philipp of Mounbatten, the husband of Elizabeth II, who was called Prince Consort, has a nickname that conceals his true origins: his mother's name, Battenberg, is the nickname of his grandfather Louis Battenberg (actually Louis von Darmstadt Hesse). In keeping with the patrilineal nature of family transmission in Europe, Philipp Montbatten should have been called Philipp von Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Lüneburg. His son Charles should then have been named either Charles von Battenberg (named after his grandmother Alice von Battenberg by Louis von Battenberg) or Charles von Schleswig Holstein Lüneburg Glücksburg (by his grandfather André from Greece, a member of this German-Danish family).
In any case it is not normal that the name of the future sovereign and head of state of the United Kingdom should be so uncertain and his German origin concealed from the eyes of British citizens as well as from world public opinion. Given Britain's importance in the concert of nations and the important political consequences this has for citizens in Europe and the world, and given the troubled history of Charles' father's family called Windsor.
His father Philippe Battenberg was taken from his mother Alice Battenberg at the age of 10, who was locked up in a psychiatric asylum for 10 years. Released, Alice von Battenberg returns to Greece where she takes part in the Anti-Nazi Resistance. She is the founder of an Orthodox religious order, she is Just Among the Nations. But she was never allowed to educate her children and influence their destiny. The father of Philipp, Andrew of Greece, died in troubles circumstances in France in 1944.
We ask that an investigation be opened to determine his precise name and precise filiation in order to shed light on his political legitimacy.
Philipp Battenberg did not pass on his name to his children and complained publicly about this. This raises a number of questions, given that in our European legal system filiation must be indisputable for the transmission of an heritage, especially when this heritage is important in terms of property and spiritual and political symbols. It should also be remembered that the King is also the head of the Church of England, but also the Tsar of Russia is the head of the Church of Russia.
We ask that an investigation be opened to determine his precise name and precise filiation in order to shed light on his political legitimacy.
Philipp Battenberg did not pass on his name to his children and complained publicly about this. This raises a number of questions, given that in our European legal system filiation must be indisputable for the transmission of an heritage, especially when this heritage is important in terms of property and spiritual and political symbols. It should also be remembered that the King is also the head of the Church of England, but also the Tsar of Russia is the head of the Church of Russia.
Now, through Alice von Battenberg, his grandmother, Charles known as « Windsor » is a possible heir to Russian royalty. Indeed, his paternal grandmother Alice von Battenberg is the daughter of Victoria von Darmstadt Hesse and Victoria is the sister of Alix von Darmstadt Hesse, the last Czarina of Russia, whose children and husband Nicholas Romanov were assassinated in 1918. The missing Romanov children were therefore Alice Battenberg's first cousins. Philipp von Battenberg and his descendants are the heirs to the legitimacy of Russian history and possible power (if the Russian people wished to re-establish a legitimate monarchy).
Through Andrew von Schleswig Holstein Lüneburg Glücksburg (known as Andreas of Greece), whose mother is Olga Constantinova Romanov, Phlipp von Battenberg's children are also the direct grandchildren of the Romanovs. This double heritage means that Charles so-called of Windsor can claim the spiritual, historical and possibly political heritage of the Russian state and people on an equal footing with the other branches of the Romanov family, the heirs of the 6 sons of Xenia de Romanov (sister of Tsar Nicholas II), saved from the turmoil of the Bolshevik revolution, but scattered throughout France, Great Britain and the United States. Xenia Romanov's descendants were also stripped of their property.
The nationalisations carried out by the revolutionaries took away his real estate, but his jewellery passed into foreign hands.
The French branch of the Romanov family considered itself wronged by the "Windsor" Sachsen Coburg Gotha family because it was the family reigning in the United Kingdom, Georges V and Mary de Teck, who recovered the jewels from the Russian royal family. Why this historical, symbolic and political Russian family heritage, currently in the hands of Elisabeth and Charles "Windsor", find itself in their undue possession.
The Russian royalist sources are attached to the person of Philipp of Battenberg, but do not give any symbolic, spiritual legitimacy to Charles "Windsor", who is supposed to be his son. Why?
Furthermore, Charles "Windsor" is currently playing a leading role in the "Grand Reset" operation led by the World Economic Forum in Davos, a "global governance" operation that powerful political forces not controlled by sovereign and democratic states want to impose on all the peoples of the world. The identity and legitimacy of this man to play this role must be questioned for the good of humanity, but his legitimacy in the United Kingdom's power system must be analysed and questioned, given his identity and his uncertain filiation.
We remind you that it is illegal to sign official papers under a pseudonym. Prince Andrew must run his businesses, sign official papers and have a passport under his birth name.
We request the judicial bodies of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and the judicial bodies of sovereign countries to investigate the names of the lineages of citizens who call themselves Mountbatten Windsor and are known only by their titles.
We request the judicial bodies of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and the judicial bodies of sovereign countries to investigate whether the name
Mountbatten Windsor has been registered in the English civil registers
and whether citizens have been registered under that name at birth.
We call on the judicial bodies of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and the judicial bodies of sovereign countries to open an enquiry to ensure that no lineage of heirs to the Crown of England has been subject to spoliation, usurpation of function.
We call on the judicial bodies of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and the judicial bodies of sovereign countries to open an enquiry to ensure that none of the members of any of the heir lines of the Crown of England are held hostage by private entities.
It is important that the judicial bodies of the sovereign government of Great Britain answer these questions because
the Crown of England owns the City of London and also the Imperial College, two private entities involved in violations of laws, human rights and,
concerning Imperial College, in the Covid-19 crisis followed by worldwide violation of laws (See explanations and documents below).
► The management and staff of the UC Global
► Sheldon Adelson
the management and staff of Sands Corporation
► Robert James Woolsey
the management and staff of
Booz Allen Hamilton
► The management and staff of the
Carlyle Group
► All management and staff of US governments since
Lyndon B Johnson
Alan Dershowitz,
Baltazar Garzon, the citizen known as
Jennifer Robinson,
Mark Summers,
Gareth Peirce,
Alaistar Lyon,
Amal Clooney,
Geoffrey Robertson,
Edward Fitzgerald,
Liam Walker,
Renata Avila,
Per Samuelson,
Juan Branco, Barry J. Pollack,
Margaret Ratner Kunstler,
Melinda Taylor,
Deborah Hrbek,
Greg Burns,
James D Catlin,
Bjorn Hurting,
Leif Silbersky,
Monckton Chamber,
Paul Galbally, Eric Dupond Moretti,
Antoine Vey,
Héléna Ann Kennedy of Kershaw,
Philippe Sands. There are reportedly 126 lawyers, but we have only managed to identify this group.
► The management and staff of the International medias who, in violation of the Munich Charter, propagated fanciful stories and not source and verified their informations, lied, resorted to defamation and slander, confused the profession of journalist with that of advertiser or propagandist, accepted interference from governments or private entities.
We recall that media managers and journalists have a duty to defend freedom of information under the Munich Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in the USA, the First Amendment, and the Fundamental UE Charter of Fundamental Human Rights.
By misleading the public, by not disseminating vital information, they have violated the basic laws of democracy and seriously harmed the interests of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange. Today, the life of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is in great danger.
The media by telling nonsense, by withholding information are responsible for the injustices, incarceration incommunicado and torture he has suffered.
► Twitter, FaceBook and You Tube for censorship. Our twitter account has been closed twice without any justification having been given to us. However, we have asked Twitter to justify itself, but to date we have received no response. Our account is therefore still suspended without legal justification. On You Tube, it is impossible for us to post comments underneath the videos. Again, no valid explanation has been given. Moreover, the opacity of You Tube, as well as that of Twitter, makes any comprehension, conciliation or complaint procedure impossible.
► Rebecca Vincent,
Christian Mihr,
Christophe Deloire, management and staff of Reporters without borders
The management and staff of Amnesty International
The management and staff of UN for violation of fundamental human rights and UN Charter in connection with the management of the Pact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
► The management and staff of WHO for its management of the Covid 19 Crisis in violation of fundamental human rights which are inalienable.
About WHO director : Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus’s-World-Health-Organization—-it-paying-136002
Julian Paul Assange SOS
We have a duty to lodge a complaint because Mr Julian Paul Assange does not have the possibility to express himself and has sent an SOS to one of the doctors of our association.
If we don't file a complaint, we will be violating the duty to rescue and the golden rule which requires everyone to do everything possible to save a citizen in danger.
🜲 The Golden Rule
treat others as one would wish to be treated. This assumes that all persons would wish to be rescued if they were in distress, and so they should in turn rescue those in distress to the best of their abilities. What counts as distress requiring rescue may, of course, differ from person to person, but being trapped or at risk of drowning are emergency situations which this position assumes all humans would wish to be rescued from."
SOS Julian Assange
What our delegates found when attending the hearings or trying to get in touch with the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange
Our delegates attended almost all of the procedural hearings to which Mr. Julian Assange is subject. They can testify that:
Hearing 13012020: Face to face with Julian Assange
Véronique Pidancet Barrière’s Testimony, president of the Human Rights Association WJJA, on the state of fear of Mr. Julian Assange during the hearings.ère-véronique/
The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange shows all the signs of a tortured man. Several of WJJA's doctors attended the hearings. Three reports have been produced attesting to the torture of Julian Assange.
Medical reports Political prisoner Julian Paul Assange. Julian Assange is being tortured in United Kingdom.éronique/éronique/édical-du-prisonnier-politique-julian-paul-par-véronique/
Psychological torture originally developed by the Nazis. Nils Melzer. UN. 2020.
No official document signed by any responsible civil servant of the United Kingdom, proving that Mr Julian Paul Assange is detained in any UK prison, has ever been published. Hence, the situation is equivalent to the fact that the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is incarcerated incommunicado.
It is impossible to get in touch with the citizen known as Julian Assange, to obtain visitation rights, to call him on the phone or to converse with him by e-mail.
The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange cannot get in touch with anyone (XX). However, he has the right to request the support of a human rights association such as WJJA and to see a doctor of his choice. This is written in the prison regulations published by the UN.
There are doubts about where the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is being held prisoner. He could have been renditioned or be held hostage by a private sect type entity. That Mr. Julian Paul Assange is most of the time present by video link which are not filmed in the same places. Uniforms of the guards change from one video to another.
Some people are present next to Mr. Julian Paul Assange. It is clear that he is afraid of them and that he cannot express himself freely. This is contrary to the rules of fair trial and habeas corpus. Where is Julian Assange being held incommunicado in the UK? If it is in Belmarsh, it means that the prison management does not respect human rights laws in prisons. There is every reason to believe that there may have been a rendition up to eleven years ago.
Reports of WikiJustice on the trial of Julian Assange
7 - 9 September 2020
14 August 2020
27 July 2020
24-27 Februar 2020
19 Februar 2020
23 January 2020
13 January 2020
13 January 2020
Analyse of Véronique Pidandet Barrière president of Wikijustice Julian Assangeère-véronique/
19 , 20 December 2019
13 December 2019
18 November 2019
21 October 2019
Analyses Véronique Pidancet Barrièreéronique/?published=téronique/éronique/
Monika Karbowska
Rendition is the illegal act of surrendering a citizen to the CIA for incarceration in a secret prison.
The UK and Sweden are accused of making numerous renditions and of being involved in the torture of citizens who are victims.
Reed Allegation of UK Complicity in torture (House of Lords, House of commons joint commette of human Rights - 2008-2009), Detainee Mistreatment and Rendition (Intelligende and Security Comimitte of Parliament 2001-2010) and CIA Torture Unredacted, An investigation into the CIA Torture Programme (Sam Raphael, Crofton Black, Ruth Blakeley)
Extraordinary Renditions
All procedures are carried out under the usual name of Mr Julian Paul Assange and not under his birth name. They are therefore all illegal. All proceedings must be conducted under the birth name of the accused. Moreover, the identity of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is not, to date, clearly established.
Director Marc Richard Hamilton, aka Hamish Hamilton, supervises some of the filming of the hearings. Who commissioned him? Marc Richard Hamilton, aka Hamish Hamilton, takes notes during the hearings as a director does during a film shoot. What is the purpose of his images?
Who uses them? Has the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange been asked to give his authorization as provided by the law on image rights? Why are unknown entities allowed to film and no one from outside Wikileaks? Are they allowed to film by sovereign UK Justice? Who issued the filming permits? We recall that the name Hamilton is that of the guru of the Family Cult known as Ann Hamilton Byrne, aka Grâce Victoria Edwards aka Evlyne Harris, aka Anna Riley.évolte à la Woolwich Court - Faire Vivre le PCF
About Ann Hamilton Byrne, aka Grâce Victoria Edwards aka Evlyne Harris, aka Anna Riley
No incriminating or exculpatory debate takes place during the hearings. No prosecution or defence witnesses are called to testify, at least at the hearings we were able to attend. No charges of pseudo-prosecution are contemplated.
Defence lawyers do not plead. Who gave them a mandate? The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange? Why didn't they ask for an annulment in a mistrial?
Who is Julian Paul Assange's legal team? Who pays for it?
Many of these lawyers are not registered with the English Bar and therefore have no legitimacy in a courtroom. They cannot be the official lawyers of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange.
We recall that many citizens have generously donated money to WikiLeaks and the Courage Foundation so that the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange could benefit from the best lawyers.
These citizens did not give their money to pay lawyers with links to the CIA or defending torture like Alan Dershowitz; or former judge Baltazar Garzon accused by tenth of Spanish autonomists to have covered up torture in his jurisdiction.
If the money collected by the Courage and Wikileaks Foundation is not used for the defence of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange, there is fraud, misappropriation, embezzlement and breach of trust.
We therefore call upon the justice of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and the sovereign justice of the different nations’ governments to open an enquiry to determine to whom the raised funds have been allocated.
The « 07 Zivilcourage project » which appears in the 2014 activity report of the Wau Holland Stiftung can be identified with the « Courage Foundation » of which Andy Müller Maguhn, also President of the Wau Holland Stiftung, is a « director » and of which Julian Assange's friend and collaborator on the « 04 Wikileaks project » Sarah Harrison was the « president » until April 2017.
" 8. Project 07 : Civil Courage"
"The Project Area 07 was newly established in 2014 under the name "Zivil Courage" in order to pay special tribute to and, if necessary, support persons who have distinguished themselves in the sense of the Foundation's statutory objectives. In 2014, a small amount of travel expenses for participation in events was reimbursed here, also in order to make the activities of the Wau Holland Foundation in this area better known »-
We put the words « president » and « director » in between quotes because there are serious doubts about the legal structure of this organisation, which neither has an address in any European country, nor does it provide any legal documents or publish any report on its activities.
The only contact is a form on the site and nobody ever replies to messages left. Wau Holland's annual report for 2015 does mention a «collaboration with the Courage Foundation in Great Britain (, but the only « Courage Foundation » in the register of associations in Great Britain deals with children and has nothing to do with whistleblowers.
The only address visible on the site is the one under the name of the bank to which donors are invited to send money: The
Chase Bank
in New York – « Bank Account Courage Corp, account number 000 000 83 87 31 689, BIC SWIFT code CHASUS 33, Routing number IBAN 021 000 21, Reference :
Courage Foundation, bank address Chase Bank, 270 Park Avenue, New York, NY 100 17, USA. Recipient address: Courage Foundation, 201, Varick Street, PO. Box #766, New York , USA ».
The address of the bank to which citizens are invited by
Andy Müller Maguhn and other leaders
to send their money to support Julian Assange and other whistleblowers is not in Europe, but in the United States,
which can only come as a surprise, given that this country is particularly hostile to « Wikileaks » and is pursuing Julian Assange for criminal allegations. The recipient bank is the major
American bank Chase Manhattan Bank
and the address of the account of the « Courage Corp » is Park Avenue. But it gets worse: the mailing address of
the Courage Foundation is 201 Varick Street in New York City, an office belonging to the US federal state in which the Immigration Court is located, but also the
National Urban Security Technology Laboratory part of United States Department of Homeland Security
Also the « Courage Foundation or Courage Found » was not found in the registers of German, French or British NGOs. But it does not exist in the registers of NGOs in New York State either. On the other hand, the « Courage Corp » does exist as a private company, a « Domestic Business Corporation », created on 30 May 2017 and registered under DOS ID number 5145362 in the New York Department of State Division of Corporation. The address of its registered office is that of its manager Nathan Fuller, 2790 Brodway, apt. 4D, 100 25, New York.
In the United States, as in Europe, the law obliges charitable organisations and non-governmental organisations that live from donations to submit their accounts to a supervisory authority and to make them public. Citizens' money must be used for the purpose stated in the legal statutes of these structures and the public must have the means to verify this. Any use of citizens' money for another purpose is an abuse of social good.
So what can be said about the maintenance of a private capitalist profit-making enterprise with citizens' money? This kind of practice is condemned by law and morals in our capitalist societies. A « business » must sell services and goods and cannot live on public charity.
The Courage Corp, its leaders and those who encourage donations to Courage Corp are thus committing an abuse of social good, perhaps even a scam by collecting donations from citizens who want to help whistleblowers. This is all the more serious as the US business entity Courage Corp masquerades as a charity, the Courage Foundation, an entity that in reality does not legally exist anywhere. It is time for the judicial authorities to remind the leaders of these structures, both Nathan Fuller in New York and Andy Müller-Maguhn in Germany to their responsbility.
Müller-Maguhn, who appeals to the generosity of European citizens to make donations to a private American business enterprise, cannot escape his legal responsibility, all the more so as he remains today a leading member of the Board of Directors of the Wau Holland Stiftung, a foundation with its headquarters in Hamburg, which is listed in the registers of foundations of the Free City of Hamburg
The hearings do not comply with any of the rules of legal procedure.
In the courtroom, seated at tables reserved for defence and prosecution lawyers, there are citizens who have no legitimacy because they have nothing to do with the trial. The activist
MC Mc Grath for example. Some of these citizens are teenagers or very young adults. They play on their mobile phones or computers throughout the hearings.
Judge (Vanessa) Baraitser does not behave like a judge but like a school principal supervising a playground. These verbal interventions are never legal form. It is difficult to find any trace of Vanessa Baraitser on the WEB. She appears in the press, as a judge exclusively, first for a few minor cases, then in the Alexandre Djouri criminal case involving the French president Nicolas Sarkozy, whose brother Olivier Sarkozy was general director of the Carlyle Group from 2008 to 2016.
The Carlyle Group is the parent company of Booz Allen & Hamilton, headed by Robert James Woolsey, former director of the CIA, where Edward Snowden worked.
Other members of her family have public records :
Michael Baraitser,
Marion Baraitser,
Alexandra Baraitser,
Paula Baraitser
Lisa Baraitser.
In the complaint context, where paedocriminality and human trafficking issues proliferate, the company in which Paula Baraitser works can be questioning since she works in the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health of the Royal College of obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
« Vanessa » judge Baraitser
Judge Baraitser appears at Julian Assange's hearing on 21 October and conducts all trial hearings until 1 October 2020. Judge Baraitser continuously violates the fundamental rights of prisoner Julian Assange and violates the fair trial procedure.
She is allegedly a magistrate judge appointed by the Judicial Appointment Commission. Her name appears on the list of district judges on the UK Department of Justice's website. The problem is that there is no first name on this list in front of the surname Baraitser who was appointed as a judge in 2011.
The judge whom WikiJustice delegates were able to observe 19 times from 21 October 2019 to 9 September 2020 never shows up in the courtroom. She is never introduced by name by a bailiff. Her name is never written on the public documents posted in the courtroom on the doors or the notice board. Her name is not written on a display in the courtroom. So the public does not know who is judging, which is very problematic.
« Vanessa's » first name was given to the public by the press present in Room 1 of Westminster Court on 21 October 2019. Since then the name and surname has been propagated and broadcast thousands of times by the media and by gullible activists.
But there is no evidence that this person is called by that name. This woman looks like a twin to another public figure whom the media portrays as "Vanessa Baraitser's sister". Lisa Baraitser is a professor at the Birbeck College of Psychosocial Studies at the University of London. She specialises in gender, sexuality, motherhood, feminism, queer theories and psychoanalysis. Lisa Baraitser is a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist.
Her 2018 book on motherhood is prefaced by the famous American queer feminist sociologist Judit Butler. The public media such as the BBC promote it. Lisa Baraitser is also the director of the Pur theatre company founded in 1995 by Simon Goodengough Bayly a business partner of her father Michael Baraitser. She became Director of the Pur Theater in 2006.
Maybe Lisa Baraitser is Judge Baraitser? She has the social position to be appointed as a magistrate judge since it is enough to be an honest citizen and to have 26 half days per year to apply to sit in a magistrate courtroom. The Judicial Commission favours women and academics to be appointed as magistrate judges.
Lisa Baraitser also has the ability to organise such a "play" because she has many years of experience in directing her "pyschological theatre ».
Furthermore, witnesses testify that her physical appearance, voice, diction, way of speaking is very similar to the voice and physical appearance of "Vanessa" Baraitser.
However, the hearings concerning the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange, do not respect any of the rules of fair trial and international law. It resembles a theatrical game.
These two links of the Baraitser family, on the one hand in procreation and childhood, on the other hand in theatre, are troubling to say the least. Indeed, the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange denounced networks of paedocriminality, sexual slavery and child trafficking. Such trafficking often takes place in hospitals. Informants told us of thefts of babies from maternity wards to unwilling mothers.
The hearings are staged, do not respect any laws and take place in private entities with no connection to the sovereign judiciary of the United Kingdom.
Furthermore, through the Alexandre Djouri case, Judge Baraitser has secondary links with the Carlyle Group parent company of Booz Allen Hamilton headed by Robert James Woolsey who was the boss of Edward Snowden. The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange helped the citizen known as Edward Snowden flee the USA.
Seen as a whole, these operational and interest links cast serious doubts on the impartiality of judge magistrate Baraitser towards the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange
Lisa Baraitser Berlin
Indeed, witnesses who insisted on remaining anonymous (we protect our sources), told us about the abduction of children in maternities, notably by midwives or with the complicity of midwives. These testimonies are corroborated, below, by the historian Marion Sigaut and by an interview of the Queen Elisabeth during Covid’s confinement.
The historian, Marion Sigaut, from a WHO statement on Coronavirus, and a speech by the Queen to the British people, an overview of the abominable story of children abducted for their own good.
Marion Sigaut
Elisabeth about children
On 30 March 2020, through its Executive Director Michael Ryan, the WHO considered, under the pretext of COVID-19, isolating certain members of family units. A week later the Queen of England envisaged the same thing with regard to children.
Australia police arrest the mother and kidnap the child
We recall that trials must be held in public.
The security agencies in Westminster Court, Woolwich Court and Old Bailey, do not seem to be driven by the British government.
Westminster Court, Woolwich Court and Old Bailey are private entities where a legal trial of the nature of that of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange cannot take place.
Stella Morris, aka Stella Gonzalez Devant, aka Stella Morris Robertson, aka, aka?...
is present at some of the hearings. She is at the side of the lawyers but she does not plead.
According to the documents to which we had access, she is not a lawyer and is not registered with the English Bar. Upon which title is she admitted in the Court among lawyers, rather than in the public area? She claims to be the companion of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange. If she were a lawyer, she would not have the right to plead. This is a procedural flaw that nullifies all the proceedings in progress.
Stella Morris never answered our written solicitations. As for the Assange lawyers, they maintains Mr Julian Paul Assange isolated from independent citizen defenders who try to provide him assistance.
About Stella Morris
Stella Morris, aka Stella or Sara Gonzalez Devant, aka Stella Smith Robertson who claims to be the partner of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is not a member of the English Bar. She therefore lied about her profession. She cannot be the lawyer for the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange. She does not have the right to be in the courtroom where she is yet regularly present. She has three names, none of which appears to be her birth name. She does not appear to have a legal identity.
She worked at the Jeanne Sauvé Foundation where her mentor was Canadian Stephen Saideman.
➤ Stephen Saideman has ties with NATO and especially the Council on Foreign Relations, on whose board David M Rubinstein, Cofounder an Co-executive Chairman of the Carlyle Group, Thad W. Allen Senior Executive Advisor Booz Allen Hamilton and Janet Napolitano, President Barack Obama's first Homeland Security Secretary (2009-2013) sit. It is legitimate to consider collusion between Stella Morris, aka Stella or Sara Gonzalez Devant, aka Stella Smith Robertson, Vanessa Baraitser and the Carlyle Group to harm the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange. From the Obama-Clinton administration to the Booz Allen Hamilton led by Robert James Woolsey, all have a vested interest in the disappearance of prosecution witness Julian Paul Assange.
➤ Moreover, since Stella Morris, aka Stella Gonzalez Devant, aka Stella Smith Robertson lied about her profession, it is likely that she lied about the nature of her relationship with the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange and her motherhood.
➤ Through Booz Allen Hamilton and Robert James Woolsey, there is a link with Lord Jacob Rothchild by Genie Energie (Robert James Woolsey, Dick Cheney, Rupert Murdoch and Jacob Rothchild) and the Crown of England, owner of the private entity the City of London and therefore of the management of the Old Bailey. All these collusions are contrary to the rules of fair trial.
In the light of all these facts, it is clear that the citizen known as Mr Julian Paul Assange is not receiving a fair trial in the United Kingdom and is being tortured.
Status of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange
So, it is legitimate to question the status of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange in this case. He is not the subject of regular proceedings. He is held incommunicado and tortured by private entities that appear to be connected with the Crown of England or part of it, English government or part of it, the German Government or part of it, USA government or part of it, and others governments reviewed along in this complaint.
At this stage of our investigations, three main possibilities arise concerning the defender status.
✦ Is the citizen known as Julian Assange a hostage? In whose hands? Are negotiations under way? Between which entities? Governmental entities? Unlawful entities? Both? Who is in charge of the negotiations? Which states are involved?
✦ Is the citizen known as Julian Assange a war prisoner? If so, what kind of war is it? To which army, police or security agency does the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange belong?
If Julian Assange is a prisoner of war, there's a good chance it's because he penetrated enemy lines, divulged information related to this war and got caught.
Furthermore, one of our IT people said, "We should have taken his computer away from him sooner!" Earlier? Before he denounced Epstein, Dutroux, the criminals of Outreau? Before they denounce the deployment of rogue entities?
Why a war prisoner?
According to public domain information, it is reasonable to believe that the spread of the C19 pathogen and the containment and muzzling of the population is akin to a military-like deployment operation. Many geopolitical facts and diplomatic events involving various states show that we are in a pre-war or war situation.
The French government has sold all its wheat stocks. This decision puts France in great danger. Since this decision is contrary to the interests of the people of France, a legitimate question arises : were there secret alliances between private entities or the governments of foreign powers and the French government? This act of treason is reminiscent of the cruel hours in history when Marshal Pétain and the Vichy government had pledged allegiance to Nazi Germany and served its interests.
Sale of French wheat
The army service is delivered in Chloroquine
Patent of the Pasteur Institute
The Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier
In March, during the confinement, television and media propaganda reported the contamination of 1046 sailors embarked on the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier. For days, from 20 to 31 March, the media propagated the accusation that the sailors were contaminated during a stopover in Brest in March during which their families were allowed to board. They therefore blamed the people of Brest and the families.
However, according to our informants, the disease spread not after the port of call in Brest, but after a visit to Sounda, the NATO base in Crete in February. These sources believe that the French sailors were deliberately contaminated by a pathogen - a weapon of war - to test their resistance and to carry out an in vivo experiment of contamination in confined environment.
The media panic in March served above all to make civilians accept the lock-down, although no soldiers died. The primary lock-down impact in France was the desertion of physicians from metropolitan areas: many people died or lately reached hospitals before receiving any antibiotic cure.
Mr Emmanuel Macron and his government put in great danger the sovereignty of France by signing the Treaty of Aachen, without proper public information, public debate nor consultation of French democratic representatives. Franco-German ministerial councils are already being held, with wide scope social, political and strategical prerogatives.
The covid-19 quarantine rules imposed on French citizens, limiting their right to move freely, are based on highly contestable grounds: the state of epidemical seriousness in France is not evaluated in terms of the internationally recognized medical grounds. It is more than legitimate to wonder if the French epidemical monitoring AND counter-productive sanitary deployment is decided by the French government and President.
In any case, these long lasting measures are illegal because they violate fundamental human rights (right to free movement, right to physical integrity, right to freedom to work, etc.) which are inalienable.
As a consequence, France is partially isolated from nations which settled specific quarantine measures, among which Germany, United Kingdom, Israel…
There exists quite obviously and naturally, geopolitical links between the long run Assange-WikiLeaks polymorphic affair, and the internationally coordinated politico-sanitary covid19 operations. The question is, if the density of these links, the density of individual and organized protagonists highly involved in both world-wide scale events, informs about the nature of these links: whether contingent links, or in alignment with mean term strategy of a number of powerful entities.
One of our informants, a "porter-chauffeur" for a funeral home, testified to this informant: "It's a bit of a tough job, especially for smells.... On the other hand, I like it when the dead are Covid. It's simple, you dress in the suit and the cartridge mask, you're not even allowed to take off the jewelry to return it to the family and you put in coffin straight away".
WJJA : "And all these people died from Covid?"
Informant : "Well, we don't know that. The doctors don't do the tests, they don't have the time. But if they had a symptom that could go along with it, they say Covid.
WJJA : "even a cold? »
Informant :
"Yes, but it's actually convenient for everyone . Oh, I shouldn't be telling you this, it's not supposed to get out."
"As we already know, many people have already testified and in many countries.
More and more public information, including patents and researchers’ analysis, suggest that the pathogen C19 from Operation Covid 19 is a laboratory-produced pathogen : virus-bacteria coupling, DNA sequence, random non-viral propagation, heteroclite symptoms dissimilar from one infected subject to another. The most serious of these symptoms is a sudden loss of smell, with no other clinical signs, which is neurological in nature. (e.g., loss of smell, taste and feelings of hunger and satiety, memory problems, dizziness, tremors, skin rashes, tightening of intercostal muscles, compression of the diaphragm and heart, mucus in the lungs, inhibition of the swallowing reflex).
The symptoms of agent C19 are also reminiscent of those presented by individuals exposed to sarin gas.
Furthermore, wearing the mask weakens in the long run the immune system and therefore particularly exposes the wearer if the Covid-21 illness mentioned by Canadian politicians (error? lapsus? warning?), attacks the immune system and the intestinal microbial flora.
It is legitimate to wonder whether the wearing of the mask has not been imposed on populations to facilitate the work of a new biochemical agent.
All these elements reveal a context of biochemical warfare in which the "ethnic bombs" that Sydney Gottlieb,
one of the fathers of the MKultra, began to make in the laboratory at
Fort Detrick and experimented on the Vietnamese during the Vietnam War.
We therefore call on the judicial authorities of sovereign countries to open an investigation to determine the nature and origin of the C19 pathogen in order to anticipate a future attack (C21?) and to protect populations (antidote, rapid medical treatment in hospitals by chemical weapons specialists).
Masks, social distancing and confinement further expose populations by weakening their natural individual defences and collective immunity.
The first step in combating a biochemical agent is to identify the enemy and to take military action to prevent harm.
The biochemical weapon hypothesis is too much serious to be ignored. We therefore call upon the judicial authorities of sovereign countries to open an investigation to identify those responsible and to determine who manufactured and disseminated the pathogenic agent C19.
President Donald Trump
has several times alluded to a kind of internal war that he has been waging since the beginning of his mandate. Successive French governments diverge from any national common interest, resulting in destruction of public services, loss of strategic industrial assets, destruction of the economy, destruction of heritage by selling it off to countries such as the United Arab Emirates or Saudi Arabia, impoverishment of the population, torture of the population by MKultra-style health measures in violation of fundamental human rights and the constitution, without any rationale about their efficiency, nor monitoring of the physical and mental harmful effects reported by numerous doctors.
Muzzling by mask is a MKultra torture practiced in Guantanamo. In the photos we have added to this complaint, we also observe that the Guantanamo prisoners are wearing socks. This is the case of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange in many photos. This is one more detail added to solid clues indicating he could have been victim of an extraordinary rendition.
If rendition has taken place, it has been staged in the media for more than eleven years. It is therefore a live crime that we are witnessing. The "Truman Show", said Kristinn Hrafnsson, but in the Truman Show the demiurge is forced to free his creature. Unfortunately, we are not in a Hollywood movie. The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange has been tortured, incarcerated incommunicado, exposed as a curious beast, defamed and soiled by the press.
Now, his “suicide” is announced loudly by others, as if he would cowardly accept his defeat before having fought. The reality is that people speak at his place, while he is forced to keep his mouth shut by the judge. Denial of his human rights and humiliation have no limits.
Whatever his name, nationality, function, even if he was a CIA or military agent, a war prisoner, it would not change the case,
the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is subject to international law. He can only be tried in a State Court by magistrates serving a country under sovereign law.
Human rights do not stop at the gates of barracks, security agencies, police stations, prisons or gym locker rooms. Men are born free and equal in rights and as such can only be judged through the rule of law. Even if Sydney Gottlieb affirms it, no citizen is not and must never become a "disposable subject" even if he or she is an intelligence agent or a member of the military.
Strategic object of this
In this undeclared war, at the stage of our investigation, we have identified a strategic object, the Pact for safe, orderly and regular migration, the cornerstone of the establishment of a global governance that would emerge if sovereign states are destroyed.
We have also identified three phases of this process of conquest :
➤ Operation Assange 4 : the destruction of the legal structures of the rule of law, the implementation of censorship, and the establishment of a universal jurisdiction that will not respect fundamental human rights. This operation is a necessary action to be taken to destroy the sovereignty of States. Private entities conduct mock trials on fictitious charges in private courts (Old Bailey, Westminster Court) on privatised territories (City of London Corporation) that are not subjects of international law and have no legitimacy to dispense justice.
The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange denounced the danger of this universal jurisdiction. It is therefore legitimate to think that his lawyer
Balthazar Garzon, who promotes this universal jurisdiction, has no interest in defending his client. Other lawyers involved in the Assange case are working to promote this universal jurisdiction:
Helena Kennedy of Kershaw,
Philippe Sands,
Alan Dershowitz,
Balthazar Garzon.
The Garzon Foundation for Universal Justice which is a partner of Civitas
Busy accounting report but difficult to know who finances Garzon
All of these lawyers have in common that they defend human rights and have written about torture, but none of them have applied for the release of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange. None of them, not even Amal Clooney who denounces torture in Ireland, has filed a complaint while torture is proven. None of the lawyers in the Assange case have asserted their client's rights. None of the lawyers in the Assange case denounced an empty file or violations of procedures and laws. None of these lawyers demanded that national and international law be applied by the different states involved in the Assange case. None of these lawyers filed a complaint for violation of the Vienna Convention and the Geneva Conventions by the English state. Why?
This is a clear conflict of interest which proves, once again, that this procedure is a false one. By fictitiously condemning the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange, the private entities piloting the mock trial are about to set up this universal jurisdiction illegally. The lying and storytelling methods used are similar (magnitude, vectors, nature) as in the Covid 19 operation.
The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange about Universal Juridiction
About Héléna Kennedy of Kershaw and Philippe Sands
Clooney Foundation
About death penalty in South Arabia
About Palestinian child victims of Israeli torture
Kennedy, Robertson, Sands and Lord Carlile Arbuthnot husband links
Helena Kennedy and Helen Bamber
Gareth Peirce and Helena Kennedy
➤ Operation Covid 19 : appropriation of territories by subjugation of the population using torture of the type used in Guantanamo Bay, such as the wearing of masks.
The mask makes one lose the notion of time and space, creates a withdrawal of the individual on himself, induces serious psychopathologies and prohibits any coalition aiming at resistance.
Fear, fuelled by the propagandist media, keeps the limbic brain of primitive emotions in constant activity, even overheating, forbidding citizens to use their cortex and neo-cortex to construct a rational thinking that would allow them to analyse the events they face with common sense. This social engineering operation based on torture is a psychiatric weapon of war.
It has two objectives :
➤ the first is to prohibit the individual from opposing the illegal measures taken by the governments involved in this territorial conquest, and to make the people docile by keeping them in a state of stupor that will enable them to accept any arbitrary measure, liberticidal law, including one that would take away its fundamental rights (right to physical integrity, right to free movement, right to work, right to information, etc.).
➤ The second is to make the individual a particle of the social body by making him lose his status as a human being. Suppression of fundamental inalienable rights (right to free movement, to physical integrity, to work) by unconstitutional and illegal measures. Prohibition of family gathering, of honouring the dead, of visiting elderly parents, children taken away from families.
All these measures are violations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Universal Declaration of Children's Rights, of which the UN is the guarantor. All fundamental human rights are inalienable. Operation Covid 19 is a crime against humanity. There are suspicions of genocide in retirement homes, and poisoning by the compulsory wearing of the mask on a daily basis since it is established that this mask does not protect against viruses (written on the boxes) and that people inhaling their own miasmas, bacteria and toxins, under oxygenation, slowly poison themselves and weakens their immune system.
2020. Februar. A pneumococcus unrelated to the Wuhan virus has hit the ship repair shop in Marseille.
He tells us that the Marseille ship repair industry employs 4,000 people. However, the website of the Marseille ship repair company, itself a subsidiary of the Genoese group SAN GIORGIO, lists 110 employees. The number of employees is multiplied by 39!
A CGT ship repair delegate talks about subcontractors. He is the only one to deliver this data.
In another dispatch, we discover that these 4,000 employees are staying on ships chartered for the occasion. Moored along the sea wall? Where do they come from? For how long? What do all these people work for? Is there an occupational physician following them?
If they live on the same ships, eat together, work on the same shipyard, the conditions for the spread of an epidemic are there. So the regional health office (ARS) would have put in place, on 3 February, the vaccination of these 4,000 people. What vaccin?
Many questions arise regarding this contamination. What was the nature of the pathogen? What vaccine was given to these workers? What country did these workers come from? Could they have been human trafficked?
These issues are far from being secondary, as they fall within the scope of the Pact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.
➤ DIEM 25 : The different states are taken in hand by a single political structure. In Europe, dismemberment of sovereign countries, creation of Euro-regions, world cities, distribution of populations according to their social affiliation and the functions they occupy in the world of work. Consolidation of production tools in some countries, China and India, among others. Thanks to the pact for safe, orderly and regular migration, massive sending of workers to these places of production.
After the Covid 19 operation, many French people will be ruined when they leave. And if a universal income is given to all citizens, this will be the sanction for refusing to leave. The working poor are well aware that their RSA (550, 93€ per month) is now accompanied by community service. Once the working poor have been distributed in the various production centres, deployment of "elites" in world cities will take place. The Chinese upper class will be able to invest in Paris, for example. In these metropolitan areas, there will remain a few neighbourhoods dedicated to domesticity.
Srecko Horvat, DIEM 25, Assange : Horvat's video for an Indian TV station in Munich on 26th March 2020. Assange, us and the coronavirus
Srecko Horvat links Assange's situation to ours. He literally says that we have to go through at least some of what he is going through as if Assange and the citizens of the world were being punished or had to experience the violence of the United States. Horvat takes up the storytelling of an Assange founder of Diem 25, whereas the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange never claimed paternity. Once again, remarks are made in the place of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange without the latter being able to deny them. In this video, the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is used as a war-like propaganda tool.
"On 18 October 2020, members of DiEM25 from all over France met to begin the campaign that will take us through to the 2022 elections. A coalition for change is possible, a coalition capable of saving us from the deadly confrontation between Macron and Le Pen. What form will this coalition take? A social coalition? Political coalition? It will be up to us to decide. What is certain is that if this coalition is not capable of proposing a programme that offers concrete victories for the working and middle classes throughout Europe, then we will live a Syriza II - a left-wing government, of course, but one that is so gripped that it will not succeed in carrying our ideas."
DIEM25 begins its deployment in France and presents itself as an alternative between Macron and Le Pen
Yannis Varoufakis, the Varoufakis family and the destruction of Greece in 2015
Giorgos Varoufakis, Yannis's father, is said to be born in Cairo in 1925 and therefore belongs to the Greek Egyptian community, a very ancient community in Egypt from which a good part of the current Greek burghers such as the Benakis originated. We do not know when Yannis Varoufakis's father arrived in Falliro, a chic suburb of Athens, nor what he did during the Second World War and after the war. But it is very important and very structuring even today for Greek society to know what the parents and grandparents of a politician did during the war and after the war.
The dictatorship lasted without interruption in Greece from 1936 (Metaxas came to power) until 1976 (Metapolitevsi, the construction of a modern society, catching up with the huge gap with European countries and building democracy).
From 1936 to 1976, Greece was a harsh royal dictatorship, whose royal and economic elites, the army and above all the political police held an iron fist to a rebellious society with a very strong communist party, born authentically in the social struggles of the 20s and 30s and in the Resistance. More than half of the population was on file with the police, who employed a multitude of collaborators.
The German Nazis employed Greek Nazi collaborators to fight the powerful communist EAM-ELAS Resistance and then the Civil War from 1944 to 1949. Within the framework of the Yalta agreements, Stalin left Greece to the West, the British army entered Athens in December 1944 but instead of liberating the population, it massacred the Greek Communist Resistance (the events of the "dekemvriana" - on 6 December 1944, the British and the Greek Nazis fired on the demonstration in Syndagma Square, the Constitution, killing a number of civilians who were demonstrating their joy at the Liberation).
The Greek Nazis remained in place and the British put back in power the discredited Greek king whose German wife had been a notorious Nazi protagonist. The Civil War is the war of the armed Greek Nazis, led by the British and the Americans, against the army of the Communist Party KKE, who occupy mainly the mountains and villages, whereas they had been forced to withdraw from the big cities.
The American army experimented in Greece with the policy it would implement in Vietnam: they deported the populations of the villages, razed the villages, regrouped the people in the concentration camps, then chased them into the cities into the shantytowns, forbidding them to return to the villages and work the land. The communist partisans are deprived of a rear base, driven further and further into the mountains of the North.
The Americans burn the land with napalm. In 1949 what remained of the partisans, men, women and children, crossed the Yugoslav border. They were not welcomed by Tito, who preferred to see them emigrate to the USSR and Poland, where large communities were formed.
Greece has never recovered from this massacre and that is why Greek agriculture has been destroyed and why the cities are poorly built: in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, several million people who had been living in slums for decades had to be housed.
Communists or supposed communists were forbidden to work, forbidden to study, chased and imprisoned until 1976 on the prison islands, including the famous Makronissos.
They were tortured with thirst, but also MKultra torture was already being experimented on the detainees, which is shown in the rare films made during this period, but especially in the work of poets, including the famous Yannis Ritsos.
The Greek police force has never been fully denazified since the positions were handed down from father to son in the same families until today. In 1966 the American army reclaimed the British bases in the Mediterranean (Crete, Cyprus) and set up the dictatorship of the Junta of Colonels (April 21, 1967). This was the apogee of torture. Thousands of young people and intellectuals went into exile and fought supported by leftist movements in Western countries. The junta is violent and conservative: prohibition of modern music, mini-skirts, literature, poetry.
The revolt of the young people of Polytechnic (November 17, 1973), a very important date for the Greek society, is repressed by a massacre, but the junta has to leave in 1976. The Americans changed their strategy and preferred to have more civilized bourgeois in power to prevent the communists from taking it in Greece, which was possible. France played an important role, because the PCF had very good relations at the time with the KKE and François Mitterrand was a friend of Andreas Papandreou the leader of the Greek socialists of PASOK and prime minister after 1980.
This is important to explain that for Greek society it is impossible to entrust your country to a man whose family's behavior during the war is unknown. The media say that
Giorgos Varoufakis, Yannis' father would have been an engineer in the largest aluminum plant Hallivourgia and would have been communist and deported to Makronissos. This storytelling can only be a lie, because it was forbidden at that time for a young communist (assuming that a son of a bourgeois would become a communist, which at that time was very rare) to study. The deportees to Makronissos, even if they were freed, never reached high positions in society. If the uncle of Giorgos Varoufakis was called Sklavenitis, a large Greek bourgeois family who, together with the Mulliez family, own the Carrefour chain supermarket in Greece, it is impossible that this family was a member of the Greek Communist Party.
The Varoufakis family would have been, according to media storytelling, very close to the Papandreou family.
There is no proof of this and the story is not credible. The Varoufakis father cannot have been both a director of the
Hallivourgia factory,
owned by Lafarge, a large French group, and a man of the radical left. The history of the media seems rather invented to give a respectable origin to a man, Yannis Varoufakis, to whom the European Commission will entrust power in Greece in 2015 in the midst of a popular uprising against the policies of the EU, the ECB and the IMF.
Yannis Varoufakis is now trying with Diem25, using the image of Julian Assange, to gain power everywhere in Europe, and it is not possible for Europeans to accept as their leader a man whose family would have compromised with Nazism.
We do not know either exactly when Yannis Varoufakis was born. Some media speak of Athens or "exoria", "exile", in 1961. But "exoria" in Greek means political exile of the communists, while Father Giorgos Varoufakis left in 1957 to study in England, not in political exile at all. Father Varoufakis' CV is not at all a left-wing activist's history. Moreover, Yannis Varoufakis' mother is supposed to come from a right-wing conservative family and to have married a left-wing activist - this was not possible in Greece until 1975. Women were subordinate to the father who chose their husbands through the proxenio, the marriage bond. They needed the father's permission to marry. They got married in their social class. A Greek bourgeois family in these troubled times would never have allowed their daughter to marry a communist. The story of a "left and right" marriage in the Varoufakis family is unbelievable.
These political divisions are still very important in Greek society today. Even today people still ask "what did your parents do before 1976"? And even today people still vote as a family, often without the secrecy of the vote
Nothing is said about the Greek high school or university that Yannis Varoufakis attended. However, whether he was born in 1957 or 1961, the period after 1976 is very important for the formation of the current Greek society and it is essential to have this information to politically situate a militant and a fortiori a man who will hold power in the country and in Europe. Someone who reaches the age of 20 in the 1980s belongs to the generation of the "Metapolitevsi", the best period of Greek democratisation, state building - 1976 to 1988, prosperity and cultural creation.
What is most disturbing is that Yannis Varoufakis left Greece very early, as early as 1983, to pursue studies at the University of Essex (a new university created in 1963) and in Birmingham mathematics and economy, the classic subjects of a neo-liberal "young leader" of the 1980s.
The media credited him with a PhD and a teaching position at the University of Essex in 1985. Varoufakis was 24 years old in 1985 (if born in 1961). How could he have had time to complete 5 years of higher education in Greece, England and a PhD in at least 3 years? The media credits him with a teaching post in Norwich, East England and Cambridge in 1987.
In 1987 he moved to Sydney, where he did not teach economics from which he would have graduated, but ancient philosophy! If it is credible that the son of a bourgeois family continues his studies in Great Britain in the 80s (many middle-class young people did so in the 80s and 90s), it is not credible that a brilliant doctor working in the prestigious University of Cambridge leaves this position for Australia, which in the 80s was for an ambitious European a faraway provincial exile.
Yannis Varoufakis spent a major part of his adult life in Australia and not in Europe. Even if the media credit him with a post in Liege or Glasgow from 2012 there is no evidence of this work and no Greek with a place in Greek society or in the diaspora heard of Yannis Varoufakis before 2015. In particular the political activists of the Left did not hear of him before February 2015. The founding activists of Syriza did not know him before
Alexis Tsipras made him his Minister of Economy. Neither did the journalists, economists and activists who founded the Citizen Debt Audit Committee in May 2010 together with the Greek economist Kostas Lapavitsas.
It is dangerous to entrust your country's destiny to someone you know nothing about, who has arrived from abroad after more than 20 years of absence and whose biography is not certain.
Yannis Varoufakis is said to have set up the Valve Corporation subsidiary, a Microsoft video game subsidiary.
He is said to have been director in Greece of the Steam platform. for the distribution of video game
Is he actually a professor of economics? Nor is managing Microsoft subsidiaries a common occupation for a professor of political philosophy. Working for an over-powerful American group when we know the disastrous role of the United States in the recent history of Greece (the dictatorship of the colonels) can be seen as a betrayal. Yannis Varoufakis is not credible as a potential leader of the European Union because of his links with Bill Gates, the main leader of the covid dictatorship in Europe today.
Tsipras and Yannis Varoufakis let their country be submitted to the diktat of the ECB, the European Commission and the IMF in July 2015, then he has to leave Greece for Germany and in May 2016 he creates the Diem25 movement with European scale ambition. He uses Julian Assange as a guarantor of his movement by sending Srecko Horvat, Croatian leader of Diem 25, to present the movement with Assange at 3 Hans Crescent Street on 23 June 2016.
From May 2016 to April 2019 Yannis Varoufakis and his wife Danae Stratou would come several times to see Julian Assange at 3 Hans Crescent Street.
Danae Stratou, an artist, comes from a large family of owners of the Greek textile industry living in England and Australia. She is the daughter of
Fedron Stratos, owner of the cotton textile empire Patras Piraeus and of the sculptor
Eleni Potaga. She studied in London and spent her life in the Commonwealth. But she would be the second wife of Yannis Varoufakis. The first wife would be
Margarite Poulos, professor in Sydney. Yannis Varoufakis’ daughter, Xenia, has been living in Australia since 2005.
Varoufakis' family has never left Australia.
Yannis Varoufakis therefore has no particular ties with the European Union and should therefore not be considered as a credible potential European leader.
The question is WHO put in power this man who has done the misfortune of Greece and whose real life is unknown to the public? Who is trying to put him in power in the European Union today by using the caution of Julian Assange?
What is certain is that entities proceeded in the same way as the Nazis to gain access to power.
First the state bodies and institutions, then the media, which became propagandists, and finally justice. They then designated an evil, the "Jew" harmful to the development of society as were homosexuals, communists, elderly, handicapped, gypsies, opponent artists, useless mouths? They then opened camps to get them working like slaves before ending up in ovens. Today, evil is called "human".
“It” is dangerous and eventually contaminating. It must be isolated, placed in camps, children taken away by force from their parents, as Australian officers are now allowed to do. The investor in genetics Laurent Alexandre calls for old people with “residual life expectancy” to be vaccinated. From residual life to "residues", there is one step. Who decides on who is a “residue“? In history, they were eugenists and Nazis, mainly
Soldiers’s codes
Code du Soldat 1999
The "covid" hybrid war against Western peoples
The war currently being waged in the name of the "covid crisis" is a war against peoples. This war is a sneaky aggression waged in the name of health, but in reality it aims at enslaving peoples and robbing them of their property. China massively holds US treasury bonds, making it a leading creditor of the United States. If China massively sells US treasury bonds, the US will be destabilised by massive inflation. But if China does this, the speculative real estate bubble on its territory will burst and China will not be a winner.
On the other hand, in the case of a "Great Reset", the zeroing of all debts in exchange for durable goods, the American debt will be cancelled or reduced and in exchange China will be able to obtain for almost nothing the durable real estate assets of the American and European peoples (plots of value in historic city centres, hospitals and universities emptied of their students, historic buildings, restaurants, airports etc.).
The covid war is aimed against the Western peoples. Corrupt governments prevent people from living and working and imprison them at home under police threats in the name of pseudo health regulations. Companies and individuals have been surviving in the West since March 2020 under the infusion of a gigantic debt that will be reset to zero in January 2021 by the World Economic Forum in Davos under the chairmanship of Karl Schwab and Charles "Windsor".
Western peoples and states will be ruined by the Great Reset and will lose their property after losing their freedom
Object of the strategic attack. Objective of the attack reached around 2030.
A very important pact was signed in 2018 under the aegis of United Nations : the “Pact for safe, orderly and regular migration“. Safe, orderly and regular migration is not so far from describing mass deportations.
All countries will be countries of arrival and departure. It refers to a legal wage without it being defined and guaranteed by law (Objective 7-i). This pact is not legally binding. This means that it does not comply with any of the international laws in force, particularly those relating to fundamental human rights. The Pact refers to human rights standards, not laws. However, in States based on the rule of law, only laws have legitimacy and make an action legal.
The verb “to reflect” is unclear and does not correspond to a secured legal framework. A citizen, a company, a local authority enforces laws that are part of a code of laws that have undergone legislative review. Standards and laws do not apply to the same domains. Standards apply to the industrial field, laws apply to the legal field. Looking at migration management in terms of standards means considering them as industrial and commercial flows. This is unconceivable with regard to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and all related texts. A human being is not subject to the rules or laws of trade but to those of Human Rights.
"Even though the Compact itself is not legally binding, it does reflect existing human rights norms and other relevant legal principles to which states may already be bound pursuant to their treaty obligations (and, in some cases, customary international law)."
This plan a priori only regulates migration for work, but it does regulate the migration of unaccompanied children and their care by the social services of the diasporas concerned.
These children travel alone or are separated from their parents (Objective 7-b).
Why do they travel alone? Why are they separated from their parents? In the common ambitions are defined adaptations to the needs of the child (Ambition-h) without these needs being defined. However, the needs of the child are defined in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and one of the first needs defined in this declaration is the right of the child to live within his or her family and not to migrate alone to countries where his or her status is not clearly defined, except by some vague norms.
✓ Pact for safe, orderly and regular migration - Objective 3 d
"Provide newly arrived migrant women and men with targeted, accessible and comprehensive gender-sensitive and child-friendly information, legal advice on their rights and obligations, including on complying with national and local laws, obtaining work and residence permits, changing their status, registering with the authorities, access to justice to lodge complaints about violations of their rights, and access to basic services."
✓ Pact for safe, orderly and regular migration - J
"The Global Compact promotes broad multi-stakeholder partnerships to ensure that migration is addressed in all its aspects by involving migrants, diasporas, local populations, civil society, academia, the private sector, parliamentarians, trade unions, national human rights institutions, the media and other relevant actors in the governance of migration.
Not countries! “Diasporas”. But above all, a governance of migration! Why migration governance? Are migrants different citizens with different rights? If a governance of migration is formed, it is because sovereign states have disappeared and this governance is of a private nature. It can therefore have a mercantile function.
This article suggests that this plan validates an industrialisation of trade in human beings. Moreover, the fact that academics are involved in this governance suggests that scientific experiments can be carried out on what are, in this plan, herds of human beings. Social services can be private entities that might run out of control and handle children or citizens in a criminal way. What control? Who controls? Can we trust the controls provided by countries which deny or let deny the basic human rights of people like Julian Assange, year after year, making sure the whole world knows it?
These children travelling alone will be given an identity, like any migrant for that matter. Why should children not have an identity as part of a plan for safe, orderly, regular migration? Where were they born? What happened to their parents? Why don't they have parents? Who may have taken them away from their parents? Why did they take them away from their parents?
When they have finished their mission in a country, they are sent back to their countries of origin. Or another country perhaps? Objective 21 (a and c) What will these children have been used for? Who will take care of them in their home country if they have no parents?
This plan is the open door to all illicit uses of young children including prostitution. It violates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Declaration of the Rights of the Child.
Disappearance of children in USA and Camps to hold children
The plan calls for the carrier to declare his cargo at the border. Citizens, regardless of nationality, are in possession of passports when travelling. If a carrier is in charge of declaring them, it is because they are without papers and without identity, or an identity without legal origin. The plan therefore does not define them as citizens with rights, but as a declared flow of goods.
“Of particular note is the Compact’s recognition that disasters, the adverse impacts of climate change, and environmental degradation are drivers of such movement, and its recommendation that states inter alia “develop coherent approaches to address the challenges of migration movements” in this context.”
In general, people emigrate because they have no choice.
The Pact includes emergency preparedness, which implies that "disasters" can be planned for with full knowledge of the facts.
We have a sad example of this with the Covid 19 plan, which is deliberately destroying the French and different countries economy and risks to force its population to migrate in order to survive. But who would manage this mass migration? Where will it be sent? By which labour code will it be protected?
The requirements contained in the pact must be in place before 2030. The UN is responsible for ensuring that the signatory states meet the deadlines.
✔ Pact for safe, orderly and regular migration - Objective 11 - b
“Establish appropriate structures and mechanisms for effective integrated border management by ensuring comprehensive and efficient border crossing procedures, including through pre-screening of arriving persons, pre-reporting by carriers of passengers, and use of information and communications technology, while upholding the principle of non-discrimination, respecting the right to privacy and protecting personal data;"
The plan provides for administrative detention camps that look very much like concentration camps. It is about individuals without identity, deprived of their papers, their means of payment, dispossessed of their bank accounts.
We are indeed in a pact that is supposed to regulate labour migration. However, what is described there is very similar to planning for the enslavement of populations with mass deportation to the places of production. Which could be straight-forward once countries like France or Greece are ruined.
Objective 13 : Use immigration detention only as a measure of last resort and work towards alternatives
✔ 29. We commit to ensure that any detention in the context of international migration follows due process, is non-arbitrary, is based on law, necessity, proportionality and individual assessments, is carried out by authorized officials and is for the shortest possible period of time, irrespective of whether detention occurs at the moment of entry, in transit or in proceedings of return, and regardless of the type of place where the detention occurs. We further commit to prioritize non-custodial alternatives to detention that are in line with international law, and to take a human rights-based approach to any detention of migrants, using detention as a measure of last resort only.
To realize this commitment, we will draw from the following actions :
⧽ 1 (b) Consolidate a comprehensive repository to disseminate best practices of human rights-based alter- natives to detention in the context of international migration, including by facilitating regular exchanges and the development of initiatives based on successful practices among States, and between States and relevant stakeholders;
⧽ (c) Review and revise relevant legislation, policies and practices related to immigration detention to ensure that migrants are not detained arbitrarily, that decisions to detain are based on law, are pro- portionate, have a legitimate purpose, and are taken on an individual basis, in full compliance with due process and procedural safeguards, and that immigration detention is not promoted as a deter- rent or used as a form of cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment of migrants, in accordance with international human rights law;
⧽ (d) Provide access to justice for all migrants in countries of transit and destination who are or may be subject to detention, including by facilitating access to free or affordable legal advice and assistance of a qualified and independent lawyer, as well as access to information and the right to regular review of a detention order;
⧽ 5 (e) Ensure that all migrants in detention are informed about the reasons for their detention, in a language they understand, and facilitate the exercise of their rights, including to communicate with the respec- tive consular or diplomatic missions without delay, legal representatives and family members, in accordance with international law and due process guarantees;
⧽ (f) Reduce the negative and potentially lasting effects of detention on migrants by guaranteeing due process and proportionality, that it is for the shortest period of time, that it safeguards physical and mental integrity, and that, at a minimum, access to food, basic health care, legal orientation and assistance, information and communication as well as adequate accommodation is granted, in accordance with international human rights law;
⧽ (g) Ensure that all governmental authorities and private actors duly charged with administering immi- gration detention do so in a way consistent with human rights and are trained on non-discrimination and the prevention of arbitrary arrest and detention in the context of international migration, and areeld accountable for violations or abuses of human rights;
⧽ (h) Protect and respect the rights and best interests of the child at all times, regardless of migration status, by ensuring availability and accessibility of a viable range of alternatives to detention in non-custodial contexts, favouring community-based care arrangements, that ensure access to educa- tion and health care, and respect the right to family life and family unity, and by working to end the practice of child detention in the context of international migration.
To all intents and purposes, we recall that imprisoning a citizen who has not committed any crime or offence is a violation of his or her fundamental rights. It is therefore a crime that this plan validates, even if it provides for such detention to be used only as a last resort. As far as human rights are concerned, no exception is legally tolerable.
Fundamental human rights are inalienable.
The signatory countries of this Pact and the UN, which is in charge of enforcing it, violate fundamental human rights. We recall that the UN's mission is to ensure respect for human rights, not to violate them.
We therefore request the legal authorities of sovereign countries to kindly open an investigation to determine who validated the Pact on safe, orderly and regular migration and who, at the United Nations, has undertaken to enforce it in violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and all texts relating to the protection of Human Rights.
We ask the authorities of sovereign countries and the UN to repeal this illegal pact as soon as possible.
After investigation, it appears that the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange seems be the archetype of this enslaved migrant, deported child without identity, going from boss to boss and receiving a "legal" salary, not legally defined, close to nothing. The activity report of the Wau Holland foundation stipulates that Julian Assange will be paid if the foundation receives enough donations to do so. This is tantamount to asking him to work pro bono.
Things are moving fast. We cannot exclude that powerful opportunists manipulate the geopolitical context. Thus the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange could very well be a soldier ready to fall at the front of a nameless war. He seems to have unveiled part of the plan, human trafficking, of which he himself seems to be the victim. This brings us to the third hypothesis concerning the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange.
༄ The third hypothesis is that the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is a slave exploited by these private entities used like an appealing product to create a planetary diversion that will allow them to take control of the last sectors of the states that will give them unlimited power: The judicial institutions of the sovereign countries they are destroying. These entities have already colonized many of the institutions and own most of the media, which have become organs of propaganda.
We call on the judicial bodies of sovereign countries to open an investigation to determine who is responsible for writing and signing the pact for safe, orderly and regular migration that violates the fundamental human rights of which the UN is the guarantor.
Such a pact should never have seen the light of day at the UN. No UN member country should have signed it. The UN has no legitimacy to enforce it.
We call for its immediate repeal.
The Nazis developed the industrialisation of crime
Whoever does not know history is condemned to relive it, said Karl Marx. From 1933 to 1945, the Nazis euthanised more than 200,000 people, including at least 5,000 children. Medical personnel made the families believe that their children had died from illness.
"The Third Reich had 30 special departments for children, as they were called, in which the Nazis orchestrated the euthanasia of minors. Men and women in white coats administered overdosed drugs such as Luminal or morphine, and children died".
Aktion T4
Today, Germany considers that the welfare of a child can only be guaranteed when he or she grows and develops in Germany. Parents who were not separated have been deprived of their children when they planned to leave German soil. Numerous proceedings are ongoing. (
Forced political adoption of children from the GDR
Covid 19 Emergency Response Act 2020
25A—Removal of children
Without derogating from section 25, an authorised officer may, for the purpose of ensuring compliance with any direction under that section, remove a child from any premises, place, vehicle or vessel to a place of residence of the child or to a hospital or quarantine facility, as the authorised officer thinks fit (and may, in doing so, use such force as is reasonably necessary).
When we start sorting humans, there is no limit to crime. In French parliamentary commission, there were testimonies of what can be called active euthanasia in old people's homes. In how many countries is this the case? In Poland, children are taken away from their families for C19. Who took the children away from their families?
German Nazis to place them in Lebensborn. The family cult in which the citizen known as Julian Assange was raised operated on the principles of Lebensborn.
Few people appearing through WikiLeaks-Assange case have ties or possible ties with Nazis or Nazism.
Carl Lundsum of the Pirate Bay. Kim Doctom, though he denies it.
Gore Vidal, who met Mussolini during the war in the Embassy of USA, who had like Hitler an admiration for the religion of Mysteries and the Emperor Julian. Gore Vidal is a prolific writer (and much more) of the book shown by Julian Assange out from 3 Hans Crescent Street.
In his own words, Gore Vidal was a friend of Princess Margaret. The crown of England also had ties with the Nazis.
Kim Doctom
Karl Lundsumöms-role-in-The-Pirate-Bay
Crown of England and nazis
Many of the citizens involved in the Assange case have links to the Nazis.
We urge the judicial institutions of sovereign states to open an investigation to determine whether Nazi sects may have links to the private entities driving the Assange trial. The Black Sun sect, for example, which is close to the cult of Mithra described by Gore Vidal in his books.
In this war that does not say its name, a key element is the use of new technologies not only for surveillance, but to create an “enhanced man“ through the use of A.I. and electronics. Dr
Laurent Alexandre
mentions the Google project Calico to “euthanize death“, nice word for immortality. To experiment human enhancement, test human samples will be required. This is one more possible convergence with the order of military deployment in the willpower to separate children from their families.
Dr Laurent Alexandre about augmenting human and immortality
The acceleration of workforce replacement by machines (whatever mechanical or hybrid), which have a huge environmental cost, might accelerate birth control requirements, or even massive depopulation. Very much worried about CO2 topic, Bill Gates sees in vaccination a way to control population growth.
On his side, the former technical director of Pfizer Michael Yeadon launched a petition for a “stay of action” on Sars-cov-2 vaccination, pointing out risks including the possible infertility effect on women, in relation with the Syncytin-1 protein.
Bill Gates CO2 and population control
It is important to remember that Bill and Melinda Gates are the subject of numerous criminal proceedings after disastrous vaccine campaigns.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. calls for an investigation against Bill Gates
Michael Yeadon and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg: Sars-cov-2 Pfizer/BioNTech vaccin regulatory Stay of action 43 pages petition :
Mass Sterilization”: Kenyan Doctors Find Anti-fertility Agent in UN Tetanus Vaccine
It is worth recalling that the Bertha Foundation is based in Kenya, that Mr. John Shipton and Mrs. Jennifer Robinson have links with Kenya.
Today, Kenya's borders are closed, schools, also closed, are no longer taking in children, and the Polish army, which has no bilateral agreement with Kenya, has deployed in the country. Camps are reported to have been opened there.
We therefore call on the legal authorities of sovereign countries to open an investigation to determine what is happening in Kenya. The fact that children are deprived of school is a violation of the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child, and therefore of inalienable fundamental rights. Who authorised the Polish army to deploy in a country that does not have a bilateral agreement with Poland?
Bertha Fundation in Kenya
The Bertha Foundation deals with migration
The Bertha Fundation
The program of this nameless war is circulating on the internet.
"Zobaczcie co planują zrobić z nami wszędzie. Jeśli na to pozwolą ludzie to żegnaj o Wolności.
prawda powoli wypływ
aW Kanadzie osoba mająca dostęp do informacji poufnych z rządzącej Partii Liberalnej ujawniła szczegóły plandemii. Link do artykułu: Oto główne założenia, wytyczne i cele, które zostały określone przez liderów komisji i biura (PMO): 1. Faza dodatkowych ograniczeń „lockdown” będzie odbywać się w sposób ciągły, zaczynając od głównych miast, obszarów metropolitalnych i na zewnątrz.
Przewidywany termin: listopad 2020 r. 2. Rozpoczęcie przejęcia i budowy obiektów/obozów izolacyjnych - w każdej prowincji Kanady, szczególnie w stanach i na terenach mniej zaludnionych. Termin - do grudnia 2020 r. 3. Codzienna ilość nowych przypadków COVID-19, musi przekroczyć możliwości testowania - wskazany jest też, ciągły wzrost liczby zgonów związanych z COVID. Termin koniec 2020 r. 4. Całkowita i kolejna blokada kraju (bardziej surowa niż ograniczenia pierwszej i drugiej fali).
Przewidywany termin realizacji: koniec grudnia 2020 - początek stycznia 2021. 5. Reforma i rozszerzenie programu dla bezrobotnych (docelowo wszystkich obywateli) - w celu przejścia do Programu Powszechnego Dochodu Podstawowego (PPDP). Przewidywany termin - I kwartał 2021 r. 5a. Plan przejścia większości ludzi do Powszechnego Programu Dochodu Podstawowego. (PPDP) Większość ludzi – bezrobotni na PPDP. Planowany termin połowa drugiego kwartału 2021 r 6.
Przewidywana mutacja COVID-19 (określanym jako COVID-21); koinfekcja wtórnym wirusem prowadząca do trzeciej fali, o znacznie wyższej śmiertelności i dużo wyższym wskaźniku zakażeń. Przewidywany termin - do lutego 2021 r. 7. Codzienny wzrost nowych przypadków hospitalizacji z powodu C-19/C-21 i zgonów związanych z tymi wirusami przekroczą możliwości placówek medycznych. Przewidywany I/II kwartał 2021 r. 8. Zastosowanie nowych, rozszerzonych ograniczeń/blokowania (określane jako trzecia blokada). Nałożone zostaną pełne ograniczenia w podróżowaniu (w tym między prowincjami i miastami).
Przewidywany termin - II kwartał 2021 r. 9. Zaplanowanie różnych awarii łańcucha dostaw towarów na rynek spożywczy, np. niedobory zapasów, duża niestabilność gospodarcza. Przewidywany koniec drugiego kwartału 2021 r. 10. Rozmieszczenie służb wojskowych, w głównych obszarach metropolitalnych oraz na wszystkich głównych drogach - w celu ustanowienia punktów kontroli podróży. Ograniczy to podróż i ruch. Organizacja koniecznego wsparcia logistycznego w całym państwie. Termin - III kwartał 2021 r. Oto główne 10 założeń i celów planu. Członkowie Komitetu Planowania Strategicznego zostali też poproszeni o zaprojektowanie skutecznego sposobu przemiany mentalności Kanadyjczyków, tak - aby sprostać tym wyzwaniom oraz bezprecedensowym przedsięwzięciom gospodarczym. Propozycja/Projekt - taki, który zmieni oblicze Kanady i na zawsze zmieni życie Kanadyjczyków. Inne Podstawowe – Ogólnie Główne założenia to: Eliminacja obecnego upadku gospodarczego kraju - poprzez eliminację zadłużenia obywateli – jak i państwa (rozmaitymi sposobami) oraz jednocześnie - eliminacja właśności prywatnej.
Poinformowano nas więc, że aby zrównoważyć ekonomię kraju i to, co było w istocie rezultatem załamania gospodarczego w skali międzynarodowej, Rząd Federalny Kanady zamierza zaoferować wszystkim obywatelom - Kanadyjczykom całkowite umorzenie - wszystkich długów. (Ma to działać w następujący sposób: Rząd Federalny zaproponuje wyeliminowanie wszystkich osobistych długów (kredytów hipotecznych, pożyczek, kart kredytowych itp.) które zostaną przekazane Kanadzie - przez MFW - w ramach programu znanego jako World Debt Reset – czyli „resetowanie” – umorzenie długów światowych (wszystkich) – podpisem prezesa i zarządu MFW. Np. dla wszystkich Kanadyjczyków, planuje się w najbliższym czasie, program umorzenia długów. Głównym podstawowym warunkiem jest wyrażenie zgody na szczepionkę przeciwko wirusowi Covid-19. Każdy będzie musiał wziąć taką szczepionkę – co rok. Będzie ona darmowa. Osoby, które odmówią współpracy (w zakresie umorzenia długów oraz szczepionek), zostaną uznane za „zagrożenie dla bezpieczeństwa publicznego” i natychmiast przeniesieni do izolatek.
(W Kanadzie rozpoczęto budowę takich tzw. obozów izolacyjnych –czyli „koncentracyjnych”.) Osoby, które znajdą się w tych placówkach, otrzymają w dniu przyjęcia - dwie alternatywne „propozycje nie do odrzucenia” – do wyboru: - zgadzają się na szczepionkę, uczestniczą w programie umorzenia długów i zostają zwolnieni lub - będą przebywać na czas nieokreślony w obozie izolacyjnym; sklasyfikowani jako poważne zagrożenie dla zdrowia publicznego. W międzyczasie rząd skonfiskuje cały ich majątek. Wszystko zgodnie z prawem – dla dobra publicznego. Plany te nie dotyczą tylko Kanady, w rzeczywistości większoś."
"See what they plan to do with us everywhere. If people allow it, goodbye to Freedom.
the truth is slowly coming out
In Canada, a person with access to confidential information from the ruling Liberal Party has disclosed the details of the plunder. Link to the article: Here are the main assumptions, guidelines and objectives that have been defined by the committee and bureau leaders (PMOs): The 1st phase of the additional lockdown will be carried out continuously, starting with major cities, metropolitan areas and outside.
Expected date: November 2020. Commence take-over and construction of isolation facilitys/camps - in every province of Canada, especially in states and less populated areas. Deadline: December 2020. 3 Daily number of new COVID-19 cases must exceed the testing possibilities - a continuous increase in the number of COVID-related deaths is also indicated. Deadline - end of 2020. 4) Complete and consecutive blockade of the country (more severe than first and second wave restrictions).
Expected date of implementation: end of December 2020 - beginning of January 2021. 5. Reform and extension of the programme for the unemployed (target for all citizens) - to move to the General Primary Income Programme (PPDP). Estimated deadline: first quarter of 2021. 5a. Plan for the transition of most people to the General Primary Income Programme. (PPDP) Most people - unemployed on PPDP. Estimated deadline - mid-2nd quarter 2021 6.
Predicted COVID-19 mutation (referred to as COVID-21); secondary virus infection leading to third wave, with much higher mortality and much higher rates of infection. Expected date - February 2021. The daily increase in new cases of hospitalisation due to C-19/C-21 and deaths related to these viruses will exceed the capacity of medical facilities. Expected I/II quarter 2021. 8. application of new extended restrictions/blocks (referred to as third blockade). Full travel restrictions will be imposed (including between provinces and cities).
Expected date - 2nd quarter 2021. 9 Planning of various failures in the supply chain of goods to the food market, e.g. stock shortages, high economic instability. Estimated end of the second quarter of 2021. Deployment of military services, in major metropolitan areas and on all major roads - to establish travel control points. This will reduce travel and traffic. Organisation of the necessary logistical support throughout the country. Deadline - 3rd quarter 2021. These are the main 10 assumptions and objectives of the plan. The members of the Strategic Planning Committee were also asked to design an effective way of changing the mentality of Canadians to meet these challenges and unprecedented economic ventures. Proposal/Design - one that will change the face of Canada and change the lives of Canadians forever. Other Fundamental - Generally, the main assumptions are: Eliminate the current economic collapse of the country - by eliminating the debt of the citizens - as well as the state (in various ways) and, at the same time, eliminate private property. We have therefore been informed that in order to balance the country's economy and what was actually the result of the collapse of the house
Indeed, as a result of the international economic collapse, the Federal Government of Canada intends to offer all its citizens - Canadians - full cancellation of all debts. (This is to work as follows: The Federal Government will propose to eliminate all personal debts (mortgages, loans, credit cards, etc.) that will be transferred to Canada - by the IMF - as part of a programme known as the World Debt Reset - or 'resetting' - the cancellation of global debts (all) - with the signature of the President and Board of Directors of the IMF. For all Canadians, for example, a debt cancellation programme is planned in the near future. The main basic condition is to agree to a vaccine against Covid-19. Everyone will have to take this vaccine - every year. It will be free. Those who refuse to cooperate (in terms of debt relief and vaccines) will be considered a 'threat to public safety' and will be immediately transferred to isolation facilities. (In Canada, the construction of such so-called isolation - or 'concentration' - camps has begun).
Those who will be in these facilities will receive two alternative 'non-refusal proposals' on the day of admission: - agree to a vaccine, participate in a debt relief programme and are either released or - will remain in the isolation camp for an indefinite period of time; classified as a serious threat to public health. In the meantime, the government will confiscate all their assets. Everything is legal - for the public good. These plans are not just for Canada, in fact, most of them."
If it is authentic, this plan violates all laws of international law and fundamental human rights. We urge the judicial authorities to open an investigation to determine whether private entities fomented such plan by acting as an organised gang.
We call on the authorities of all sovereign countries to do their utmost to protect civilian populations from this plan which, if it was realized, would be similar in nature to the crimes perpetrated by the Nazis. Moreover, it would put in danger the whole humanity: vaccinating a big part of national or world population with experimental products (RNA genetically modified vaccin), never validated in small/medium scale with years of observation, is simply a risk of human species extinction.
A Canadian official document is fully compatible with this alleged plan, a Request for information (RFI) to “Service Provider(s) for Federal Quarantine / Isolation sites”, “that will be used to house and care for people for public health and other related federal requirements associated with the COVID-19 pandemic response.” These “other federal requirements” would open room to any arbitrary abduction of any citizen. This is an RFI, not a law, but this is extremely worrying, and it seems barbed wire surrounded sites already exist (in Portage, La Prairie).
About camps in Canada
The trial of Julian Assange is of a sacrificial nature.
When did Julian Assange decide to take action to unveil disturbing facts for hidden powers or criminals? Did he act alone?
The one thing we can be pretty sure of with the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is his courage. One informant who seems to have tested his qualities told us: "he is of exceptional intelligence and physical strength".
If the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange has been in the MKultra regime since childhood, raped for money by paedocriminals or used to trap influential citizens, subjected to the will of a master and placed in rendition for eleven years, he must indeed have great qualities because the man sitting in the box with whom we have communicated with all means possible (visually at hearings, letters…) has always shown strength of character and combativeness.
If he has all the characteristics of a tortured, beaten, drugged man, he does not show suicidal tendencies. All our delegates and doctors can testify to this, including our recent observations in Old Bailey room number 1.
Report of our delegate
We have demonstrated that the trial of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is a mock trial that takes place in private legal entities. The Court of the Old Bailey is located in the City of London Corporation, a private territory belonging to the Crown of England and governed by feudal law.
The City of London Corporation is a lawless territory, a legal and tax haven. It is therefore not a subject of international law. No trials under international law can therefore take place there. We have also shown that the charges are far-fetched. They violate fundamental human rights and all the texts relating to human rights.
The lawyers are all in conflict of interest with the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange. If an extradition is pronounced, it will be done illegally by misuse of the Navigation Act which regulates international trade. This legal sleight of hand is only possible because the State of Virginia, where the Assange case’s grand jury would have been held, also falls under the Navigation Act.
About of State of Virginia
State of Virginia operates as a private entity. State of Virginia is not a subject of International Law. State of Virginia has no international sovereignty. It can therefore neither prosecute the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange, nor organise his trial, no international lawsuit.
Furthermore, a grand jury can only rule on a crime committed in the state in which it was committed. That crime must be committed by an American citizen under American territory.
The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is not an American citizen. Therefore, he cannot be the subject of a proceeding on American territory. Concerning the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange, the prescriptions of a grand jury have no legal value.
Moreover, the procedure is carried out in the name of Julian Paul Assange which is a pseudonym. All legal proceedings must be carried out under the birth name of the person being prosecuted. This procedure therefore has no legality.
The persecution of the citizen Julian Paul Assange is above all a punishment. In antique patriarchal families, any betrayal is punished by the sacrifice of the one who betrayed in the name of the family's survival.
Julian Paul Assange expresses it very clearly in a video. As Ms. Baraitser forbids him to speak during the hearings, we urge you to listen to the following short video in which he clearly expresses that his trial is a punishment, not a legal procedure in accordance with international law
Julian Paul Assange about punishment
In a wider scope, French influencer Jacques Attali advocates in his book Who will govern the world tomorrow, another kind of sacrifice. In order to define humanity, Jacques Attali uses the notion of "human species", to which he attributes "the rights and duties of the species", and goes on to write: “Humanity has the right to strive for survival, even if this means defending itself against other forms of life. The rights and duties of the species are not to be confused with those of every human being.”
He therefore begins with a huge paradigm shift, leaving aside the fundamental rights guaranteed to men, and therefore to every human being, by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, while making a distinction between the "rights and duties" of "the species" and those of "every human being". On the one hand, the species is not a classical legal notion, Jacques Attali thus brings civilization in the direction of a kind of state of nature. He omits to recall that men are free and equal in law. He grants the right to "humanity", thus, according to his definition, to human species, so as to "defend itself against other forms of life".
The species in itself is not a subject, it does not act. An authority must decide on its behalf: it is obviously the world government that Attali conceives of in his essay, which could in the extreme, in order to "defend itself", decide to kill or eradicate "other forms of life". He does not say other species. One can very well imagine or create other forms of human life. Gestations in artificial uterus are in experimental phase; for example, will a child coming out of an artificial incubator be counted in the "human species"? Ideologies are not stationary. The Nazis had excluded Jews from the human “race“, what will happen in the near future?
Well, in regard of the on-going Justice short-circuiting we assist now in Julian Assange case, one can say that the direction towards a certain “state of nature“ is already on his way. The denial of his fundamental rights is quite in accordance with the horizon drawn by the “mentor of Emmanuel Macron”, namely Jacques Attali.
The death of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange be the result of a fake justice, rendered in a private Court which is not liable versus international treaties ratified by the UK government, kicked off by the judge
Emma Arbuthnot who has proven links to MI5 and MI6, hence bearing deep conflicts of interest in the case, a trial took over by Vanessa Baraitser who does not even seem to know what is a fair trial, who lets attend in the Court room teenagers who have absolutely no legitimacy to be there, as if the Court was a theatre scene with special guests, or worse, a pagan ceremony where only one rule is understood by people : the man to be condemned has no right to open his mouth.
Except that these proceedings and this judgment have no legal value since they are conducted in the name of Julian Paul Assange, who is not of a birth identity, by a Grand Jury, if it has met, which can only rule on a crime committed on American soil.
In order to prosecute citizen Julian Paul Assange, the United States must violate several of its amendments and all the texts of international law.
The United Kingdom, which has already violated the Vienna Convention, the Geneva Conventions, the rules of fair trial, habeas Corpus, the Convention against Torture and all human rights laws if rendition has occurred, can only convict the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange by violating the Extradition Act of 2003. This Z-series production could be laughable if a man's life wasn't at stake. The organizers are unfortunately criminals and if the citizen known as Julian Assange dies, they will be murderers. There will be premeditated murder.
After the death of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange, the tactic will then be to make politicians, Yannis Varoufakis, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Eva Joly, appear who will cry out for crime against humanity while telling you that nothing can be done because it is the Americans and the very nasty CIA who decide. And of course, no one can stop them. But if the police and the justice system can prevent them from doing so. It is only time. They have already broken all the laws. Since when do criminals do justice?
The other reason that leads to the crime of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is that it becomes important to privatize justice in order to strip it of all power. If we allow this privatization to take place, it is the death of civilization. It is once again feudal law and the law of retaliation that applies.
The citizens holding the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange want to use his death to set up an illegal justice system that does not respect the rule of law and gives itself the right to put individuals to death at will.
Has the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange been surrendered and is he imprisoned in a dark place? Is there more than one Dark Place in the UK?
It is more than urgent to save Private Assange and have him released
The Rendition
The United Kingdom and Sweden are very much involved in rendition programmes. Numerous reports attest to this.
Julian Paul Assange has been held incommunicado for at least ten years by an unknown entity in a place of lawlessness since no one has seen fit to take him out even though all the procedures concerning him are invalid.
Was there a rendition? Did he take the Guantanamo express several times to be changed from dark places and torturers as it is the case for renditions? Which governments, or parts of governments, are involved in this rendition? The Germans are overrepresented at the legal show Assange.
Are they the initiators of this rendition if it took place? Who is torturing the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange? Where is he being tortured? Is the Belmarsh prison staff involved? Is he an accomplice? Are there other prisoners in the hands of these private entities on English soil? Are they all being moved by Guantanamo Express on a regular basis? How many returns have there been in the UK? Are there any darks tickets available in the UK? In Sweden? Australia? Germany? In France?
It should be remembered that part of Belmarsh prison is managed by a private entity. Who is incarcerated there? Is it a prison that follows the rules of international law or a dark place?
A Part of Belmarsh Prison, the Thameside Prison, Griffin Manor Road Londo, SE28 0FJ, is run by the private Serco group which also provides private transfer of prisoners. Julian Assange was taken with a Serco van to 181 Marylebone Road on the 3 occasions that eyewitnesses were able to see him - on 21 October 2019, 20 December 2019 and 13 January 2020.
Is Serco as a private company involved in renditions, secret prisons and the torture of men held hostage in this illegal system?
Serco was also seen by witnesses bringing prisoners to the Old Bailey on September 7, 8 and 9.
Julian Assange had shown the 3 times we have seen him a great fear of these militia men in a private company who keep him in detention.
On September 9, 2020 our delegates managed to enter hall 10, which is closed to the non-accredited public. Who gives the accreditations ? Our delegates were driven out of this room after 20 minutes, while all security conditions were respected.
They had time to observe that the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange was showing clear signs of abuse. He was wearing a red tie.
Jennifer Robinson
and Stella Morris, aka
Stella or
Sara Gonzalez Devant, aka
Stella Smith Robertson were wearing a red dress.
Report of our delegate
Serco is also charged with rape and human trafficking in detention centres.
During the day, WJJA's Twitter account was blocked without explanation. We are filing a complaint against Twitter for obstructing freedom of expression and hindering our work as a Human Rights Association. In the midst of a trial, this means banning information from circulating and forbidding our association to protect the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange by disseminating facts that have been recorded while he is in danger of death.
The courts that judge the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange operate as if the UK was being interfered with on its territory in the same way as in colonised countries. We can understand that this phenomenon occurs in France where Mr. Macron, acting against the sovereign interests of his own country, ceded part of the national sovereignty to Germany by the Treaty of Aachen. But the UK did the Brexit. It should have regained its full and complete sovereignty.
We therefore call on the English justice system and the justice systems of the countries involved in the Assange case, the legal institutions of sovereign countries, to investigate who in the UK, or elsewhere, is imprisoning and torturing the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange incommunicado.
Has the citizen known as Julian Assange been surrendered? Did the citizen known as Julian Assange take the Guantanamo Express and was he incarcerated and tortured in a country other than the United Kingdom?
Gantanamo Express
The UK, the USA and Germany have all ratified the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all fundamental human rights texts, the Vienna and Geneva Conventions, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. They therefore have a duty to respect them and to ensure that every citizen respects them on their respective territories.
We ask the French justice system and judiciary of all sovereign countries to open too an investigation to determine who incarcerated and tortured the citizen known as Julian Assange incommunicado in the name of article 223-6 of the French penal code.
We recall that the citizen known as Julian Assange sent an SOS to one of the French doctors of the Human Rights Defence Association WJJA.
The UN is the guarantor of the inalienable fundamental human rights.
In 2016, it has, by the way, demanded that the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange be released, compensated and taken to a safe house.
➥ Article 223-6 du code pénal français
Quiconque pouvant empêcher par son action immédiate, sans risque pour lui ou pour les tiers, soit un crime, soit un délit contre l'intégrité corporelle de la personne s'abstient volontairement de le faire est puni de cinq ans d'emprisonnement et de 75 000 euros d'amende.
Sera puni des mêmes peines quiconque s'abstient volontairement de porter à une personne en péril l'assistance que, sans risque pour lui ou pour les tiers, il pouvait lui prêter soit par son action personnelle, soit en provoquant un secours.
Les peines sont portées à sept ans d'emprisonnement et 100 000 euros d'amende lorsque le crime ou le délit contre l'intégrité corporelle de la personne mentionnée au premier alinéa est commis sur un mineur de quinze ans ou lorsque la personne en péril mentionnée au deuxième alinéa est un mineur de quinze ans.
➥ Article 223-6 of the French Penal Code
Anyone who, by his immediate action, without risk to himself or to third parties, can prevent either a crime or an offence against the physical integrity of the person, who voluntarily refrains from doing so, shall be punished by five years' imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros.
The same penalties shall be imposed on anyone who voluntarily refrains from giving assistance to a person in danger which, without risk to himself or to third parties, he could have given by his personal action or by inducing assistance.
The penalties shall be increased to seven years' imprisonment and a fine of EUR 100 000 where the crime or offence against the physical integrity of the person mentioned in the first paragraph is committed against a minor of fifteen years of age or where the person in danger mentioned in the second paragraph is a minor of fifteen years of age
The "judicial meeting" imposed on the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange does not respect any of the rules of fair trial. The prosecution does not present any witness or document against him. The defence does not present any witness or document in its defence.
There are an incredible number of lawyers in the room. Some of them are not members of the English Bar and therefore cannot defend the citizen known as Mr. Julian Paul Assange. Moreover, no lawyer is pleading. The charges are never studied. The citizen known as Julian Assange is never called to speak. Teenagers and people who have nothing to do in the courtroom are sitting next to the lawyers: teenagers and
the entrepreneur MC Mc Grath, whom Gareth Peirce claims to be his articling student.
There is a contradiction between the status of entrepreneur and trainee lawyer.
M.C. Mc Grath is not an intern, he is a hacker and activist. He is of American origin and is based in Berlin as the Wau Holland Stiftung, the Chaos Computer Club, Andy Müller Maguhn and Bernd Fix.
MC Mc Grath created Transparency Toolkit in 2013 and Ice Watch which collect Data for the benefit of oppressed people.
Like the Wikileaks portal, MC Mc Grath's companies are appropriating and privatizing data that should be disseminated unfiltered in the public domain. In fact, he intervened in Wikileaks. MC Mc Grath was already working on Wikileaks in 2013. Another Wikileaks hacker who escaped the two Wikileaks War Room.
MC Mc Grath on RT Germany.
Tranparency Toolkit is in link with Thiel Foundation Echoing Green, Open Technology Found and Open Soros
All these violations of the law led one of the members of the WJJA association to file a complaint against Judge Vanessa Baraitser and Niki Konstantinidou againts judge Emma Aburthnot.
Complaint against judge Vanessa Baraitser misconductéronique/
Complaint against judge Emma Aberthnot
Release Request of Political Prisoner prisoner Julian Paul Assangeéronique/éronique/éronique/éronique/éronique/éronique/éronique/éronique/éronique/éronique/
Report 1 Political Prisoner Julian Paul Assangeéronique/
Request for an investigation into human rights violations and request for the immediate release of political prisoner Julian Paul Assange to UNéronique/
In the course of their investigations, our delegates realised that some witnesses were afraid to speak to us even if they expressed the intention to do so. From all of our interviews with witnesses, it appears that some people are being pressured, threatened or blackmailed. It would also appear that some people were trapped the way some citizens were trapped by J. Edgar Hoover's teams. By filing this complaint against a wide range of offenders, we hope to free their word.
One our informant said : "I told you one and again we're gonna have to forgive all thes bad guys tied to child sex traffiking because they were mostly all stolen orphans raised to be child sex traffikers and I pretty confident that includes Stella. Stella is history because I said so, and it's as simple as that. "
While the acts of which some of these individuals are accused may be serious, it is important to encourage those who have committed crimes under duress to speak out without fear of swift justice.
The various judicial bodies should also help those who are being blackmailed or threatened to speak out. Our informants told us that many citizens, politicians, businessmen, journalists and celebrities have been knowingly trapped in hotel rooms with children. Is 3 Hans Crescent Street one of those brothels where illegal sex with children has been filmed for the purpose of blackmail or threats?
This procedure should lead to the release of the victims as well as the criminals. The debates should be public and accessible to all.
Justice will also have to identify with precision the torturers, those that some of our informants call the "dog masters" or the "owners". They are the organizers and beneficiaries of trafficking in human beings and children as well as, for the most part, consumers. Our informants spoke of "orphan thieves".
It is urgent that the facts highlighted in this complaint be disclosed to the general public. Many lives are at stake, most probably those of many children.
This is all the more important as the treaty on safe, orderly and regular migration validates the movement of children only in the context of migratory exchange for work. There is no reason for children to migrate alone. It is the open door to all kinds of trafficking.
The same treaty validates administrative detention camps. It is the open door to abusive incarcerations and massive violations of fundamental human rights
Who is legally responsible for the Wikileaks portal?
WikiLeaks is not a medium. It is a project, "Project 04 WikiLeaks – Defend Freedom of Expression", developed by the German Wau Holland Foundation in 2009.
The people responsible for this project are Andy Müller Maguhn, Bernd Fix, Klaus Schleisieck, Jens Ohlig, Hendrik Fulda and Winfried Motzkus.
Andy Müller Maguhn, Bernd Fix, Klaus Schleisieck, Jens Ohlig and Hendrik Fulda are the directors of the 04 WikiLeaks project. They are the principals. The citizen known as Julian Assange works as project manager for Andy Müller Maghun and Wau Holland foundation.
The citizen known as Julian Assange has limited decision-making powers. That's written in Wau Holland's foundation activity report.
Wau Holland's foundation activity report
The Court of California ruled in 2008 a conflict between Julius Baer bank and WikiLeaks
In this judgement, WikiLeaks was stated as “an entity of unknown form“ whose domain names, and, belong to John Shipton via the company Dynadot.
John Shipton is liable to WikiLeaks publications. Julian Assange not !
The Julius Baer judgement ruled in favour of Mr. John Shipton and recognised his right to publish sensitive data belonging to a Swiss bank. It does not matter how his data was obtained.
This judgment sets a precedent. If the freedom to freely disseminate sensitive information has been granted to an ordinary citizen and an entity of unknown form called Wikileaks, then it is clear that any citizen is entitled to do so, including the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange.
Moreover, it is worth recalling that the right to information and expression is an inalienable right guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all the texts relating to human rights, the American First Amendment and the French Constitution.
We recall that an inalienable right is a right that cannot be withdrawn, that cannot be taken away, that belongs in an intangible way to someone, to something.
This is the case of the right to physical integrity and the right to movement violated by many countries, of which the United Kingdom is one, in the midst of the so-called Covid pandemic.
Judgement Julius Baer
The first persons and legal entities that might be sued for publications on the Wikileaks portal are the following : Andy Müller Maguhn, Bernd Fix, Klaus Schleisieck, Jens Ohlig and Hendrik Fuld, Wau Holland Foundation and John Shipton.
We call on the English judiciary, the US judiciary, the French judiciary to open an investigation to determine why those responsible for the publications on the Wikileaks portal are not incriminated and why they allow their employee, the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange, to be incriminated in their place?
We urge the English judiciary, the US judiciary, the French judiciary, the Swedish judiciary and all judiciary of sovereign country authorities to open an investigation to determine why the indictment documents were written under the common name of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange as this makes them illegal. All procedures are therefore invalid.
We request the judicial institutions of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and the judicial institutions of all sovereign countries to open an investigation to determine the identity of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange (name of birth, place of birth, birth register in which he is registered, known domiciles) and of his relatives.
The identity of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is not clearly determined. As a corollary, neither is that of his children.
There are also no clearly established official links between the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange and his alleged parents, the citizen known as John Shipton and the citizen known as Christine Ann Hawkins.
The citizen known as Julian Assange himself says that he only called himself Julian Paul Hawkins during only the first years of his life. Why?
Questions that arise about the identity of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange and that of his relatives
After investigation, we found that in the Assange case, the question of the identities of the different citizens involved in the case was crucial.
Julian Paul Assange, aka Julian Paul Hawkins as Stella Morris, aka Stella or Sara Gonzalez Devant, aka Stella Smith Robertson are names of use or aliases. Judge Baraitser does not appear on any official legal paper. No one introduces her when she enters the court. The first name Vanessa only appears in the press. Jennifer Robinson, who is in the courtroom, is not a litigator and is not a member of the London Bar. Is she a solicitor? Her name is Jennifer Robinson. Stella Morris aka Stella or Sara Gonzalez Devant, aka Stella Smith Robertson also claims to be a lawyer but is not registered with the English Bar. She is in the courtroom when she is not entitled to plead and claims to be the companion of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange. She has no business being on the legal team. Seats are reserved at the family as in theatre, but no presumed family member of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange presents identification to prove who he or she is, to access at these places. Moreover, in the Assange family no one is named Assange.
On the other hand, the delegates of the human rights association WJJA have to fight and queue for hours to enter the courtroom even though they are in possession of official papers from the French Republic.
We call on the judicial authorities of sovereign countries to open an investigation to determine whether citizens involved in the Assange affair have usurped identities or functions.
Indeed, an alleged offender can only be tried under his or her birth name.
A lawyer can only plead if he or she is registered at the bar and has a law degree.
However, we have proven that the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange alias Julian Paul Hawkins was not tried under his birth name. It is therefore legitimate to believe that other citizens involved in the Assange case are hiding under false names to escape prosecution or commit offenses.
Citizens appearing at a trial under a false name, intervening in a trial under a false name, violate the rules of fair trial and the most basic rules of law in a democracy.
Family ties must be proven. In court, the rule is to prove with official documents, not with mere verbal statements. People who lie and pretend to be who they are not are acting like crooks.
Assange’s identity documents page 13 and page 20
Shipton case
John Shipton is married to Mrs. Catherine Ann Barber who works at Imperial College of London. The Imperial College managed the Covid crisis on a global scale and imposed confinement, MKultra-style torture, on populations in disrespect of the fundamental right of free movement guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Mrs Catherine Ann Barber Shipton is the mother of Gabriel Barber Shipton who claims to be the brother of Mr Julian Assange. The problem is that Catherine Ann Barber Shipton, now Catherine Ann Shipton, was working with the biochemist James Barber. James Barber, dead in January 2020, was fellow of Australian Academy of science and member of the Royal Swedish Academy of science.
James Barber is linked with two countries involved in the Assange case, Australia where Assange was raised in the family cult and Sweden where he was persecuted. James Barber was also Visiting Canon Professor to
Nanyang Technological University.
About Jame Barber of Imperial College of London
We call upon the judiciary of the sovereign government of Great Britain and judiciary of all sovereign states to open an enquiry to determine what is the relationship between Mr. James Barber, Catherine Ann Barber Shipton, now Catherine Ann Shipton, Gabriel Barber Shipton, John Shipton and Julian Assange? Who is the Gabriel Barber Shipton father? John Shipton? James Barber? Why is he called Barber since his mother no longer has that name?
We call upon the judiciary authorities of the all sovereign governments to open an enquiry to determine if the name John Shipton is indeed a birth name or a common name or pseudonym.
In the Assange case, many people confessed to being known by common names. This is incompatible with legal proceedings of this nature. The identities of all stakeholders must be clearly established. This is the legal rule.
The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange does not endorse John Shipton's family name. Mr. Shipton did not recognize him at birth.
Mr. Shipton's name does not appear on the birth certificate. Mr. Julian Assange publicly said that his "father was more than an abstract to him" (Risk documentary).
Andrew O'Hagan, the author of the "Unauthorized Biography" writes himself that Mr. John Shipton did not have the attitude of a father on the day of Julian Assange's birthday party at
Vaughan Smith's house.
John Shipton never took care of the citizen known as Julian Assange when he was a child. When did John Shipton appear in the life of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange? Where does Shipton live and work? Why does he own the and domain names? Why does he let his son take legal action when he is liable to the publications through the Wikileaks portal?
What are John Shipton's links with the Wau Holland Foundation and Mr. Andy Muller Maguhn?
Is the citizen known as John Shipton's involved in the Wau Holland foundation? There must be an agreement between the Wau Holland foundation and the citizen known as
John Shipton since he is the owner of the domain names and
Large sums of money are at stake. There necessarily have been contracts agreed between the various parties involved. This is the rule in business.
In the Assange family, no one is called Assange...
None of the citizen known as Julian Assange's relatives are named Assange and the people who gravitate around him have many identities or present themselves under false identities. This is the case of Stella Morris who is known by many surnames. She says herself that Stella Morris is a nickname.
The identity of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is also not clearly established. This emerges from the documents he provided for political asylum and Ecuadorian nationality.
As far as his identity is concerned, the citizen known as Julian Paul Hawkins or the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange do not seem to have a very clear idea of his identity.
In the Libro de escritura publicas (Declaration Juramendata N° 105/2017), Julian Assange says several surprising things :
"Mi nombre quedo asentado al nace, en el registro de nacimientos, muertes y matrimonios de Queensland."
"My name is recorded at birth in the Queensland register of births, deaths and marriages."
"Mi nombre, tal y commo se encuentra registrado en el mismo fue
en este momento
Julian Paul Hawkins."
"My name, as recorded therein,
was at this time
Julian Paul Hawkins."
"Se me conecia por dicho nombre, el cual era el nombre de soltera de mi madre,
en los primero anos de mi infancia."
"I was known by that name, which was my mother's maiden name,
in the early years of my childhood."
"Yo tambien adopté el appelido de mi padrasto sin que existeria une proceso formal de adopcion o une processo de cambio de nombre y desdes entonces he sido conocido como Julian Paul Assange."
"I also adopted my stepfather's name without a formal adoption or name change process and have since become known as Julian Paul Assange."
So, Julian Paul Assange's name was Julian Paul Hawkins during the first years of his childhood. He also says, "My name, as recorded therein, was at this time"… No one with a proven identity and known parentage says such a thing.
In a developed democratic society with a birth register, a first name and surname are assigned for life until death unless the person takes formal legal steps to change them. Julian Paul Assange talks about his identity as if it were not his own. He adds that he changes his name when his mother marries, but he does not give his mother's husband's first or last name. He doesn't say Christine Hawkins becomes Mrs. Christine Assange. He's saying Christine Hawkins' name is being converted to Christine Assange. The term "convirtiendose" is more suggestive of a name change than a marriage. "Christine Hawkins” becomes Christine Assange, not Mrs. Christine Assange.
In no official document does the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange specify his father-in-law's first name. The media present him as Bret, aka Richard, Assange, director of a theatre company.
Although the storytelling tells that Brett, Richard Assange is deceased, we pray to the justice of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom to determine whether he is indeed the stepfather of Mrs. Christine Hawkins, the alleged mother of Julian Paul Assange.
We further ask the justice of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom to investigate whether Christine Hawkins is a birth name or a nickname and whether Christine Hawkins married a Brett Richard Assange. In which marriage register is this marriage recorded?
After all, Mrs. Christine Ann Hawkins was the wife or girlfriend of
Leif Meynel, aka
Leif Hamilton, son (legitimate or stolen?) of the cult guru, the citizen known as
Ann Hamilton Byrne, aka
Grâce Victoria Edwards, aka
Evlyne Harris, aka
Anna Riley. Christine Ann Hawkins is perhaps still under the influence of one of the ramifications of the Family Cult, which became
Santaniketan Park Association in Australia. This is a matter for the courts to determine.
The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange, aka Julian Paul Hawkins, explains that he uses the new name of his alleged mother on all official documents, including his passport, without any acknowledgement of paternity or adoption having been made by a Brett Richard Assange. Julian Paul Assange has not written an official request for a name change to the Australian authorities.
➳ The names appearing in an Australian travel document should be exactly as appears on the person's cardinal document.
➳ For the purposes of passport applications the applicant's cardinal document is the person's:
➳ Original full Australian birth certificate; or
➳ Original Australian Citizenship Certificate.
➳ The person's name appearing on these documents is also known as the person's base name.
➳ When a person wishes to include in their travel document a name other than a name on their cardinal document, then this must be supported by acceptable evidence of a change of name, see
➳ Evidence of name change
➳ A person who was born in Australia or resides in Australia, should change one’s name through an Australian State or Territory Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages (RBDM), and provide a name change document from RBDM confirming their change of name.
Since the citizen known as Mr. Julian Paul Assange declares that he has not taken any official steps to have this name officially become the site, any action taken under this name is, as far as he is concerned, legally null and void.
The birth certificate of Julian Paul Hawkins has no legal value if it does not bear any signature. Christine Ann Hawkins’ signature is not visible on Julian Paul Hawkins' birth certificate and therefore, from a legal point of view, we have no assurance from available documents that she is her mother.
John Shipton does not appear on the birth certificate, there is thus no proof that he is the father of Mr. Julian Paul Hawkins and even less Julian Paul Assange father.
There is thus no published official document which proves Julian Paul Hawkins official identity, nor his parents identity, from a legal point of view.
Mr. Julian Paul Hawkins was not adopted by Mr. Bret Richard Assange. He has not made an official request for a name change. The name Julian Paul Assange is therefore only a common name, a pseudonym, an alias. He cannot use it on official documents.
There are no official published documents establishing Hawkins or Assange naming. It would appear that the citizen known as Julian Paul Hawkins, aka Mr. Julian Paul Assange, aka Mendax, has no official identity. Could he be a stolen orphan?
Therefore, he could not properly create a media outlet, neither properly run a production company, nor sign a contract, nor have a regular credit card or passport neither under the name Hawkins, nor under the name Assange. Nor can he or she have been granted political asylum or nationality with a nickname that has not been validated by a legal institution.
This question of identity and filiation of Julian Assange is crucial.
Firstly, because the filiation and identity of minor children are at stake. Indeed, Stella Morris, aka Stella or Sara Gonzalez Devant, aka Stella Smith Robertson claims that two little boys are her children and Julian Assange's children. However, Mrs. Stella Morris herself confessed that Stella Morris was a pseudonym without ever giving her official name. There is no evidence that one of the other names she gives is her birth name. In fact, nothing proves that the two little boys are her legitimate children. She claims that the father of these children is Julian Assange but he has never publicly acknowledged this paternity. Did he recognise these two little boys? Under what name? The photos showing him with these children are not evidence.
First of all, they can be faked. Second, the children in the photos are too small to make a link with the children that Stella Morris complacently presents on videos in 2020. Julian Assange is himself incapable of giving a clear identity. How can a citizen who is only known by a common name and not by a birth name legally recognise children?
What is the birth name of these two little boys? In which birth register, from which country are they registered? In which hospital were they born? Do they live with Stella Morris, aka Stella or Sara Gonzalez Devant, aka Stella Smith Robertson?
What is the birth name of Stella Morris? In which birth register, from which country does her name appear? What is Julian Assange's birth name? In which birth register, from which country does his name appear? What is the surname of the two little boys since they can neither be called Morris, which is a pseudonym, nor Assange, which is a common name. In which birth register, from which country does their name appear?
It is vital that all the light be shed on the identity of Stella Morris aka Stella or Sara Gonzalez Devant, aka Stella Smith Robertson, Julian Assange and these two little boys. Many children disappear every year. So, when it comes to children's lives, legislators must take every precaution to protect them. In the case of Julian Paul Assange, this is all the more important since he was raised in a sect where children changed identities, had no identity of their own and went from educators to educators.
Julian Paul Assange may never have had an official identity himself. He may be one of the child martyrs, without birth name, stolen by Ann Hamilton Byrne from legitimate parents, tortured and placed from Auntie to Auntie.
We therefore ask the English justice system to ensure that Mr. Julian Paul Assange has an official identity, that he is not the victim of the sect in which he was raised, and that he does not remain a hostage of the sect. We call on the British, Australian, American and French courts to investigate to ensure that the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange was not born in the family cult, was not abducted from his parents at birth and was not subjected to Mkultra like treatment as a child.
We therefore ask the English judiciary and all sovereign country judiciary to ensure that the two little boys whom Mrs. Stella Morris aka Stella or Sara Gonzalez Devant aka Stella Smith Robertson presents as her children and those of Assange have an identity consistent with that of their alleged parents.
We call on the British, Australian, American French courts and all courts of sovereign country to investigate to ensure that these two little boys were not born into the family cult or another sect, were not abducted from their parents at birth and were not subject to MKultra-like treatment.
Medical Child Abuse
We ask the English courts to ensure that Mrs. Stella Morris aka Stella or Sara Gonzalez Devant aka Stella Smith Robertson does not belong to a sect related to the Family Cult.
Indeed, the sect was dissolved but re-formed in Australia under the name Santiniketan Park Association or Great White Brotherhood and the Family Cult guru, Ann Hamilton Byrne owned a property in England.
1970s :
Hamilton-Byrne buys Broom Farm in Langton Green, England and a property in the Catskills, New York near Muktananda's ashram. She also marries Bill.
In Wikipedia
She was therefore able to restructure a sect on English soil during the seventies, around the presumed date of birth of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange.
The American state cannot prosecute a man without identity. In law and international law, a citizen can only be prosecuted under his or her birth name.
This problem of identity is important because no legal proceedings are initiated using the common name of the accused. Legal proceedings only use the name of birth. However, during the hearings, Julian Assange presents himself solely under his pseudonym. If the procedure were legal, Julian Assange would present himself as follows : "Mr. X, aka Mr. Assange or known as Mr Assange". This is not the case. This procedural defect alone invalidates this whole judicial masquerade.
During the hearings, neither the judge, (Vanessa) Baraitser, nor the prosecutor Clair Dobbin, nor the lawyers uttered the name Julian Assange or the term Wikileaks.
These hearings do not judge anyone since "Julian Assange" is not the official identity, nether birth name of the man who being judged.
Judge (Vanessa) Baraitser should ask Julian Assange to give his birth name but she just asks him to come forward and give his date of birth, which he does hesitantly, with great difficulty. During the hearings, Julian Assange seems reluctant to state his identity. Why is this? Why do the judge and the prosecution never pronounce the name Assange or WikiLeaks?
Are they aware of this procedural defect? An individual can only be judged by his or her birth name. Assange's birth name is never pronounced. Why is this?
We repet again because it's very important. Birth identity is one of the crucial elements in the Assange case, including in relation to members of the English Crown. In the Assange case, too many citizens appear to have no birth name.
We therefore request the English justice system to open an investigation to determine the birth name of Julian Paul Assange.
Until Julian Assange's identity and birth name are clearly established, no procedure concerning him can be considered legal.
The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is said to have six children. The judiciary of the sovereign government of the UK must formally identify them and ensure their legal identity.
Informants, wishing to remain anonymous because they are very afraid, informed the WJJA that the citizen known as Julian Assange is said to be the father of six children.
According to the storytelling, Julian Assange would have a son in his thirties or so, named Daniel but whose surname can be neither Assange, Hawkins nor Shipton. What is the surname of the alleged son Daniel of the citizen known as Assange? There is only one photo of this son who never came to see his father at 3 Hans Crescent Street and did not attend any hearings. With the two children that Stella Morris, aka Stella or Sara Gonzalez Devant, aka Stella Smith Robertson, claims to be hers and Assange’s, that makes three children. Lawyers Eric Dupont-Moretti and Juan Branco spoke of a French child with an unknown mother. In France, rumour has it that Céline Meneses, former assistant to Jean-Luc Mélenchon, is the french wife and mother of Julian Assange's French child because she stayed several times in the building at 3 Hans Crescent Street. Another rumour says that this French woman is an activist met in hacker circles with whom he has a daughter who would be about fifteen years old today.
We ask this French woman to come out into the open in order to put an end to all her rumours. In view of the danger of death to which the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is exposed, it becomes essential that she puts pressure on the French government to grant him political asylum
While the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange had six children, two are missing and must also be clearly identified.
We ask the judiciary of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom, the French judiciary, the Australian judiciary, the American judiciary and all judiciary government to kindly open an investigation to ensure that these six children exist, are not in the hands of an offshoot of the family cult and are not in danger. We urge them, once their identities are established, to do everything possible to protect them and their interests.
In the Assange case, false identities are too many and to used for criminal purposes and to evade sovereign judicial systems.
Other problems of identity arise.
Anna Ardin, aka Svea Anna Carolina Ardin, aka Anna Bernardin
"Anna Ardin (Svea Anna Karolina Ardin), born in 1979 in Visby, worked as a press secretary and political secretary for
Sweden’s Christian social democrats
For the espionage in other countries, the secret service use churches and their international departments, red cross, UNICEF and similar, of course, the CIA can use Swedish spies, to hide who really spy in Palestine or Somalia. The working address of Anna Ardin in 2017 : Forum, Hantverkargatan 3F, 112 21 Stockholm. (…)
Barak Obama
We did not work on Barack Hussein Obama II aka Barry Soetoro, aka Soebarkah but our attention was drawn to Christopher Earl Strunk’s testimony about him. Mr. Strunk is testifying in a complaint brought by United State of America, District of Colombia, against Kevin Clinesmith.
The first of the correlations we can make with the testimony of Christofer Earl Strunk is the multiple identities of Barak Hussein Obama, reminiscent of the multiple identities of Stella Morris, aka Stella or Sara Gonzalez Front, aka Stella Smith Robertson. The second correlation is that we have brought to light that individuals involved in the Assange case were probably working under assumed names or pseudonyms and, for some of them, were connected with the CIA.
In addition, many of them, including
Antony, Selwyn Tabatznik and
John Shipton, are either connected with
or South Africa, as seems to be the case with Barack Hussein Obama II aka Barry Soetoro, aka Soebarkah. These two points seemed sufficiently troubling to us to allow us to imagine that Barack Hussein Obama II may have links with the private entities that illegally imprison and torture the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange. This is all the more legitimate
since Barak Obama and Hilary Clinton are at the origin of the persecution of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange since they have, among other things,
created two Wikileaks War Rooms. one at the State Department and one at the Pentagon.
The mission of these two chambers was to put the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange out of business. However, our investigation has proven that neither Barak Obama nor Hilary Clinton has any interest in having the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange testify about them if the facts against them prove to be true and are the subject of criminal proceedings
Page 13. Mister Strunk says that…
"That as a result of the Watergate Scandal leaving no opportunity to waste, the DNC, Pilgrim Society, CIA, FBI, FIVE-EYES intelligence community, Congress and various complicit Executive agencies and private corporations not wishing to allow a repeat of the public exposure again created the Senior Executive Service (SES) position classification in the civil service of the United States federal government, equivalent to general officer or flag officer ranks in the U.S. Armed Forces was created in 1979 when the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 went into effect under Trilateral Commission's corporatist President Jimmy Carter whose accommodation merger with the global Five-Eyes national security MIC apparatus best illustrated by the Queens Golden Share in her Privy council's SERCO INC. served by SES inside traders with impunity using the Office of Personnel Management and related offices designed to be a corps of executives selected for their leadership qualifications, serving in key positions just below the top Presidential appointees as a link between them and the rest of the Federal (civil service) workforce.
SES positions are considered to be above the GS-15 level of the General Schedule, and below Level III of the Executive Schedule. Career members of the SES ranks are eligible for the
Presidential Rank Awards program
that remains the seditious foreign existential burr under
Donald J. Trump's saddle to be removed by a patriot building a legacy.
30. Up to 10% of SES positions can be filled as political appointments rather than by career employees. About half of the SES is designated "Career Reserved", which can only be filled by career employees. The other half is designated "General", which can be filled by either career employees or political appointments as desired by the administration. Due to the 10% limitation, most General positions are still filled by career appointees
Serco works in many sectors and is an important player in the city of London.
It transports prisoners including the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange who has shown tangible signs of fear when they are at guards side. It operates part of
Belmarsh Prison and appears to work in conjunction with the
Crown of England, itself involved in the Assange case by The Virginia City of London, as we have demonstrated in this complaint.
Members of their staff are involved in rape in camps under their management. We are filing a complaint against the company Serco (see above). With regard to all these points, it seems to us that the citizen known as
Julian Paul Assange is in great danger because he is in the hands of those whose crimes he witnessed, crimes he denounced and of which he was also the victim. He is a witness for the prosecution and must be protected as a matter of urgency.
We therefore call upon the sovereign judicial authorities of the United States of America to publicly denounce and put an end to what we have proven to be a sham trial and to ensure that all those involved in the deception, either as criminals or as hostages and victims, publicly confess in the media and before a public court of citizens their participation and degree of involvement in this planetary masquerade.
If they are among them "stolen orphans" as some of our informants have told us, they must testify to the torture they endured so that an end can be put to all the human trafficking and paedocriminality networks in which they were sequestered. Some of them are clearly linked to the Assange affair.
Even if these "stolen orphans" have been instrumentalized to commit criminal acts or crimes, sovereign states must show leniency towards them because they are hostages of a ruthless criminal system, the first victims of slavery networks. They must benefit from mitigating circumstances and must have the help and support of the states in order to be entitled to a second chance. They must benefit from mitigating circumstances and must have the help and support of the states in order to be entitled to a second chance. Sovereign states have failed in their missions by failing to protect them. They owe them reparation.
According to the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child, every sovereign state has the duty to ensure the safety and absolute well-being of a child residing on its territory.
With regard to all the points developed below concerning
Barack Hussein Obama II
alias Barry Soetoro, alias
Soebarkah, we ask the sovereign government of the United States of America and all sovereign governments of the world to kindly open an investigation to ensure that there is no link between him and the entities or persons involved in this complaint.
We call upon the sovereign government of the United States of America and all sovereign governments of the world to open an investigation to ensure that Barack Hussein Obama II alias Barry Soetoro, alias Soebarkah, is not involved in human trafficking or criminal networks of children.
We call upon the sovereign government of the United States of America and all sovereign governments of the world to open an investigation to determine what role Serco is playing in the incommunicado confinement and torture of the citizen who embodies the Julian Paul Assange concept.
Page 13. Mister Strunk says that…
"Island Georgia was made perpetual in 1928 by the McFadden Act and transformed with the 1933 FDR Proclamation 2040 Military Government under the Emergency Banking Relief Act is now an extra-constitutional permanent state within a state of United States Government Policy (6) and that James V. Forrestal, in full James Vincent Forrestal, (born February 15, 1892, Beacon, New York, U.S.— was murdered on May 22, 1949, Bethesda, Maryland), first U.S. secretary of defense (1947–49). Earlier, in the Navy Department, he directed the huge naval expansion and procurement programs of World War II with his aided Camp JFK who on 27 April 1961 warned of the danger of Secret Societies (7) before the American Newspaper Publishers Association, was assassinated by the CIA on November 22, 1963."
Christopher Earl Strunk's
comments resonate with what we explain later in this complaint. It would appear that this extra-constitutional and extra-territorial state is based on two fundamental legal voids, one relating to the status of the dominions, tax and legal havens, and other private entities belonging to the Crown of England, and the other to the Navigation Act of 1660, which allows international law to be circumvented by using as a lever a feudal law that was never abolished.
This state of affairs puts the sovereignty and stability of the American state in great danger and creates a geopolitical imbalance conducive to all kinds of excesses, including war.
Therefore, we request the United States of America and all sovereign states to open investigations to determine who runs, without the consent of the citizens, this extra-constitutional and extra-territorial state in order to put an end to its action contrary to the laws of democracy and for each country to regain its sovereignty. (See demonstration below)
Judge (Vanessa) Baraitser
Judge Baraitser appears at Julian Assange's hearing on 21 October and conducts all trial hearings until 1 October 2020. Judge Baraitser continuously violates the fundamental rights of prisoner Julian Assange and violates the fair trial procedure.
She is allegedly a magistrate judge appointed by the Judicial Appointment Commission. Her name appears on the list of district judges on the UK Department of Justice's website. The problem is that there is no first name on this list in front of the surname Baraitser who was appointed as a judge in 2011.
The judge whom Wikijustice delegates were able to observe 19 times from 21 October 2019 to 9 September 2020 never shows up in the courtroom. She is never introduced by name by a bailiff. Her name is never written on the public documents posted in the courtroom on the doors or the notice board. Her name is not written on a display in the courtroom. So the public does not know who is judging, which is very problematic.
« Vanessa's » first name was given to the public by the press present in Room 1 of Westminster Court on 21 October 2019. Since then the name and surname has been propagated and broadcast thousands of times by the media and by gullible activists.
But there is no evidence that this person is called by that name. This woman looks like a twin to another public figure whom the media portrays as "Vanessa Baraitser's sister". Lisa Baraitser is a professor at the Birbeck College of Psychosocial Studies at the University of London. She specialises in gender, sexuality, motherhood, feminism, queer theories and psychoanalysis. Lisa Baraitser is a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist. Her 2018 book on motherhood is prefaced by the famous American queer feminist sociologist Judit Butler. The public media such as the BBC promote it. Lisa Baraitser is also the director of the theatre company founded in 1995 by Simon Goodenegough Bayly a partner of this father Michael. She became Director of the Pur Theater in 2006.
Lisa Baraitser conducts lectures in Germany and is responsible together with Laura Salisbury for a program to monitor the mental isolation of the population during Covid time.
Her company of Pure Theatre registered under the business number 02930096 does not employ any staff and does not bring in any money, but has a full activity and she is the director of it in 2015-2020. The theatre was founded in 1995 by Dr Simon Mark Goodenough Bayly who is the director until 2015.
Andrew Pulver,
Kate Person, Kate Stratton,
Benjamin Simms
Sara Holloway ran the theatre with Baraitser and Goodenough from 2000 to nowadays.
This theatre is defined as "a psychological experience" and as "psychological therapy" and in his annual report as an « school for adults ».
Witnesses have always perceived Julian Assange's hearings as plays in which psychological violence is staged and implemented on the spectators as well as on the actors of the "play" in the "court".
Maybe Lisa Baraitser is Judge Baraitser? She has the social position to be appointed as a magistrate judge since it is enough to be an honest citizen and to have 26 half days per year to apply to sit in a magistrate courtroom. The Judicial Commission favours women and academics to be appointed as magistrate judges.
Lisa Baraitser also has the ability to organise such a "play" because she has many years of experience in directing her "pyschological theatre". Furthermore, witnesses testify that her physical appearance, voice, diction, way of speaking is very similar or even similar to the voice and physical appearance of "Vanessa" Baraitser.
Lisa Baraitser is also a director in the Springdale Company Limited N°06968455 created in 2009 to manage the building at 15 Springdale Road in London.
Lisa Baraitser therefore has a life, an identity, an address and owns companies. Vanessa Baraitser does not exist socially, there is no proof of her identity. Only the media repeats the name "Vanessa".
The founder of Lisa Baraitser's Pur Theatre is Simon Goodenough Bayly who owns at 1 Cooper Line, also home of the Pure Theatre, London Medical Database Limited in partnership with
Michael Baraitser, presented as the father of
Lisa and Paula Baraitser and perhaps "Vanessa" the judge of Julian Assange.
Simon Goodenough Bayly has owned the Pure Theater since 1995 together with Guardian journalist Andrew Pulver. He is also a partner of Michael Baraitser at the London Medical Database.
The third shareholder of the London Medical Database Limited is Professor Robin Winter is a professor of genetics.
Professor Robin Winter was Professor of Clinical Dysmorphology and Clinical Genetics at the Institute of Child Health, London. and Honorary Consultant in Clinical Genetics, at Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital, London. Dr Michael Baraitser was formerly Consultant in Clinical Genetics, at Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital, London.
The London Medical Database has 288,000 pounds of assets in 2015 but is dissolved in 2018 without any understanding of the nature of its business or why it went bankrup.t
The company sold databases of datas of genes and genomes.
Michael Baraitser is believed to be the father of Lisa Baraitser, Paula Baraister and Alexandra Baraitser. He is credited of 3 children. There is no trace of Vanessa.,%20Michael.pdf
He is a geneticist and author of books on genetic diseases.
He is said to be behind the classification of the genetic disease called Nicolaides -Baraitser syndrom or Winter Baraitser, named after Professor Robin Winter with whom he worked and created the company London Medical Data base.
It was above all Professor
Robin Winter who was at the origin of the discoveries on genetic malformations of embryos at the
Great Ormon Hospital in London while Baraitser wrote his books and was in charge of the sale of the genome with the London Medical Data Base.
Michael Baraitser does not appear to have a professorship or to have been a health professional, other than an associate of Professor Winter at the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children.
It is astonishing to discover that
Michael Baraitser is in charge of the sale of genomes from the London medical data base when a gene-therapy campaign is being abusively imposed
on the citizens of the world in violation of the Nuremberg Code. This is all the more disturbing as Judge Baraitser's identity is not clearly established, nor is her status as a judge who can preside over hearings under international law.
In view of all the irregularities in which Judge (Vanessa) Baraitser is involved and as it is impossible even to find any trace of her anywhere, it is legitimate to ensure that activity of all Baraitser companies is legal, all important so as the Assange Case seems to be linked to trafficking in human beings and more particularly children, this trafficking seemingly involving hospitals and doctors.
It is all the more important to investigate because through the presence of
Anthony Selwyn, aka
Tabatznik, director of the Bertha Foundation, the Assange case is related to the pharmaceutical field and South Africa (See below).
Members of the Tabatznik family are on the board of directors of medical companies.
Furthermore, it should be remembered that Tony Tabatznik's father is involved in illegal medical experiments in concentration camps in South Africa.
Anthony, Selwyn, aka Tony, visited the building at 3 Hans Crescent Street several times when the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange was sequestered there.
It seems that Anthony Selwyn Tabatznik has an important role in the case Assange. It would therefore be important to determine what links they might have with the Baraitser family.
Some companies of the Tabatznik family
Respire Health Limited
930 High Road, London, United Kingdom, N12 9RT
Dr Iouni Abdelaziz Rachid (French)
McGaffer Ian Gardner Cameron (British)
Tabatznik Anthony Selwyn (British)
UK Diretor Report
Sorenditch Innovation and Impact Co. Limited
Director and Secretary
Risa Tabatznik (1947)
Anthony Selwyn Tabatznik (1947)
Clermont Corporate Service Limited
Dogwoof LTD
Paul Andrew Whittekar
Bertha UK Limited
Anna Oribe Godas
Richard Gaunt
Oliver James Hartbottle
Directors and secretaries
Paul Andrew Whittekar
Anna Oribe Godas
Anthony Selwyn Tabatznik
David Dehaney
We call on the judicial authorities of sovereign countries to open an investigation to ensure that the sale of the genomes data handled by Michael Baraitser complies with the rules of medical ethics and international law, that no children or human beings are subjected to medical experimentation, and that the funds allocated to the hospital are not channelled through other Baraitser companies.
It is noticeable to find the name Lady Diana, Diana Frances Spencer, aka Lady Diana, as the president of the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Childhood Diseases (also called Peter Pan hospital, and including Genetic Disease department), where Michael Baraitser worked for a long time.
Let us recall that the Crown of England, via the City of London, appears to be a player in the Assange Affair, implicated in the persecution, incommunicado detention and torture of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange.
In the light of this information, we ask the judicial authorities of sovereign countries to kindly reopen an investigation to ensure that there is no link between the death of Diana Frances Spencer, aka Lady Diana, and the discovery of illegal medical experiments on children in this hospital.
We recall that Diana Frances Spencer is the only one, together with Philip of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, whose identity and lineage is clearly established within the Windsor-Mountbatten family. Through her marriage and before her divorce to Charles, Prince of Wales, Diana Frances Spencer should be named Diana of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg as well as her two sons, Harry and William.
About Charles Spencer complaints,_Princess_of_Wales
About Mohamed Alfayed complaint
Paula Baraitser, Lisa's supposed sister, is a specialist in sexuality and contraception. She is a director and shareholder of SH24 C.I.C. company number 08737119 which sells tests to the NHS for sexually transmitted diseases.
Since 2017 she has also been Director of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare of the Royal College of Obstetrician and Gynecologists registred as company under the number 02804213.
Paula Baraitser is a contraceptive consultant for
Kings College Hospital with a focus on adolescent girls.
By her voice and appearance she looks like Lisa aka Vanessa Baraitser.
The third Baraitser sister would be
Alexandra Baraitser, artist.
She bears no physical resemblance to "Vanessa Baraitser". Apart from her South African origin there are not enough elements to link her to
Michael, Lisa and Paula Baraitser.
Marion Baraitser is supposed the mother of Lisa Baraitser. She is a specialist in South African literature and was a professor at Birkbeck College Univeristy of London.
In her book "Poetic of Exile", she quotes her daughter Lisa in her acknowledgements.
Simon Bayly and Lisa Baraitser are in contact with Saul and Joel Baraitser. It is possible that the real Judge Baraitser is a man and the woman appearing in the Westminster Court in the role of judge is an actress playing a role.
In this document Lisa Baraitser thanks the Baraitser family to which
Michael, Marion, Paula, Alexandra, Joel and Saul belong, but Vanessa does not exist.
We ask that an investigation be conducted to determine the role of these individuals in the captivity of Julian Assange. Is a member of the Baraitser family a magistrate and listed as a District Judge of the Westminster Court?
Which member of the Baraitser family plays the role of "Vanessa"? What is the role of the
Pur Theater, Springdale Company Limited,
London Medical Database Limited, the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare of the Royal College of Obstetrician and Gynecologists,
SH24 C.I.C in the captivity and mock trial play in which the victim is Julian Assange?
What is the role of
Simon Bayly and
Andrew Pulver, journalists at
The Guardian, both founders of Pure Theater, in the storytelling around Julian Assange? We call for an investigation to determine who among them is guilty of human rights violations, fraud and lies on a massive scale.
Yannis Varoufakis – see before
Gavin MacFadyen, aka Gavin Hall, aka Gavin Galter or perhaps aka Michael Geoffrey Hall.
Michael Geoffrey Hall : Specialty: whistleblowers
Gavin MacFadyen, aka Gavin Hall, aka Gavin Galter or perhaps aka Michael Geoffrey Hall is an actor by the name of Gavin MacFadyen.
He plays in
Michael Mann's film, The Solitaire. It is difficult to attribute other films to Gavin Mc Fadyen that the IMDB website credits with a 15-year career.
Gavin MacFadyen is supposed to have created the Investigative
Center for Journalism (CIJ), under whose direction we find
Andy Muller Maguhn
Joseph Farrell.
Nils Lagefoged worked for Gavin MacFadyen.
One of the other companies reporting MacFadyen's abuses is Georgina Halford Hall.
Could Gavin MacFadyen be Georgina Halford Hall's husband and Michael Geoffrey Hall's father, or is he just a concept, a front to cover up a financial scam?
If this is the case, then who is
Suzanne Benn
whom the Storytelling Assange presents as his wife, a devoted wife who would come once a week to the ICJ to manage the day-to-day business.
It is strange that Gavin MacFadyen, aka Gavin Hall, aka Gavin Galter or perhaps aka Michael Geoffrey Hall has not done much in the way of journalism. Nor did he shine through his work in film production.
Yet he sits, albeit dead, on the board of directors of the Icelandic Sunshine Press Production to which Wau Holland delegates some Wikileaks productions.
Sunshine Press Production cannot be a legal business.
Indeed, no one can appear on the board of directors of a company under a false name, which is nevertheless the case, since Julian Paul Assange is a pseudonym and Gavin Mac Fadyen too.
We can now say that there are at least two people who sit on the board of directors of the Sunshine Press under a false identity, which is totally illegal. The Sunshine Press Production is therefore an illegal company.
It is all the more illegal since Gavin Mac Fadyen is supposed to be dead and Julian Paul Assange is incarcerated and has no proven birth name.
A number of crucial questions will have to be answered by the judicial bodies of the offending countries and all sovereign countries :What exactly is the nature of this business? What exactly is its purpose?
Why and how the Icelandic administration was able to turn a blind eye to functional illegalities such as false identity and keeping a dead person on the board?
✶ Kristinn Hrafnsson, Ron Gonggrip, Ingi Ragnar Ignason, Gudmundur Ragnar Gudmundson, Nadia H, Karl Neptunus, Jenny Lee, P.L., Smari mac Carthy, Borgnyr Thoroddsen, Marie S, Daniel Schmitt, Gottfrid Svartholm, Jérémy Zimmerman who appear in the credits of Collateral murder or who works at Sunshine Press Production are they false identities?
✶ Who runs Sunshine Press Production?
✶ How can the shareholders be remunerated since Julian Paul Assange and Gavin MacFadyen are false name?
✶ Are the shareholder shares paid out? To whom are they paid?
✶ To whom are Gavin Mac Fadyen's shares paid since he is dead?
✶ What is Sunshine Press Production's money used for?
✶ Is Sunshine Press Production a front company for money laundering?
✶ How is capital handled between Sunshine Press Production and Wau Holland?
✶ Is Sunshine Press Production a subsidiary of Wau Holland?
In the light of all these facts, we ask the judicial institutions of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and the judicial institutions of all sovereign countries to open an investigation for fraud, identity theft and usurpation of functions.
On the other hand, we know that a certain
Gavin Mac Fadyen died, but as this name is a false name, who really died? Did someone really die? Neither the activist
Cyaron O Really, nor one of the journalists we met at the ICJ headquarters were able to tell us where Gavin Mac Fadyen was buried. So what was Gavin Mac Fadyen's birth identity?
We request the judicial bodies of the countries concerned and of all sovereign countries to open an investigation to determine this.
Our report about the Sunshine Press Production Company is in
Stella Morris, aka Stella or Sara Gonzalez Devant, aka Stella Smith Robertson
Stella Morris would have worked under the name of Sara Gonzales Devant for the Jeanne Sauvé Foundation. Her country of origin appears to be South Africa and her country of residence the United Kingdom. She would have worked there in the area of forced migration, which brings us back to the pact of safe, orderly and regular migration, human rights and international affairs.
Her mentor is Stephen Saideman who works for the Canada Research Chair in International Security and Ethnic Conflict.
The Jeanne Sauvé Foundation presents Sara Gonzales Devant as a lawyer specialising in democracy, diplomacy, empowerment, and freedom of expression.
"Sara is passionate about understanding the ways in which law and politics intersect and impact one another and how that interplay works both ways – how it may build more equitable, just and accountable social, economic and political relationships – or how it can undermine them."
Despite our research, we have not found Sara Gonzales before the English bar. She does not appear to be a lawyer.
What is she doing in the courtroom among the lawyers? Is there any usurpation of office? Is there identity theft?
Stephen Saideman
"Saideman received his BA in Government at Oberlin College. He then received his MA and PhD in Political Science from the University. California San Diego in the fall of 1993. He had a visiting position at the University of Vermont before moving to Texas Tech where he taught as an Assistant Professor of Political Science from 1995-2001. From 2001 to 2002, he held the Concil on Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellowship, which allowed him to work as a desk officer on the US Join
Staffs Directorate of Startégic Plans and Policy
(J5). Saideman then taught at McGill as a Canada Research Chair until the end of the spring semester of 2012 when he moved to teach at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs of Carleton University.
Saideman is also a Fellow at the Canadian Global affairs Institute.[2]"
Stephen or Steve Saideman
It is clear that in view of his functions within the CNDS RCD, Stephen Saideman works in agreement with the American armed forces. It is legitimate to think that Stella Morris, aka Stella or Sara Gonzalez Devant, aka Stella Smith Robertson, in view of her more than uncertain identity, has been in contact with the CIA or American security agencies. The multiplicity of identities is one of the characteristics of agents who have been in contact with the CIA or American security agencies.
With the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange subject to reprisals by the CIA, the Pentagon and the White House at the request of Barak Obama
Hilary Clinton, it seems unlikely that he would have placed his trust in such a troubled character as Stella Morris, aka Stella or Sara Gonzalez Devant, aka Stella Smith Robertson.
We recall that Stella Morris, aka Stella or Sara Gonzalez Devant, aka Stella Smith Robertson claims to be the mother of two children of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange. The latter has never publicly confirmed that he was the father of these children. As long as he has done nothing in this regard, in view of the uncertain identity of Stella Morris, aka Stella or Sara Gonzalez Devant, aka Stella Smith Robertson, these children cannot be considered as his own.
We therefore once again ask the judicial authorities of the sovereign countries to kindly open an investigation to determine the birth name of these two children, their place of birth and those of their two ascendants in direct line, father and mother.
Informations below about Stella Morris must be investigated as she does not attack the person who produces it on the Internet for defamation and that the person giving them has an address in the name of Julian Paul Hawkins.
Jeanne Sauvé Foundation
Diane Sauvé of Jeanne Sauvé foundation also works at Paraza Pharma, Inc.
The identity of Andy Müller Maguhn and Bernd Robert Fix
Bernd Robert Fix and Andy Müller Maguhn are the leaders of the Chaos Computer Club and de facto head of the Wau Holland Stiftung. They are old backpackers from the German "Hacker Szene". Both of them were friends and relatives of
Herwart Müller Moritz,
known as Wau Holland, the hacker who founded the Chaos Computer Club in 1981.
Bernd Fix is known as the creator of the first computer virus named after him and used by NATO in 1988 to attack the computer systems of the declining Soviet Union. Today Bernd Fix is still active in the Chaos Computer Club, he has also been a director since its inception of the Wau Holland Foundation and close to the CIJ community, the Center for Investigative Journalism and its sponsors such as the American David and Elaine Logan Foundation. Bernd Fix's videos show an analyst with a global vision and thinking on politics.
He will be present at the press conference on 24 November 2011 at the Frontline Club during the publication of the "Spy files" where the leaders of the 04 Wikileaks project will show themselves and their collaborator one and only time. In 2013, the Swiss women's magazine "Annabelle" presents him as a member of the board of directors of the Wau Holland Stiftung, the organisation that pays "Assange's salary"
Andy Müller-Maguhn is known to have been a "friend" of Julian Assange, a spokesman for the Chaos Computer Club and a historic leader of the hacker movement. He is a man of the media and a historic player in the creation of the Internet. His official biography says he was born in 1971, so he would be the same age as Julian Assange but we don't know his region or his background. His date of birth is just as questionable as that of Julian Assange : when certain sources mention him as the creator of the Chaos Computer Congress with his friend Herwart Holland Moritz in 1981, he would then be 10 years old. The relationship that an adult like Wau Holland would have with a 10-year-old child could easily be described as abusive. If his date of birth is 1981 and he joined the Chaos Computer Club in 1986 he would be 15 years old and as a minor it is surprising that the very conservative West German society has allowed an adult to embark a minor on the illegal adventure of computer intrusion. Hackers, middle-class youngsters from broken homes, enter hacking between the ages of 11 and 16. It is not surprising that the Bundesnachrichtendienst is interested in the presence of minors in these illegal activities: it would be interesting to check whether the Jugendamt, the youth welfare office, was also interested then and did its job.
Andy Müller Maguhn is therefore known for his activity as a hacker in the Chaos Computer Club since the 1980s without any particular intrusion being attributed to him. In 1995 he founded a computer security company, Data Reisen Bureau, which is still located at 11 Marienstrasse in Berlin next to the Chaos Computer Club offices. Although he does not appear to be a graduate of a German university, he was elected in 2000 at the age of 29 as a member of ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, a United States structure under the US Department of Commerce, which assigns domain names to websites worldwide.
In 2003 he was a member of the Board of European Digital Rights, a European network of NGOs lobbying for internet freedom with the EU authorities. In 2006, as spokesman for the Chaos Computer Club, he was co-opted to the board of the Wau Holland Stiftung and officially became its president in 2016. Today he is still the "second" president of the foundation while managing the Center for Investigative Journalism, the journalism training structure created by Gavin Mac Fadyen, Julian Assange's other mentor.
He is often questioned about the Chaos Computer Club scandals, and in particular the violent deaths of two young hacker members of the milieu who are suspected of being assassins : Karl Koch in 1989 and Boris Floricic in 1998. It is curious to learn that he took the German media to court in 2006, in particular the collaborative site Wikipedia, to ban them from publishing the full name of Boris Floricic on the pretext of safeguarding his memory. For an activist for transparency and internet freedom one would have expected a more tolerant attitude towards the freedom of journalists to investigate suspicious cases.
The Chaos Computer Club, a nebula of networks, clubs and private computer companies organising and promoting hacking, was created within German left-wing circles by Wau Holland in 1981, Bernd Fix and the then 15-year-old Müller Maguhn.
The participation of young isolated boys without visible parents in these political operations of computer intrusion and the laxity of the youth protection system in dealing with this phenomenon is one of the points that have always surprised me in this case. It is as if society and the Western states (West Germany, the United States, Great Britain) found it normal that children aged between 11 and 16 years old should be recruited into these operations of political-police manipulation and shamelessly used by adult men without society being able to oppose them. The book by Julian Assange and Suelette Dreyfus, published in 1997 and 2001, tells fragments of the stories of these boys in Europe, the United States and Australia in the early 1990s in a romanticized form ("Assange, Dreyfus" Tales of Hacking, Madness and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier, Reed Books Australia 1997 and William Heinemann 2001 ).
The Bundesnachrichtendienst, the West German secret service, has been interested in the middle of hacking from the start and is organising the
RAHAB project, which aims to use the skills of these disturbed youngsters to test the reliability of Western computer networks and also to attack enemy computer systems, those of the Soviet Union. Documents suggest that the members of the Chaos Computer Club have been of direct use to the West German secret service, which would not be surprising - the beginnings of computer science coincide with the new phase of the Cold War, which ended with the defeat and disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991. That the BND sought to exploit the skills present on German soil for the defence and expansion of Germany is fitting.
In 1985, the young hacker
Karl Koch and five of his colleagues from the Hannover group specialising in the
hacking of VAX/VMS servers were approached by the KGB and immediately returned by the BND. In the same year Bernd Fix
demonstrated his "Fix" virus at the University of Heidelberg, which was capable of attacking the IBM370 mainframe systems used by the majority of the world's computerised companies (banks, insurance companies, railways, airlines and healthcare systems). The Soviet Union acquired several IBM mainframe systems in 1987, allowing the BND and the NSA to directly penetrate its computer system via the Fix virus.
In 1987, several managers of Western military and IT companies were arrested in Germany and accused of handing over VAX and IBM mainframe secrets to the Soviet Union.
The young hackers of Hannover, all linked to the CCC, were arrested in 1987. Karl Koch is said to have accepted collaboration with the BND under pressure from agents at the beginning of 1989. The enlistment of this 23-year-old in the secret service war was fatal for him: his body was found burnt on 1 June 1989. Karl Koch is said to have tried to integrate into society by working as a driver for a CDU deputy who tried to protect him (or who used him). The loneliness of a young man in the face of the overwhelming political system and the lack of support from his home environment are blatant. The media also already exploited the hacker's fragility in order to better sell his image associated with sensationalist hacking "storytelling" : two journalists from Northern Deutscher Rundfunk offered Karl Koch a large sum of money in April 1989 in exchange for "a live hacking show". The ingredients are already in place in 1989 to sell a story similar to "Wikileaks" and allow the mainstream media to make money immediately, just as they will make a lot of money with Julian Assange's face and story for years and up to the present day.
Since then Karl Koch has become a kind of morbid legend of the Chaos Computer Club without ever getting justice. Several of his friends demanded an investigation into the reasons for his death (he was an orphan), but the Chaos Computer Club does not support this demand. No serious investigation was carried out and
Andy Müller-Maguhn,
who must have known him in this small milieu, states in several CCC videos that psychiatric problems would have overcome the 23-year-old. Just like today, psychiatric problems would have pushed Julian Assange to commit suicide. Of course, it is not Andy Müller Maguhn who is saying this, but Stella Moris who is declaring it as a fatality on all the media, instead of calling for the release of his alleged companion, Julian Assange, in the name of the 2016 UN Ruling demanding his release, compensation and safety in a country of his choice.
However, Stella Moris' identity, which is uncertain to say the least (she also goes by Sara Gonzalez Devant or Sara Smith Robertson), cruelly resonates with the repeated announcement of Julian Assange's suicide in prison with the suicide of Karl Koch and the statements on his alleged insanity made by Andy Müller Maguhn at the time of the events.
It is indeed Andy Müller Maguhn who is responsible for the criminal responsibility for the publications Project "04 Wikileaks"
as we will prove in this analysis. If Julian Assange is suicidal, why does he not do everything possible to prove the innocence of his employee Julian Assange by assuming his responsibilities as a boss in the face of justice?
Why doesn't Stella Morris urge him to do so? If she is Julian Assange's girlfriend, she must know that he is only project manager on Project 04 Wikileaks, "Creative director" on the editing of the film "Collateral murder" and that he therefore has no criminal responsibility. Decidedly, the story of the Chaos Computer Club looks like a bad thriller where crazy hackers, or driven to madness, always end up committing suicide. The Chaos Computer Club likes legends but not really transparency about the fate of its most politically exposed members.
Problem of identity and lineage within the Crown of England
Problems of lineage and therefore legitimacy on the throne seem to arise within the royal family of England.
The only one whose legitimacy on the throne seems to respect the rule of passing by blood and name is Philip of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksbourg, aka Philippe de Moutbatten, consort prince. Through his mother, Alice de Battenberg, he is also attached to the House of Von Hesse Darmstadt (Alexander Von Hesse Darmastadt). It is thought to be named after his father
André of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, King of Greece
A problem appears on the Windsor side where the lineage does not seem to have any legitimacy on the throne.
According to the storytelling, it would have been in 1917, during the First World War, in the face of increasingly anti-German public opinion, that King George V would have preferred to change the name of the Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha dynasty, pretender to the throne of England, to Windsor, after the castle of the same name. At the same time, the Battenbergs would have become Mountbatten.
Has there been an official administrative change of name? If not, the name of Saxony Coburg Gotha is the only name that the heirs to the crown are entitled to bear. It is the attachment to a clearly defined lineage that gives access to royalty. Battenberg is a title, not a surname. Windsor is the name of a castle, not an ancestral fiefdom.
When we trace the lineages back to Elizabeth II, a problem of identity arises. While it is possible to determine that of Prince Consort Philip of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg and that of
Lady Diana Spencer, daughter of Count Edward Spencer,
it is impossible to determine the names of the other members of the royal family. They are only known by their titles, which are not birth names.
The last member of a lineage to claim the throne seems to be
Prince Franz August Karl Albert Emanuel von Sachsen Coburg und Gotha, husband of
Queen Victoria. Victoria's father,
Edouard August of Great Britain,
does not belong to a line that could claim the throne, as he does not bear the name of the heir line of the House of Hanover, Braunschweig-Lüneburg. Great Britain is not a lineage name but a title.
The Kingdom of Hanover
The Kingdom of Hanover was an artificial creation of the Congress of Vienna, the European powers that defeated France in 1814.
Its basis is the Braunschweig Lüneburg Calenberg dynasty reigning in personal union in England and the Kurfustentum Braunschweig Lüneburg or Hanover. The Personal Union between the two countries ended in 1837 when Victoria von Sachsen Coburg Gotha, a member of the Braunschweig Lünburg Calenberg family, came to power in Great Britain. The Kingdom of Hannover is ruled by her uncle Ernst August Braunschweig Lüneburg and his son George V. In 1866 the kingdom is annexed by Prussia and ceases to exist. Legally, the liquidation of the Kingdom of Hanover and the theft of the assets of the Welf dynasty by Otto von Bismarck were illegal at that time, especially as the "Reptilienfonds" were used to fuel the corruption of aristocratic families and (already) the corruption of the press.
The Braunschweig Lüneburg family fought to recover their property and restore the autonomy of their territory, without success until the enormous destruction caused by the First World War, Nazism and the Second World War, from which Hanover suffered greatly.
What role did Queen Victoria von Sachsen Coburg Gotha play in the liquidation of the legal entity of this kingdom and the injustices that resulted from it? What was her own legitimacy to govern Great Britain and put an end to this Personal Union with Hanover? Why did Queen Victoria allow Prussia to take over the Duchy of Hanover/Braunschweig Lüneburg, which was her family's fiefdom, and to monopolise her family's property? Who received and what political compensation for this?
We kindly request the judicial authorities of the sovereign countries to open an investigation to determine who is the heir of the Kingdom of Hanover.
Kingdom of Hanover and personal union
Through her marriage to Prince Philip of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, Elizabeth II bears the same name as her husband. However, none of the royal children, Charles, Anne, Andrew, Edward, bear their father's name, even though they are of royal blood. They are referred to by common names : Charles of Wales,
Anne of the United Kingdom, Andrew of York,
Edward of Wessex. The same applies to all grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
We remind you that titles do not have the value of an official patronymic.
It is surprising, to say the least, that the heirs to the English crown bear operetta names, whereas by their father, Philip of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, is the descendant of two more than prestigious houses. Through his mother
Alice of Battenberg, he is also attached to the Alexander of Hesse-Darmstadt family, relative of the
Romanov (through Alix von Darmstdt Hesse, sister of Alice and wife of Nicolas II Romanov).
Alice of Battenberg was awarded the "Righteous Among the Righteous" prize for saving Jews during the 1939-1945 war. It is surprising that the Prince Consort himself only uses the common name Mountbatten.
As the trial of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is taking place in a private entity on private territory belonging to the Crown of England, we ask the judicial institutions of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and the judicial institutions of all sovereign countries to kindly open an enquiry to determine
whether any member of the Royal Family has exerted any influence related to the situation and prosecution of the citizen Julian Paul Assange, imprisoned incommunicado and tortured in UK.
We recall that justice is dispensed by sovereign states in public courts in accordance with international law and human rights law. The Crown of England, the City of London, the Old Bailey, and any private entity must respect the laws of the sovereign territory in which it is located. We remind you that all trials are public and must respect the rules of fair trial. No one is above the law, not even kings.
None of the members of the royal family known as the Windsor-Mountbatten family appears to have a family name that links them to a royal lineage heir to the throne.
We therefore kindly request the judicial institutions of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and the judicial institutions of all sovereign countries to open an enquiry to determine the names of births, entered in the English birth registers, of citizens belonging to the House of Windsor.
In addition, the royal family is facing numerous alleged accusations of paedocriminality, including Prince Andrew.
Prince Andrew
no official surname, nor any of the royal offspring descended from
Elizabeth II and Philip of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg,
we ask the sovereign judiciary of the United Kingdom and the legal bodies of all sovereign countries to please open an enquiry to determine the surnames of the royalty, to ensure their legitimacy on the throne of England and to make them public. Indeed, it is the family name that predestines and entitles one to the office of king. English citizens must be assured of the legitimacy of their sovereigns.
We call upon the judicial institutions of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and the judicial institutions of all sovereign countries to investigate whether the Windsor clan is not involved in human trafficking and child abuse or crimes of a paedocriminal nature.
We ask the judicial authorities of the United Kingdom and the judicial authorities of sovereign countries to open an investigation to determine whether the
Windsor family has participated in paedocriminal "shows" with notorious paedocriminals such as
Jimmy Saville,
Jeffrey Eipstein,
Gislaine Maxwell, Gore Vidal. Gore Vidal was royal family’s friend. He says it himself in his books.
We draw the attention of sovereign governments to the fact that the Great Reset of January 2021, announced by WEF founder Klaus Schwab but also Prince Charles, which looks like a collusion of private interests rather than public interest solution to crisis, could allow all obscure groups acting under false identities to erase official birth registers in many countries and by registers embezzlement authenticate their false identities or false functions.
We therefore call on the judicial bodies of the UK and all sovereign countries to launch investigations as soon as possible, upon receipt of this complaint, to determine which citizens at the head of official institutions and governments, at the head of the
central banks,
WTO, foundations, NGOs and multinationals might be acting under false identities.
Acting under a false identity is at the root of all scams. It is also the surest way to escape justice.
The Assange affair is in the middle of an international deception including the de facto sanitary dictatorship at world level, with a quasi-uniform SARS-COV-2 sanitary response, coordinated, from the financial side, by the
IMF and the
World Bank. While covid-19 sickness was still barely known, with contradictory alerts from China (apparent gravity disconnected from low number of death), with doctors just starting to establish efficient treatments (antiviral, antibiotics, reanimation improvement), with 32137 deaths world-wide,
the World Bank had already planned on 2d of April a “COVID-19 STRATEGIC PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE PROGRAM”, referring to 50 million deaths of “Spanish Influenza pandemic”
(why?), warning us that it “could lead to an intense resurgence or a new wave of infections in the autumn” (the first time it ever happened in coronavirus epidemics), and ready to spend 350 billion dollars up to June 2023, with “Expected Project Closing Date“ on march 2025. No doubt, the World Bank was well prepared, though rather pessimistic.
The IMF was equally generous, though rather strict. Thanks to president Loukashenko, we know the 900 millions dollars loan proposed to Belarus was conditioned to the harsh covid measures such as lock-down. Why would a financial institution impose health measures, regardless of the situation and health system of the country, with poor knowledge on a virus? Loukashenko refused, kept sanitary democracy, and reaches now one of the lowest covid death rate in Europe.
The huge social transformation and economic depression is now triggered, opening way to “Grand Reset“ or however we call it, which will for sure profit to some big industries and other unknown groups and individuals, including unavoidable mafia organisations.
In this context, the Assange affair takes all its relief : an illegal false justice that does not respect any text of international law or any bilateral treaty, rendered by fake judges in fake courts belonging to private entities, on private territories that are neither sovereign states nor subjects of international law, a fake procedure carried out against a citizen whose birth name has been replaced by a pseudonym and to whom fake documents have been illegally issued by states bodies (Swedish justice, English justice, Ecuadorian justice. ...), defended by lawyers who are not registered at the bar and are therefore not lawyers.
This global deception, involving pseudo-global elites whose diplomas risk proving to be as false as their identities, must be stopped as soon as possible. The security of all citizens, their property and their common heritage is in great danger
Prince Andrew, Prince Charles and Jimmy Saville
In view of the paedocriminal acts committed by Louis of Mountbatten, aka Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas von Battenberg, it is legitimate to wonder whether he did not abuse Prince Philip of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, husband of Queen Elizabeth II, who was entrusted to his care when his mother was sent to asylum. Louis of Mountboutten is said to be the brother of Alice of Battenberg, spouse Alice of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, daughter of Victoria of Hesse Darmstadt and Louis of Hesse Darmstadt, aka Prince of Battenberg, aka Milord of Haven. It is surprising that Louis of Hesse Darmstadt, aka Prince of Battenberg, aka Milord of Haven, father of Louis of Mountbatten, was named after the Battenberg title of his wife Julie Hawke.
We would like to remind you once again that titles do not have the value of a surname.
We kindly request the judicial authorities of the sovereign countries to open an investigation to determine the surname of Louis of Mountbatten and his father Louis of Hesse Darmstadt, aka Prince of Battenberg, aka Milord of Haven.
As Prince Philip of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, husband of Queen Elizabeth II, is still alive, he is in a position to testify.
We call upon the judicial authorities of the sovereign countries to investigate who ordered the placement of Alice Battenberg, wife Alice of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, in an asylum.
We kindly request the judicial authorities of the sovereign countries to investigate whether Prince Philip of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg was not robbed of his property after his placement with Philip of Mountbatten.
We ask the judicial authorities of all sovereign countries to kindly open an investigation to determine why Queen Elizabeth II decided to change the name of Prince Philip of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, the name of a prestigious lineage, to Mountboutten-Windsor and to ensure that Prince Philip of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg consented voluntarily and without pressure to this change of surname, if any.
We kindly request the judicial authorities of sovereign countries to open an investigation to determine whether the name Mountbatten-Windsor has been officially validated by the legal authorities of the sovereign English government, and therefore whether it has any legal and juridical value, in particular with regard to the signing of official and notarised papers.
In view of the Mountbatten-Windsor family's responsibilities in the business world and of Prince Charles at the summit of Davos and in the programming of the great Reset, the legality of this patronymic is of paramount importance.
Louis Moutbatten and paedocriminality
Prince Charles and Nathaniel, Charles, Jacob Rothchild,_4th_Baron_Rothschild
/London pedo ring protected by Police
Theresa May and Rupert Murdock
We would like to remind you that Rupert Murdoch, Jacob Rothchild, Robert James Woolsey and Dick Cheney are at the head of Genie Energie.
About The Great Withe Brotherhood and the sectarian aberrations encountered in the Assange case
"The Great White Brotherhood is composed of Initiates from all parts of the earth, and these form the invisible government of the earth. The Great White Lodge meets every seven years, and in it each of the schools of occult philosophy are represented. This group is a law-making body deciding with its clearer intelligence the needs of humanity, and seeking to meet these needs in the most efficient manner. During these meetings Beings superior to the Masters themselves are present. The power of the Adepts over the visible and invisible worlds enables them to invoke the forces of Nature to the attainment of any particular end. The Temple of the Great White Lodge, we are told, stands upon an island of Permanent Rock in the heart of the Gobi Desert of Mongolia or Mongolian Tibet” (Manly
P. Hall, Special Class in Secret Doctrine in Appreciation of H.P.B. (Madame Blavatsky), Manuscript Series No. 36)."
This invisible government of the earth is reminiscent of the motto of the Family Cult or Santiniketan Park Association: "Invisible, unknown, unheard".
Assange about the Family Cult secte
Movie of Mark Davis, « The Whilsteblower », part 1, 8 :12 until 8 : 30 minute
The Great White Brotherhood was created by a German, Karl Von Eckartshausen. He was a German philosopher and theosophy adept, born in 1752 in Heimhausen Castle in Bavaria and died in Munich in 1803. He profoundly influenced occultism and romanticism in Germany, as well as in England and France. In his 1795 book, The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary, he referred to Great White Brotherhood as the Council of Light. This immortal council of light is a tribute to the ancient Roman Empire, and is stationed in Greenland. Furthermore, Helena P. Blavatsky also referred to this Brotherhood as “Masters of the Hidden Brotherhood” or “Mahatmas” in her 1877 book Isis Unveiled.
Moreover, Arthur Edward Waite mentioned the existence of a Great White Lodge, similar to that of Freemasonry, in his 1898 work, Book of Black Magic and of Pacts.
The co-creator of the Family Cult, Santiniketan Park Association or Great White BrotherHood is the English writer Raynor Johnson, a member of the Society for Psychological Research.
Psychiatrists Eric Seal and Ronald Conway of the cult have faced charges of paedocriminality.
About Great White Brotherhood
There are tight sectarian links between Germany, the United Kingdom, Sweden and the United States.
In the sect, according to the investigation results of detective Lex De Man, children were starved, beaten, raped and subjected to interrogations under LSD in dark rooms. The medicins given to the children were: Anentasol, Diasepam, Haloperidol, Mogadon, Cerepax, Stelazine, Tegritol, Trofanil.
Paedocriminal circles in Australia
"The angel factory...
"Once, during an evening, someone used the term angels in disguise to designate the young boys who traded in their bodies. It was an expression from the Bible. Yes, but in what book?" Gore Vidal
Another link connects the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange to paedocriminality. It is that of Gore Vidal. Gore Vidal's half-brother, Jamie (first name of Julian Assange's alleged half-brother on his mother's side) has been convicted of paedocriminality. Gore Vidal has also been accused of paedocriminality.
"The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is pedophilia and pederasty advocacy organization in the United States. It works to Abolish age of consents laws criminalizing adult sexual involvement with minors[2][3] and campaigns for the release of men who have been jailed for sexual contacts with minors that did not involve what it considers coercion.[2][4]
The group no longer holds regular national meetings, and as of the late 1990s—to avoid local police infiltration—the organization discouraged the formation of local chapters.[4][5] Around 1995, an undercover detective discovered there were 1,100 people on the organization's rolls.[4] NAMBLA was the largest group in IPCE, an international pro-pedophile activist organization.[6] Since then, the organization has dwindled to only a handful of people, with many members joining online pedophile networks, according to Xavier Von Erck, director of operations at the anti-pedophile organization Perveted justice[7] As of 2005, a newspaper report stated that NAMBLA was based in New York and San Francisco.[4]"
Nambla and Gore Vidal
What is the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange asking the UK to resist, when he is forced out of the building at 3 Hans Crescent Street and forced to hold Gore Vidal's book? Police officers are unlikely to let a defendant keep and show such a book. The book is presented in such a way as to be filmed by the camera. Who told the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange where the camera would be?
The kidnapping inside 3 Hans Crescent Street appears to be staged. Who are the people surrounding the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange? The English Government Police? Actors?
In his writings, Gore Vidal admits that he is a propaganda agent for the CIA (Palimpsest) and that he wrote his novel The Boy by the River to promote the Kinsey Report.
Alfred Kinsey and paedocriminality
The Assange case is linked to many sects. Stanley Kubrick's daughter, Vivian Kubrick, involved in the defense of citizen known as Julian Paul Assange, notably in Unity 4J, is a member of the Church of Scientology. Like Cassandra Fairbanks, Vivian Kubrick supports Donald Trump's career.
Cassandra Fairbanks has worked for the Russian state-funded international news agency Sputnik. She took part in the hacktivist collective Anonymous and helped run a popular Anonymous Twitter account. By then living in Pittsburgh, she traveled to Ohio and helped organize the outcry over the Steubenville High School rape case In 2015, Fairbanks spent several months with Black Lives Matter in Ferguson Missouri.
Vivian Kubrick in Church of scientology
Cassandra Fairbanks
Industrialisation of human trafficking?
No matter how you look at it, the Assange case refers tirelessly to numerous cases dealing with paedocriminality around the world.
The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is a kind of visible interface between the victims of human traffickers and paedocriminals and the criminals who run this lucrative industry.
Indeed, it is more than likely that the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is one of the victims of these illegal businesses.
We talk about businesses because the term network refers to an organized gang of criminals.
Now, after a year of investigation, it seems more judicious for us to speak of a broadly organised human resources exploitation industry, in the manner of the Nazis during the 1939-1945 war.
"In the years before the Second World War, an "international" cartel was formed, with its headquarters in Germany, which controlled the chemical and pharmaceutical industry worldwide and in which 93 countries cooperated with each other. It was a powerful political and economic force in parts of the world. This cartel was called I.G. FARBEN.
The initials I.G.
(Interessengemeinshaft: interest grouping) simply mean that it was a cartel. (...) Until the outbreak of the Second World War, the I.G. Farben Group had become the most important industrial complex in Europe and the most important chemical company in the world. It was part of a cartel of gigantic power and size, unique in history.
In 1926, I.G. Farben had developed a method for obtaining gasoline from coal and in 1949 he concluded a licensing agreement with Standard Oil (Rockefeller). Standard Oil gave I.G. Farben 546,000 of their common shares worth over $30 million. Two years later, I.G. Farben signed the Alig contract with Alcoa-Aluminium.
I.G. Farben produced about half of Germany's gasoline and later built refineries right next to the concentration camps. Prisoners were forced to work there like convicts while the gas for the gas chambers was produced in the refineries.
The I.G. Farben group was one of the largest complex controlled by the Rothschilds and was selling huge amounts of money into the German economy, especially to the SS. The board of directors of I.G. Farben included Max and Paul Warburg (of the Federal Reserve) who owned major banks in Germany and the United States. Two other members of the Board of Directors were C. E. Mitchell a member of the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve and the National Oil Bank, and H. A. Metz of the Bank of Manhattan"."
Jan Van Helsing, Secret societies and their power in the 20th century
German sources mention the founders Carl Duisburg and Carl Bosch. The Jewish directors were Fritz Haber Arthur von Weinberg, Kurt Oppenheim, Max Warbrug, Alfred Merton, Otto von Mendelssohn Bartholdy and Ernst von Simson. The Nazis kept them as a guarantee for Hitler after 1933. In the Nuremberg trials only half of the Board of Directors was sentenced to light sentences of some months to 7 absences from prison. All the convicted women were released after 2 years for good conduct. The USA rebuilt the cartel with Konrad Adenauer after the war under the old names BASF, Bayer, Hoechst.
The abbreviation IG Farben refers to the German company founded on 1 January 1925 as IG-Farbenindustrie AG.
US woman claims Bayer helped carry out grotesque medical tests devised by Mengele
It is worth remembering that the firm IG Bayer Sandoz, in connection with the Nazis, was the one that provided free LSD that was given to children, to the sect Family Cult, Santiniketan Park or Great White Brotherhood. It was to this same company that the creator of Pirate Bay, himself suspected of neo-Nazi connections, sold the family firm. (
When studying the Assange dossier, writings, videos, photos, major contradictions appear between what the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is supposed to be and the image he himself gives us to see. According to the official storytelling, the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is a multi-award journalist, a prospective Nobel laureate, a courageous whistleblower who created a revolutionary media that revealed well-kept secrets to oppressed peoples.
After investigation, it turns out that this pretty fable doesn't hold up.
Wikileaks is a project of a German foundation, the Wau Holland Stiftung headed by Andy Müller Maguhn, Bernd Fix, Jens Ohlig, Hendrik Fulda and Klaus Schleisieck
who oversees Wikileaks publishing.
Collateral murder is a fiction documentary
which denounces a well-known “secret“, in which Julian Assange is credited as producer and creative director
in the credits
(See analysis below). He has a vague project manager contract with Wau Holland on the “04 Wikileaks project“. Julian Assange is supposed to be a prodigious journalist who hasn't written much, to say the least, and a political activist who threads political banality into every video in which he appears.
On the other hand, two elements contradict the official storytelling. Numerous photos depict the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange as a consumer product with a focus on his physical appearance. A political activist would never play the game. Neither would a political journalist. A whistleblower even less.
The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange under duress and under constant surveillance
Who forced the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange to lend himself to this kind of shooting that damages his image. One only has to listen to the lectures of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange to understand that these photos do not in any way correspond to his fight for freedom of expression. These photos discredit him.
We call on the justice system of sovereign countries to open an investigation to determine whether the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange was forced to pose for his photos and to determine who forced him to do so.
When the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is not staged as a product of appeal, he is placed under intense surveillance.
It would seem that the relationship of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange with the outside world leaves nothing to chance and hardly the slightest chance of coming into contact with him. None of our calls for witnesses were acted upon. To date, we have not received any testimonies from lambda citizens who have met or been in contact with the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange, nor have we received any testimonies from friends, former companions or colleagues.
Neither Mr. John Shipton nor Ms. Christine Ann Hawkins, despite repeated requests, responded to our calls for testimony. Neither did the Wikileaks teams or the Ecuador Embassy staff. This is unheard of. When a man is in danger as is the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange, family, friends and colleagues gather around the Human Rights associations that have taken charge of the case.
Since the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is deprived of all contact with citizens who have no personal interest in this case, he is at the mercy of everything, including a murder disguised as suicide.
We therefore ask the judiciary of the sovereign English government and the judiciary of all sovereign governments to kindly open an enquiry and have an autopsy carried out if, by misfortune, the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange would die, regardless of the place of his death and the official reasons for it.
We therefore ask the judiciary of the sovereign English government and the judiciary of all sovereign governments to allow neutral observers to intervene in this procedure in order to guarantee its objectivity. In the course of our investigation, we uncovered an incredible number of collusions between various sectors of activity, both private and institutional. Only independent citizens can today guarantee the rights and security of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange.
From a number of photos, it can be seen that the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is under close surveillance and often shows disapproval or hostage attitudes. Who are these guards who seem to give him no freedom of movement?
Who are the guards guarding the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange? Who pays them? Informants told us that they are the Queen's bodyguards.
The Queen's bodyguards are involved in rape cases.
Rape queen’s guards
We ask the judicial bodies of the sovereign English government and the judicial bodies of sovereign countries to kindly open an investigation to determine who these men are and to ensure that the citizen Julian Paul Assange is not their prisoner.
In addition, we ask the judicial bodies of the sovereign government of England and the judicial bodies of sovereign countries to investigate whether rape has taken place within the bodyguards of the Queen of England.
A Journalist, a man, an hostage, a war prisoner, under close surveillance
The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange also sometimes shows on photos signs of being subject to psychotropic drugs, just like during many hearings.
On some videos, the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange appears discreetly, looking like nothing, doing everything possible to blur the message it is supposed to spread.
The Brexit video below is supposed to launch Yannis Varoufakis' DIEM 25 movement. It is therefore a politically important broadcasted debate. In general, attention is paid to details and make sure that we are credible in our arguments. But Assange does everything he can to make a fool of himself. He wears a T-shirt, Skippy the Kangaroo and has placed in front of him a small pink computer, the kind you buy for children. It is on this kind of pink computers that the young girls in the courtroom of the Woolwich Court next to Jennifer Robinson or Gareth Peirce used to play on.
It should be remembered that these young girls had no business being in that courtroom, which looked more like an Actor Studio master class than the historic extradition trial of a journalist who was being considered for a Nobel Prize. The shooting location is unusual and unsuitable for a talk show. The set is ugly. This filming is similar to a filming made by Nickel-plated feet of the technique. In terms of content, it is not much better. Assange is not concentrated. He makes moral statements about the USA, which are commonplace and hardly credible with regard to a "Wikileaks Organisation" that would be an Australian media.
We have checked. There is no trace of Wikileaks or even Sunshine Press or Sunshine Edition in the Australian business register, which is very accessible, nor in the register of associations. The existing Sunshine companies are importers of Malaysian fruit and vegetables into Australia. At the 10 minutes mark, Assange pays tribute to the BundesNachrichtenDienst, the German services because it has the word "nachricht" - information in it. Why this ... positive nod to the Germans? The BND is a quite special intelligence agency...
Its creation was, to say the least, supervised by the Americans in 1949, who let former Nazi secret agents join the BND. Thanks to BND, USA kept control of what happens in Europe, until today, apparently. Bernd Fix, creator of Wikileaks Project within the Wau Holland Foundation, is suspected for working for the BND
Bernd Fix and BND
Reinhard Gehlen, aka The grey general aka…
Founding president of the Federal Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst, BND) of West Germany (1956–68) during the Cold War.
"Reinhard Gehlen (3 April 1902 – 8 June 1979) was a German lieutenant-generaland intelligence officer. He was chief of the Wehrmacht Foreign Armies Eastmilitary intelligence service on the eastern front during World War II. During the early Cold War, Gehlen sided with the Western Allies as the spymaster of the CIA-funded anti-Soviet Gehlen Organisation (1946–56) and the founding president of the Federal Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst, BND) of West Germany (1956–68).",front%20during%20World%20War%20II.
The most interesting element during the Brexit debate, is the "Free Anakata" inscription visible in a corner of the screen, as Anakata is a hacker founder of Pirate party arrested in Thaïland.
Apart from this, Julian Assange efficiency to support DIEM25 was equivalent to actual efficiency of DIEM25 to defend him from extradition quite low.
Julian Paul Assange has no equal for not doing what he is asked to do. This was the case during the hearing at the Woolwich Court where he refused to have headphones connected to an antediluvian box placed on his head while on Judge Baraitser's desk were several boxes containing HF microphones.
Julian Paul Assange makes sure, as soon as he can, to make it clear that a scene is absurd.
It is a specific behaviour found in people held hostage who do their utmost to attract the attention of hypothetical witnesses likely to rescue them.
Video Brexit. Scandinvia Anonymous
We will not elaborate further on the analysis of the video and audio material in this complaint. We just wanted to draw the attention on their importance.
Our association has collected a considerable amount of documents, in all media, concerning the Assange affair. We are still in the process of stripping and filing them.
As soon as this is done, our technicians will start analysing them accurately. All these analyses will be in open source and can be handed over to the courts if they so wish.
Paedocriminality and human trafficking at the centre of the Assange case
The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange seems to have circulated emails that were not supposed to be broadcast. These mails seem to concern only paedocriminality cases :
the Eipstein (Pizzagate) case, involving Hilary Clinton and the Podesta brothers, the Dutroux case, the Outreau case.
As the trial to which the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is subject is taking place in a court belonging to a private entity not subject to international law and unable to rule on extradition, it would appear that he is facing a feudal trial and punishment for revealing secrets in violation of the rules of a clan. As we have shown, there are serious doubts about the identity of Judge (Vanessa) Baraitser and her true profession.
It has now been established that the trial of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is a mock trial.
The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is, in light of all these elements, a prosecution witness in cases involving the treatment of human beings and paedocriminality that private entities are trying to silence. Are these private entities the ones who engage in this trafficking in human beings? What role does Judge Emma Arbuthnot play in this legal charade? Why does the sovereign English government allow such a violation of international law? Is it an accomplice?
We call on the judiciary of sovereign countries to investigate how and by whom international law and fundamental human rights may have been violated in all the countries involved in the Assange affair.
If the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is in the hands of his torturers, it is urgent that he be released as his life is in danger. All the judicial authorities of sovereign countries must mobilise. Beyond the life of Julian Assange, the lives of many human beings are at stake. The testimony of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange could help save them.
Some of the lawyers for the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange defended paedocriminals. Alan Dershowitz defended Eipstein. Fitzgerald defended several child killers. Maître Dupont Moretti was the subject of much criticism in the Outreau case.
About Alan Dershowitz
Ken Starr and Alan Dershowitz
Ken Starr and Jeffrey Epstein
About Edward Hamilton Fitzgerald
About Eric Dupont Morretti
Outreau l'autre vérité :
Countries involved in human trafficking and paedocriminality
In the United Kingdom, Sweden, Holland, Australia, Belgium, Switzerland, the United States and France, paedocriminality is reported to be at massive scale. There is an urgent need for action to save children. Many of the countries involved in the Assange Affair.
Satanic Syndicate in Westminster is a digital book by Chris Everard which presents highly accurate and astounding information about a
pedo-sex syndicate which has been operating for decades.
David Cameron calls this a ‘Conspiracy Theory’ – but in fact there are mountains of evidence connecting
Patrick Rock,
David Cameron,
Westminster, Eton and Oxford University
to a long-term pedo syndicate which has seeded many ‘groomed boys’ into jobs at the
BBC, newspapers and in political positions of power."
In 1947, the United Kingdom emptied its orphanages and sent the children to its territorial possessions. Some 10,000 British children were sent to Australia between 1947 to 1967.
Children are sent to Canada, Rhodesia, New Zealand and Australia.
The children were a cheap source of labour. Above all, they were white. The Archbishop of Perth declared in 1938, at a time when Australia was desperately trying to increase its population: "If we do not supply ourselves from our own stock, we expose ourselves all the more to the threat of the millions of Asian races that are swarming among our neighbours."
The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is said to have been born in Australia and raised in a sect where children were tortured and raped. He would have been placed in a sadomasochistic club.
Children were mistreated, starved and sexually abused. Citizen Julian Paul Assange is incarcerated incommunicado and tortured in the United Kingdom. By whom?
It is not for us to determine whether The Satanic Syndicate is a conspiracy theory or a well-known Mafia organisation in the UK. It seems to us just important to question the justice on the relations of Mr and Mrs Emma Aburthnot with Mr David Cameron whose advisor, also in post under Margareth Tatcher and John Major, has been convicted of paedocriminality. Moreover, whether the story has been disproved or not, Mr David Cameron was involved in the history of the Piggate.
The Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) estimated that 7.5% of adults aged 18 to 74 years experienced sexual abuse before the age of 16 years (3.1 million people). The abuse was most likely to have been perpetrated by a friend or acquaintance (37%); around a third (30%) were sexually abused by a stranger. At 31 March 2019, 2,230 children in England were the subject of a child protection plan (CPP) and 120 children in Wales were on the child protection register (CPR) for experience or risk of sexual abuse. (
Margaret Thatcher 'personally covered up' child sex abuse allegations against senior government ministers.₁
The Dolphin Square scandal
The Dolphin Square scandal incriminates many political figures including David Cameron and Westminster. Both the Old Bailey and the Imperial College (headquarters in Jersey since April 2020) are institutions belonging to the English crown.
We pray the justice of the government of the United Kingdom to kindly open an enquiry to determine the links between implications of the Crown of England, Old Bailey, Westminster and Imperial College with children trafficking and the WikiLeaks/ citizen known as Julian Paul Assange case and persecution.
What links Dolphin Square, Ben Fellows, Stringfellows, David Cameron, Max Clifford, Stephen Less and paedophiles
Members of MI5 and MI6 are also believed to be involved in the Dolphin Square paedophile scandal.
More than 130,000 children were sent to a “better life” in former colonies, mainly Australia and Canada, from the 1920s to 1970s under the child migrant programme. The children, aged between three and 14, were almost invariably from deprived backgrounds and already in some form of social or charitable care. It was believed, they would lead happier lives. In 2010, the then prime minister, Gordon Brown, issued an official apology, expressing regret for the “misguided” programme, and telling the Commons: “To all those former child migrants and their families … we are truly sorry. They were let down." They are called lost children.
The child abuse scandal of the British children sent abroad
"The children were recruited by religious institutions from both the Anglican and Catholic churches, or well-meaning charities including Barnardo's and the Fairbridge Society. Their motivation was to give "lost" children a new life, and it would be wrong to say that every one of Britain's exported children suffered.
Hundreds of migrant children have given accounts of poor education, hard labour, physical beatings and sexual abuse."
Report - Child Migration
These documents demonstrate this. There is a tangible link between the UK, Canada and Australia with regard to the exploitation of children, particularly for paedocriminal purposes.
Westminster paedophile ring
Colin Gregg, former boss of one britain’s biggest Royal Children charities convicted of molesting boys. The psychiatrist Dr Kenneth Milner was searching for “disturbed” children he could use for his research at the notorious Aston Hall mental hospital, near Birmingham. An independent report published in 2018 found that at least 65 children were drugged, stripped and abused at Aston Hall while Milner ran it from 1947 to the 1970s. The paedocriminal Jimmy Saville frequented this hospital. These methods are reminiscent of those of psychiatrist William Sargant of the Saint Thomas Hospital in London, initiator of the Mkultra with sexologist Even Cameron and American chemist Sydney Gottlieb. There are similarities with the methods used by the guru of the Family Cult, Santiniketan Park or Great White brotherhood with the children she had kidnapped.
Colin Gregg
Dr Kenneth Milner Independant Inquiry of chid abus
The Rainbow Cultural Garden
These are the Rainbow Cultural Garden developed by the guru of the VXIVM sect, Keith Raniere.
The children are isolated from their parents as much as possible and change nannies every day. Each day of the week they speak to them in a different language.
Hillary Clinton was involved in the Rainbow Cultural Garden in Miami.
Clare Bronfman, heiress of the
Seagram company was one of the leaders of the cult.
Clara Bronfman's cousin Stephen Bronfman is close to Justin Trudeau.
According to the Linkedin file of the Rainbow Cultural Garden in the UK, it is linked to the Alliance group in Moscow.
Margareth Tatcher
Margareth Tatcher, the English government covered up many child abuse cases (See docs). It is therefore not unlikely that the guru of the Family Cult was able to re-form an MKultra-type cult on English soil since it had properties there.
Margareth Tatcher and Child abuse
It is important to point out that Anna Ardin, aka Anna Bernadin, spent time in the Palestinian Territories occupied by Israel in the West Bank, as part of a group of Christian Outreach which aims to bring reconciliation between Palestinians and Israelis. In Palestine many children are kidnapped and disappear.
"Christian Outreach Center was founded by a handful of dedicated believers in November 2001. The ministry is run by a board of directors representing different churches and denominations. Christian Outreach Center Inc. is a non-profit organization registered 501 (C) (3) Corporation in the State of Florida. We give God all the glory for organizing this bus ministry and building a beautiful ministry for children in the "Children's Church". We are thankful for the opportunities the Lord gives us to meet the physical and spiritual needs of these children. Over the years we have seen thousands of children (and their families) develop a relationship with God and ask Jesus to enter into their lives. We are grateful for all those who have been involved in this blessed enterprise. We are supported by public contributions and we thank you for your generous donation. May God bless you."
Who we are in Christian Outreach Center/ A ministry for children and youth)
Anna Ardin therefore also looks after children in a religious brotherhood. Several sources attest that Anna Ardin is a spy working for the CIA. If Anna Ardin is really working for the CIA, it is legitimate to ask why she is taking care of children, especially in Palestine where many children go missing.
In this complaint, we brought numerous facts to the attention of the judiciary implicating English personalities and institutions in paedocriminality. In all the countries actively involved in the Assange Case, the paedocriminality is very active.
We therefore ask the justice of the sovereign English government to kindly investigate the activities of Mrs. Anna Ardin, aka Anna Bernadin especially those involving children. As Anna Ardin, aka Anna Bernardin's identity is no more reliable than that of Stella Morris, aka Gonzalez Devant, Stella Smith Robertson, we beg the justice of the sovereign government of the UK, to kindly open an investigation to determine the identity of this child and to ensure that he is not in the hands of a sect.
A convicted paedophile has been given permission to adopt a child in Sweden despite sexually abusing a five-year-old girl.
Swedish authorities say the man, aged in his sixties, is now not in danger of reoffending.
The man, from the town of Helsingborg, has committed more than 90 crimes (mostly fraud-related charges) including molesting a young girl from his neighbourhood in 2004 according to The Local.
He was also suspected of raping a young teenage girl.
Sweden Paédocriminality
Anna Ardin
In his first Swedish deposition, the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange shows all the signs of a person who has been drugged and raped. He doesn't remember anything. As far as sexual intercourse is concerned, he is at Anna Ardin's orders, and to the question, if Anna Ardin did not tell you to come to his bed, "where you would have slept, he answers ?", "on the floor, after all it is her flat." It is not the attitude of a man who is free of his movements but that of a submissive man who carries out orders. We find this submission in the leaked videos of the building at 3 Hans Crescent street, where he is complacently exposed to the camera lens. No doctor would have examined his patient in the same way as the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is examined, knowing that there is a camera, at least one of them, that films while diving. The citizen known as Julian Assange, moreover, undresses with ill grace and turns towards the camera uncomfortably. The body language of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange clearly expresses his resignation, submission and disagreement.
In the video published first time in the Herald Sun the 19 of December 2019 where he is seen with Pamela Anderson,
he expresses his desire to flee and escape his advances, advances of a sexual nature. The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange was seemingly harassed by Pamela Anderson.
We call upon the justice of the sovereign government of the UK to investigate whether the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange was raped by Pamela Anderson or anyone else who had contact with him in the building at 3 Hans Crescent Street.
We call upon the judiciary of the sovereign government of the UK to investigate whether children other than the alleged child of Mrs. Stella Morris were "delivered", stayed or filmed in the building at 3 Hans Crescent Street.
We call on the justice of the sovereign government of the UK to open an investigation to determine what was filmed by the cameras of the surveillance company UC Global.
Our informants told us that there were cameras in every room and that the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange knew this.
Two informants, not knowing each other, living far away from each other, gave us two worrying pieces of information about the building at 3 Hans Crescent Street
The first one told us that this building was a brothel and the whole neighbourhood is a prostitution district as this around of Westminster court. Witnesses, questioned on the spot, told us that he had rarely seen Ecuadorians in the neighbourhood.
We recall that a baby was delivered there by a comedian.
The Australian show 60mn attests it. We have no assurance concerning the identity of the citizen Stella Morris aka Stella or
Sara Gonzalez Devant aka
Stella Smith Robertson
presented as her children. We have no certainty about the identity of the citizen Julian Paul Assange. It is therefore reasonable to be concerned about the identity of these children and the identity of their legal guardian.
Indeed, if our informant is telling the truth. If 3 Hans Crescent Street was indeed a brothel and the citizen Julian Paul Assange was confined in a brothel then the children that Madame Stella Morris aka Stella or Sara Gonzales Devant aka Stella Smith Robertson was conceived in a brothel. They were delivered by an actor in a brothel. What were children that age doing in a brothel?
The second informant told us exactly this: "Why do you care about Julian Assange, he's just a whore." If the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is only a whore and is sequestered in a brothel, it is because he is a sex slave sequestered by pimps.
It is imperative that these claims be confirmed or disproved by a judicial enquiry as many celebrities have passed through or stayed. At 3 Hans Crescent Street:
Vivienne Westwood, Andy Müller Maghun, Balthazar Garzon
(he can be seen dancing on one of the videos recorded by UC Global),
Eva Joly, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Oliver Stone, Pamela Anderson, Eric Cantona, Antoine de Caunes, Yannis Varoufakis, Danae Stratou, Srecko Horvat, etc.
If 3 Hans Crescent Street is a brothel and the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is a whore trapped in a pimping ring, it is legitimate to wonder what the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange had to do for them.
Harrison au Parlement Européen avec Eva Joly le 4 juillet 2015
Antoine de Caunes. Le grand Journal
Numerous exhibits were removed from the building. We do not know who retrieved the belongings of citizen Julian Paul Assange. There is no proof that it was the CIA. Too many lies have been told in this case. A scaffolding was erected in November 2018 but the façade has not been redone. What was the purpose of this scaffolding? All information must be verified.
In view of the crimes recorded and the involvement in these crimes, videos recorded by UC Global at 3 Hans Crescent Street must be made public. The states, institutions, including judicial institutions, involved in this case have systematically lied and covered up too many illegal practices for these videos to remain in their possession. They must be entrusted to the citizens. They must be handed over to citizens in the framework of structured citizens' committees in different countries to bring this case to a conclusion.
We ask the justice of the sovereign government of the UK and the judiciary of all sovereign states to bring the content of these videos and all elements of investigations to the attention of the people. Only citizens, in their individuality, can allow legitimate states to act as sovereign states in this matter. All documents must be open source
Parents can find their children there, witnesses can declare themselves, and complaints concerning the same facts can be found and grouped together.
Our investigation revealed too much corruption at all levels of institutions in many states. In such situation, only the people can guarantee a fair and legal trial to the citizen Julian Paul Assange allowing the judiciary to act freely and lawfully. In the Assange case, citizens must become the guarantors and protectors of international law and the laws of the city
The reality of the place at 3 Hans Crescent Street
According to the land register, the building at 3 Hans Crescent Street is owned in absolute ownership (Freehold) by the Hans Crescent Freehold limited company (Document LN62660), located in a tax haven and owned by Mohammed bin Khalifa Al Nahyan, son of the President of the United Arab Emirates. Ecuador, for its part, has had a "Leasehold" (a kind of very long-term lease) for Apartment 3B on the ground floor since 25 December 1976, with a storage room in the basement (Document NGL333924).
This apartment is located on the left corner of the building when you stand in front of the entrance to number 3. One notices that only 3 windows (including the famous balcony where Julian Assange sometimes appeared and was filmed by the media and activists) look out onto Hans Crescent Street. The rest of the apartment, 5 windows, overlooks a small street, Landon Square. The Ecuador apartment has a large emergency exit immediately overlooking the dead end, perhaps a second one from the storage room, since there are two doors under the apartment at the end of the Landon Square dead end that allow you to go out of the "basement" (rather a "basement" - a room at ground level) of the building and go to the street or into the Harrods parking lot across the street.
Right in front of the apartment, integrated in the same building complex, is the imposing entrance to the parking lot and the Harrods delivery tunnel.
This entrance located at 1 Hans Crescent Street connects this car park and the delivery tunnel through the basement of the building to the Harrods store located to the right of the building complex at 3 Hans Crescent Street, on the Basil Street side.
The Harrods car park therefore extends underneath the 3 Hans Crescent Street building complex and it is possible to exit through a second entrance on the other side of the building, next to the luxury pizzeria facing the Harrods, the only restaurant in the area.
These entrances and tunnels under the building at 3 Hans Crescent Street are mentioned in the land register.
No wonder. Anyone who knows London knows that the area is full of World War II-era underground tunnels. The underground car parks were, as early as the 1930s, the first part of the underground shelters for civilians during the Nazi bombings of London. A short distance from Hans Crescent Street is even the famous "206 Brompton Road", the former underground station under which, during the war, the headquarters of London's anti-aircraft defence was located! Property of the British Ministry of Defence, which kept the underground bunker as it was, the place was sold to the Ukrainian oligarch Dimitri Fyrtach at the height of the Ukrainian war against the Donbass in 2014. As one of the richest and most powerful oligarchs in the country, and the sole owner of the Russian gas supply systems to the Ukraine, chemical plants and titanium import companies, Fyrtach is also closely linked to the British and American elites. During the war in Ukraine he was accused of having been too close to President Yanukovitsch, whom the Western powers initially pushed with the putsch of 21 February 2014.
Since then, Fyrtach has been prosecuted for corruption but he remains the owner of the walls of the historic building while the British Minister of Defence retains ownership and control of the vast underground passages.
When the old bunker was put up for sale, history buffs were able to film what is the point of entry of a tangle of underground passages in this district steeped in a hard and heroic history. These details are given to demonstrate that it is possible to enter the buildings of this historic district, go down into the basement inside and exit the building through another entrance, sometimes located in another building.
The Wau Holland Foundation is penally responsible for the 04 Wikileaks Project and the Courage Foundation.
The only legal structure that the American state could pursue is the Wau Holland Foundation, which created Wikileaks and is solely responsible for it.
The people responsible for this project are Andy Müller Maguhn, Bernd Fix, Klaus Schleisieck, Jens Ohlig, Hendrik Fulda and Winfried Motzkus. They are the only ones, along with Mr. John Shipton, if it is his identity, that are legally responsible for Wikileaks publications.
We call on the sovereign state of the United Kingdom to open an investigation to determine why Andy Müller Maguhn, Bernd Fix, Klaus Schleisieck, Jens Ohlig, Hendrik Fulda and Winfried Motzkus have endangered their employee, Mr Julian Assange, by making it appear that he is the founder of the unknown entity Wikileaks and the person responsible for publications. We remind you that Mr. Julian Assange is the project director of the unknown entity Wikileaks. The activity report of the Wau Holland Foundation confirms that he has no decision-making power in the Wikileaks entity, nor in Wau Holland foundation.
Andy Müller Maguhn, Bernd Fix and Klaus Schleisieck visited England several times to supervise the publications of the 04 Wikileaks Project. We therefore ask the judiciary of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom to open an investigation to determine how many times the meetings between Wau Holland officials and Mr Julian Assange took place and where. Were these meetings filmed by UC Global?
Andy Müller Maguhn, Bernd Fix, Klaus Schleisieck, Jens Ohlig and Hendrik Fulda, Winfried Motzkus warned Mr Julian Assange about the risks he was taking by endorsing Wikileaks publications in their place.
Why did Andy Müller Maguhn, Bernd Fix, Klaus Schleisieck, Jens Ohlig and Hendrik Fulda make the media and the judiciary believe that Mr Julian Assange is responsible for the publications of the unknown entity Wikileaks when they hierarchically bear the first order responsibilities? Did they voluntarily expose Mr. Julian Assange to abusive incommunicado detention, social isolation, torture and eventually leading to death ?
Andy Müller Maguhn traveled to England several times to give orders to Julian Assange and supervise WikiLeaks publications. He's seen in the stolen images of 3 Hans Crescent street with, among others, former judge Balthazar Garzon. Surveillance firm UC Global, connected to Sheldon Adelson, probably has more footage of Andy Müller Maguhn. Sheldon Adelson funded Donald Trump's campaign.
We call the judiciary of sovereign government of United Kingdom and the judiciary of all sovereign states United Kingdom and the judiciary of all sovereign states to open an investigation to find out whether there was collusion between part or all of the following protagonists, in order to harm Mr Julian Assange : Mr Andy Müller Maguhn, Mr Bernd Fix, Mr Klaus Schleisieck, Mr Jens Ohlig, Mr Winfried Motzkus and Mr Hendrik Fulda, Mrs Hilary Clinton, Mr Barak Obama, Mr Sheldon Adelson, Mr Raphael Correa, Mr Lenin Moreno, Mr Ricardo Patino, Mr Guillaume Long, Mrs Marianne Ny, Mrs Aburthnot, Mrs (Vanessa) Baraitser, and/or Mrs Anna Ardin aka Anna Bernardin?
We are asking the judiciary of sovereign government United Kingdom and the judiciary of all sovereign states to open an investigation to determine whether there was collusion between British, Swedish, American, Ecuadorian and/or German entities or individuals to harm Mr Julian Assange?
Connexions and collusions
LSD was graciously provided to the Family cult, Santiniketan Park, Great White Brotherhood by the laboratory Sandoz Ice Farben.
Carl Lundstrum, one of the creators of the Pirate Bay website that hosts Wikileaks servers, has sold the family business Wasabröd to Sandoz.
"The web-hosting company, PRQ, that’s also owned by the Pirate Bay owners is hosting the Wikileaks site. It is not clear if this means that PRQ is also going to be routing all the leaked documents that people anonymously send to Wikileaks, but that certainly sounds possible. And if that’s the case, then a neo-Nazi’s company is able to read all the anonymous submissions of classified documents sent by people around the world."
There are four partners in Pirate Bay : Fredrik Neij, Gottfrid Swartholm, Carl Lundstrom and Peter Sunde. From Pirate Bay there seems to be the Swedish organisation Piratbyran. The latter seems to be closing following the death of one of its founders, Ibrahim "Kopini" Botani, in 2010. The founder of the Piratbyran is Ramus Fleischer ( It is in Uppsala that Piratbyran seems to have been created. Anna Ardin also studied in Uppsala.
We ask the justice of the sovereign UK government and all judiaciry of sovereign countries to kindly open an investigation to determine the identity of Ibrahim Botani and the role he played within Piratbyran. Botani would have been of Kurdish origin? Why did the Piratbyran organization go dormant when it seemed to be solid? Why is the name Piratbyran still linked to the name of the Pirate Bay when it allegedly disassociated itself from them during the trial of the Swedish government for piracy.
Anna Ardin, a masterpiece of Assange storytelling
Anna Ardin was Head of Gender Equality at Uppsala University. Ardin worked at the University as a research assistant.
Ardin was also a strong fighter against masculine domination, specialising in sexual harassment.
Anna Ardin or
Anna Bernardin
is close to the general secretary of the
Christian Democratic Youth of Sweden :
Jens Aron Modig.
Spokesman of Fraternity, the Christian faction of the Swedish Social Democratic Party. Anna Ardin was at the time political secretary of the same Social Democratic Party group in which Thomas Bodström was a high-ranking politician. The religious-political group was publicly known as "The Brotherhood". Between 2002 or 2003 and 2006: Anna Ardin visited Cuba 4 times. She comes there officially to do research for her master's thesis entitled "The Cuban Multi-Party System".
In Cuba, she is in contact with
Miriam Leiva, a prominent member of Las Damas de Blanco
and wife of
Oscar Espinosa Chepe who writes for Cubanet and
Cuba Encuentro funded by the National Endwoment for Democracy (NED). The leader of the association Las Damas de Blanco is named Carlos Alberto Montaner (CIA. Considered a terrorist in Cuba). Carlos Alberto Montaner and Lucio Gutierrez took part, on US territory, in the conspiracy that led to the 30 September coup attempt in Ecuador, during the mutiny of the main police regiment of Quito against President
Rafael Correa.
In 2007, she founded the "gay" Queer-klubb Feber de Gotland, a Swedish island 60 kilometres from the coast.
Anna Ardin is expelled from Cuba. She goes to Miami. In Miami, Ardin interviews CIA-affiliated counter-revolutionary activist Lino Fernández, alias Ojeda (Bay of Pigs). Then she interviews
Manuel Cuesta Morúa, a leader of
Arco Progresista.
In 2006, following Cuban justice decision, Anna Ardin was expelled from Cuba for acting on behalf of the CIA.
Anna Ardin and the CIA
Ardin works for reputable websites funded by the CIA.
Developpement International (USAID) and Miscelaneas de Cuba owned by Alexis Gainza Solenzal. Gainza is also linked to the
German "International Society for Human Rights", better known by its German acronym
Internationale Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte. With well-known links to German and American intelligence, the IGFM kept former Nazis in its ranks, jurists such as Ludwig Martin or former military officers such as Dieter von Glahn.
Anna Ardin and Gainza
Martin Lessenthin is the president of this association. The association works closely with
Primero Justicia who is at the origin of the attempted coups d'état in Venezuela.
has observer status at the
African Commission on Human Rights and participates in the
Council of Europe. Members :
Ludwig Erhard
(Chancellor. Member of the Christian Democratic Union);
Harry Wu (from his Chinese name
Wu Hongda), Chinese Catholic dissident, born in Shanghai, naturalized American in 1994 and died in Honduras. IGFM works mainly on religious freedom and freedom of the press mainly in countries such as China and Vietnam (In Wikipedia).
Christian Mihr and Martin Lessanthin know each other. However, Christian Mihr, member of Reporters without borders, seems to be supervising, in agreement with the German Embassy in England, the members of parliament of Die Linke and Moritz Müller, the journalist of Nach Denkseiten who attend the trial held in Old Bailey, of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange.
Martin Lessenthin and Christian Mihr
Kajsa Borgnäs testifies in the investigation on Julian Assange. She attended the Crayfish Festival the day after the alleged “rape” on Anna Ardin. She is a friend of Anna Ardin. Kajsa Borgnäs, born 26 August 1982, was President of the Social Democratic Students' Union from 2007 to 2010. She is from Tumba, a suburb of Stockholm, and has studied economics at the University of Uppsala (Ardin Link). She also lived in Boston and St. Petersburg, but since 2012 she has been living in Berlin, Germany. She graduated in 2017 from the University of Potsdam. Since 2017, she has been leading the think tank "Stiftung Arbeit und Umwelt der IG BCE" within the German trade union IG BCE.
On their way to the hearings, WJJA delegates and investigators found that there was a majority of Germans, no Americans, no Australians, finally declared as such, and apparently no English people. So much so that on 07/09/2020, an English citizen queuing to enter the room told one of our delegates that she was the only English and that if she was there, it was for her country.
We ask the justice of the sovereign government of the UK to kindly open an enquiry to determine who is running the "fake" hearings held in Westmister Court, Woolwich Court and Old Bailey `court, involving the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange.
We urge the judicial authorities of the sovereign English government and the judicial authorities of sovereign countries to open an investigation to determine to whom, by name, all the private entities involved in the Assange affair belong? The question arises as to the legal nature of the Kingdom of Hanover and its membership of the English crown.
Kingdom of Hanover, although corresponding to the electorate of
Brunswick-Luneburg, does not give the descendants of the King who ruled it in personal union any legitimacy on the throne of England. It is the members of the Brunswick-Luneburg lineage who can claim a right to the throne.
We recall that it is the names of the lineages that determine royal legitimacy.
Furthermore, we urge the English courts and the courts of the sovereign countries to determine who is the ruler of the Kingdom of Hanover since it seems, according to the law, impossible to pass on by inheritance a personal union.
Why is there a majority of Germans in the ranks of activists outside the court than in the public inside the court? Is the Kingdom of Hanover ruled by Germans? Is the Kingdom of Hanover a tax and legal paradise?
Who do judges Arbuthnot and
work for? Judge
Emma Arbuthnot is in conflict of interest with the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange since her husband is a friend of Sir. John Scarlett, a former director of MI6, and of David Cameron.
Arbuthnot, Carlite and Scarlett
Various collusions and violations of laws
First possible collusion with violation of the Geneva and Vienna Conventions : the wrongful confinement and kidnapping of citizen known as Mr. Julian Assange in the building at 3 Hans Crescent Street.
"Kidnapping and false imprisonment involve the unlawful and intentional or reckless detention of a victim agains his or her will. Often. the crime takes place. with the purpose of committing another offense, such as assault.
The offense of kidnapping involves 4 elements :
► A person is taken away against his or her will by another person
► The person being taken is taken by force or fraud (Lying about the identity or the function of the persons, forgery and the use of forgeries). In the Assange case, we find usurpation of identity, false documents produced by state bodies, usurpation of functions, etc.
► The person being taken away does not consent to being taken away
► You have no lawful excuse to take that person. This means that only a person who is the custodian of the law can arrest another person to force them to follow and put them in prison. A police officer can only arrest a citizen if he or she has committed an offense. This offence must be proven. Any arrest must respect legal procedure and rules of the fair trial. In other all cases, take a person away against his or her will is a kidnapping. The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange did not commit any offence in the eyes of the law. He enjoyed political asylum in Ecuador. It is indeed a kidnapping. Kidnap and false emprisonment, false writing, forgery an defraud."
Kidnap and false emprisonment, false writing, forgery an defraud
Either te citizen known as Julian Assange enjoys political asylum in Ecuador and Ecuadorian nationality and is protected by the Geneva Conventions. The British government can neither place him under house arrest, nor imprison or torture him. When the English police entered the building at 3 Hans Crescent Street, there was indeed a violation of the Geneva Conventions and Vienna Convention and therefore kidnapping.
The government of the United Kingdom and the management of Belmarsh prison violate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and all human rights treaties, including the Convention against Torture.
We call upon the judicial bodies of the sovereign English government and the judicial bodies of sovereign countries to open an enquiry to determine who in Belmarsh prison is holding incommunicado and torturing the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange.
Either Mr Julian Assange does not benefit from political asylum and Ecuadorian nationality, which is possible if these papers were issued under his usual name and not under his birth name, which seems to be the case if we refer to the documents in our possession concerning this asylum application. If this is the case, the government of Ecuador is guilty of false writing, forgery and defraud. The English government would be complicit in this crime, as it is his duty to verify the political asylum validity.
By instituting Grand Jury proceedings against the common name Julian Assange and not against the birth name of the citizen known as Assange,
the government of the United States of America,
in particular Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama, as Secretary of State and president of the USA, are guilty of false writing, forgery and defraud too.
This grand jury bears the number 10GJ3793. Prosecutors : Neil Mac Bride and Andrew Paterson (See Affidavit Julian Paul Assange). In establishing a European arrest warrant on the false ground of rape, since Julian Assange had been cleared of the rape alleged against him by a first preliminary investigation and the second preliminary investigation had not delivered its conclusions, the representative of the Swedish government, the public prosecutor Marianne Ny is guilty of false writing, forgery and defraud.
By suing Julian Assange under his customary name and not under his birth name the representative of the Swedish government, the public prosecutor Marianne Ny is guilty of false writing, forgery and defraud.
None of the ongoing proceedings against the common name of the citizen known as Julian Assange has any legal value.
We therefore call on the sovereign British government and judiciary of all sovereign states to investigate who in the Swedish, British and American governments was involved in any way in this illegal procedure.
These facts are of unprecedented seriousness. They violate human rights laws, international laws and UN conventions (See all WJJA’s release request), the rules of fair trial and habeas corpus.
Slave status in 2020
On the other hand, to judge a man under a false identity, to imprison and torture him under a false identity is to reduce him to the rank of a movable object as in the time of slavery and slavers and to forbid him to defend himself by denying him his nature as a citizen with universal, international and national rights.
We call upon the English judiciary, the American judiciary, the Swedish judiciary and all the sovereign courts of the world to open an investigation to determine who was guilty of these violations of the law, who misused the law in the service of private interests, who violated the fundamental rights of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange.
In view of the treatment inflicted on the citizen known as Julian Assange in the United Kingdom, it is legitimate to fear that he is a hostage of a human trafficking network.
Today, the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is reduced to the state of furniture and therefore a slave. Tomorrow, who will be next?
As the children of the citizen known as Julian Assange do not have a clear identity, that during the Australian program 60 Minutes, it is said that a child is delivered to the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange in the building of 3 Hans Crescent Street, it is legitimate to worry about a possible child trafficking.
We call on the justice of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and the judiciary of all sovereign countries to open an investigation to ensure that the citizen known as Julian Assange is not held hostage to a human and child trafficking ring.
No sovereign country, subject to international law, has the right to violate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the texts relating to human rights and the texts of international law.
If the citizen known as Julian Assange has neither political asylum nor Ecuadorian nationality, then he had hostage status in the building at 3 Hans Crescent Street. This is an arbitrary detention, an illegal sequestration.
We call on the justice of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and judiciary of all sovereign countries to open an investigation to determine who is sequestering, torturing and endangering the life of the citizen known as Julian Assange.
We therefore ask the English justice system and judiciary of all sovereign countries to open an investigation to determine who, at 3 Hans Cresent Street, held incommunicado and tortured the common citizen under the name of Julian Paul Assange during more 10 years.
We ask the justice of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and judiciary of all sovereign countries to determine if the citizen known as Julian Assange has been forced to act unwittingly while working for Mr. Andy Müller Maguhn and the Wau Holland Foundation, and which related actions.
It is a major procedural flaw that leads us to ask the justice of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and judiciary of all sovereign countries to open an investigation to determine whether there was collusion between Spanish, US, Ecuadorian, and/or English governments or entities to force the citizen known as Julian Assange to commit actions that he did not want to commit, to record those actions and to bypass legal rules.
Scaffolding was erected in front of the facade of 3 Hans Crescent Street, but the facade was visibly not raked. What was it used for? Numerous exhibits were taken out of the building and officially handed over to the United States, but to which exact entity in the United States ?
Where were these exhibits sent to? Why are they never cited and never studied during the hearings of the citizen known as Julian Assange?
On the legitimacy of proceedings in all the territories incriminated in the Assange case
In the text below, we explain that the Old Bailey court has no legitimacy to judge the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange.
The City of London is an enclave responding to feudal law or customs, in other words, of non-law, it has no legitimacy to judge it cannot warrant the proper judgement process in accordance with international law and inter-State treaties. It is not run by an international government. It is therefore not a subject of international law. The City of London is not a sovereign state. The city of London seems like a fiscal and legal paradise.
What the Old Bailey is.
The Old Bailey Criminal Court is owned and operated by the City of London Corporation. The City of London Corporation has been the historic heart of London since its foundation by the Romans and then during the reign of the Anglo-Saxons. It is a private association of shopkeepers and bankers. William the Conqueror gave a series of privileges to this association called the City of London, including self-administration by the Council of Sages The Court of Aldermen. His successor chose to build his capital in the town of Westminster, which thus became the new capital, now the town of London. The City of London, which is a business association administering a territory, won in 1186 the privilege of choosing its mayor, the Lord Mayor of London.
Today the Lord Mayor of London is one of the world's most senior elective officers. He represents the interests of the banking sector established in the City of London and its few residents.
He is therefore automatically Rector of the University of London and Admiral of the Port of London, which gives him a great deal of power independent of the government of Great Britain. The Corporation is the supreme power of the City including the wealthiest of the City (Court Aldermen) and the Mayor himself. Despite the fact that he is supposed to make allegiance to the Crown of Great Britain, the annual
Tempel Bar ceremony
where the King or Queen must wait for the Mayor to give them the right to enter the City shows the extent of his power and marks the limit of the Queen of England’s suzerainty outside of the City. The Government of Great Britain as well as the Parliament of the country have no real or symbolic power over the City of London Corporation.
The Old Bailey Court is administered by two sheriffs representing the City's banking guilds. The Sheriffs live and sit in the Old Bailey Court building. The Major of the City of London is the head of the administration of the Court and has the prerogative to sit in the Court as of right. The
Administrator of Mansion House, the seat of the Mayor of the City of London, is also the head of the
Central Criminal Court.
Since 2017, the Executive Director of Mansion House and Central Criminal Court is the financier Vic Annells.
The Mayor of the City of London is currently Alderman William Russell, a banker with the US bank Meryll Linch. The two sheriffs elected in 2019 by their peers are banker Alderman Michael Mainelli, who has been a manager for the City's Anglo-American investment funds, Ministry of Defence agencies and Deutsche Morgan Grefell.
Christopher Hayward, second sheriff, is linked to China's interests as head of the board of the Sichuan Business Association.
The two sheriffs administer the Criminal Court Old Bailey owned by the City of London. So we see that Julian Assange will be judged in a Court which does not depend on the Ministry of Justice of Great Britain, in a private place belonging to an enclave which is legally independent of Great Britain as a State and has no diplomatic link with the United States because the City of London Corporation, as a corporation, guild, association of businessmen, is not a subject of international law and therefore cannot sign treaties with States.
extradition treaty of 2003 between Great Britain and the United States does not apply to this territory and cannot serve as a legal basis for the meeting that took place between the 7 September 2020 and the 1 of Octobrer 2020 between Julian Assange and those who are holding him captive and want to decide his fate. Consequently, as the extradition request from the United States does not apply to this territory and cannot be processed in the private building that is the Old Bailey, Julian Assange must be considered on the territory of the City of London as a hostage and immediately returned to his dignity as a free man.
Moreover, the bankers and businessmen who own this building and manage this territory have no right to judge a man, Julian Assange, because they are not judges in the legal system of Great Britain.
Moreover, their private interests are linked to large American, Chinese and British companies. Justice under their responsibility can only be tainted by conflicts of interests. In no case can they guarantee a fair trial.
No private institution can judge a man.
This is the prerogative of sovereign states, which must respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Private institutions must be subject to the Law of States and respect the internal laws of each country.
The City of London Corporation is an anomaly in the system of international law and has no right to usurp the prerogatives of sovereign states.
Therefore, we are obliged to note that Julian Assange is not a prisoner in Great Britain awaiting extradition by the United States but a hostage of a private organisation, the City of London Corporation. An organisation that holds a prisoner is a criminal organisation and must be prosecuted as such.
In addition, the Virginia Company of London, owned by the City of London and the Queen of England, founded the first states on the east coast of North America. The state of Virginia, where the Pentagon is located, created by the Virginia Company of London, is one of these states. It is therefore subject to the maritime law drawn up by the City of London (Navigation Act 1660).
By moving the trial to the Old Bailey in the City, the criminals holding Julian Assange hostage are thus giving themselves the right to treat him without respecting any international law or human rights texts in one of their colonies. They can choose to send him to any East Coast state, Australia, Canada or the Pentagon. The criminals holding Julian Assange hostage behave like slavers. They do not respect the sovereignty of UK government. They do not respect the sovereignty of the United States of America. They violate the declaration of independence of 4 July 1776. They violate universal Human Rights Declaration. They can do this because the United States of America is not defined as a nation in the US Constitution. The sovereignty of a state is determined by its territory, its language and common customs.
The extradition trial of Julian Assange: A fake trial in a private court owned by City London Corporation which does not fall under English lawéronique/?published=
About Old Bailey
About Old Bailey and extradition Act 2003
So, we see that Julian Assange will be judged in a Court which does not depend on the Ministry of Justice of Great Britain, in an enclaved territory belonging to private entities which is legally independent from Great Britain as a State and has unknown diplomatic links with the USA because the City of London Corporation, as a corporation, guild, association of businessmen, is not a subject of international law and therefore cannot sign treaties with States.
The 2003 Extradition Act ratified by the United Kingdom and the United States does not apply to this territory and cannot serve as a legal basis for the meeting that took place from 7 September 2020 to 1 October 2020 between Julian Assange and those who are holding him captive and want to decide his fate. Consequently, as the extradition request from the United States does not apply to this territory and cannot be processed in the private building that is the Old Bailey.
Julian Assange must be considered on the territory of the City of London as a hostage and immediately returned to his dignity as a free man.
An extradition treaty can only apply from one sovereign state to another sovereign state. Extradition can only be decreed at the end of a fair trial during which the accused enjoys the presumption of innocence and Habeas Corpus.
No political prisoners can be extradited. In view of the charges against him, the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is a political prisoner facing the death penalty. We have demonstrated this in our requests for release and in our reports. The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange cannot and must not be extradited
.No private institution can judge a man. This is the prerogative of sovereign states, which must respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Private institutions must be subject to the Law of States and respect the internal laws of each country. The City of London Corporation is an anomaly in the system of international law and has no right to usurp the prerogatives of sovereign states.
An illegal grand jury in the state of Virginia, which is not a sovereign state and a subject of international law.
In addition, the Virginia Company of London, owned by the City of London and the Queen of England, founded the first States on the east coast of North America
One of these, the State of Virginia, includes the Pentagon reservation, which was settled by the Virginia Company of London.
It is therefore subject to the maritime law drawn up by the City of London (Navigation Act 1660). By moving the trial to the Old Bailey in the City of London, the perpetrators holding Julian Assange hostage are thus giving themselves the possibility to treat him without respecting any international law or human rights texts, in lands of the former British Empire. Territories benefiting of feudal status can be found in US East Coast states, Australia, Canada or the Pentagon. The perpetrators holding Julian Assange hostage behave like slavers. They do not respect the sovereignty of UK government. They don’t respect the international law.
They are not to respect the sovereignty of the United States of America. They do not follow the declaration of independence of 4 July 1776. They violate universal Human Rights Declaration. As the United States of America is not defined as a nation in the US Constitution, they may exploit this anomaly as a trick
Only two sovereign states, subject to international law, can negotiate together
The State as the principal subject of public international law is the only subject of public international law to possess full sovereignty, i.e. it exercises the full range of competences that can be vested in a subject of public international law.
Sovereignty ensures territorial integrity, including the inviolability of its borders by the army, customs and police to a state. It ensures its independence, i.e. its freedom to decide its political, cultural, economic and social system without any form of interference from another State.
State sovereignty is guaranteed by the UN Charter as a basic principle of relations between the United Nations
UN Charter, Article 2, § 1 : "The Organization is founded on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its members. »). Two sovereign states are subjects of international law. Their sovereign equality confers legal equality on them. Only two sovereign states may settle or discuss a problem of international legal law. Only two sovereign states can legally expect the extradition of a citizen.
The first treaty to determine the notion of a sovereign state was the Treaty of Westphalia.
Traité de Westphalia LXIV.
Et afin de pourvoir à ce que dorénavant il ne naisse plus de differens dans l'état politique ; que tous et chacun soient tellement établis et confirmez en leurs anciens droits, prerogatives, privileges, libre exercice du droit territorial, tant au spirituel qu'au temporel, seigneuries, droits regaliens, et dans la possession de toutes ces choses en vertu de la presente transaction , qu'ils ne puissent jamais y être troublez de fait par qui que ce soit, sous aucun pretexte que ce puisse être.
And in order to provide that henceforth no more differences may arise in the political state; that each and every one may be so established and confirmed in their former rights, prerogatives, privileges, free exercise of territorial law, both spiritual and temporal, lordships, regal rights, and in the possession of all these things by virtue of the present transaction, that they may never be disturbed in fact by anyone, under any pretext whatsoever.
The Assange procedure is illegal because it is not the subject of a treaty between two sovereign countries subject to international law.
The state of Virginia, where the grand jury was convened to request the extradition of the citizen as Julian Paul Assange, is not a sovereign state of law, subject to international law. It can therefore only legislate on its own territory and not internationally. Nor is the City of London a sovereign state, a subject of international law. It is not entitled to conduct extradition proceedings under international law.
The extradition procedure for the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is based on two prohibitive legal procedures. It has no legal value.
All aspects of “Julian Paul Assange“ long run prosecution show that it is not carried out by sovereign States rule of law, but by extra-legal or feudal entities mainly serving private and mercantile interests. The Assange trial is an illegal mock trial. The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is treated as a hostage or a slave handled by masters. In UK, slavery has been abolished in August 1833 by The Slavery Abolition act.
Slavery abolition act
Amendment XIII (1865)
Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
We therefore ask the English judiciary and the judiciary of all sovereign countries to kindly open an enquiry to determine who and why, within the sovereign English government, decided to subject a citizen subject to international law to a court of illegitimate feudal law.
We call on the sovereign government of the United Kingdom to open an investigation to determine how long the citizen known as Julian Assange has been a hostage.
We call on the sovereign government of the United Kingdom to open an investigation to determine if the citizen known as Julian Assange has a proper birth certificate certifying his identity, or if he has been enslaved since childhood. Australia is a Crown Colony of England where 1660 Navigation Act applies.
United States of America legal statuts
We draw the attention of worldwide sovereign governments to the legal aberration represented by the City of London and the eastern states of the USA.
Preamble. US Constitution
" We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
Nowhere does the US constitution define this union as a sovereign State or as a community of States obeying the laws of a sovereign State.
At no time is the nature of the states making up the United States of America defined. It appears that each American states are a kind of private entity totally autonomous from the state of Virginia where the White House and the Pentagon are located. White House and the Pentagon are supposed to represent the sovereignty of the American State, but this State is not defined in the American constitution.
US Constitution Section 2
"The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment."
In the same way, it is legitimate to ask the following question :
which army is the President of the United States the leader of, since the American states are private entities, protected by private militias. The head of a sovereign state cannot lead private militias. Private militias do not serve the interests of a sovereign state and its citizens but private interests.
At no point in the American constitution does the notion of a sovereign army attached to the defence of an equally sovereign state appear.
The legality of the American army as the defence corps of a sovereign country is being questioned?
The fact that it is related to militias makes it illegal in war zones. The US military is at best a body of mercenaries in the service of private interests that is not subject to international law and therefore seemingly illegal in all the territories it occupies.
Likewise, any declaration of war or intervention in international political decisions seems illegal since the United States of America is not a sovereign state.
Amendment II (1791)
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Amendment II does indeed refer to a militia and not to a regular army. This means that any country invaded by the American militia has the right to drive it out without this being considered an act of war. A private militia is not entitled to represent a country, let alone wage war on its behalf.
It is urgent that the President of the United States of America and Congress resolve this issue because, by law, the United States cannot be a subject of international law and therefore cannot negotiate on an equal footing with other sovereign countries.
🇺🇸 US Constitution
Sovereignty is the principle of supreme authority. In politics, sovereignty is the absolute right to exercise authority (legislative, judicial and/or executive) over a region, country or people.
National sovereignty characterises the independence of the nation State versus other States or international bodies, except for those prerogatives that the State has freely agreed to cede (see federalism).
Sovereignty was defined by
Jean Bodin (1530-1596) in his treatise
The Six Books of The Republic as an essential attribute of the State : "Sovereignty is the absolute and perpetual power of a Republic".
No power is superior to sovereign power, which cannot be annihilated, but it is not without limits (it is exercised in the public, not the private domain). For Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the people are the only legitimate holders of sovereignty.
In whose hands is the power in the United States of America if at no point in the American constitution is it specified to which legal body the supreme power rests? This is a fundamental issue because only a supreme legal body can initiate proceedings against a citizen who does not belong to its jurisdictio
Illegality of the US proceedings against the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange
We recall that the Assange procedure is illegal because it is not the subject of a treaty between two sovereign states subject to international law.
The state of Virginia, where the grand jury was convened to request the extradition of the citizen as Julian Paul Assange, is not a sovereign state of law, subject to international law.
It can therefore only legislate on its own territory and not internationally. Nor is the City of London a sovereign state, a subject of international law. It is not entitled to conduct extradition proceedings under international law.
The extradition procedure for the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is based on two prohibitive legal procedures. It has no legal value.
Article III section2 USA Constitution
"The Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be by Jury; and such Trial shall be held in the State where the said Crimes shall have been committed; but when not committed within any State, the Trial shall be at such Place or Places as the Congress may by Law have directed.
Which State in the Union has ordered that a grand jury be convened to consider crimes that have not been committed in any of the States belonging to the United States of America?
The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is not a citizen of the United States of America and does not live in any State of the Union.
We therefore request the President of the United States, Mr. Donald Trump, to kindly open an investigation to determine who in the United States asked a grand jury to convene for a citizen who does not have American citizenship, does not live in one of the States of the United States and has not committed any crime under American law.
Article III Section 3 USA Constitution
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court."
Betrayal cannot be held against any citizen of the world. A citizen only betrays his country. The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is not an American citizen. He cannot have betrayed his country. Moreover, no Witness accusing him of treason was cited.
Even if Mr. Julian Assange had published information about crimes committed by the United States, he would have done so as a matter of right, in accordance with the First Amendment of the American Constitution.
First Amendment
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Furthermore, whether it is committed by the United States of America or by any other country, it is the duty of every citizen to denounce a crime he or she has not committed.
A sovereign country that has ratified the Universal Declaration of Human Rights cannot and should not prosecute a citizen who has reported a crime. On the contrary, it must congratulate it.
Therefore, we call on the President of the United States, Mr. Donald Trump, to open an investigation to determine who, in July 16, 2007, in Bagdad, is responsible for the deaths of two journalists and 16 people. Is the US military responsible for this crime? Were two Apache helicopters involved in the operation.
Amendment VI (1791)
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.
Amendment VIII (1791)
The Eighth Amendment of the United States Constitution prohibits the federal government from imposing excessive bail, excessive fines, or cruel and unusual punishments.
The facts that the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is imprisoned incommunicado, that he is tortured, that the media coverage of the hearings is poor and unbalanced (it should be filmed in its entirety and made available in open source on the internet), that he has obstructed access to his lawyers, that he cannot communicate with the Human Rights Associations that offer their help, their legal and medical services, are more than enough to attest the violation of the Sixth and Eighth Amendment, the rules of the Fair Trial and Habeas Corpus.
Accordingly, we urge President Donald Trump and the U.S. Congress to investigate whether the U.S. government is responsible for the incarceration, torture and unlawful trial of the citizen known as Julian Assange. US citizens are proud of their Constitution, the President is its guarantor.
Amendment XIV (1868)
Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
The law of reciprocity therefore applies. The United States of America must respect the fundamental rights, entitlements and privileges of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange.
The Virginia Company of London versus the Commonwealth of Virginia
The Navigation Acts are a set of laws and regulations regulating relations between England and then Great Britain and its colonies through laws strictly regulating transport on English ships. In the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, the Navigation Act established the monopoly of English companies in the transport of goods and people between the island and the rest of the world.
The regulations also stipulated that the sailors on board the ship had to be English and that the ship had to be built in England. Above all, the Acts placed the monopoly of trade in the hands of English companies.
These English companies were also founders of settlements such as the Virginia Company of London or the Virginia Company of Plymouth.,for%20the%20Virginia%20tobacco%20trade
The first settlement in the United States was composed of men dependent on the shareholders of the Virginia Company of London. The company was owned by merchant shareholders but governed locally by a council of 7 men appointed by the English king. In 1609 the second charter allowed the "shareholders" of the company to appoint a governor.
The United States of America was therefore originally a company of merchants governed by merchants under the supervision of the King of England and governed by the maritime laws produced by the Old Bailey, the Court of the City of London Corporation. In 1624 the King revoked the Company's Charter, but did the Company accept this revocation?
What is the position of the City of London Corporation in relation to its colonies which were its creations?
Virginia is the state that claims to judge Julian Assange, what is its independence today from the City of London Corporation? Virginia as a member of the United States cannot see its own foreign policy. Why does the State of Virginia make foreign policy by seeking to capture a foreign citizen for acts committed abroad when Virginia does not have the right to conduct its own foreign policy independent of the United States Congress?
Why does the Grand Jury, Virginia's institution, purport to make foreign policy actions against Great Britain when Virginia does not have the prerogative to conduct its own foreign policy? Virginia has not signed an extradition treaty with Great Britain. Any claim by Virginia to have a foreign citizen extradited by Britain, or even a British citizen, is not legal.
Navigation laws allowed City merchants to bring and sell slave men captured and bought in Africa to enslave them in the Virginia Company's new tobacco plantations.
The English Parliament had no visible influence on these regulations. The City of London remained visibly sovereign in its relations as a private entity with its possessions.
Does the City of London Corporation today still consider the constituent states of the 1776 Declaration of Independence as its colonies, its possessions?
If so, then the Declaration of Independence of 1776, which freed the North American states from the tutelage of the English King, is incomplete as it does not provide for their release from the power of the City of London Corporation.
The United States of America would thus legally remain a merchant company subsidiary of a merchants' association, the London Merchants' Guild, the City of London Corporation, with all the legal consequences that result from this and which the trial of Julian Assange clearly shows us.
Even in the colonies dependent on the British King it was the Board of Trade that regulated the relationship between the King and the possessions.
The City of London Corporation
cannot legally pursue a foreign policy of its own, even in relation to its former possessions that 'declared independence' in 1776.
Is the United States of America a sovereign state?
The 13 territories declared their independence from the British King in the Declaration of July 4, 1776. Four of these territories bear the name Commonwealth (Virginia, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania). Are these territories "Dominions", i.e. colonial territories of the British Empire with internal autonomy but subject to the King of Great Britain?
Australia and Canada are Dominions dependent on Queen Elizabeth II, whose subjects of the Dominions are judged on appeal by a Privy Council.
Julian Assange, if he is Australian, is a subject of the Queen of England and he is judged by her and not by the Ministry of Justice of Great Britain. He is also prosecuted by her if she is the head of the Commonwealth of Virginia and not by the United States of America.
While these territories call themselves the "United States", the question asked is how does the "United States" work? What is the nature of this adjective "united", what is this "union"? Moreover, the legal uncertainties are so great that it is not possible to say whether there are 50, 51 or 52 United States today.
Is there a state structure that is common to the 50 or 51 or 52 territories? According to the Constitution, the "United States" is an alliance of territories that gives itself two common institutions : Congress and a president chosen by the territories. The State of Virginia and the State of Maryland detached by the Residence Act of 1790 an ill-defined territory between two rivers, the Potomac and the Conococheague, on which were built the infrastructures necessary for these institutions : the city of Washington. Washington is commonly referred to as the "capital of the United States", but the question arises as to which state is being referred to?
The American federal state would not exist. It has no government, no ministries, no executive administration in the territories (equivalent of prefets in France). The Constitution forbids it to have a common army. The National Guard is a municipal police force in Washington City. The Constitution allows Congress to establish a militia to defend the territory, but only for 2 years. Only a navy is allowed, because the Navigation Act gave British ships a monopoly on transport and the link between Great Britain and the American continent. It is logical that the Declaration of Independence included the creation of a liaison system outside the Navigation Act. But if the navy of the territories of America is independent of the English King, is it independent of the City of London Corporation which governs the Navigation Act?
The name "State" should not be given to this dubious political construction. This territory of North America is not a State or even "of" the "States". These territories are not really "united". It is not surprising that a European language such as Polish (important Polish leaders such as Kazimierz Pulaski and Tadeusz Kosciuszko took part in the war of independence in 1776) uses the word "stany", which is the term for "territory" in 18th century Polish, and not "panstwo", which in Polish means "sovereign state".
The security institutions created by the National Security Act of 1947 - the Secretary of Defence, the Office of the Director of the National Intelligence and the famous Central Intelligence Agency - are all located in the territory of the Commonwealth of Virginia and not in Washington. They should therefore be governed by the law of that State. But is Virginia a State or a Dominion, i.e. a territory of the Commonwealth subject to the British Crown?
If so, do the representatives and senators of the Commonwealth of Virginia really represent the interests of the inhabitants of this territory to the Congress of the "United States" or the interests of the Queen of Great Britain? As the Queen of Great Britain is a descendant of two important lineages, the Sachsen Coburg Gotha of Germany and the Romanovs of Russia, it is vital to ensure her identity, her legitimacy on the throne and that of her heirs. We reiterate our request for an investigation to shed light on the identity of these people, who are the heads of several territories with an imprecise legal status as colonies.
Do the inhabitants of the Commonwealth of Virginia know that they are subjects of the Queen of Great Britain? There is also the question of the nationality of the "American" citizens living in this territory.
Furthermore, the presence of the United States Army in Virginia violates the Virginia Constitution - Article 13 - which gives citizens the right to defend themselves with arms, prohibits standing armies and subordinates all armed forces to civilian power.
The Department of Defense, known as the "Pentagon reservation" is located in Virginia, not in the city of Washington. This entity should not be on this territory. If it were a true federal state administration, it should be in the capital of the federation.
Section 13. Militia; standing armies; military subordinate to civil power. Constituion of the Commonwealth of Viriginia
That a well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state, therefore, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided as dangerous to liberty; and that in all cases the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power.
Who has power over the United States Navy, knowing that "Navy" is both Merchant Navy and Navy? The US Air Force was not created as an "armed force" either, but as a branch of intelligence, as part of the Signal Corps in 1907 and has always been an "intelligence agency" after its transformation into the Aviation Section.,_U.S._Signal_Corps
Only the Navy is a state structure of the United States of America, anchored in the Constitution and even older than it is by the Continental Navy.
The name "Washington District of Columbia" suggests that "Washington is a region of Columbia". However, the State of Columbia does not exist in North America : it is in fact the mythical name of America, named after Christopher Columbus, the first European. The State of Columbia does not exist and it is time to ask the question: is there a State of the United States of America?
The problem of the National Security Act of 1947
We find the question of the legality of the American army in the National Security Act of 1947. The document is supposed to create the United States army and its intelligence services. However, we note the elements that cast doubt on the legitimacy of this army :
➥ Its existence is not provided for as such in the US Constitution.
➥ In 1944 this armed force landed in continental Europe without a legal basis. Certainly, it came to liberate the countries of Western Europe occupied by Nazi Germany - France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. But the governments of these countries do not have a cooperation agreement that gives a legal basis for this landing of armed forces. The document establishing the presence of this armed force in Europe is the Act of Surrender of Germany signed in Reims on 7 May 1945 between the representatives of Germany, the USSR, Great Britain, France and the United States. On the United States side, this document was signed by Walter Bedell Smith, Eisenhower's Chief of Staff, the future head of the CIA. However, there was an act of capitulation signed by the 4 anti-Nazi Allies according to the laws of war, but never a Peace Treaty ending the war. The legality of the presence of this armed force in Europe was never legally founded.
➥ The only agreement that regulates the stay of the American military on French soil is the Lend-Lease Agreement of August 25, 1944 signed by
Jean Monnet,
which regulates the supply of goods from the United States to the French army and population on credit, including goods with which the French Provisional Government maintains the American military on its soil.
This text is not a bilateral military assistance treaty and is therefore not published in the French Official Journal. It is only a contract with a banker and not a treaty under international law. We ask the judicial bodies of sovereign governments to please open an enquiry to determine the legality of this document and the names of the signatories.
➥ As far as Britain is concerned, the basis for its cooperation with the United States is the 1941 Lend-Lease Agreement which is an act of the US Congress allowing US entities to trade with European nations at war. It is therefore not a bilateral military assistance agreement between two sovereign states. We urge the judicial bodies of sovereign governments to open an investigation to determine the legality of this document and the names of the signatories.
➥ The military bases that Great Britain leases to the United States for 99 years in 12 colonies (including the Mediterranean) are on the basis of an "arrangement" in 1940 and 1941 in exchange for the delivery of warships and not on the basis of a military cooperation treaty between two states. This treaty was not possible since the United States did not have a legal army, the army being created only with the National Security Act in 1947. There is no legal basis for the presence of American military personnel in the Mediterranean and on the European continent, including Great Britain.
➥ Finally, the only document founding the armed forces of the United States of America is the National Security Act of 1947, but it mentions the armed forces as a PART and means of the intelligence services.
The National Security Act mentions in its preamble the organisation of armed forces under the responsibility of the Department of Defence and the Secretariat of Defence. It does not, however, define the organisation of the armed forces. It merely specifies that the armed forces are "headquarters, forces, reserve components, installations, activities, and functions under the control or supervision of the Department of the Army".
The naval forces under the responsibility of the Department of the Navy are defined separately and referred to by name, while the vagueness concerns the land forces. The same vagueness applies to the armed aviation forces under the Air Force Department. This vagueness makes it possible to include in the definition of the U.S. military private entities governed by commercial laws and not belonging to the State, or militias composed of individuals.
A state army must be owned by a state and its members must be subordinate only to their state. It must be composed of citizens of the state and intended to defend the interests of that state and its inhabitants - not private individual interests or those of a part of the state.
The army of a state must be carefully controlled by a political power so that the political power (all the more so in a democracy) has the effective direction of the action of this public force. The United States army does not fit this definition. It is a conglomerate of ill-defined entities, with a fuzzy and non-transparent structure. Its control by the supreme power of the United States, the Congress, only intervenes in the budget and not in its concrete action at home and abroad. Moreover, this control only intervenes post factum, as Congress does not define the priorities of security policy according to this document.
The US military is only mentioned as being dependent on intelligence forces. Indeed, the
National Security Council composed of the President and the President's administrators (Vice President, Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Energy, Director of Mutual Security, Chairman of the National Security Resources Board, and the secretaries of all other military and civilian departments appointed by the President)
is first and foremost an Intelligence and Counterintelligence Council.
It seems that in this structure the army is only a component of intelligence.
The intelligence services themselves are the structures that form part of "
Committee on Foreign Intelligence", composed of the Director of National Intelligence and the usual administrators of the National Council. It is this Committee that defines the "national security interests" of the United States and sets priorities for "the programmes, projects and actions that those interests require. This committee sets up the intelligence policy and the targets of intelligence action. The Director of National Intelligence thus possesses enormous power, which the document develops over almost 200 pages.
Congress does not intervene in the definition of the priorities and actions of the Director of National Intelligence. Congress only has the right to control intelligence actions after the fact.
The term "intelligence community" used is very vague. The following institutions are listed as part of the "community" : the Office of the Director of National Intelligence,
The Central Intelligence Agency, The National Security Agency, The Defense Intelligence Agency, The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, The National Intelligence Office. None of these institutions is precisely described, its attributions, its field of action, its prerogatives, its functioning, its hierarchical structure, the way in which the civil power controls it and defines its policy. A fortiori it is never mentioned that the people must be able to control these entities.
It is important to stress that the Central Intelligence Agency, despite the adjective "central", is in no way a supervisory or management body of the other entities. It is only one of the other constituent institutions of the "Committee on Foreign Intelligence". Moreover, there is no document that defines what an "agency" is in the language of Washington legislators. We simply do not know what an "agency" is. It means that this entity may have public status (under whose law, knowing that there is no federal state and that the United States is made up of 50 states? ) or private (commercial enterprise, NGO?). In any case, an "agency" is not a structure like a ministry or a department of a ministry - in most states of the world, and in all states of European political tradition, the intelligence services are a structure forming part of the Ministry of the Interior.
Other "elements" are part of the " Committee on Foreign Intelligence" - the specialised intelligence programme offices, the intelligence elements of the army, navy, air force, coast guard, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Drug Enforcement Administration, Department of Energy, the Bureau of Intelligence and Research of the Department of State, Office of Intelligence and Analyses of the Department of the Treasury, the Office of Intelligence and Analysis of Homeland Security.
The notion of "elements" is very vague
and leaves the door open to interpretations that can lead to abuses.
Each "department" may have its own intelligence services but it is not clear how they operate, what their attributions, prerogatives, limits and the people's control over their actions are.
The Central Intelligence Agency is defined as an instrument at the service of the Director of National Intelligence. The Director of the CIA must provide the Director of National Intelligence with intelligence collected by all entities outside the country and has no authority inside the country. The National Security Act of 1947 does not give him the exorbitant power that he has de facto acquired today.
However, one section states that "pursuant to Section 207 of the Foreign Service Act of 1980 (22 U.S.C. §3927), the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency shall coordinate relations between elements of the intelligence community and the intelligence or security services of foreign governments or international organizations on all matters involving intelligence related to national security or involving intelligence acquired by clandestine means.
Since 1980, the National Security Act has given the Director of the CIA the power to coordinate the activities of foreign governments or international organizations, which is an immense power not democratically controlled by the people, neither the people of the United States nor the other peoples of the world.
The vagueness is omnipresent in this text. Yet this text must manage the action of structures with very important armed means. These structures are active in most countries of the world. Too many countries are suffering and have suffered violent destabilisation by the American intelligence "agencies", the CIA and other structures. Latin America, the Soviet Union, the Congo, China, Eastern Europe, Ukraine, Belarus, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Palestine have paid a very heavy price for the destabilising, violent and underhanded actions of these entities. At present there is strong suspicion that intelligence entities dependent on this document are likely to destabilise Western European countries with the disinformation and propaganda of the "covid crisis "19. We call for an end to the interference of these private entities in the affairs of other states. The political and military influence of these entities must be brought to light and removed.
We call on the States to ask the United States Congress to put the actions and means of these entities under the control of the people, to put an end to their private funding, to analyse the consequences of their harmful actions and to compensate the people and States that have suffered as a result of their violent and underhanded actions.
The question of international law is : How and why could a sovereign state like the UK allow private entities to violate the laws within its territory? Is it an accomplice to these violations? Is it the instigator of these violations?
In any case, the inaction of the British and the other sovereign governments allowed and encouraged a cancer-like development of structures parallel to governmental structures. It is urgent to identify and investigate these entities, their deep roots and degree of infiltration into the governmental, legal and media institutions of sovereign states. The elected State leaders faithful to their democratic constitution are victims of the actions of these sprawling entities. Together with their fellow citizens, they are in great danger.
Illegality of the Sweden proceedings against the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange
Three preliminary investigations were opened. The first was closed within days of its opening by prosecutor Eva Finné on the grounds that there was no evidence justifying to launch an investigation.
The second was opened by prosecutor
Marianne NY
at the request of the plaintiffs' lawyer,
Claes Bögstrom. No additional supporting documents had been added to the file. It was closed in 2016. The third was opened by prosecutor Eva Marie Persson
with hardly understandable reasons and with the same result as the one closed nine years before. The objectiveness of these Swedish judiciary procedures is highly questionable.
Sweden is the only country that opens three preliminary investigations to determine whether or not a crime has been committed when the first investigation has shown that the crime did not take place.
We ask the judicial authorities of sovereign countries to open an investigation into this matter:
➤ Scrutinize the personal and organisational relationships existing between the people involved in the Swedish case, who almost all belonged to the same social democratic political party : Anna Ardin, one of the complainants had been the lover of the police officer, Irmeli Kranz, who took the statement of the other complainant Sofia Wilén. At the time of the events, they were neighbours and running mates on a social democratic electoral list. The plaintiffs' lawyer, Claes Bogtröm, worked on a committee within the government, with prosecutor Marianne Ny. The journalist who published the article about rape in the Expressen was a friend of Anna Ardin, etc.
We ask the judicial authorities of the sovereign countries to open an investigation to find Anna Ardin and Sofia Willem.
➤ Determine how far this leads to complicity with common interest in pursuing Julian Assange, and determine those interests.
➤ Explain why three preliminary investigations were opened when the first concluded that no crime or misdemeanour had been committed, while the complainant
Sofia Wilén refused to sign her statement and file a complaint.
➤ Explain how and why prosecutor
Marianne Ny issued a European warrant on the grounds of rape when Julian Assange was not the subject of any legal proceedings. The second preliminary investigation was on-going. Julian Assange was formally a bare witness.
If a prosecutor can issue a european arrest warrant for an offence about which no evidence exists, the European arrest warrant is obviously contrary to the presumption of innocence. It opens the door to systematic persecution and to the excessive multiplication of miscarriages of justice. This dangerous cycle has to be stopped urgently. How many European citizens are now subject to a European warrant for unlawful reason? How many are illegally imprisoned? How many people are in danger in dark places or incarcerated incommunicado? You need substantial evidence to accuse a citizen of a crime. Otherwise the presumption of innocence principle is to be applied. No European warrant should be able to be issued until guilt has been proven.
➤ Why did prosecutor Marianne Ny give Julian Assange permission to leave the territory if she needed to interrogate him in short-term
➤ Why did not the prosecutor in charge of the case question Mr Julian Paul Assange in England until two years after the Swea prosecutor gave him the order to do so?
➤ To ensure that Mr. Julian Paul Assange has not been drugged and raped as his statement suggests.
➤ Investigate the motives of Anna Ardin activities. She is linked to many individuals suspected of having links to the CIA : Lino Fernandes, Aka Ojeda, who was allegedly involved in the Bay of Pigs' operation, Miriam Leiva, widow of Oscar Espinosa Chepe, who wrote for Cubanet and Cuba Encuentro, both funded by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), itself funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), an organization funded by the US Department of State. In 2006, Anna Ardin was expelled from Cuba on suspicion of CIA membership (See article Cuban magazine Gramma). These elements raise suspicion on Anna Ardin ideological and organisational interests in putting on trial Julian Paul Assange, tracked by the US Grand Jury, through false or exaggerated testimonies.
➤ Determine who told the press that Julian Assange had been accused of rape.
At this stage of the preliminary investigation, the courts were supposed to interrogate him as a witness. The word "rape" should never have appeared in the Swedish press.
Anna Ardin and Sofia Wilén plaintiffs’ lawyer Claes Bogström is also the partner of Thomas Bodstrom. The latter was Minister of Justice when the rendition of Alzery and Agiza occurred in Sweden. Sapo services handed over the two men to the CIA. They were then tortured in Egypt. We ask the judicial authorities of the sovereign countries to conduct an investigation to verify if the whole Swedish affair around Mr. Julian Paul Assange was set up from scratch to neutralize him.
Indeed, in his 2013 affidavit, Mr. Julian Paul Assange expresses his fear of being renditioned if he has to return to Sweden to testify.
"The rendition of the Swedish political refugees Agiza and Alzery resulted in strong condemnation by the UN Committee Against Torture, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and others.There is still complete impunity for the officers of the Swedish state involved and their US counterparts. No charges have been laid although the complicity of the Swedish state has been well established in successful civil litigation. I recently learnt that Sweden was partly implicated in CIA renditions of its own citizens from Djibouti earlier this year.
Through an intelligence source, I became aware that on 19 August 2010, the Swedish Security Service (SÄPO) requested information about me from an Australian intelligence organisation. The Australian intelligence organisation responded to the request with information about me on 21 August 2010." (See Affidavit Julian Paul Assange)
We ask the judicial authorities of the sovereign countries to kindly open an investigation to determine how Sweden was able to initiate proceedings under the alias of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange. Any proceedings, we remind you, must be opened under the birth name of a citizen.
The structure of the judicial fraud COURAGE FOUNDATION-WIKILEAKS-ASSANGE
Several entities mixing private and public structures and territories are involved in this swindle: the State of Virginia and the Pentagon in the USA, the City of London in the United Kingdom, the Imperial College Saint Mary’s hospital, the island of Gersey, the American Democratic Party (Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama), the Swedish Christian Democratic Party (Marianne Ny, Anna Ardin, Claes Bogström, Klaus Bodstrom, Ermeli Krans, etc...), Die Linke in German, two Ecuadorian governments, that of Raphael Correa and Lenin Moreno, part of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom, and other government bodies that an investigation should clearly identify.
The Wau Holland Foundation and the 04 Wikileaks project
Wikileaks is created by Wau Holland foundation to recover, select, publish and privatise sensitive data. According to the testimonies of some cyber activists, whistleblowers would have been trapped by the Wikileaks portal and would either have died or been sent to prison. An investigation must be launched to find and list these whistleblowers who might have been trapped and dispossessed of their sensitive data by Wikileaks Portal and Wau Holland.
Wikileaks functions as an invisible espionage and repression organ run by Germany via the Wau Holland foundation and the Chaos Computer Club, which is suspected of being managed by the BND (See documents above and below).
RAHAB project
We ask the judiciary of the sovereign governments of the UK, USA, France, Germany and the judiciary of all sovereign governments to determine for whom the Wau Holland Foundation, the Chaos Computer Club, are working and who they are benefiting from the data privatised by the Wikileaks portal. Is this data being sold to the detriment of those who uploaded it to the Wikileaks portal? Did those responsible for the Wikileaks portal respect the anonymity, guaranteed by the so-called encryption, of the citizens who uploaded the data?
If the data was sold, they defrauded the people who downloaded it because the money was theirs? How many people have been defrauded? Were names of some of the people who uploaded data disclosed to authorities or private structures for a fee or as a service? Which service?
In 2009, Wikileaks was transformed into a political propaganda tool. The following are some of the things that come into play :
The Bertha Foundation, Soros, Tabatznik & Co
The Bertha Foundation, headed by generic drug king Tony Tabatznik, for whom Jennifer Robinson works, and one of Assange's now-deceased lawyers, Michael Ratner. The Bertha Foundation is funded by the Open Society of George Soros
"The far left overseas, and in South Africa, have made heavy use of social media, communications platforms like Zoom and also the Dark Web, which their more perverted members frequent, to organise and make it appear as if the protests were organic, yet they were anything but grassroots uprisings. In the same way the suppression and denial of farm murders and farm attacks in SA is orchestrated and deliberate. Left wing journalists congregate in the same places, have relationships with each other, work for more than one outlet and as a result they can collude and manufacture the impression that everyone agrees, that farm murders don’t happen or are not driven by racial hatred.
Even the rise so-called “black-twitter” and a despicable facebook group that aims to attack victims and whistle blowers of farm murders, is proof of how orchestrated it is. Left wing NGOs and Groups like Groundup, funded by globalist Oligarchs like George Soros (Open Foundation) and Londoner, Tony Tabatznik (Bertha Foundation), etc., not only organise and orchestrate violent protests, they then write articles about these protests and mainstream media like NASPERS, The Argus, The Star, etc. etc. dutifully broadcast these biased articles as if they are actual community protests! Does South Africa not care about foreign meddling in SA politics?
South Africa Genocide
The Bertha Foundation is a sprawling, nebulous society. There are ramifications in many countries notably in Kenya where the citizen known as John Shipton and the citizen known as Jennifer Robinson lived and in South Africa where Tony Tabatznik's father ran a camp where medical experiments were carried out. They are involved in what they define as the power of law and earth, association in wich involve Jennifer Robinson. By journalist Omar Radi, the Bertha Foundation is linked to the Clooney Foundation.
The Bertha was founded in Switzerland
Bertha Training trains storytellers and lawyers. It is therefore fully in line with this scenario of a fictitious justice aiming to impose a universal jurisdiction on sovereign countries. We recall that the trial is a mock trial, conducted under false accusations in private law entities that are not subject to international law by judges who do not appear to have the status of a judge, in the presence of lawyers who are not members of the bar and whose graduation from a judicial school is legitimate.
We therefore call on the judicial authorities of sovereign countries to investigate how many mock trials the Bertha Foundation has organised in the various countries in which it operates and how many citizens subjected to its mock trials have been renditioned, incommunicado detention and tortured?
Through de BerthaDochouse, the Bertha Foundation is linked to Bafta Guru of Amish Hamilton, aka Marc Richard Hamilton.
Tony Tabatznik made his fortune in the pharmaceutical industry. It is legitimate to wonder whether he is not involved in the management of the Covid 19 crisis in collusion with Imperial College London.
About Tabatznik pharmaceutical industry
About David Tabatznik
Director of 123 Cie Médicales as located in South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Israel. Psychologist and specialist in pharmacology. He Involved in the slave camps in South Africa where he tests his medicines.
More than 70% of the mentally ill in South Africa have been placed in this network of private "psychiatric institutions" owned by Smith, Mitchell & Co.
It has been listed as part of a consortium of several different companies.
More than 70% of the mentally ill in South Africa have been placed in this network of private "psychiatric institutions" owned by Smith, Mitchell & Co. It has been listed as part of a consortium of several different companies.
David Tabatznik is the key figure of these psychiatric slave camp societies.
Tabatznik founded Smith Mitchell in 1948, just after the election of the national Herenigde party. It was originally a company that provided beds for tuberculosis patients. Later Smith Mitchell attached these tuberculosis hospitals to psychiatric sanatoria or converted them to psychiatric sanatoria to serve the apartheid state. Tabatznik is said to have retained control of his company by recruiting nationalist party ministers to sit on the various boards of each institution. Smith Mitchell had about 89 subsidiaries in South Africa, many of which were "psychiatric sanatoria", each with its own board of directors.
In the 1980s, Tabatznik was one of the directors of the South African Druggists. In 1983, his subsidiaries, Labethica, Banstan Holdings and Copybrook Investments, reportedly participated in a "donation" campaign involving the director of the Drug Council and the deputy director of Transvaal hospital services.
Minister Connie Mulder had his career ended by the "Muldergate" scandal of the late 1970s. He was accused of profiteering from his holdings of shares and his directorship of one of Smith Mitchell's largest institutions, Randwest. Mulder resigned from Randwest but kept the shares in Smith Mitchell. Tabatznik had established a loop of corruption with the state.
Mulder also used state funds to set up a global propaganda mission to justify Apartheid, which led to the 'Muldergate' scandal which in turn forced the Nazi-supporting prime minister of South Africa, Balthazar John Vorster to resign.
Slave Camps
"In a network of companies specializing in the macabre trade we again trace Tabatznik psychologist and his slave camps for 'mental patients' in condemned mines.
Documents showed a correlation between Tabatznik and this blood donation business. A company that specialized in blood collection of black miners wrote in a memo: "Our mobile device is now losing more than 20 000 miners from the Bantu per year." Still, that did not deter as they had a constant stream of "new blood".
The psychiatric slave camps thus established in decommissioned mining camps had been an inexhaustible source of free blood in the network of companies specializing in cheap labor from black slaves. But that's not all.
Tabatznik's corporate empire had tested psychiatric drugs and medicines for mental patients in the slave camps which he owned and managed through a large and opaque network of business complexes.
In Australia, a Tabatznik affiliate, Alphapharm Ltd., was targeted by a 1987 government probe into the accuracy of drug testing done for it by a South African company. They were hanged publicly in the media when it came up and they had to remove 33 different medications and drugs from the market which had not been properly tested.
Tabatznik was also director and vice chairman of an American company called Zenith Laboratories. It too had withdrawn 33 out of 52 different drugs and medicines from their market because of inadequate testing.
It is known that these drugs would have been tested in South Africa and therefore there is reason to believe that mental patients in the slave camps owned by Tabatznik via Smith Mitchell were used as guinea pigs."
About Bertha Foundation,the-bertha-challenge-fellowships-for-activists-investigative-journalists
About Omar Radi
The Center for Investigative Journalism
The Center for Investigative Journalism founded by Gavin Mac Fadyen, aka Gavin Hall, where Joseph Farrel works. Joseph Farrell is both a member of the ICJ Board and a Wikileaks Ambassador. Another member of the IJC Board of Directors is not unknown :
Andy Müller Maguhn,
also a member of the board of the Berlin-based the Wau Holland Stiftung, and also a boss of Julian Assange, the executive director, producer, and creative director of the 04 Wikileaks project.
The other members of the Board of Directors have been or still are media executives from
the Guardian,
the Times,
the BBC,
the Sunday Times,
The Independent or financial
companies such as
Bloomberg. –
Michael Gordon Langley,
Elaine Potter, Christopher Hird, Briam Basham, David Leigh, Mike Leigh, Gavin Miller, Josephine Glanville, Finlay Dobbie, Eyel Welzman, Caroline Nevejan, Matt Kennart, James Harkin, Isabelle Hilton, Becku Gardiner, Gill Philipps, Iona Craig, Barbara Bukovska, Martin Tomkison, Marina Calland. of the CIJ Limited 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018Company no. 05471322 Charity no. 1118602, Report of the Trustees and Financial Statements – Charity Register UK
The CIJ is funded by the Open Society of Georges Soros, the Reva and Logan Foundation, The Lorena Sullivan Foundation, The Lyra McKee foundation, the Democratic en Media Foundation, the Bertha Foundation, the Judith Rhinestine and Michael Stein Foundation, the David and Elaine Potter Foundation, Tax Justice Network and the Andrew Wainwright Reform Trust, Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, Rudolf Augstein Foundation, Stichting Démocratie en Media.
The Lyra McKee does not exist in the Charity UK register.
An investigation should determine the origin of these funds and the real activity of these structures, as well as their real political and economic leaders and relationships.
CIJ Training Brochure funded by Georges Soros Open Society Foundation.
The CIJ is a non-profit association that offers training in "data journalism". For each of the trainings provided, it employs journalists working in media outlets who are paid handsomely for each service. A trail to follow to determine where the horn of plenty, mentioned above, can fall from!
Qui sont les vrais Storyteller? Les Spin Doctors de la City, le Center for Investigative Journalism et Julian Assange – Liberté pour Julian Assange – Monika Karbowska"
When journalist or an individual wishes to enrol in a training course, the amount to be paid is not immediately indicated on the website or during a visit, but the desk officers tell him "it's too expensive for you". It is impossible to understand how much training courses cost by consulting the Centre's brochures and website, even though many sponsors maintain this structure.
It is impossible to simply register and come to a training course without first being selected by CIJ operating manager Sami Aknine. Sami Aknine is the son of Pierre Aknine, a French scriptwriter and actor. Sami Aknine is a graduate of the Ecole privée de Commerce Audiencia de Nantes. He was the head of the Media Channel of the World Economic Forum in Davos, the world meeting that is currently organising the "Great Reset" operation under the leadership of Karl Schwab and Charles "Windsor" to complete the destruction of societies and sovereign states in the "Covid 19 plan". He was also a manager at Euromoney Institutional Investor for 15 years - a financial and stock market news media group.
The Center for Investigate Journalism does not have premises for training, but it regularly holds its conferences in a room at Goldsmith University. What is the role of Goldsmith University, the University of the City of London, in the functioning of this structure? Why is Goldsmith University giving its patronage to this dubious private company when it has its own faculty of journalism? This should be investigated.
Goldsmith University was for 200 years a school of The Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths, one of the most powerful of London's 'City Livery Companies. It therefore belonged to the City of London Corporation but has been managed by the City of London since 2004. Why does it allow the use of its premises to uncontrolled private companies? There are doubts about the real activity of the centre. Does the Centre really function as a school of journalism or is it a place through which money donated by sponsors is channelled for other purposes? The Centre's financial reports are unclear and do not show what the money donated by sponsors and especially journalism students is used for. If the training courses are paid for and used to pay the training journalists who are already employed by their respective media, what is the use of the sponsor's money if the students have to pay for the courses?
According to the activity reports, most of the grants are used to pay for the Logan CIJ Symposium, CIJ Sommer University, training and fellowships.
In 2015, for example, income from donations was £600,000 £ and expenses for training courses £129,000 and fellowships £139,000. We do not know who the beneficiaries of the Fellowship are, the journalists paid by CIJ. We don't know their names and we don't know what their mission is in exchange for this money. We are asking for an investigation to determine who received these large sums and for what reasons. We have strong suspicions that the money from these foundations is used to bribe journalists - to make them say, write and publish what the payers want - like the "reptilian funds" of the time of Bismarck and Queen Victoria von Sachsen Coburg Gotha
.In 2016 the donations for the CIJ from the endowed foundations amounted to 690,000 pounds. The use of such a sum should be analysed in detail to determine whether there is fraud and abuse of social property.
We ask that an investigation be made to determine the exact functioning of this structure, its work, where its money comes from and whether the way its money is spent is legal
.All the people responsible for Julian Assange's imprisonment, who speak for him and pretend to be his friends while validating the serious violations of his rights have been invited and/or financed by this structure : Naomi Colvin, Susann Benn, Mc MacGrath, Stella Moris, Jennifer Kate Robinson.
Andy Müller Maguhn, the creator and head of the 04 Wikileaks project at the Wau Holland Stiftung is a member of the Board of Trustees, together with Joseph Farell, "ambassador" of Wikileaks. Joseph Farell often speaks on his behalf, while Julian Assange is forbidden to speak and kept in captivity, banned from visits other than those of these people and forbidden to write.
Journalists such as Edwy Plenel and the secretary general of Reporter without Borders Christophe Deloire also work in this structure.
Jennifer Kate Robinson, who pretend to be Julian Assnage’s barrister, is also funded by CIJ's largest donor, the Bertha Foundation.
serve as a slush fund for people who pose as Julian Assange's lawyers when they never plead in court and do not take legal action to free him and are not members of the British Bar? We call for an investigation into this matter.
Michael Gordon Langley, the chairman of the Board of the CIJ in 2014 and 2015 is living together with Susan Benn, the wife of
Gavin McFadyen,
the supposed founder and Director of the CIJ from 2003 to 2016.
Since Gavin MacFadyen died on 22 October 2016, and is believed to have created the Center for Investigative Journalism, and Michael Gordon Langley has signed the CIJ activity reports in 2014 and 2015, thus before MacFadyen's death, and he is Chairman of the CIJ Board in that time and lives with Gavin MacFadyen's wife, we ask that it be determined whether Gavin MacFadyen and Michael Gordon Langley are not one and the same person.
According to activity reports, Michael Gordon Langley is leaving his position in March 2016 while Gavin MacFadyen disappears in October 2016.
Christopher Hird,
one of the Board members of the CIJ is film producer, founder of the companie DartmouthFilms and founder of the private film acamedy
Many of the board members and speakers are at the same time collaborators of the
Frontline Club Charity Trust, another structure that held Julian Assange in captivity from July 2010 to June 2012. Board members of both Frontline Club Enterprises and the Frontline Club Charity Trust speak for Julian Assange in his place and therefore play a role in keeping him in captivity today.
The CIJ is run by an even more opaque structure, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism. This structure is registered in the Charity Register: registered number 07068913 Charity registered number 1179275.
It is headed by the "lawyers" of Julian Assange,
Geoffrey Robertson (president of the
Doughty Street Chambers) and
Jennifer Kate Robinson funded by the Bertha Foundation.
Its Board of Directors also includes Sir David C M Bell, Dr Conor McCarthy, Jodie M Ginsberg.
We call for an investigation into the role of these individuals both in funding the work of journalists, which is supposed to be independent and impartial, and in the captivity of Julian Assange.
The activity report of the Bureau of Investigative Journalism is signed by
Sir David CM Bell, publisher of the Financial Times from 1996 to 2012 and since 2012 director of Cambridge University Press.
We demand an investigation to determine whether this man is not the real owner of the CIJ and the real organiser of the storytelling around and about Julian Assange with the journalists and pseudo lawyers paid by this structure.
Jodie Ginsberg is also a member of the Board of the Bureau of Investigative Journalism and therefore heads the CIJ She is Chief Executive of Internews Europe, headed by
Mark Stephens, who was Julian Assange's former lawyer in 2010 and 2011.
Mark Stephens is the lawyer who lost the Julian Assange trials from December 2010 to June 2012.
The collusion of the lawyers who lost Assange's trials with the financiers and media executives who denigrated him is clear. It must be investigated to reveal whether these individuals did not seek to keep Julian Assange captive through their actions and inactions.
The Center of Investigative Journalism Limited is also a commercial companie registred in UK register of companies under the numer 054713 22. The companie run in 2020 by Joseph Farell and by Michael Gordon Langley from 2012 to 2019.
Briam Arthur Basham
was a director from 2005 to 2008, Christopher Hird from 2008 to 2012.
Andy Müller Maguhn, the director of the german structures Wau Holland Stiftung, of the «Wikileaks 04 project » and of the Chaos Computer Club is also a director of CIJ companie since 2018.
The company employs 5 people today. Are the paid people the journalists who attend Julian Assange's hearings without ever writing an accurate and true article?
The Board members of the company and the directors are the members of the CIJ Charity Board like
Michael Langley or Brian Arthur Basham or Elaine Potter, a donor through her foundation, but there is no
Gavin Mac Fadyen.
The company's head office is located at 34a Moreton street in Pimlico London, the alleged home of Gavin MacFadyen and his wife Susan Benn. It is also the place where Julian Assange was filmed by the camera of journalist
Mark Davis in July 2010 in the film
Inside Wikileaks
We demand an investigation to determine to what end this legal and financial arrangement between the private CIJ company and the CIJ charity was made, who the beneficiaries are, and whether any fraud and social abuse or other crime or misdemeanour is concealed by this operation.
What is the purpose and interest of these people to receive money to create a storytelling around the captivity of Julian Assange? Do they have an interest in this man being held hostage in captivity?
How is it that a commercial enterprise can receive grants from charitable foundations? Normally, the law prohibits such practices. We are asking for an investigation into the relationship between CIJ Charity and the CJ Limited company and the reason for this financial arrangement.
We ask that Michael Gordon Langley, Briam Arthur Basham, Elaine Potter, Simone Albury, Michael Gillard, David Leigh, Josephine Glanville, Caroline Irma Maria Nevajan, Finlay Ross Dobbie, Joseph Antony Farell, Gavin James Millard, Andy Müller Maguhn, Eyal Weizman, Christopher Clark Hird, James Giles Lee, Martin Tomkinson, Isabelle Nancy Hilton, Becky Gardiner, Iona Craig, Gilian Elisabeth Philipps, James Harkin, Barbara Bukovska members of the Board of ICJ Limited, Annie Machon ( former MI5 officer mentioned as a collaborator of Julian Assange in the annual report 2011), Katryn Bolkovac (former officer of DynCorp in Bosnia) be prosecuted if it is proved that they have committed an abuse of social property, fraud, misdemeanour, crime or complicity in crime or misdemeanou.
Brian Basham is considered a "spin doctor of the City", a specialist in Public Relations in the world of finance. He created the Broad Street Group specialising in financial communications and was head of PR at British Airways.
What interest could a major City of London Corporation have in creating and financing the storytelling of Wikileaks and Julian Assange? We are asking that light be shed on his role in this case.
Brian Arthur Basham founded the Center for Investigative Journalism Limited in 2005 with Simon Albury, a show producer and chief executive at the Royal Television Society. Albury was a director of CIJ companie from 2005 to 2009 with Brian Basham, financier of the City of London Corporation.
The head of the Royal Television Society is Charles "Windsor". What interest do these men have in storytelling about Wikileaks and Julian Assange?
The Courage Foundation
The Courage Foundation which collects donations. The Courage Foundations real name is the Courage Corp is based in New York, USA (201 Varick St., P.O. Box #766, New York, NY 10014, USA). This building houses the Office of Technological Measures under the Homeland Security Department - that is, the U.S. Home Office - and the Court of the Bureau of Immigration under the Department of Justice, a federal court that also validates extraditions and administers all laws affecting the stay of foreigners in the United States, and incidentally torture, this torture justified by Alan Dershowitz, one of the alleged lawyers for the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange.
To sum up, the Foundation which pays the Julian Assange lawyers, cohabits with those who persecute him in the same New York building. The Courage Foundation is a business corporation, Courage Corporation, a small and medium sized company managed (it depends on the documents), since 2016, by a certain Nathan Fuller, who is domiciled at Broadway.
According to the media, Naomi Colvin and Sarah Harrison, are co-founders and also directed it. Among the members of his office are : John Kiriakou (ex CIA), Andy Müller Maguhn (ICJ, Wau Holland Siftung, Chaos Computer Club and the so-called Spanish case), Annie Machon (ex MI5), Ray Mac Govern (ex CIA), Eben Moglen (Worked for Justice Thurgood Marshall at the Supreme Court of the United States), Thomas Drake (Former senior executive at the NSA), William Binnney (Former technical director at the NSA).
The owner of the domain name, hosted, like part of the Wikileaks servers, by the French site Gandhi, is none other than Joseph Farrell. - last chapter
Courage Foundation raises funds for the defence of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange. However, it is very clearly stated in Wau Holland's minutes that there are no provisions for the payment of Julian Assange's defence costs.
Huge sums of money have been raised by the Courage Foundation and Wikileaks to defend the citizen known as Julian Assange.
A large number of citizens have donated large sums of money to help Julian Assange.
Courage Corp does not publish its activity reports or accounts. It is abnormal and illegal that citizen donors do not know whether the money they give for the defence of Julian Assange is well spent for this purpose. We call for an investigation into the illegal actions of Courage Corp and the publication of these documents.
The accounting compagny Derek Rothera Compagny Chartered Accounts, Units 15 and 16, 7 Wenlock Road London N1 7SL, certifies the accuracy of the accounts of the Center for Investigative Journalism from 2006 to 2008 and declares on the website of the Courage Foundation that it is responsible for the donations made to the Courage Foundation.
However, the delegates of Wikijustice Julian Assange went to Derek Rothera Compagny on 14 January 2020, ask for the public account documents and got the answer that the Courage Corp. has been doing its own accounting since 2016. As both organisations have a fuzzy operations we ask for an investigation into the actions of Derek Rothera Compagny who certified their fuzzy and incomplete or non-existent account balances.
Chase Manhattan Bank, the
Commerzbank Kassel and the Lloyds Bank UK
are the banks that cooperate with Courage Corp,
Wau Holland Stiftung and CIJ Charity and CIJ Limited.
We request an investigation be opened into their involvement in a possible fraud with this organisations.
The anomaly gets one step further when reviewing the blatant conflicts of interests existing between Assange lawyers, either directly, or through their law firms, Doughty Street Chambers and Matrix Law Chambers mainly, which defend in parallel the highest interests of the country requiring the extradition, the United States of America. We remind you that many of these lawyers are not registered with the English Bar and are therefore not entitled to plead in court.
See in the databse of the Bar Council
kand the Databse of the Law Society
In top of that there exists privileged ties with the former CIA boss, Robert James Woolsey, Booz Allen Hamilton and Garlyle Group and Julian Assange lawyers Balthazar Garzon and Alan Dershowitz.
Dershowitz + Woolsey in NGO Monitor,7340,L-3783076,00.htmli
Baltazar Garzon Woolsey, Clinton and GO5
There are suspicions of abuse of social good, deception and breach of trust on the part of the Courage Foundation and Wikileaks.
We call upon the USA, Germany and the United Kingdom authorities and all judiciary of sovereign states to open an investigation to determine what use was made of this money and to ensure that, if it was not properly used for the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange, it is returned to the donors with damages compensation.
American Democrats, Die Linke, Diem 25, Swedish Christian Democrats, political parties acting in collusion.
Political parties have specific interests related to Wikileaks :DIEM25 led by Yanis Varoufakis. DIEM 25 is linked to the globalist Open Society of Georges Soros via the Open Democracy of
Renata Avila
The Wikileaks Party led by John Shipton.
Die Linke party represented at the ASSANGE’S hearings by Sevim Dagdelem and
Heike Hänsel.
American Démocrats who, in the light of investigative evidence, orchestrated false legal proceedings on unlawful grounds in private territories and private places that are not subject to international law.
As the premiere of the documentary-fiction Collateral murder took place in Washington DC, it is legitimate to imagine that Wikileaks is a creation of the US Democrats in collusion with the CIA and perhaps other intelligence agencies. Involved are Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama and many of the American Democrats teams and leadership.
Through the Pizzagate, high level Democratic Party politicians were allegedly involved in paedocriminality rings : Hillary Clinton, Tony and John Podesta among others.
"For this article we'll call this super agency the
makes its own rules, gets stealth funding from other agencies, classifies and declassifies its own secrets, co-opts, protects (and sometimes threatens) private industry cronies. W.H.I.A. is accountable only to the President—not Congress or the Courts. In fact, the Courts and the Patent Office tucked tail long ago.
W.H.I.A. operates totally outside Constitutional checks and balances. In reality, W.H.I.A. seems to answer only to designated "critical infrastructure partners" in Wall Street and Silicon Valley."
It is legitimate to think that this body, created by Hillary and Bill Clinton, which seems to be in breach of the international laws could be in lead the false and illegal proceedings against the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange.
As we have shown, this false procedure is based on the feudal Navigation Act of 1660, which governs the laws of international trade.
The Pentagon, the White House, the Grand Jury of Virginia can violate of the laws by a legal vacuum and by the non-existence of a legal definition of sovereign state and regular army in the American constitution.
Indeed, according to the Navigation Act of 1660, the State of Virginia and the City of London are possessions of the Crown of England and subject to feudal law.
If the City of London and the State of Virginia are governed by feudal law, it is necessary to warn anyone living in these two territories that he is not a citizen born free but a subject of the Crown of England.
He may therefore be subject to expeditious sacrificial order justice, including of a witch-hunt.
However, we wish to recall that the City of London and the State of Virginia are neither sovereign states nor subjects of international law. Like all private entities, these two territories are subject to international law established by sovereign countries and to the criminal law of the sovereign countries in which they are located.
The City of London and the State of Virginia are not entitled to bring legal proceedings against anyone, neither at the national level since they are not sovereign countries, nor at the international level since they are not subjects of international finger-pointing.
We would like to recall that according to the storytelling, the citizen Julian Paul Assange is not a subject of the British Crown unless Australia is not a sovereign country but a colony of the British Royalty, not of the British sovereign government.
We would like to recall that according to the storytelling, the citizen Julian Paul Assange is not a subject of the British Crown, unless Australia is not a sovereign country but a colony of British royalty, governed by the feudal law of the Navigation Act of 1660.
We urge the judiciary of sovereign countries to investigate whether Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom and the other Crown Possessions of England are sovereign countries and subjects of international law.
If these countries are not sovereign states, subject to international law, but British Crown Possessions, then what is the legal status of the British Crown, since it is neither a sovereig
nstate nor a subject of international law? What is the legal status of the countries in its possession? This is a very serious problem of international law that can jeopardize all sovereign countries as well as those like the United States that do not have the status of a sovereign country. Countries without sovereignty cannot treat sovereign countries as equals. They cannot apply rules except on their territory, which is private. These rules are patriarchal or feodal and have no value of justice.
There is also the problem of citizenship. Individuals who are subjects of sovereigns can be assimilated to furniture and do not have the status of citizens. They are not equal before the law. This is contrary to the Universal Declaration, the Fair Trial, the Habeas Corpus and all texts relating to human rights.
Moreover, if the above-mentioned countries are not sovereign countries, their armies cannot be considered as regular armies. It can therefore be driven out of any other territory as a band of mercenaries working for private interests.
According to international texts, neither the Crown of England nor the countries that would be in its possession have international legal status. They therefore have no legitimacy. We ask the judiciary of sovereign countries to settle as soon as possible this legal nonsense. It facilitates this nameless war that we have previously described, war which could lead to an international cataclysm heavy in human losses.
We call upon the sovereign government of the United Kingdom to put an end to the illegal actions of private entities managed by the Crown of England and to ensure that the states on the west coast of the United States are freed from the tutelage of the Crown of England, tutelage possible by the Navigation Act of 1660, so that the United States can build a federation of states headed by a sovereign government protected by a regular army.
As long as the United States has not clearly defined the nature of its constituent states, the relationship of these states to a federal sovereign government, which has not equipped itself with a regular army, cannot claim to be a sovereign state and all its actions will be illegal under international law and treaties.
In such a territorial structure, even the President of the United States has no legitimacy, neither internally nor externally. It is difficult to conceive how the president of a sovereign country can be democratically elected by citizens living in private territories, managed by private entities that are not subject to any state unification.
As long as the state of Virginia, the White House and the Pentagon Reservation have not taken their distances from the Crown of England, which can intervene in the management of their territory via the Navigation Act of 1660, there will be no sovereign American state but just a conglomerate of private entities managed like a multinational corporation.
These entities are not subjects of international law, nor are they sovereign states.
We recall, on the other hand, that the Crown of England is not a sovereign government either.
As they do not form a state and are of a private nature, they cannot deal on an equal footing with other sovereign states and are at their mercy. Nothing prevents a sovereign state from annexing them since they are not attached to any state.
We ask the courts of sovereign countries to investigate whether the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is a citizen of a sovereign country or a subject of the Crown of England.
In view of the absence of the birth names of the members of the British Crown (see above), this question is crucial because it raises the question of a double legitimacy, the legitimacy of the members of the family known as Mountbatten-Windsor at the head of the British royalty and the legitimacy of the possessions of the Crown of England.
Clinton, Bronfman, Rothschild, Concil on Foreign Relations, NXIVM sect
There are many links between the Rothschild, Clinton and Bronfman families involved in the NXIVM sect.
Lynn Forester of Rothschild, CEO of Bronfman EL Rothschild LP. She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations which includes one of the members of Booz Allan Hamilton and Stella Morris' mentor, aka Stella or Sara Gonzalez Devant, aka Stella Smith Robertson, Stephen Saideman. She is a friend of Hillary Clinton.
The Chairman of the Board of Bronfman EL Rothschild LP is Matthew Bronfman, one of the heirs to the Seagram's Liquor fortune.
Bronfman's sister,
Clare Bronfman, is the director of operations for the Clinton family related NXIVM sex cult.
The sisters Sara and Clara Bronfman, are members of the Clinton Global Initiative. Nancy Salzman, associate of Keith Ranière, the guru of the NXIVM sect.
The Bronfman El Rothschild LP is at the centre of a child trafficking scandal in Tucson, Arizona. On land owned by CEMEX, a multinational building materials company headquartered in Mexico, citizens claim to have discovered a sex trafficking bunker that local authorities have refused to investigate.
The connection of the Rothschilds to CEMEX is clear. Bronfman EL Rothschild LP, an asset management company, holds a substantial share of the concrete giant.
In 2007, the New York Post reported that NXIVM executives and their family members donated $29,000 to the Hillary Clinton's election campaign. At the time, Clinton played down NXIVM's contributions, but it seems that Clare Bronfman, heiress of Seagram Company, NXIVM's chief operating officer, has been giving money to the Clintons on a regular basis.
Américan Democrats and paedocriminality
Rainbow Cultural Garden
London's Rainbow Cultural Garden is linked to many Moscow-based organisations
Aliance Group Moscow, City municipality of Voskresenke, LTD Economic and Legal Lab.
Formation :
Russian University of Humanity, Mechanical College Voskresenke - Licences and certifications of London’s Rainbow Cultural Garden : Pediatric First Aid Training
The leader of Rainbow Cultural Garden in Belfast, Ireland is Kim Constable. A longtime devotee of
Keith Raniere’s revolutionary teachings for children, she works closely with
Sara Bronfman
– the leader of Rainbow in the United Kingdom.
Estimated address of the Rainbow Cultural Garden in the UK : High Street Kensington, 1st Floor London W8 6SA
Lynn and Evelyn Robert of Rothschild
Rothschild has donated to all of Bill and Hillary Clinton's federal races since 1992. Although Rothschild was a major fund raiser for Hilary Clinton's 2008 presidential bid, she transferred her support to Republican candidate John McCain when Barak Obama beat Clinton, becoming a minor celebrity on cable television at the time for attacking Obama in a series of interviews.
She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (USA), Chatham House (UK), the Institute for Strategic Studies (UK), the International Advisory Council of Asia House (UK), and the Foreign Policy Association.
Through her membership of Chatham House, Lynn Forester Rothschild has links with the Crown of England and the Fabian Society to which many Labour MPs belong. She is also connected with Hilary Clinton, Bill and Melinda Gates who received the Chatham House Prize.
Chatham House
Ultimately, the British and American delegates formed separate institutes, with the Americans developing the Council on Foreign Relations in New York."
Through the International Advisory Council of Asia House, Lynn Forester Rothschild is in contact with China, Germany, France and the USA with members who may be involved with "Operation Covid 19", in particular Fabrice Brégier, director of Palentir or directly linked to the Obama administration such as Miriam Sapiro.
Link with China, Germany, France and the USA
༄ Dr Xiang Bing
Founding Dean and Professor of China Business and Globalization at Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB)
He is a leading authority on China business, innovations in China, globalisation of Chinese companies, China’s development models and global implications of China’s transformation, social innovations and global economic disruptions, China-US relations, global trade and investment systems and global governance. His writings and cases on these subjects are considered among the most influential in China.
༄ Norbert Röttgen
Dr Norbert Röttgen has been the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the German Bundestag since 2014. From 2009 to 2012, he served as Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. He has been a
Member of the German Parliament since 1994
and has fulfilled key functions within the Christian Democratic Party.
༄ Anne Ruth Herkes
Deputy Chairperson of the Board, Merck Finck Privatbankiers AG Munich and former State Secretary at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.
༄ Fabrice Brégier
President of Palantir France and former President and COO of Airbus.
Fabrice Brégier was appointed President of Chief Operating Officer of Airbus in January 2017. In October 2018, he became President of Palantir France.
༄ Miriam Sapiro
Managing Director at Sard Verbinnen & Co; Former Acting and Deputy US Trade Representative. Miriam Sapiro served as the Deputy US Trade Representative and Acting US Trade Representative under President Obama, as well as the State Department and the National Security Council under Presidents Reagan, Bush and Clinton.
About the International Advisory Council of Asia House
And who is going to set up Tracking for Corona Virus with his company Palantir…
Peter Thiel, founder of PayPal, Business Angel, in connection with FB, financed by the CIA through its In-Q-Tel fund and French counter-espionage.
We remind you that the
MC Mc Grath Society
is linked to Palentir through the
Thiel Foundation.
Palentir works in collaboration with :
➥ The DGSI
➥ The CIA and Trump
Palantir arms the American anti-immigration police since 2014 (Obamah).
In addition to Facebook, Peter Thiel has made numerous investments in start-ups including Slide, LinkedIn, Friendster, Palantir Technologies, and IronPort. Slide,
Slide, LinkedIn, and IronPort were each founded by Thiel colleagues at PayPal. Fortune magazine reported that PayPal alumni have founded or invested in a dozen start-ups worth, according to Thiel, about $30 billion.
At the end of 2004,
Peter Thiel is Facebook's business angel with an investment of 500,000 dollars.
recently acquired 1.6% of the company for $240 million, bringing Facebook's value to about $15 billion[5] and Thiel's share to about $1 billion[3]. In September 2006, Thiel announced that it would donate $3.5 million for research against old age through the
Methuselah Mouse Prize Foundation.ées-à-retenir-du-best-seller-Zero-to-one-de-Peter-Thiel
Thiel's husband, Matt Dazensein, worked for Black Rock.
➥ About Matt Dazensein
Who works for Black Rock :
➥ Married with Peter Thiel in Vienna, Austria
➥ Tracking of Corona Virus byPalantir
Lynn Forester Rothschild third husband is Sir Evelyn Robert of Rothschild (born August 29, 1931), whom she was introduced to by Henry Kissinger at the 1998 Bildeberg Group conference in Scotland.
Henri Kissinger report 1974 : Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests
About Jeff Thomas
Added to the online complaint on 23/05/2023
"Thomas had met Thiel back in 2015 or 2016 at Coachella, he told me, where Thiel threw one of his legendary parties. “I was wondering why he was being affiliated with someone like Trump, and investing in him, if he’s gay,” Thomas said. But his own father was a Republican, Thomas said, and he grew up in Texas, so felt that he knew how to reach people who thought differently.
In 2017, Thiel married investment banker Matt Danzeisen. Thomas and Thiel eventually struck up a relationship in the early stages of the pandemic. But it wasn’t a typical relationship. Thomas described himself as being in a “kept” situation that made him uncomfortable. “It was stressful, he wanted me to get the nicest car, the nicest house. He wanted to kind of show his power, to kind of show that he had me in his dollhouse,” he said. “It’s not like I was his boyfriend, really, I was just kind of his friend that was there for him when he needed, you know, whatever he needed.”
But Thomas justified it to himself as a fair trade. “If I’m gonna give up the relationships I have and give up my dreams right now, during Covid, or dating other guys or pursuing people, then I’m going to get a $300,000 car and I’m going to get a $13 million home [on Franklin Avenue in Hollywood Hills]. So those are the things that I see fit for me to give up my freedom,” he said.
In 2017, Thiel married investment banker Matt Danzeisen. Thomas and Thiel eventually struck up a relationship in the early stages of the pandemic. But it wasn’t a typical relationship. Thomas described himself as being in a “kept” situation that made him uncomfortable. “It was stressful, he wanted me to get the nicest car, the nicest house. He wanted to kind of show his power, to kind of show that he had me in his dollhouse,” he said. “It’s not like I was his boyfriend, really, I was just kind of his friend that was there for him when he needed, you know, whatever he needed.”
But Thomas justified it to himself as a fair trade. “If I’m gonna give up the relationships I have and give up my dreams right now, during Covid, or dating other guys or pursuing people, then I’m going to get a $300,000 car and I’m going to get a $13 million home [on Franklin Avenue in Hollywood Hills]. So those are the things that I see fit for me to give up my freedom,” he said.
I spoke with Thomas while doing reporting for a profile of Thiel, which is ongoing. (If you knew Thomas or have any other information to share, send me a message on Signal or WhatsApp at 202-368-0859, or by email to Thomas also spoke with several Democratic and progressive activists who are working to expose what they see as Thiel’s hypocrisy. The activists provided recordings of interviews with Thomas to The Intercept. Some of the quotes in this story come from that audio.
Thomas figured that the relationship, and the house he was living in — a mansion at 8517 Franklin Avenue in Hollywood Hills listed at $13 million — could be a step toward a career in real estate. “It was something to do during the pandemic. I was kind of over my one bedroom apartment,” he said. “I did real estate in New York, and I was considering getting my license and doing investment — flipping homes and doing investment properties in LA and I figured that this could be maybe one of my first in my portfolio. … I knew I wasn’t going to be in it for the long run.”
Several of Thomas’s friends in Los Angeles said they often saw Thiel at Thomas’s home, and also saw Thomas at Thiel’s nearby home on Metz Place.
(Unrelatedly, before Thomas moved in, the home was owned by leading figures in the bizarre NXIVM sex cult that was rolled up in 2021, according to property records.)
The parties Thiel and Thomas threw could get raucous, and Thiel himself would sometimes do the recruiting. Thiel, or someone using his Facebook account, reached out to one University of California, Los Angeles grad student, despite having no friends in common, and invited him to a party at Thiel’s house, describing the poolside scene. “Hot guys at a pool sounds like pretty idyllic gay activity to me,” the student responded, according to screenshots of the conversation obtained by The Intercept. They moved to a WhatsApp conversation using Thiel’s phone number.
“Well, it doesn’t stay idyllic too long,” Thiel’s account said, “but always lots of fun,” adding later, “Yeah, we know how to have some no holds barred gay fun.”
To paraphrase
Jerry Seinfeld, there’s nothing wrong with no-holds-barred gay fun, and, indeed, the ability of consenting adults to engage in whatever private, victimless behavior they choose is one measure of a just society. It’s also what Thiel has been spending heavily to oppose.
TOWARD THE END of last year, Thomas was hyping himself up to make an exit. “I don’t think it’s very satisfying, to be honest, to be kept,” Thomas said in October. “I saw the spark in me fade away, and it was toxic, and it was unhealthy, and I’ve had multiple talks with myself this year, about getting out of it, and I’ve actually discussed to him about it, like, I can’t do this anymore. You know, my mental health is at risk.”
Thomas moved out of the Franklin Avenue house and to Miami, though he and Thiel stayed in touch. Thomas attended a New Year’s Eve party at Thiel’s Venetian Island compound on Biscayne Bay.
Thomas’s friends and family are sorting through the wreckage. “He didn’t talk much about Peter at all other than I knew he was living in a house owned by him,” said a longtime friend who knew him from Texas and also moved to Los Angeles. (Thiel does not own the property.) “I know that in November he had to leave that house, but he didn’t ever go into the details of his relationship with Peter.”
She had just texted with Thomas the Sunday before he died, she said, sharing the messages with The Intercept. He was excited about her upcoming baby shower. “I know what everyone who has experienced this says, but he did not seem like he was thinking about killing himself,” she said. “He RSVP’d to a baby shower in Dallas in May in LA and said how he was excited to be there.”
“The last time I talked to him in depth about his feelings was shortly after his birthday party in May,” she added. The party, according to an invitation, was at the Franklin Avenue home in Los Angeles. “We had talked about how he was having a hard time in a relationship. I’m not sure which relationship but he was having general anxiety about it.”
Thomas said the relationship with Thiel wore on him.
“He knew I was a strong person, but there’s only so many times you can be strong and for how long, until, you know, you’re just not strong enough anymore,” he said. “I was honest with my family about the relationship. … I thought I was doing what I could to help secure my safety and be OK when it actually did the opposite of putting me into a position of something I couldn’t carry emotionally or physically or mentally.”
Matthew Thomas, Jeff’s stepfather who adopted and raised him, declined to be interviewed, saying, “I know the whole story, and I’ve talked to Peter a lot.”
The Daily Mail has published at least four articles on Thomas’s death, though has not mentioned his relationship with Thiel. In one article, the paper quotes his agent speculating he may have fallen to his death taking a selfie, though the agent was not present and there is no evidence to corroborate that. Thomas’s friends hope the Miami police investigate his death thoroughly.
Added to the online complaint on 23/05/2023
In view of these new facts described above, the Human Rights Defense Association WJJA requests the judicial authorities of sovereign countries, respectful of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Charter, to open an investigation into the death of Jeff Thomas.
In view of these new facts described above, the Human Rights Association WJJA requests the judicial authorities of sovereign countries, respectful of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Charter, to open an investigation to ensure that Peter Thiel, her husband, or his companies, are not connected with the NXIVM sex cult, do not practice human trafficking and slavery, are not involved in pedocriminality, kidnapping, child exploitation.
Further investigation requested on 15/05/2023
Crown of England, Anglo-Dutch-Swiss Food cartel, Club of Islands
Every year, millions of people die of hunger in the world.
An Anglo-Dutch-Swiss food cartel, made up of a dozen companies, steered by the Crown of England, whose members' identity and legitimacy on the throne needs to be proven, we remind you, is in charge of world food supply.
The main companies in the cartel are cereal companies : Cargill, Continental, Louis Dreyfus, Bunge and Born, André and Archer Daniels Midland/Töpfer.
The cartel has a monopoly on the distribution of cereals (wheat, maize, oats, barley, sorghum, rye) but it also controls the production of meat, dairy products, edible oils and fats, fruit and vegetables, sugar and spices.
All these raw materials are subject to speculation on the stock exchange, which is why it is legitimate to think that this cartel, led by the Crown of England, most probably via the Navigation Act of 1660, uses all sorts of schemes to influence stock market prices, in particular by organising shortages. It is legitimate to wonder whether the sale of all French wheat stocks by the Macron government in full confinement of the Covid 19 operation is not part of a speculative plan for raw materials on a global scale.
The Crown of England would run the Club of Islands, an informal association of royal and princely families based mainly in Europe, a kind of secret society of royalty.
The Club of Islands would have an estimated patrimony of 10 trillion dollars. It would have control over companies such as
Royal Dutch Shell,
Imperial Chemical Industries,
Lloyds of London,
Rio Tinto Zinc and Anglo American DeBeers.
It would manage global stocks of oil, gold, diamonds and many other commodities.
Crown of England, Anglo-Dutch-Swiss Food cartel, Club of Islands
Taking into account the collusion between private entities, supervisory agencies, the Crown of England, Genie energy, it would appear that raw materials, energy and food production are in the hands of a monopoly, which is contrary to the rule of free competition.
Moreover, this monopoly is anti-democratic since the entities that make up this monopoly have taken control of government institutions such as the UN and the WHO.
We therefore call on the judicial authorities of sovereign countries to open an investigation to determine which entities have violated the rules of free competition by creating cartels on raw materials, energy and food.
We call on the judicial authorities of sovereign countries to determine the extent to which the British crown is involved in the formation and management of this monopoly and its legitimacy to be involved in the management of society. Indeed, the identity of the members of the Crown of England is not officially and legally established. Neither Mountbatten nor Windsor are names of heirs to the Crown of England.
Many journalists like Winston Lord, Christine Ockrent, Sylvie Kaufman, belong to the CFR or ECFR. It is therefore legitimate to suspect major conflicts of interest with citizens.
We therefore call on the judicial authorities of the sovereign countries. to open an investigation to determine whether there has been corruption of journalists by all these private entities, to determine whether some journalists, including in the state media, have not knowingly lied, conveyed false news or defamed to serve the financial and dictatorial interests of these private entities and provide them with propaganda, in violation of the Munich Charter.
Many politicians, university professors, bankers, members of the governments of various sovereign states, members of the European Parliament, members of the CFR, ECFR or other affiliated bodies. It is legitimate, in view of their responsibilities within their various nations, to be concerned about the possibility that they may have created, in collusion, an illegal government or governments operating in violation of the law and against the interests of democratic governments legitimately elected by the citizens.
We therefore call on the judicial bodies of sovereign countries to investigate whether the members of the CFR, ECFR and other affiliated bodies, cited in this complaint, have not created illegal international governance or used their social positions to promote private interests that run counter to the interests of the citizens of the world in return for compensation.
"One of the main techniques for breaking the morale of the troops with a 'strategy of terror' is precisely to keep people in a constant blur between where they are and where they would like to go. If one adds to this a frequent alternation of harsh disciplinary measures and promises of good treatment, while spreading contradictory news, the "cognitive structure" is so disrupted that the individual becomes unable to know whether a particular plan could lead him or her towards or away from his or her goal. Under these conditions, even individuals with defined goals and a willingness to take risks will be paralyzed by severe inner conflicts about what they should do. "
Kurt Levin
German refugee Henry Kissinger was trained by the Tavistok Institute. He is one of the first students of Sir John Rawlings-Reese, founder of the Institute in 1947 with Frédérick Emery, Eric Trist, Henry Dicks, Leonard Browne, Ronald Hargreaves, John Rawlings Rees, Mary Luff and Wilfred Bion. Tommy Wilson was its first President.
The original name was Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. Its main focus was the study of group and organizational behaviour. Kurt Lewin, had a great influence on the work of the institute. Several members of the institute were to play important roles in world affairs, such as John Rawlings Rees who became the first president of the World Federation for Mental Health in link with CIA. The Tavistock Institute is also linked to UNESCO and Zbigniew Brzezinski's CFR.
Since its foundation,
the Tavistock Institute
has worked with the Ditchley Foundation, the
Club of Rome
and the
Bilderberg Circles. In its American network, we find the
Stanford Research Institute, founded in 1946, consulting for multinationals such as the
Wells Fargo des Rothschild, the Bank of America or the Bechtel Corporation.
He also exerts a decisive influence on the National Association for Education in the United States. The Esalen Institute, the irradiation center of the New Age movement, the Center for Strategic Studies at Georgetown University in Washington (the C.S.I.S., to which the emblematic figures of Kissinger and Brzezinski belong), the Hudson Institute, specialized in defense policy, are part of the same network.
But the strike force of the Tavistock Institute in the United States is the Rand Corporation, the bulwark of the R.I.I.A. and thus of the C.F.R.
The Tavistock Institute is funded by the WHO, the British Foreign Office, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, Carnegy Corporation and a complex network of sister organizations.
The Tavistock Institute is located in the City of London and at the University of Sussex in England, as is the Old Bailey where the Assange trial is taking place.
The Tavistock Institute is also linked to the CFR where we find Stephen, aka Steve, Saideman, the mentor of Stella Morris, aka Stella or Sara Gonzalez Devant, aka Stella Smith Robertson at the Jeanne Sauvé Foundation.
Tavistock was reportedly created at the request of the
Royal Institute for International Affairs
(RIIA) or
Chatham House (Lynn Forester Rothschild) and of the
Round Table. Its members would designate themselves as an "invisible college". Tavistock's staff include
Arnold Toynbee, future director of studies at the RIIA, Walter Lippmann
of the Round Table and
Edward Bernays.
It is therefore legitimate to believe that there are links between the Tavistock Institute and the Fabian Society. It is therefore legitimate to believe that there are links between the Tavistock Institute and CFR, CIA, mainstream media.
Collusion appears in all the states of these influential groups, which seem to behave as parallel institutions or to infiltrate all spheres of the state. Collusions appear in all the states of these influential groups which seem to behave as parallel institutions or infiltrate all state spheres creating monopolies of governance leading to illegal global governance.
We therefore request the judicial authorities of sovereign countries to investigate whether these influential groups have not appropriated the institutions, assets and governance of certain sovereign countries; whether these influential groups have not plundered sovereign peoples by selling off their assets or squandering their tax money; if these influential groups did not orchestrate Operation Assange and Operation Covid 19, which resemble acts of war, together; if these influential groups are not responsible for trafficking in human beings, particularly children, genocide and crimes against humanity in the context of Operation Covid 19.
"Mr. Fred Emery, another researcher at the Tavistock Institute, describes the effects induced by this social chaos, a chaos that is itself generated by social traumas, i.e. economic and political crises, social conflicts, etc. Society then segmented into hostile groups while institutions collapsed. Extremist groups emerge. For Fred Emery, the most complete form of social chaos is dissociation, a state in which the individual person identifies with society as a whole and dissociates from his or her basic personality. Because of fear, he or she isolates himself or herself from other members of the social group. Individuals who have become distrustful and paranoid withdraw into themselves. The dominant culture is then based on superstitions and fantasies, while the only means of communication between beings are the electronic media, acting as decoys and accentuating separation and dissociation."
Dr Pascal Sacré on negative hypnosis
The harmful wearing of masks and the confinement imposed on populations in violation of the fundamental human rights supposedly guaranteed by the UN are unfortunately a measure of torture advocated by this social engineering.
The Tavistock Institute is suspected of having developed brainwashing techniques that they allegedly experimented on American prisoners of the Korean War. The German refugee, Kurt Lewin, who was director of Tavistock in 1932, founded the Harvard Psychology Clinic in 1933.
Tavistock Institute of Human Relations or TIHR
TIHR is a British not-for-profit organisation which applies social science to contemporary issues and problems. It was initiated in 1946, when it developed from the Tavistock clinic, and was formally established as a separate entity in September 1947. The journal Human Relations is published on behalf of the Tavistock Institute by Sage publications.The Institute is located in Tabernacle Street in Islington, London Tavistock Clinic played key roles in British Army psychiatry. Working with colleagues in the Royal Army Médical Corp and the British Army, they were responsible for innovations such as War Office Selection Boards (WOSBs) and Civil Resslement Units (CRUs), and also worked on psychological warfare.
About Council on Foreign Relations CFR
"Today the path to total dictatorship in the United States can be laid by strictly legal means; unseen and unheard by the Congress, the President, or the people .... Outwardly we have a Constitutional government. We have operating within our government and political system another body representing another form of government, a bureaucratic elite which believes our Constitution is outmoded and is sure that it is the winning side .... All the strange developments in foreign policy agreements may be traced to this group who are going to make us over to suit their pleasure. » Senator
William Jenner, in a speech, February 23, 1954
The Council on Foreign Relations has included several politicians such as Gerald Ford, more than twelve Foreign Ministers including John Foster Dulles, Dean Rusk, Henry Kissinger, Madeleine Albright, Colin Powell, bankers, lawyers, journalists (including Walter Lippmann), professors such as Wesley Clair Mitchell and an important figure from the OSS and then the CIA Allen Dulles who is involved in the MKultra programme.
In the late 1930s, the
Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation began to contribute large sums of money to the
CFR. In 1938, they established various Foreign Relations Committees, largely funded by a grant from the
Carnegie Corporation.
They were used to influence local leaders and "shape public opinion".
The Council achieved much greater prominence within the government and the State Department, when it established the strictly confidential War and Peace Studies, funded entirely by the
Rockefeller Foundation. The security and armaments group was headed by
Allen Welsh Dulles.
Eisenhower and 40% of the senior US foreign policy officials in his administration were members of the CFR. Under Truman, 42% of senior positions were held by board members. Under the Kennedy administration, this figure rose to 51%, and peaked at 57% under the Johnson administration.
William Bundy
credited CFR's study groups with helping to lay the framework to the
Marshall Plan and
Members of CFR's board of directors include David M. Rubenstein (Chairman) – Cofounder and Co-Chief Executive Officer, The Carlyle Group. Regent of the Smithsonian Institution, chairman of the board for Duke University, co-chair of the board at the Brookings Institution, and president of the Economic Club of Washington, Richard N. Haass (President) – Former State Department director of policy planning and lead U.S. official on Afghanistan and Northern Ireland (2001–2003), and principal Middle East adviser to President George H.W. Bush (1989–1993) ; Thad W. Allen − Senior Executive Advisor, Booz Allen Hamilton Inc ; Fareed Zakaria – Host, CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS.
Editor at large of Time Magazine, and a regular Washington Post columnist. From 2000 to 2010, Zakaria was the editor of Newsweek International, and managing editor of Foreign Affairs from 1992–2000; Margaret Warner – Senior Correspondent, PBS NewsHour, previously reported for The Wall Street Journal; Laurence D. Fink – Chairman and Chief Executive Officer BlackRock;
Jami Miscik, Chief Executive Officer and Vice Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.. Jami Miscik served as the global head of sovereign risk at Lehman Brothers. She also serves as a senior advisor to Barclays Capital. She currently serves on the boards of EMC Corporation, In-Q-Tel and the American Ditchley Foundation, and is a member of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board. Before entering the private sector, she had a twenty-year career as an intelligence officer, including a stint as the Central Intelligence Agency's Deputy Director for Intelligence (2002–2005), and as the Director for Intelligence Programs at the National Security Council (1995–1996).
Winston Lord president of the Council on Foreign Relations (1977–1985), Ambassador to China (1985–1989), and Assistant Secretary of State (1993–1997). He has provided commentary for major
TV networks and his articles have been published in the
New York Times,
Washington Post,
Wall Street Journal,
Newsweek, Time and Foreign Affairs.
Wintson Lord played a role in the restoration of relations between the United States and China in the early 1970s, and he has been a key figure in US-China relations ever since.
From 1969–73, as a member of the United States National Security Council's planning staff, he was the special assistant to National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger, accompanying him on his secret trip to Beijing in 1971. Wintson Lord was also the top assistant on Vietnam negotiations, in every Kissinger meeting with North Vietnam from 1970–1973. Lord was a principal drafter of both the 1972 Shanghai Communiqué, which opened relations with China, and the 1973 Paris Peace Accords, which ended the Vietnam War. Wintson Lord became the State Department's Director of Policy Planning and top policy adviser on China (1973–77), United States Ambassador to China (1985–1989) under President Reagan, and Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs (1993–1997) under President Clinton.
Links with China can also be found within the
mainly financed by the
Georges Soros Foundation,
Sigrid Rausing, the
Spanish Foundation for Strategic Relations (FRIDE), the
Italian group UniCredit, and the
Communitas Foundation (the Bulgarian bank BRIB).
"In this context, the Chinese see the German economy in general and its manufacturing industry in particular as especially useful to them. Chinese officials like to talk about a “win-win” relationship between two countries whose economies are “complementary” and there is much talk of even closer co-operation in the future around green technologies such as electric cars.23 Chinese think-tanks are studying the German social market economy (which, although it was a creation of the centre-right Christian Democrats, some see as related to their own “socialist market economy”) and German labour relations to see if they can learn from them. They are also co-operating with Germany on a “vocational training alliance”, which helps German companies that increasingly need skilled labour for manufacturing in China.
China also wants to invest in German companies as part of the next phase of its “going-out” strategy. For example, earlier this year Sany, a Chinese construction group, acquired Putzmeister, a medium-sized German company that makes high-tech concrete pumps, for €360 million.24 Such acquisitions may become more common in the future
.“They are buying the backbone of German innovative capability”, says one German official. However, while some in Europe fear such Chinese investments, which have increased since the euro crisis began, Germany remains opposed to protectionist measures.25 For example, it rejected a European Commission proposal for a vetting system for foreign investments. Some in Germany, particularly in the economics ministry, do not support reciprocity as a guiding principle for European policy. Chinese analysts and officials say that Germany’s export-driven economy means it will not succumb to protectionism."
ECFR is one of the partners of the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) de la Rue d'Ulm where Juan Branco (one of the adviser of Julian Assange in France) is graduated.
As the ECFR is partly funded by Georges Soros, one may legitimately wonder whether the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris is not itself partially funded by Georges Soros' Open Society, which is contrary to the rules of the public schools of the French Republic.
Devex, ECFR is in link with Fondation Bill & Melinda Gates (B&MG),
Open Society Foundations (OSF),
Rockfeller Brothers Fund (RBF),
Clinton Global Initiative,
United Nation Commissioners for Refugees (UNHCR),
United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Environmental Resources Management (ERM),
Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), etc.
About ECFRéen_des_relations_internationaleséen-des-relations-internationales-ecfr
About CFR
About Wintson Lord
Lord Mc Cain Foundation
Lynn Forester of Rothschild
Lynn Forester of Rothschild has been a director of The Estee Lauder Companies since December 2000 and The Economist Newspaper Limited (member of the Audit Committee) since October 2002.
"That’s not just because of the £8 million a year in dividend payments it generates, or the prestige that their association carries in a social circle that includes the
Clintons, Henry Kissinger and the billionaires
Carlos Slim and
Len Blavatnik.
The Rothschilds see themselves as custodians of a noble journalistic legacy, protectors of a great and enduring British institution, according to people close to the company."
She is no stranger to Economist Plaza, the distinctive, modernist editorial headquarters in London, and likes to lunch with the editors. One of the bathrooms at their summer home on Martha’s Vineyard is lined with covers of the magazine. She regularly tweets links to Economist articles."
She served as a member of the National Information Infrastructure Advisory Committee and the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board under President Clinton, as a member of the United Nations Advisory Committee on Inclusive Financial Services and as an Advisor to the Deutsche Bank Microfinance Consortium.
She is a member of the Board of the
Peterson Institute for International Economics (and the Executive Committee), the
McCain Institute for International Leadership and the
ERANDA Rothschild Foundation (Rothschild family foundation).
Eranda Foundation and the Rothschild foundation
Lynn Forester Rothschild‘inclusive-capitalism’/
Rothschild, Bronfmann, Clinton NXIVM (
A French school managed by NXIVM
Paris Orleans. Concordia BV
The Frontline club
Frontline Club Limited - the privately owned Frontline Club was formed in September 2002 by
Investment firm Brighton Secretary Limited. It is therefore already a rather opaque set-up as it is difficult to define who is the director and who is the owner in 2002. There are financial businessmen whose names are mostly used as loan names for the company, such as
David Malcom
Kaye, known in the
Malta papers, and
Martin Machan.
From the opening of Frontline Club Limited on 12 September 2002, on 17 September, the Brighton Secretary ceased to be the "manager" of the company. On 15th September 2002 the name of Vaughan Lockart Smith appears in the montage, who will be the name of the company until today. Vaughan Smith becomes 100% shareholder of the company.
Denise Jane Coleman becomes secretary of the Frontline Club and remains so until 2015. This person has no biography on the internet, but in the 13 years of her work in the company and the
Frontline Club Charity Trust, it can be said that she has been the mainstay of the company, of the charity foundation as well as of the house and of the restaurant. When she leaves,
Pranvera Shema,
Vaughan Lockhart Smith's wife, takes her place as manager of the House.
Vaughan Lockhart Smith
Vaughan Lockhart Smith became the director of his company on September 15, 2002.
On April 14, 2003, other individuals joined the company's management. The most prescriptive are :
John Wiliam Owen,
Sue Philipps and
Graham Carleton Greene.
John Owen seems to be piloting Vaughan Smith as early as 2003 (and later Julian Assange?).
He was the Director of the Frontline Club from 2003 to 2005 and then resigned to create the real nerve centre of the Frontline, the Charity Trust Frontline Club, the foundation of the Frontline which finances the catering business and the house.
This Charity trust receives funding directly from Soros, the Open Society Foundation and employs Vaughan Lockhart Smith and Pranvera Shema, Smith's wife, until today as "Personal Key Manager".
John Owen remained the Chairman of the Frontline Club Charity Trust until 2019.
He was in the management of the
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and worked also at the Freedom Forum European Center, already funded by Georges Soros since 1996. In 2008, he became programme director at Al Jazeera English. He lives also in Kenya at the time when Julian Assange
John Shipton
are supposed to reside there.*
The second most important person in the Frontline Club Limited and in the Frontline Club Charity Trust is Sue (Susan) Philips.
Together with
John Owen, she was Director of the Frontline Club from 2003 to 2005. Like Owen, she is a producer from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. She has worked in Washington and Moscow and was director of Al Jazeera UK when it was founded in 2004.
She has been living in Qatar for 12 years.
The third pillar of Frontline comes from the world of English nobility and publishing. It is Graham Carleton Green who also became director of the Fontline on 14 April 2003 .He is the nephew of the writer Graham Greene. He is the owner of the Johnatan Cape publishing house and director of the British Museum. Jonathan Cape is sold to Random House, which becomes Peguine Random House.
Other directors from 2003 to 2005 are : Fernando Javier Peire, Johnatan Peirce Black, James Henry Ware, lawyer and Paul Andrew Edmunds, restorer.
Paul Andrew Edmunds is leaving in September 2003 and Sue Philips on 31.12.2003. But she will be back as she will be on the Board of the Charity Trust Frontline Club from its inception, in 2005 until today.
Vaughan Lockhart Smith is 100% shareholder of what is then a Very Small Business.
SME is so small that it is not obliged to present detailed annual accounts until 2010. In 2003, for example, there are 12,000 assets and 8,000 net book value. In 2004, it grows to 21,000 pounds a year. In 2005, the Frontline was at £55,000 'book value'. In 2006, at 85,000 a year. In 2007, at £87,000. In 2008, it drops to 70,000, perhaps due to investment.
In 2009, it's 61,000 pounds. In 2010, the activity is stronger, the balance sheet is stronger, even if it ends up at 55,000 pounds. In 2011, on the business side it doesn't change, while on the
Charity Trust Frontline Club side, the Assange project will completely change dimension. The companies assets end up at £73,000 in 2020. All the Directors left on 3 May 2005 to set up the Frontline Club Charity Trust.
Vaughan Smith and Denise Coleman remain. On May 1, 2007, Vaughan Smith, the 100% shareholder, placed his wife, Pranvera Shema, Smith's, born in 1973, at the helm of the company. Her official address is Elligham Hall. She claims to be of Kosovar nationality and has already been director of the "Foreign Correspondent Club" in London, another private company. They are therefore "Director 1 and Director 2", but Vaughan Smith does not yet share the shareholding. On 1 January 2010, Pranvera becomes "usually resident" in the UK. No further changes in 2010 in the Frontline Club Limited structure.
Although they are married, they declare two different addresses since Pranvera Shema, Smith's wife, gives the address to Elligham Hall and Vaughan Lockhart Smith gives the address of 7 Southwick Meaws next to the Frontline. This is strange, since Vaughan Lockhart Smith is supposed to be the heir and owner of Elligham Hall. There is changes in 2011.
Apparently the company's activity grows. There are 'current assets' at £190,000, but the book value ends up at £68,000 in 2011. From 31 October 2012, Pranvera Shema, Smith's wife, is no longer a director, but is a paid manager with the Charity Trust Frontline Club. On 13.09.2013, the company finally has her adress at 13 Norfolk place, before it used to be housed in an accounting office.
Under English law, the Frontline Club remains a small business. The equity capital is £57,000. That seems a bit light for a 3-storey building housing a restaurant that seems to be full. Moreover, the owners rent the 3 rooms on the top floor.
The book value even decreases in 2014 to 44,000 pounds. This is surprising because usually the value of the property increases the value of the company's assets and the 13 Norfolk Place is a beautiful building in central London in an area where prices are constantly rising. Why are Frontline Club assets calculated so low?
In 2015,
Denise Coleman leaves the secretariat after 13 years of service. In 2015, equity increases slightly to £67,000. In 2016, Pranvera Shema, Smith's wife, is registered as having "significant influence or control over the company".
In 2016, the nature of the company changes: equity increases to £281,000. The book value remains at £78,000. In 2017, equity is £358,000. Suddenly 30 employees appear in the annual report.
21 June 2019,
Mario Armani, an
Australian Greek, becomes co-director. In 2018, the shareholders' equity drops slightly to 233,000 with 31 employees! On 18 September 2019, Vaughan Lockhart Smith shares his capital shares with his wife and Mario Armani.
29 April 2020 appears: a "register of charge", given to the Barclays bank which seems to be similar to a mortgage.
What happened in 2016 and in 2019? Why has the value of the company increased so significantly in 2016 that it is capable of employing 31 people when for 10 years only the owner and his wife worked there? Julian Assange hosted the Frontline Club Limited in 2010. He worked and lived there from July to December 2010 and was filmed there for conferences and meetings of the 04 Wikileaks project in 2011. He was also the hostage of Vaughan Lockart Smith from December 2010 to June 2012 as this man was his "guarantor under the bail" until Julian Assange's captivity at 3 Hans Crescent Street.
The Frontline Club sometimes organises meetings called "Wikileaks" or "whistleblowers" from 2013 until today but Vaughan Smith does not really support the man he presents in the media as "his friend". Indeed, while Westminster Court is 500 metres from 13 Norfolk Place, Vaughan Smith only came one time, on 21 October 2019, to one of Julian Assange's 19 hearings. How can a "friend" be so indifferent.
Vaughan Smith and Pranvera Shema do not run the company alone but with them, who were behind the creation of the company and who keep it under their management by setting up the Frontline Club Charity Trust. These true directors were undoubtedly also the decision-makers in the events of 2010 to 2012 that led to Julian Assange's captivity. Why are these men acting in the shadows?. What are their interests, their reasons and their objectives? What are their real links with Julian Assange?
Why did Mario Armani become a shareholder and director of Frontline Club Limited when Julian Assange was released from the Ecuadorian flat and officially imprisoned in Belmarsh, in reality probably in a secret prison? Is there a link between these two events and the sudden increase in the company's assaults?
Analysis of 5 Charity Commission activity reports for the Charity Trust Frontline club created on 26th October 2005.
Charity Number : 1111898
The officers of the Frontline Club Charity Trust (trustee) are John Owen, Richard Sambrook who signs the activity reports, Flora Carmichael, P Conroy.
P. Conroy does not appear on the website. No information about him. He arrives in January 2020.
John Owen
resigns on 18 November 2019 (he is almost 80 years old). Sue Philips takes his place on the same day.
Flora Carmichael is
a Oxford graduate. She appears in the "Frontline project" at the time of Julian Assange story, from October 2009 to October 2012. She is in charge of International Projects including a Frontline Russia Project funded by Georges Soros. In the light of these documents, it appears that Georges Soros financed the Frontline projects at the time of Julian Assange’s story in the building of Frontline Club Limited.
The Charity Trust Frontline Club has not published the activity reports from 2010 to 2015.
Extract from Flora Carmichael's CV on Linkedin
« International Events Producer and Funding Coordinator
Oct 2009 – Oct 2011 - 2 years 1 month
Produced hundreds of talks, debates and documentary screenings about current affairs, both in London and in partnership with NGOs in eight countries. Managed the Frontline International Partners Project and Frontline Russia Projects, funded by the Open Society Foundation.
Organised the Frontline Club Awards for three years, securing sponsorship, judges and high profile guest speakers.
Secured a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund and oversaw the digitalisation and cataloguing of 1,000 hours of footage from the major wars from the 1980's to 2000. Recruited and managed volunteers. Organised and conducted training and interviews for oral histories. Administrated the sale of footage. »
Flora Carmichael doesn't talk about Assange directly, but she does storytelling about Vaughan Lockart Smith and Jennifer Robinson.
Flora Carmichael is at the BBC today where she is in charge of... fake news.
Richard Sambrook
Richard Sambrook was programme director at the BBC and is a professor of journalism at Cardiff University. He is also on the Board of CIJ and WWF.
Richard Sambrook was mixed up in the Iraq war in 2003.
He covered the journalists who unveiled the BBC's "September File", the documents proving that the British secret service was pushing for war in Iraq by fabricating and using the storytelling of Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction. But unfortunatly the scientist who leaked the documents, David Kelly, has strangely committed suicide. Sambrook had to explain himself before a parliamentary enquiry.
The journalist who revealed the Iraqi files is
Andrew Giligan. He has had many problems because of these revelations.
These events highlight the interest of media bosses like Richard Sambrook in having a portal like Wikileaks that privatizes data : this way leaks can be better controlled and their publication can be blamed on a lambda guy like Julian Assange to avoid embarrassing questions from citizens or lawsuits. Richard Sambrook writes for The Media Review published by INA. He writes with
Sean McGuire
who is also the managing director of
Oliver & Ohlbaum Associates, a media consultancy.
Sean McGuire is a former Chief Strategy Officer of BBC News.
About Richard Sambrook
In 2015, there other members on the board are : J W Owen, J Khan, J L Anderson, L Doucet, R Sambrook, G Knight, C Sennott, Y Fouda, A Sullivan.
J Khan is Jemima Goldsmith Khan the star of the nobility who financed Assange's bail.
Aidan Sullivan photographer is the owner of Getty Images (Many pictures of Assange for sale on Getty image, part of the Carlyle Group).
Lyse Doucet
is International Director at the BBC.
Lyse Doucet has been a correspondent in Afghanistan for years, and in Tunisia, Libya and Syria in 2011. Lyse Doucet does the British government storytelling on Syria.
Georges Soros has invested in the Carlyle Group. Carlyle has a partnership with the Getty Images Group which owns much of the imagery produced in the Assange case.
Carlyle Group is the parent company of Booz Allen Hamilton, headed by Robert James Woolsey, former CIA boss and boss of Edward Snowden.
Getty Image seems to have a monopoly on the image production of the royal family, the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange, and most of the world's greats.
This monopoly is contrary to free competition and the principles of freedom of expression.
We therefore ask the judicial authorities of sovereign countries to kindly open an investigation to determine why other press companies or individuals do not seem to be able to produce photos in certain areas such as that of people.
John Shipton with Bachar el Assad
At Charity Trust Frontline Club, the Honorary Chief Executive is P. Smith. Pranvera Shema Smith, the Kosovar wife of Vaughan Smith.
The head office is at 13 Norfolk Place in the Frontline Club building.
In 2014 there are 155 members of the Frontline Club and there have been 120 events. Vaughan Smith has even travelled to New York three times to meet american freelance journalists. The Frontline Freelance Club has been sponsored by the big Vodaphone company.
The Frontline Club as always interferes in journalism in Eastern Europe, Russia and 6 other countries (probably ex-Yugoslavia...) with NGOs paid by Soros. So these Soros projects in Eastern Europe led by the Frontline have been running since 2009.
"The Charity worked in close partnership with NGOs, media centres and independent coordinators across Russia and six Central and Eastern European countries to champion independent journalism regionally and stimulate an engagement with international affairs. The International Partners Project was again funded in full by the Open Society Foundation during this period although there was a significant break between Phase III and Phase IV of the project in this regard (May 2014 and Februar 2015). »
Although Frontline Club Charity Trust has a deficit of 39,000 pounds, it continues the actions in Eastern Europe paid for by Soros.
« FCCT will continue its International Partners Project. In the following cycle the Charity will continue to produce a dynamic events programme and, in a number of instances, will expand its international activities to include relevant training, networking events for freelance journalists, and a regional and independent Journalism Awards in collaboration with Frontline Club Bucharest. As this upcoming period will mark the last in which the project is supported by the Open Society Foundation, FCCT will consolidate its efforts and activities internationally, and will continue to strengthen its presence in Romania, Georgia, Russia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, in addition to developing a relevant and independent standing in Istanbul » ( from the annual report 2014)
Soros has been omnipresent in the history of the Frontline Club from the very beginning with Canadian, British and American officials from the BBC and AL Jazeera. The Smiths are just the managers of the building. They are not prescribers or bosses. How Soros gave the orders and financed Assange as part of the Frontline is unclear.
About Soros
« Grant making policy The Trust receives grants from the Open Society Foundation (OSF) to bolster its support for freelance journalism. The Trust does not currently undertake the making of grants from its own resources »
« Over the 2018-19 year, The Frontline Club grew its supporting membership with 112 new members joining. The Charity popular public events programme of discussions and screenings continues to thrive and the number of events increased from 89 during the previous year to 91 during this period, including events delivered in partnership with other parties. There were a total of 7,738 event attendees of which 1,227 were members. This though, represents a slight decrease in average event attendance, from 87 people to 85 people per event. »
« On 10 May 2018 we held another popular event, a pre-screening of the widely acclaimed Under the Wire documentary, about war reporter Marie Colvin and photographer Paul Conroy with 1015 attendees. The panel after the film included Paul Conroy." – Annual Report 2018
Paul Conroy is one of the photographers promoted by the Frontline Club Charity Trust.
The others Frontline Club Charity Trust Directors are : Yosri Fouda, Charles Sennot, Gary Knight, John Lee Anderson.
In 2016, Vaughan Smith and Pramvera Shema became « Key Management Personal » in the Charity Trust
From the Annual report 2017
The Trustees consider the board of trustees, along with Mr H V L Smith and Mrs P Smith, as comprising the key management personnel of the charity in charge of directing snd controling the charity and running end operating the charity on a day to day basis. As trustees give of their time freely and no trustee remuneration was paid in the year. No remuneration or expenses were paid to Mr H V L Smith or Mrs P Smith. Details of trustee expenses snd related parly transactions are disclosed In notes 15 & 16to the accounts. » - (annual reports from 2016 to 2019)
« The main income for the Charity comes from membership donations. The infrastructure to support the donors and the energy to recruit them comes from the Charity’s social enterprise partner, the Frontline Club Limited. The Frontline Club Limited, owned by Vaughan and Pranvera Smith, is a demanding hospitality enterprise. The Charity has significant dependency on Vaughan and Pranvera’s goodwill as they work for free for both enterprises and have done so for 15 years. Should they become incapacitated, lose interest for some reason, or should the Frontline Club Limited fail commercially then it is hard to see how the Charity could continue. »
« Vaughan and Pranvera continue to be very commited. They are working hard to make the Frontline Club Limited more reliably profitable and are on the path do doing so. The Charity and the Frontline Club limited and have a loyal community that value and support them.»
« During the year The Frontline Club Ltd recharged costs and services to the Trust of £76,002 (2016: £80,500). It recharged wages to the Trust of £45,402 (2016: £38,392). At the year end The Frontline Club Ltd owed the Trust £99,723 (2016: £3,725)During the year Frontline Television News Ltd recharged costs and services to the Trust of £6,000 (2016: £6,000). At the year end the Trust owed Frontline Television News Ltd £49,857 (2016: £62,542)»
During the year, Ellingham Land charged rent to the Trust of £60,000 (2016: £60,000). At the year end the Trust owed Ellingham Land £nil (2016: £12,000).»
Vaughan Smith and Pranvera Shema are assumed not to be paid by the Charity Trust Fronline Club. But the Frontline Club Limited, which they own, does bill the Frontline Club Charity Trust for services and costs, including salaries. In return the Frontline Charity Trust pays Vaughan Smith and his wife rent for the use of the building at 13 Norfolk Place and Elligham Hall Manor. In 2017 the Frontline Charity Trust's income is £252,000 and £96,000 in grants from Georges Soros. Vaugham Smith and Pranvera Shema can be said to be paid by grants received by the Frontline Charity Trust in return for rents and services rendered by their companies Frontline Club Limited and Frontline Television.
In 2018, Vaughan Smith's company Frontline Club Limited charges the Charity Trust £138,000 for services and £46,000 for salaries and owes only £5,000. Smith receives 66,000 from the Charity Trust for the Elligham Hall rental and for Frontline TV he receives 6,000 and gives 12,000. »
With £245,000 that Vaughan Smith's companies then receive, he is a winner in the operation, but very dependent on the Trust. It was also the period when his business at 13 Norfolk Place grew to 30 employees, all most likely paid with money from the Trust. And where would he get the income to pay 30 people? What do these 30 people work for? Are they the part-time waiters at the restaurant at 13 Norfolk Place.
This arrangement is very opaque.
The 2019 annual report says:
« Key management personnel remuneration The Trustees consider the board of trustees, along with Mr H V L Smith and Mr M Armani, as comprising the key management personnel of the charity in charge of directing and controlling the charity and running and operating the charity on a day to day basis. All trustees give of their time freely and no trustee remuneration was paid in the year. No remuneration or expenses were paid to Mr H V L Smith or Mr M Armani. Details of trustee expenses and related party transactions are disclosed in note 16to the account. »
« These related to the Trust's share of costs for the property it shares with The Frontline ClubLtd and services charged to cover the runing of the Club bar and forum, membership administration and software support. »
« Grant making policy The Trust receives grants from the Open Society Foundation (OSF) to bolster its support for freelance journalism. The Trust does not currently undertake the making of grants from its own resources.»
Frontline Club Limited is still maintained at least partially by the Trust and grants from donors including Soros. With 30 employees, the restaurant and club appears to be growing.
Donor money acts as a free investment in the economic development of the Club, bar and restaurant.
However, we are asking for an investigation to be opened to determine whether this financial arrangement is legal and whether it does not conceal a fraud.
Georges Soros has therefore been omnipresent in the history of the Frontline Club from the beginning with the Canadian, British and American officials of the BBC and AL Jazeera and therefore in the story of Julian Assange in the Frontline Club. The Smiths are only the property managers of the building. They are not prescribers or bosses. How George Soros gave orders and financed Julian Assange's activity in the Frontline Club is not clear until we see the reports kept secret from 2010 to 2014. But if financing took place from 2009 to 2015 there is no reason why it should have stopped when Julian Assange's fame brought people to the Club's premises at 13 Norfolk Place.
Julian Assange's presence was the beginning of the great expansion of both the Frontline Club Charity Trust and Limited. Julian Assange was used by all these people. He made money for them.
They made money by using him. He did not benefit financially or personally from his presence at 13 Norfolk Place. On the contrary, he was used and he made money for people who exploited him and subsequently imprisoned him or contributed to his captivity.
We are asking that an investigation be opened into the flow of money between the Frontline Club Charity Trust and Frontline Club Limited and that the officers, directors and managers of both structures be held responsible for the damage they caused to Julian Assnage and liable for any fraud if fraud has been committed.
« During the year the Frontline Club Ltd recharged costs and services to the Trust of f101,043. (…) At the year end The Frontline Club Ltd owed the Trust 21,688. During the year Frontline Television News Ltd recharged costs and services to the Trust of 6,000 pounds for computer rental. At the year end the Trust owed Frontline Television New owed the Trust Ltd 1619 pounds. During the year Ellingham Land charged rent to the Trust of 66,000 ». ( annual report 2019)
We call on the justice of the British sovereign government and the justice of all sovereign governments to open an enquiry to gain access to reports of activities kept secret from 2010 to 2014.
There are doubts whether their involvement is politically sincere or instrumental, using Julian Assange - WikiLeaks freedom features as an appeal product. Question arise whether the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange gave his consent or if his image and troubles are used for hidden political agendas not related to human rights defence. Unfair or commercial use of Julian Assange image should be subject to investigation.
On 5 April 2010, Julian Assange presented the video Collateral murder, at the basis of the extradition procedure requested by the U.S. for spying, in the city of... Washington DC.
No one, especially not the CIA, could ignore the presence of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange on American territory.
It is therefore legitimate to think that there was collusion between the different political parties involved today in the Assange affair, the security agencies, the governments of the USA, Germany, Sweden, Australia, the Frontline Club, the Crown of England, Imperial College to use the image of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange to conduct an international political campaign and deploy pawns on the world stage to destroy state sovereignty by establishing universal jurisdiction in the service of an anti-democratic world-wide governance.
We therefore urge sovereign governments to investigate whether such collusion may have taken place and to develop such a plan, because if these suspicions prove to be true, it means that private entities have carried out terrorist enterprises on sovereign territories.
About New Word Order
Christine Lagarde
"Prince Charles has outed himself as a member of the New World Order, and unsurprisingly, he supports their plan of "global reset" for financial sector, under pretext of coronavirus, which would see scum like him get vastly more wealthy, and everyone else poorer. When The Queen dies, the UK monarchy must collapse into history books or "King Charles" will finish off UK for his globalist criminals benefit."
Prince Charles
Jacob Rothschilds
Bill Clinton
Hilary Clinton
In his memories on page 405, David Rockefeller says this:
"Some even believe we (the Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure---one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.".
In the light of our investigative evidence, there appears to be a great deal of collusion between citizens who are members of spheres of influence, multinational corporations, state agencies, non-governmental organisations, the WHO, the UN, the World Bank and other private entities that rest yet to be identified.
Accordingly, we urge the judicial bodies of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and the judicial bodies of sovereign governments to investigate whether such collusion exists and who is part of it.
What role does the Imperial College play in these global entities?
It is all the more important to investigate who is behind the judicial staging of which the citizen known as Julian Assange is the victim.
John Shipton, through his wife Catherine Ann Barber Shipton, is connected with the Imperial College St Mary’s Hospital whose head office is located in Gersey, a tax and legal heaven under feudal law like the
City of London.
The hospital is owned by the Imperial College Health Service Trust of St Mary’s Hospital. Therefore, the Hospital Health Management Service is part of Imperial College Health Service Trust of St Mary’s Hospital. It does not report to the Department of Health or the NHA. It is directly attached to this royal institution.
Title Number : LN105502 Address of Property : St Mary's Hospital, Medical School, Praed Street, London Price Stated : £85,000,000 Registered Owner(s) : COHORT LTD (incorporated in Jersey) of Fourth Floor St Paul's Gate, 22-24 New Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE1 4TR and care of Bartlet Attn: David Miller, Fourth Floor, Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank, London SW1P 4QP. Lender(s) : TFB (Mortgages) Designated »
We recall that Mr John Shipton is the owner of the domain names WikiLeaks and Collateral murder.
We recall that the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange does not have the same name as John Shipton. No document attests that Mr. John Shipton is the father of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange.
The answer to these questions is all the more significant in that Imperial College Sainte Mary Hospital was behind the management of the Covid19 pseudo health crisis, since it this institute produced the simulations which enormously overestimated the seriousness of the related disease.
This was the primary “scientific“ parameter justifying the worldwide confinement, which has itself proven inefficient, and in France, most probably worsening, given the way it was disorganized, wittingly or unwittingly.
Regardless of the anarchical affectation of covid19 related deaths in numerous countries, the global death excess in Europe this winter amounts officially to 115 000, which is comparable to serious flu epidemics having occurred in the past. This means Imperial College simulations were 40 to 100 times out of scope.
Confinement for 23 hours out of 24 hours is akin to torture. It is also the regime to which the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is said to be subjected.
Curiously the negotiations and the finalization of the sale of Imperial College Sainte Mary Hospital were made in the midst of the WHO declared Covid19 pandemic, and concluded on 20 April 2020.
Does this transfer to Gersey flexible statute, protect the Imperial College Sainte Mary Hospital against possible international legal action related to its covid19 handling? Is there any causal relation between sale and covid19 crisis?
We call on the Government of England and judiciary of all sovereign governments of the world to investigate whether Imperial College has any responsibility for the inhumane treatment of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange. Is there a link between the Assange case and the Covid 19 case?
We recall that the
MKUltra programme was implemented by three scientists
: the
English psychiatrist William Sargant
(Saint Thomas Hospital) who wrote the CIA's torture manuals, the
Canadian sexologist Even Cameron, of Scottish origin, and the
chemist Sydney Gottlieb, a CIA agent specialist in biological weapons.
One of Sydney Gottlied's specialities was to couple bacteria and viruses and to use animals as vectors for disease transmission.
"Mkultra continued in the hands of Dr. Sargant and others like him.
Thanks to his connections with the American pharmaceutical industry, they had the largest arsenal of psychotropic drugs in Britain. He was the first to "treat" his patients with Thorazine, Stelazine or Melaril; antidepressants such as Evalil or Trofanil; or mood regulators such as lithium carbonate. He administered them in combination.
Dr. Sargant worked closely with Eli Liley Company, Hoffman Laroche and Geygy. He also had the consideration of the pharmaceutical companies Merks, Sharon and Dohmel, Park Davis and Company; Smith Kline, French Laboratories, Seal Laboratories.
Sargant died on 27 August 1986. His death freed me from my commitments and I was able to begin, little by little, to delve into his past. The task was not easy as he had powerful friends in the World Psychiatric Association which he had helped to create and in the Royal College of Psychiatrists. They did everything they could to keep me away from his medical reports and best sellers."
Les armes secrètes de la CIA, Gordon Thomas (2006)
Within the framework of the MKultra, William Sargant and Even Cameron worked on the notion of "psychiatric infantilism" which leads the subject of torture to ask for help from the person who makes him suffer or endangers his life. The tortured end up considering torturers as people who want their good. This is called pathological transfer.
We observe this behaviour today in those who wear the mask without realising that it does little to destroy their health, both mentally and physiologically.
Psychiatrists William Sargant and Jolyon West are the authors of two manuals on torture used by the CIA :
Coercive Questioning and Exploitation of Human Resources.
It is important to note that Rockefeller funded the creation of the Allan Memorial Hospital where Dr. Even Cameron practiced his psychiatric experiment.
Yuri Nosenko
A storytelling about Nosenko appears in 2008 at the time of his death. This storytelling is very similar to the one created for Assange.
The article therefore presents Nosenko in an unflattering light. He is presented as an elite boy, used to doing nothing and to whom his father found a position at the MGIMO, the school of diplomacy. Later, he was in charge of counter-espionage in the USSR. He is responsible for monitoring foreigners, including Lee Harvey Oswald. He is said to have betrayed after going to Geneva on a mission. And he is taken badly : he loses everything, he is arrested and tortured, nobody believes him, and the only thing he admits and repeats over and over again to the Americans is that Oswald was a good-for-nothing who the KGB didn't want. And that the KGB had nothing to do with it in the Kennedy assassination.
The Nosenko storytelling does not fit the historical context of the USSR. No Russian believes in the Golden Boy version.
Nosenko's father is Stalinist. The Stalinists were men particularly hard and demanding with their offspring, and under Stalin one did not make a career at all because one was the son of official. On the contrary, the fathers did not hesitate to sacrifice their sons, as Stalin had done with his own, which he refused to release from the Nazi captivity.
Nosenko's father dies at 54 years old because Kroutchev removes the credits for the naval school.
Kroutchev takes advantage of the betrayal of the son to remove all the decorations of the father, and erase the father from history. Nosenko is probably at the centre of a struggle between the Stalinists and the Kroutchevians.
Stalin died in 1953, after which the Beria Malenkov Khrushchev trio came to power only in 1960.
Nosenko therefore spent most of his career between the ages of 25 and 36 (1964 in Geneva) under the triumvirate fighting for power. He is a Stalinist product, perhaps a representative of a Stalinist faction in the KGB.
Two hypotheses are possible.
Either Nosenko is sent to the West to fulfil a very important mission special : warning "goodwill" within the power structure American on the development of a globalist sect, (Kennedy who denounced the plot before his death being a code name).
Nosenko repeats as a mantra that the Russians are not involved in Kennedy's assassination. Is this a way of saying that the danger is inside the USA, that the Russians are also risking a lot with Kennedy's death and that they will help them to dismantle their enemies from within.
So be it. Nosenko was sent to test the Mkultra program on himself. The Russians were obviously aware of the program. They may have sent one of their own to test the program. The best one.
William Buckley
expresses his admiration for his resistance to torture.
Afterwards, Nosenko disappears. It is legitimate to wonder whether he did not participate in a MKultra programme run jointly by the Russians and the Americans.
This may explain why two Russian channels, Sputnik and RT are involved in the Assange affair. The information must be kept under control until the end of the storytelling. If this is the case, it is legitimate to imagine that Assange may have been one of the MKultra products first formatted in Russia.
The question then arises : who in the USSR could have validated a MKultra programme common to the USA and the USSR? Krutchev? Beria? Malenkov? Or Molotov and Bulganin? Power in the USSR was collective and there were intense struggles to maintain or conquer this power between different men and factions.
In the MKultra program, agent William Buckley and agent Yuri Nosenko seem to be two inseparable elements of one experimentation, just as the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange, aka Mendax, and the citizen known as Edward Snowden, aka Verax, seem to be.
We therefore call upon the judicial bodies of the sovereign English government and the judicial bodies of sovereign governments to open an enquiry to determine what role the instigators of the MKultra Plan have made these four citizens play, with or without their consent, on the world political scene.
A pathogen produced in the lab
It now appears that the pathogen known as Covid 19 has been produced in the laboratory since patents were discovered on it.
Alexandra Henrion Caude
ResearchDevelopmentFoundation. DennisT.Brown
About Pasteur Institute'institut-Pasteur-a-fabriqué-le-virus:a
About Richard Rothschild Test on Corona virus manufactured in 2015
Around the world, scientists have hypothesised that the pathogen SRAS-COV-2 and some bacteria acted in symbiosis. Viruses can be integrated into bacteria, either to modify their genetic capital and make them more virulent, or to use them as a vector to infect organisms more easily.
Life often comes down to a story of tails. Further proof of this comes from the way in which the T4 bacteriophage virus infects a bacterium to take control of its cellular machinery. It has just been deciphered by scientists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) in an article published in the magazine Nature on 19 May 216. A T4 bacteriophage is a virus in the shape of a lunar module.
Like its macroscopic model, it sits on the surface of the bacterium. It then pierces the shell and injects its DNA into its victim. Once inside, the viral genetic code multiplies and serves as a matrix for the production of many small virions. So much so that, soon filled like an egg by these invaders, the bacterium ends up exploding, releasing a thousand newborn viruses into the environment.
Fort Detrick and Sydney Gottieb
In his laboratory in Fort Detrick, Sydney Gottieb injected pathogenic bacteria (mostly bacteria at time)
into small insect or rodent vectors. First in the laboratory, then during the Korean War.
There has also been research for many years to use viruses to modify the human genetic code, particularly to change it in the case of genetic diseases. We are beginning to approach ethically dangerous areas, presented for a good cause. who wouldn't want to cure a myopathic child!
Alternatively, one can seek to create human GMOs resistant to a virus like Monsanto created his Rondup-resistant maize by modifying the genetic code of the maize so that in Rondup is spread in the fields it kills all weeds except maize. ( the Chinese children you are talking about). Where it gets stuck is that bacteria or viruses can also invade each other and modify their genetic heritage.
In Fort Detrick Laboratory, Sydney Gottlieb injected pathogenic bacteria (mostly bacteria at the time) into small insect or rodent vectors. First in the laboratory, then during the Korean War.
We recall that clouds of bacteria had been released over the medieval town of Salisburry and the port of Southampton (In Gordon Thomas, The CIA's secret weapons) and the city of San Francisco. Residents developed an influenza-like illness, some of whom died.
The laboratory developing chemical weapons in the UK is Porton Down and in the USA, Fort Detrick.
We call upon the justice of the government. sovereign government of the United Kingdom to open an enquiry to determine whether the Imperial College St. Mary's Hospital works in conjunction with the Porton Down and Fort Detrick laboratories.
How the British Government subjected thousands of people to chemical and biological warfare trials during Cold War.
You decide : Controversal global issues Protection research Catalog Partie 1 Effects of lionizing Radiation
Torture in the MK-Ultra way
MK-Ultra type mind control works according to 4 basic principles :
❖ Food deprivation
❖ Light and air deprivation
❖ Isolation
❖ Containment
In order to disorientate the victims, to make them lose all spatial and temporal landmarks, the mask is used on the mouth and nose as in Guantanamo.
The aim is to create chaos within a personality in order to restore order to it as one wishes according to the degree of submission one wants to obtain from the subject. Mkultra-type torture is based on a process of death and rebirth.
The goal is to annihilate the personality of a subject, to destroy his resistance capability; the confiscation of his belongings is an important step of the process. He is no longer anything since he no longer possesses anything.
Julian Assange has been deprived of all his belongings.
Some have even been thrown into the street like vulgar rubbish.
The subject's integrity is being broken progressively.
He no longer knows his name, or even if he has an identity or a date of birth. To this day, the citizen known as Julian Assange does not refer to any real identity when he talks about himself.
To destroy any notion of time and space, the subject is placed in isolation with artificial irregular lighting. He is confined. up to 23 out of 24. This is the case of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange.
The covid confinement conditions imposed to billions of people was of course less strict, but extremely unequal. Low intensity, wide spread. Unavoidably, a number of people suffered similar consequences, such as psychological destabilisation, anxiety.
Reed Washington University journal of law & Policy, "Psychiatric effect of Solitary Confinment"
The executioners are the masters of time and space.
They decide everything in the place of the tortured subject. They forbid him all free will, prevent him from thinking by keeping him in a state of dependency and fear.
The victim exhausts himself through absurd imposed mechanisms. This is the case of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange who has been subject to illegal and absurd rules for at least eleven years. This is the case of the populations of many countries following absurd measures such as wearing a mask full day when its utility and harmfulness have no scientific grounds, are not argued by health authorities, not medically studied nor followed, about which doctors contradictory medical points of views and observations are simply ignored, both by authorities and mainstream media.
Kent University about torture
About Guantanamo
The mask, symbol of slavery and sadomasochisme
Operation of the MKultra type manipulators
They were developed in part at the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations in London, funded by the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Institute. It works in conjunction with the WHO, the World Federation for Mental Health, UNESCO and the Rand Corporation.
The first président is
John Rawlings Rees (25 June 1890 – 11 April 1969), a British civilian and military psychiatrist.
Henry Kissinger was trained by John Rawlings Rees. as part of the Tavistock Institute.
The strategy of manipulation works according to some fundamental principles.
✹ Diversion by a continual deluge of distractions and information that saturates the brain and prohibits any autonomy in understanding facts, learning or acquiring knowledge.
✹ The notion of a
pyromaniac firefighter, an action which consists in creating a problem from scratch in order to propose to solve it by proposing a solution defined before its creation. The aim is to bring an individual or a group of individuals to adhere to solutions which do not suit them or which they would not have favoured in the context of crisis management.
✹ The notion of degraded-deferred, which consists in making people accept a series of measures, generally coercive and going against the common interest or that of the subject(s) subjected to manipulation. The manipulator causes a situation to deteriorate step by step in order to make it unbearable for the person confronted with it, locking him/her into a destructive fatality and finally proposing harmful solutions which seem to him/her to be the only possible ones. In order to succeed in this kind of large-scale manipulation, propaganda media must be used.
✹ Infantilizing, which consists in depriving individuals of their autonomy, either by making them believe that they do not have the mental or physical capacities necessary to solve a problem, or by treating them as infants unable to manage, protect or think for themselves.
✹ The social distancing
that cuts the individual off from the exchange with his fellow human beings, depriving him of any contribution from the outside world, accentuates infantilizing and fear to the point of pantophobia, creating psychopathologies that are sometimes irreversible. In Covid 19 manipulative management, social distancing maintains an irrational fear of death. We are all mortal but the manipulative process makes the individual believe that if he cuts himself off from his fellow human beings, he will not die. This is not true. He may even die faster because he will develop pathologies that may lead to depression or suicide. This type of packaging is known as Pavlov. or Skinner packaging.
✹ Destruction of sensory landmarks by making the universe of the individual or group of manipulated individuals absurd. The confinement induces for example a destruction of circus rhythms. The executioner makes himself master of time.
✹ Destruction of the semantic landmarks
by profusely using oxymoron and antithesis, by giving information detached from reality, not demonstrated, in order to drown thought under an avalanche of unverifiable interpretative hypotheses.
✹ Guilt of the victim whom the torturer repeatedly accuses of being responsible for his or her own misfortune. The individual must convince himself or herself that he or she is guilty even if he or she has committed no crime. The guilt phase is usually accompanied by a protocol of punishments and rewards.
✹ Push the individual to self-predation. The goal is to make him turn his anger against himself or to internalize his anguish so that it destroys him. The torturer makes sure that the world is presented to him as particularly hostile and dangerous. The self-predation begins with a withdrawal into oneself, a radicalization of thought with the appearance of obsessional ideas that impose themselves like repetitive music in his brain, knocking. Anxiety can turn into terror and lead to suicide. Anxiety creates pathogenic avoidance phenomena.
✹ Create a breaking point by destroying all self-esteem, all autonomy, all free will.
The victim is thus maintained in a permanent stress. She presents breathing difficulties. Her heart dysfunctions. She makes a series of self-centred gestures. In order to make their victim definitively lose all control, the executioners chain the most unpredictable possible behaviours. When the victim is on the verge of breaking, the executioner comes to her aid by making her accept remedies or help contrary to her survival. Directions should be given when fear and pain are most intense. When the victim is on the verge of breaking, the executioner creates in her a phenomenon of psychological decompression by becoming kind or by involving a kind executioner. This phase aims to reinforce the victim's submission by creating a feeling of recognition. The victim then adheres to everything he or she is asked to do. The victim consents to the torture and submission and develops a kind of loyalty to the torturer.
To manipulate an individual correctly, you have to isolate him from his fellow human beings, put him in a state of panic by threatening him with an indeterminable enemy, knock him out with a flow of contradictory information, a mixture of truths and lies, make him believe that no one will help him, that there is no solution to the problems he faces, gradually shrink his vital space, dispossess him of his personal objects, refocus him on himself by forbidding him to confront his point of view with that of others, gradually destroy his notion of his own body and his own existence by gradually taking away his identity, repeat to him that he does not have the capacity to understand, to live, to do.
The executioner makes his victim feel guilty by making false accusations.
In the case of the citizen known as Julian Assange: false accusation of rape, false accusation of treason, mock trial, etc., the executioner makes the victim feel guilty by formulating false accusations. With regard to the population of countries subject to the health rules recommended by the
Imperial College
: contagion if the mask is not worn, pretended safety if the mask is worn, endangering the lives of others, civil irresponsibility.
The aim is to make the tortured subject take responsibility for the suffering inflicted on him or her. It folds in on itself.
A feeling of betrayal is maintained in the tortured subject. He is told that nobody cares about him. This is the case of Julian Assange, deprived for more than eleven years of relations with citizens who do not belong to the actors of the storytelling. No association member, no occasional citizen has had access to the citizen known as Julian Assange, neither at 3 Hans Crescent Street nor at Belmarsh.
The executioner then commits the victim to voluntary submission. If he is very docile, he is allowed to choose his master.
The executioner obtains submission through terror. This is the case of Julian Assange, who is afraid of the guards in the boxes beside him during the hearings.
Through violence, physical degradation and humiliation, deprivation of basic needs, dependence on the executioner for all physical needs, the executioner destroys victim self-esteem.
This is the case of Julian Assange, who was presented at certain hearings in psychological and physical states bordering on death. This was the case at the hearing on the 26 february 2020 where our doctors found that his state of stress was likely to cause him a heart attack.
MK-Ultra type executioner has irrational and unpredictable behaviour. He creates constant tension in an environment that he makes sure he is in complete control. This is the case for the citizen known as Julian Assange. It is the case for the populations subjected to the absurd dictates of the health measures taken by the government, based on truncated unusual parameters (asymptomatic “positive cases“…) to supposedly manage the pseudo health crisis Covid.
In view of the MKultra-style management of the Covid health crisis on London and the signs of ultra MK-style torture observed in the citizen known as Julian Assange.
Torture made in USA
Rainer Fuiellmich about Covid 19 case for crime against humanity
Dr Reiner Fuellmich a German lawyer lays out the Court Case for Crimes Against Humanity committed by Governments and Organizations, holding them Accountable For Their Crimes.
Many questions arise about Imperial College.
Neil Ferguson is Vice Decan (Vice President of Faculty) at Imperial College. He has received money from Bill Gates and has actively influenced Emmanuel Macron with respect to police containment.
Neil Fergusson - Imperial College of London
The director, Professor Johnatan Weber, has worked on HIV since 1982 and has been testing an HIV vaccine in Africa!
About Johnatan Weber
The director of the St Mary's campus is Elio Riboli, an Italian professor from Milan who has also worked on cancer at the International Agency for Research on Cancer which depends on the WHO and which is located in Lyon.
About Elio Riboli
Doctor José Manuel Delgado
is said to have proved that the human mental system can be totally controlled, in particular through psychosurgery. The manipulation takes place by acting on several axes: pleasant sensations, exciting sensations, deep concentration, intense relaxation and colourful visions. They allow us to act on fear, anger, anxiety and sexual functions in order to control emotions and hence the actions of the individual.
About José Manuel Rodriguez Delgado Researché_Manuel_Rodr%C3%ADguez_Delgado
Secret Society of Fabians and Imperial College
The Imperial College is linked to the society of the Fabians under the name Imperial College of Fabian.
"Supported by the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, the Fabian Society is at the origin of what is today called the New World Order through its many ramifications, including the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission and other instruments of undemocratic power.The Fabian Society is also at the origin of the United Nations and other supra-national organisations.
From the 1920s onwards, world government was particularly promoted by the Department of International Relations at the London School of Economics, a university founded by the Fabian Society. This prestigious school of economics trained generations of leaders in the Fabian spirit, including former European Commission President Romano Prodi, Queen Margarethe II of Denmark, former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, financier George Soros (founder of the Open Society Institute) and former Quebec Prime Minister Jacques Parizeau (we remind you that the Parti Québécois is a member of the Montreal Council on Foreign Relations, a subsidiary of the CFR, created by the Rockefeller Fabian mundialists).
The Canadian counterpart of the Fabienne Society is the Douglas-Coldwell Foundation, created by Tommy Douglas, the first federal leader of the New Democratic Party (NDP) from 1961 to 1971, and MJ Coldwell, leader of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) from 1942 to 1960. Guy Boulianne's book will provide you with information that will give you a better understanding of the current issues of globalization, mass immigration and multiculturalism.
The objective of the Fabian Society is to destroy racial and cultural identities, nationalism and to put an end to democracy by using the principles of democratic socialism and gradualism with the ultimate goal of establishing a world government under the aegis of a totalitarian regime".
« The Fabian Society is a British Socialist organisation whose purpose is to advance the principles of democratic socialism via gradualist and reformist effort in democracies, rather than by revolutionary overthrow.
As one of the founding organisations of the Labour Representation committee in 1900, and as an important influence upon the Labour Party which grew from it, the Fabian Society has had a powerful influence on British politics. Other members of the Fabian Society have included political leaders from countries formerly part of the British Empire, such as
Jawaharial Nerhu who adopted Fabian principles as part of their own political ideologies.
The Fabian Society founded the London School of Economics and Political Science in 1895.
Today, the society functions primarily as a Think Tank and is one of 21 socialist societies affiliated with the Labour Party. Similar societies exist in Australia (the Australian Fabian Society), in Canada (the Douglas-Coldwell Foundation) and the now disbanded League for Social Reconstruction, in Sicily (Sicilian Fabian Society) and in New Zealand (The NZ Fabian Society). »
It is noticeable that the countries involved in the Assange case are host countries to the ramifications of the Fabian Society. It is noticeable that the countries involved in the Assange affair are countries with a high level of paedocriminality
It is noticeable that the Fabian Society is financed by the Rothschild and Rockfeller families who are very involved in the development of the NWO.
History of Imperial College
Just Word : A Fabian Manifesto
Members of Fabian Society
Fabian on Health
The Imperial College of London St Marys Medical School is sold and the completion of the sale takes place just before the deployment of the Covid 19 health dictatorship from January to April 2020.
The deed of sale is registered on April 20th during confinement! Why such a rush ?!
The building is sold for 85 million pounds to La Cohort LTD, based in Jersey, Saint Helier, an island known to be a great tax haven and also a place of absolute survival of feudalism. The island is managed by lords appointed by the Queen of England.
"Title Number
: LN105502 Address of Property : St Mary's Hospital, Medical School, Praed Street, London Price Stated : £85,000,000 Registered Owner(s) : COHORT LTD (incorporated in Jersey) of Fourth Floor St Paul's Gate, 22-24 New Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE1 4TR and care of Bartlet Attn: David Miller, Fourth Floor, Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank, London SW1P 4QP. Lender(s) : TFB (Mortgages) Designated"
We pray to the justice of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and the judiciary of alla sovereign states to ensure that Mr Julian Paul Assange was not used as a guinea pig and subjected to malevolent medical treatment; if answer is positive, which entities or individuals did participate? In court, he presented the symptoms of an individual undergoing psychiatric drug treatment.
CARLYLE, BOOZ, ALLEN, HAMILTON, Robert James Woolsey, Edward Snowden
"You can deceive part of the people all the time and all the people part of the time but you cannot deceive all the people all the time."
Abraham Lincoln
One of the key figures in the Assange affair is James Robert Woolsey. He is a member of the Democratic Party. He was appointed head of the CIA by Bill Clinton. He headed the CIA from 1993 to 1995.
He is Senior Vice President of Booz Allen Hamilton for Global Strategic Security
since 2002.
He was therefore the boss of Edward Snowden.
At the BAH, Edward Snowden would have developed the PRISM project.
The Booz Allen Hamilton for Global Strategic Security
finances Republicans and Democrats alike, but it has also financed politicians :
Barak Obama
John Mac Cain.
Booz Allen Hamilton for Global Strategic Security has operations in Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Barhein and Saudi Arabia.
Booz Allen Hamilton for Global Strategic Security helped the UAE establish a security agency equivalent to the CIA in the UAE, teaching the intelligence basics: data mining, web surveillance, all kinds of intelligence gathering. It supports the Saudi Arabian armies but denies to have supported UAE meddling in Yemen. It ensures the cybersecurity of the ministries.
We recall because is capital…
Stella Morris, aka Stella or Sara Gonzales Devant, aka Stella Smith Robertson who claims to be the companion of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is not a member of the English Bar. She therefore lied about her profession. She cannot be the lawyer for the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange. She does not have the right to be in the courtroom where she is regularly present. She has three names, none of which appears to be her birth name. She does not appear to have a legal identity. She worked at the Jeanne Sauvé Foundation where her mentor was Canadian Stephen Saideman.
Stephen Saideman has ties with NATO and especially the Council on Foreign Relations, on whose board David M Rubinstein, Cofounder an Co-executive Chairman of the Carlyle Group, Thad W. Allen, Senior Executive Advisor Booz Allen Hamilton and Janet Napolitano President Barack Obama's first Homeland Security Secretary (2009-2013) sit. It is legitimate to consider collusion between Stella Morris, aka Stella or Sara Gonzales Devant, aka Stella Smith Robertson, Vanessa Baraitser and the Carlyle Group harm the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange.
From the Obama-Clinton administration to the Booz Allen Hamilton led by Robert James Woolsey, all have a vested interest to want the disappearance of prosecution witness Julian Paul Assange.
Through Booz Allen Hamilton and Robert James Woolsey, there is a link with Lord Jacob Rothchild by Genie Energie (Robert James Woolsey, Dick Cheney, Rupert Murdoch and Jacob Rothchild) and by Jacob Rothchild with the Crown of England, owner of the private entity, the City of London, and therefore responsible of the management of the Old Bailey. All these collusions are contrary to the rules of fair trial.
Like the Pentagon, it is located in Virginia State, in Tyson Corner. It is a kind of private community, governing its administration, but must obey rules of the federal state about international law.
We recall too.
Lynn Forester of Rothschild, CEO of Bronfman EL Rothschild LP, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations which includes one of the members of Booz Allan Hamilton and Stella Morris' mentor, aka Stella or Sara Gonzalez Devant, aka Stella Smith Robertson, Stephen Saideman. She is a friend of Hillary Clinton.
The Chairman of the Board of Bronfman EL Rothschild LP is Matthew Bronfman, one of the heirs to the Seagram's Liquor fortune.
Bronfman's sister, Clare Bronfman, is the director of operations for the
Clinton family related
NXIVM sex cult.
The sisters Sara and Clara Bronfman, are members of the Clinton Global Initiative. Nancy Salzman, associate of Keith Ranière, the guru of the NXIVM.
Rothschild has donated to all of Bill and Hillary Clinton's federal races since 1992.
Although Rothschild was a major fund raiser for Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential bid, she transferred her support to Republican candidate John McCain when Barack Obama beat Clinton, becoming a minor celebrity on cable television at the time for attacking Obama in a series of interviews.
She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (USA), Chatham House (UK), the Institute for Strategic Studies (UK), the International Advisory Council of Asia House (UK), and the Foreign Policy Association.
Through her membership of Chatham House,
Lynn Forester Rothschild has links with the Crown of England and the Fabian Society to which many Labour MPs belong. She is also connected with Hilary Clinton, Bill and Melinda Gates who received the Chatham House Prize.
She served as a member of the National Information Infrastructure Advisory Committee and the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board under President Clinton, as a member of the United Nations Advisory Committee on Inclusive Financial Services and as an Advisor to the Deutsche Bank Microfinance Consortium.
She is a member of the Board of the
Peterson Institute for International Economics
(and the Executive Committee), the McCain Institute for International Leadership and the
ERANDA Rothschild Foundation
(Rothschild family foundation).
Through the International
Advisory Council of Asia House, Lynn Forester Rothschild is in contact with China, Germany, France and the USA with members who may be involved with "Operation Covid 19", in particular
Fabrice Brégier, director of
Palentir or directly linked to the Obama administration such as
Miriam Sapiro.
Donors to the Nelson Mandela Children's Hospital include the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Tabatznik foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, the George Soros Open Society, the Ford Foundation and others.
Despite the large number of donor foundations, the hospital does not seem to be living up to its mission and attracts criticism. How can such a prestigious institution, supported by so many renowned foundations, fail to live up to its mission? In view of the Tabatznik family's past, particularly that of David Tabatznik in South Africa, and the number of victims of Bill Gates vaccinations (procedures underway), it is legitimate to ask that an investigation be opened to determine why this hospital is not fulfilling its mission.
Once again, calls for donations from citizens are multiplying. It is legitimate for them to know what their money is being used for. Once again, as with all levels of collusion in the Assange case, children's lives are at stake. It is therefore legitimate for the judiciary of sovereign countries to ensure that they are not in danger.
Nelson Mandela Children's Hospital
Virginia Company of London
As stated above, the Virginia Company of London, owned by the City of London and the Queen of England, founded the first states on the North American East coast among which the State of Virginia, where stands the Pentagon created by the Virginia Company of London. It is therefore subject to the maritime law drawn up by the City of London (Navigation Act 1660).
The private entity
adds up to the Assange case related entities that converge to
Virginia State, which, combined with the legal status anomalies described in this document concerning Pentagon and the City of London, emphasizes the credibility on the existence of a pseudo-legal trick process.
Another observation, fortuitous or not, turns the attention towards Virginia State again :
the covid19 epidemic simulation models supervised by Neil Ferguson from the Imperial College, were co-developed by three scientists from the University of Virginia.
The Navigation Act 1660, still active in the City of London managing the Old Baily, binds together all the colonies of the Crown of England. The Navigation Act 1660 is a piece of legislation that deals with trade, not with human rights or crime.
No crime or offence under international law and the national law of each sovereign state may be dealt with in private entities. Any crime committed on private property, therefore a private entity, is subject to international law and the rules of fair trial.
The active or passive role of the Crown of England with the current prosecution process against the citizen known as Julian Assange needs to be elucidated.
Numerous suspicions of crimes and breaches of the law weigh on members of the Crown of England. Some are of unprecedented seriousness because they involve missing children and paedocriminality.
Considering the numerous paedocriminality related WikiLeaks publications, the impartiality of the Crown of England is far to be guaranteed.
Thus, there exists multiple and strong elements which demand to elucidate the active and passive role of the Crown of England within the current prosecution process against the citizen known as Julian Assange.
The judiciary of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom must, as soon as possible, open an enquiry to determine whether there is collusion between the Pentagon and parts of the state of Virginia and the City of London to privatise the trial of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange and to deny him his status as a subject of international law. Since the abolition of slavery, every individual has been a subject of international law. He can only be judged in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the texts relating to his rights, according to the rules of fair trial and in respect of the laws of the country of which he is a national. All trials must be public. Every accused person shall have the right to express himself or herself freely and in person during the trial.
The judiciary of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and the all sovereign governments must immediately intervene to suspend the proceedings of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange as they are not being conducted in legal tribunals subject to international law.
We ask the judiciary of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom to investigate whether the Crown of England or/and any entity or individual in the United Kingdom or in any other territory, has granted itself a property right over the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange or over any other citizen.
We call upon the judiciary of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and judiciary of alla sovereign countries to investigate to ensure that the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange, or any other citizen, is not used as a slave by the Crown of England or/and any private or public entity or individual on English soil or in any other territory.
We call upon the judiciary of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and the judiciary of the all sovereign countries to investigate to ensure that the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange, or any other citizen, is not held prisoner on the property of the Crown of England or of private entities, on English soil or elsewhere.
BAH is a subsidiary of the Carlyle Group.
CARLYLE GROUP is a privately owned company based in Washington D.C., USA, which specialises in investment and defence, and was founded in 1987 by William E. Conway, Jr, Daniel A. D'Aniello, Stephen L. Norris, Greg A. Rosenbaum, and David M. Rubenstein (former advisor to Trilateral Commission member Jimmy Carter).
The group has $89.3 billion in equity capital and employs more than 515 investment professionals in 21 countries. CARLYLE does not sell shares on the stock market and therefore does not exist on the stock exchange. The name Carlyle comes from a hotel in eastern New York, where the founders first met to talk about the idea.
The current president of Carlyle is Lou Gerstner who is also the CEO of IBM and Nabisco.
On September 11, 2001, Carlyle organised a meeting at the Ritz Carlton in Washington with five hundred of its most important investors. Frank Carlucci and James Baker play the masters of ceremonies. George Bush Sr. makes a lightning passage at the beginning of the day. The presentation is quickly interrupted by the attack, but one detail escapes no one. One of the guests is Shafiq Bin Laden, one of Osama's many half-brothers. After the events of September 11th, the only plane to be able to fly over and leave the USA will be that of the Saudis.
The CARLYLE GROUP is closely linked to the Bush family, the reigning families of Saudi Arabia and also to the Bin Laden family. The CARYLE GROUP is present in many fields of activity, such as aeronautics, defence, the automotive and transport industry, energy, telecommunications and media. He controls a large part of the French trade press and some of its industrial jewels.
Through United Defense Industries, CARLYLE manufactures missiles, transport vehicles and, in California, the Bradley light armoured vehicle.
CARLYLE hosts its companies in tax havens.
A study of the various LBO investments carried out in France reveals a series of holding companies and subsidiaries domiciled in Luxembourg, Guernsey and the Cayman Islands.
We reccal that Imperial College has been based since April 2020 in the Isle of Gersey, a tax haven administered by the British Crown.
CARLYLE owns 33.8% of the capital of QINEQIQ, DERA's private subsidiary, which acts as adviser to the British government.
In December 2001, the fund joined forces with Intel Capital to enter the Ebis Company Ltd. round of financing. This security-oriented IT company counts China's major state-owned enterprises and government agencies among its clients. Since 1998, the fund has invested several hundred million dollars in Asia in the development of communication infrastructures, all media and networks combined.
CARLYLE manages an empire of more than 70 titles and 1.5 million subscribers, including the Tests group, leader in professional IT information, the Moniteur group, leader in information on construction and public markets, and the Gisi group, leader in industrial technological information thanks to its flagship title, l'Usine nouvelle. It owns 28% of the assets of Vivendi Universal Publishing's "professional press and health" division.
Among the financial players are the
Russian group Menatep, the financial authorities of Abu Dhabi and Kuwait, the public pension funds of Ohio, Texas, Florida and New York have invested hundreds of millions of dollars in the various
Carlyle funds. Banks such as
Goldman Sachs,
Salomon Smith Barney,
JP Morgan Chase,
Credit Suisse and First Boston are regular business partners. As well as
Deutsche Bank,
Royal Bank of Scotland,
ABN amro,
Crédit Agricole,
Financière Edmond de Rothschild
and Crédit Lyonnais. In 2000, the fund invested $300 million to take control of
KorAm Bank, one of the largest private banks in Korea.
In 1997, Carlyle acquired United Defense. This acquisition made it the Pentagon's eleventh arms supplier.
Georges Soros has invested in the Carlyle Group. Carlyle has a partnership with the Getty Images Group which owns much of the imagery produced in the Assange case.
Carlyle Group
Groupe Carlyle France
Genevieve Sangudi is a Managing Director of The Carlyle Group, advising on buyout and growth opportunities in Sub-Saharan Africa. Genevieve Sangudi played a lead role in launching
Carlyle’s maiden Sub-Saharan Africa fund, including fundraising, formulating the investment strategy, origination and execution.
The first, and not least, procedural flaw is that Judge (Vanessa) Baraitser was in charge of the extradition of Alexandre Djouhri. Alexandre Djouhri acts as an intermediary in many armament contracts. He is involved in the alleged financing of Nicolas Sarkozy's campaign by Libyan funds. Carlyle is one of the main suppliers of weapons to the Pentagon and Olivier Sarkozy, half-brother of Nicolas Sarkozy, led the group.
The Carlyle Group links the Assange and Djouri cases with indirect but strong international ties. Vanessa Baraitser judged these two cases, which are appearantly the only ones of importance she took in charge. On which grounds was Ms Baraitser chosen to handle this high pressure political cases? By who? By which entities? Is her curriculum vitae in line with such judiciary cases? It should be very easy for the UK government to answer these technical questions.
.Another fact concerns the owner of address 179 to 185 Marylebone Road, the company Prudential Real Estate Investement Limited. Prudential is a very large American insurance company and this is its subsidiary investment fund.
"Adress of the property: The City of Westminster Courts, 179 to 185 (odd), Marylebone Road, London (NW1 5BR)
Price Stated : £25,709,328 exclusive of VAT
Registered Owner(s): PRUDENTIAL REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 1 LIMITED (Co. Regn. No. 9713308) of Governors House, 5 Laurence Pountney Hill, London EC4R 0HH.
The two US giant firms Carlyle Group and Prudential Financial Inc, named PGIM since 2016, made at least two majors deals in Asia. They bought together in 2004 a quarter of China's third largest life insurer for 400 million dollars, and Carlyle recently funded the acquisition of the South Korean arm of Prudential Financial Inc, which they will restructure with partners.
2004 : US private equity firm Carlyle Group and insurer Prudential Financial are buying about 25% of China's third largest life insurer for up to US$400mil.
The co-founder of Carlyle group David Rubenstein and former Chairman of Prudential Financial Inc were both members of the Trilateral Commission in 2010 at least, so no doubt they could share they global view of future business and societies, and are able to help each other if needed. The sense of solidarity is not lost for all of us, God bless the planet.
This makes in any case a solid presence of US interests in
Westminster Court, about which one can ask if it is controlled by UK government or by private entities owners.
Who pays the wages or part of wages of judges Emma Aburthnot and Vanessa Baraitser?
The question is legitimate, and if it was PGIM, result would not be much different if it was Carlyle instead.
There are also links between Carlyle and former Prime Minister David Cameron.
We ask the justice of the English sovereign government to investigate whether there is any collusion between Judges Arbuthnot, Baraitser and Carlyle Goup or PGIM or any of their subsidiaries.
David Cameron and Carlyle Group
Another procedural defect taints the Assange case. Apart from the fact that
Robert James Woolsey was the boss of Edward Snowden, who he said should "be hung by the neck until dead rather than simply electrocuted", he works with the two leading citizen defence lawyers known as Julian Paul Assange : Alan Dershowitz and
Baltazar Garzon. Woosley and Dershowitz worked together in the Jerusalem-based NGO Monitor, Think Thank.
Dershowitz + Woosley in NGO Monitor,7340,L-3783076,00.html
Woosley, Clinton and Garzon and Dershowitz are in the same GO50 influence group.
Baltazar Garzon Woolsey, Clinton and GO50
Robert James Woolsey was the boss of Edward Snowden, whom he wishes to see be hung by the neck until dead rather than simply electrocuted. It is clear that Robert James Woolsey hates Edward Snowden and does not have an objective position on him. It is legitimate that he can only have the same feelings towards the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange who helped Snowden to reach Russia.
Moreover, as Robert James Woolsey knows the two lawyers in charge of the defence of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange perfectly well, it is legitimate to think that it is he who leads the team of lawyers and with him, the CIA or part of the CIA.
Alan Dershowitz is also Epstein's lawyer,
whose citizen known as Julian has denounced crimes and connections with the paedocriminal trade and human traffickin
gIt is legitimate to think that those holding the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange have no interest in letting him testify, particularly in the Epstein case, as regards Alan Dershowitz, and the Snowden case as regards Robert James Woolsey, who has had a direct connection with Russia for many years.
It is legitimate to think that those holding the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange are preparing to put him to death to prevent him from testifying in capital cases
A sacrificial trial
It is legitimate to think that those holding the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange may be one with a sect. Our delegates noticed during the last hearings that Mrs. Stella was wearing a red dress as well as Mrs. Robinson. Red is a very significant colour, it is the colour worn by the executioners. Mr. Julian Paul Assange wore a red tie around his neck when he never wears one. Our delegates found that the colour coding of the dresses of some people, such as Jennifer Robison, was important. Green and red in particular. All of these behaviours do not correspond in any way to those one encounters in a legal court of law. Hearings generally do not follow any of the rules of normal procedure and the behaviour of lawyers as representatives of the judiciary is completely unrelated to normal criminal proceedings.
"In ancient Rome, the executioner called carnifex was a public slave, assigned to "high works". Subordinate to the capital triumviri, he executed the condemned, generally by strangulation (with his two hands, a shoelace or a rope). With his assistants (tortores), under the chairmanship of a quaesitor, he is also responsible for administering judicial torture (quaestio)."
Apart from Julian Assange who showed all the signs of a beaten or tortured man, the other people in the courtroom who had nothing to do with it laughed. Let us recall that neither Stella Morris nor Mrs Robinson are registered as a barrister in London. They cannot therefore plead. There was no debate during the twenty minutes our delegates were present and they were thrown out of the courtroom like criminals.
We remind you that a trial must be public in order to respect the rules of fair trial. We remind you that our delegates are mandated by a human rights association declared in the prefecture, therefore having the status of a legal entity. Our delegates have every right to be present in a courtroom and that the authorities must facilitate their access to it.
We recall that since September 2019, our delegates have had to fight, trick, and file complaints to gain access to the courtroom. This is how they were able to see that the trial of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange was a mock trial. This is how our doctors were able to repeatedly observe that the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange was tortured and terrorized by security agents. We were able to see that the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange had no right to speak, that (Vanessa) Baraitser did not speak to him as a presumed innocent citizen but as a sub-human who was ordered to keep silent.
There is a clear conflict of interest. The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is being defended by lawyers in connection with those who want to imprison him and sentence him to death.
As a result, all proceedings against Mr. Julian Paul Assange are invalid.
We ask the justice of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom to annul all these procedures which are incompatible with the rules of the Fair Trial and Habeas Corpus.
We ask the justice of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom to annul all these procedures which are incompatible with the rules of the Fair Trial and Habeas Corpus.
Citizen's Advocates known as Julian Paul and Conflicts of Interest
We have shown that it is reasonable to assume that lead citizen defence lawyers Julian Paul Assange, Alan Dershowitz and Baltazar Garzon know and work with Robert James Woolsey, former director of the CIA and senior vice president of Booz Allen Hamilton for Global Strategic Security, a subsidiary of the Carlyle Group.
Through its subsidiary United Defence, Carlyle group is one of the Pentagon's weapon suppliers. It is therefore legitimate to think that the Carlyle Group and the Pentagon have an interest in the disappearance of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange, a witness for the prosecution in numerous cases of corruption, human trafficking and paedocriminality.
One our informant send this …
Wikileaks War Room was created by order of Secretary of State Hilary Clinton in agreement with President Barak Obama. Robert James Woolsey was CIA director under Bill Clinton presidential mandate, belongs to the Democratic Party like Mrs Hilary Clinton and Mr Obama. Robert James Woolsey was Edward Snowden's boss and he clearly and publicly expressed his wish to see him dead.
It is therefore legitimate to think that there may have been collusion between Robert James Woolsey, Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama to neutralise the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange.
We therefore request the President of the United States of America and the judiciary of all sovereign countries to open an investigation to determine whether there was collusion between these members of the US Democratic Party aiming at neutralizing the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange.
We therefore request the President of the United States of America and the judiciary of all sovereign countries to open an investigation to determine whether or not the persecution of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is operated through sectarian groups or influential groups such as :
Rose Crucian, Knight of Malta,
Opus Dei,
Pilgrim Society, a filiation of the
Golden Dawn order,
Illuminati of Bavaria, Knights of the Order of Jerusalem,
Free masons, etc.
Indeed, some of the heads of intelligence agencies such as the CIA or the FBI did belong to secret societies.
This is the case of Louis Freeh, the fifth director of the FBI, a member of the Opus Dei, secret society which has heavily participated to Franco fascist governments. This is the case of
William Casey, member of the
Order of Malta. This is also the case for
Allan Dulles, a member of Rosicrucian Order.
Senator Mike Pompeo said of the CIA : “We lied, we cheated, we stole. We had entire training courses.”. It is then legitimate to ask who runs the security agencies, civil servants serving democratic States or members of obscure societies defending private hidden interests? It should be recalled that nations led by security agencies, army, or police, are akin to dictatorial regimes.
The secret societies deviated from a tradition of hidden affiliation to a practice of systematic lie at a point to destroy societies grounds. These degenerate habits are contrary to the transparency that sovereign states must demonstrate. They are contrary to the rules of liberty, equality and fraternity.
About Opus Dei
About Allen Dulles
Procedural flaw
Andy Müller Maguhn traveled to England several times to supervise, logically, Julian Assange and WikiLeaks publications. He's seen in the stolen images of 3 Hans Crescent street with, among others, former judge Balthazar Garzon. Surveillance firm UC Global, connected to Sheldon Adelson, probably has more footage of Andy Müller Maguhn. Sheldon Adelson funded Donald Trump's campaign.
Balthasar Garzon is in charge of the Spanish prosecution related to the UC Global spying of 3 Hans Crescent Street in which the citizen Julian Paul Assange is filmed 24 hours a day,
including apparently in the toilets. Two major legal problems arise.
Andy Müller Magunh
of Wau Holland and Balthazar Garzon are together on one of the shootings. So they know each other. Andy Müller Maguhn is in possession of some of these videos which are elements of the investigation and should not be shown as long as the investigation is still ongoing. Andy Müller Maguhn produced these images during a
Chaos Computer Club Congress.
This is a major procedural flaw that violates the secrecy of the investigation. Mr Baltazar Garzon asked about the subject in Paris during a press conference and did not deign to answer our questions. It is important to remember that Baltazar Garzon, who was involved in a case of corruption, is no longer a judge, and that tenths of Catalan and Basque political activists testified they have been tortured by Guardia Civil under his jurisdiction, while under custody.
While the citizen Julian Paul Assange gave his help to the Catalan activists, the neutrality of lawyer Garzon versus his client is questione.
Assange and Catalans
The company in charge of filming the building or flats at 3 Hans Crescent Street 24 hours a day is UC Global. UC Global has direct links with SANDS Corporation and CEO Sheldon Adelson.
It is therefore legitimate to think that there is a link between Booz Allen Hamilton, Carlyle Group, Sands Corporation, Sheldon Andelson, Hilary Clinton, Barack Obama, Robert. James Woolsey, Balatazar Garzon, Alan Dershowitz, Rafael Correa.
We request the judiciary of sovereign English Government and judiciary of all sovereign states to launch an investigation to determine the nature of the collusion between the above-mentioned individuals.
In view of all these facts and collusions, several questions arise :
❢ For who is judge Vanessa Baraister working ? Who pays for her?
❢ Who runs the Westminster Court? The English sovereign state? A private company?
❢ If Westminster Court is partially managed by private entities, what is the nature of the judgments given there? Are they compatible with UK Justice regulation? Does it explain the violations of the rules of fair trial, and habeas corpus, described in this complaint? Which moral and legal value can be attributed to verdicts decided in such conditions?
The Westminster Court
The owner of address 179 to 185 Marylebone Road is Prudential Real Estate Investement Limited and the value of the property is £25 million. Prudential is in fact... a very large American insurance company and this is its subsidiary investment fund!
"Adresse of the property: The City of Westminster Courts, 179 to 185 (odd), Marylebone Road, London (NW1 5BR)Price Stated : £25,709,328 exclusive of VAT Registered Owner(s) : PRUDENTIAL REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 1 LIMITED (Co. Regn. No. 9713308) of Governors House, 5 Laurence Pountney Hill, London EC4R 0HH.
The Freehold land shown edged with red on the plan of the above title filed at the Registry and being The City of Westminster Courts, 179 to 185 (odd), Marylebone Road, London (NW1 5BR). NOTE: The land tinted green on the title plan is not included in the title. 2 (24.10.2008)A transfer of the land coloured pink and yellow on the title plan and other land dated 27th
August 2008 made between (1) The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and (2) Prudential Retirement Income Limited contains a provision excluding the operation of section 62 of the Property Act 1925, as mentioned therein".
So in 2008 the State sold the land of the two buildings in which the courtrooms are located (the new building as we know it and the sort of old facade that is on the corner of the street on the left) to Prudential Retirement income Limited. - an American pension fund of the firm Prudential, obviously also active in the UK.
There is an agreement, dating from 1963, between the "Church Army" and "St Dunstan" concerning the right to use the fire escape, light and air.
There is an agreement with the Church Army on the use of a smoke extractor on the north side of the blue building. The Church Army is indeed an evangelical organisation in the State of England which looks after disadvantaged children.
There is an agreement between the State, which therefore I think retains ownership of the oldest, the American Prudential box, and the Church Army on the use of light. Rights of Light.
And, in 2010, a similar agreement on light and air appears between the State (the Secretary of State for Communes), the Americans of Prudential, and the State of China, its embassy!
Our investigators have indeed noticed that parking spaces were reserved for the Chinese embassy in the basement of the Church Army building where migrants live, mostly migrants with quite a few children.
"A deed of 9 April 2010 concluded between (1) The Peoples ' Republic of China (2) Prudential Retirement Income Limited and (3) The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government relates to the rights of light and air".
It is surprising to see an opponent of the United States being tried on land belonging to a large American structure dependent on the interests of the US State! China's presence is unexpected to say the least.
Here too, we can see that private interests weigh on the objectivity of the trial
It is surprising to see an opponent of the United States being tried on land belonging to a large American structure dependent on the interests of the US State! China's presence is unexpected to say the least. Here too, we can see that private interests weigh on the objectivity of the trial.
We have shown that the trial of Julian Paul Assange is a mock trial, conducted on the basis of fanciful accusations emanating from the Pentagon, a private entity whose status is close to that of Indian reserves. This case is being handled in private courts, Westminster Court, Old Bailey, Woolwich courts on English soil. These entities are not subjects of international law, nor is the City of London, which is only private territory and should normally apply international law and UK law.
The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is prosecuted under his customary name, his pseudony, and not under his birth name. All proceedings are illegal. If the citizen known as Julian Assange dies, he will die under a false name and will have been subject to a false procedure. Neither seen nor known. The perfect crime. Impossible to go back up the slopes since everything will be wrong except the death of Mr Assange.
The legitimate question is what about the Alexandre Djouhri case? If his extradition order is false, nothing has prevented him from disappearing or taking refuge in a tax and legal haven such as the City of London, Gersey or Gernesey, where some of Carlyle's subsidiaries are based. Where is Mr Alexandre Djouri? What is the status of the procedure concerning him in France?
We appeal to the justice of the sovereign UK government to investigate whether these private or semi-private Courts such as Westminster Court or Old Bailey are intrinsically compatible with the application of the rule of Law.
We urge President Trump, the U.S. congress and the judiciary of sovereign states to open an investigation to determine what the links between Booz Allen Hamilton, Carlyle Group, Sands Corporation, Sheldon Andelson, Hilary Clinton, Barack Obama, Robert. James Woolsey, Balatazar Garzon, Alan Dershowitz, Rafael Correa, and how they interfere with Julian Assange prosecution.
Conflicts of interest between Julian Assange and his lawyers.
US charges : Virtual accusations for a zero gravity trial
What do we know about WikiLeaks when Collateral murder is broadcasted on 05/04/2010 from Washington DC?
The Californian judgment rendered by magistrate Jeffrey White in 2008 qualifies WikiLeaks as an "entity of unknown form" materialized by domain names, and which both belong to John Shipton, an Australian citizen living in Kenya (this is all we know from the hearing minutes and public data).
It is also known that this "entity of unknown form" is piloted and financed by the Berlin Wau Holland Stiftung
under the name Project 04 Wikileaks.
Within this entity, the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is the project leader under working contract (See the activity report of the Wau Holland Foundation).
What do we know about the murder of the journalists staged in the video Collateral murder
An article of the 13/07/2007 of the New York time tells this :
"BAGHDAD, July 12, 2007 - Clashes on Thursday in a southeastern district of the country between the U.S. military and Shiite militias left at least 16 people dead, including two Reuters journalists who had gone there to cover the turmoil, according to an Interior Ministry official.
The two Reuters employees, both Iraqi, were killed when troops from a U.S. helicopter fired on the area where they had just gotten out of their car, witnesses said, who spoke to an Agence France-Presse photographer who arrived on the scene shortly after their bodies were taken. The Reuters employees were Namir Noor-Eldeen, 22, a photographer, and Saeed Chmagh, 40, a driver."
As early as 2007, it was known that the U.S. military was responsible for the deaths of two journalists and at least 16 people. The article in the New York Times is not very clear, but the photo of the vehicle speaks for itself. It is quite similar to that of Collateral murder.
In another article, Reuters, July 16, 2007, there is talk of random bombing by an American helicopter in an area where nothing was happening. The editor of Reuters calls for an investigation. An investigation that neither the UN nor anyone else has so far found it wise to carry out, and the criminals are still at large.
"Our preliminary investigation raises real questions about the existence of fighting at the time the two men were killed," said Reuters editor David Schlesinger.
For the sake of their memory and for the sake of all journalists in Iraq, we need a thorough and objective investigation that will help us and the military learn lessons that will improve the safety of journalists in the future.
Residents and witnesses interviewed by Reuters said they did not see any armed men in the immediate area where Noor-Eldeen and Chmagh were killed in the al-Amin al-Thaniyah neighborhood of Baghdad."
Whether or not the images of this crime by the U.S. military were smuggled to WikiLeaks by Bradley-Chelsea Manning or not, they are nothing more than the revelation of an open secret.
The whole world knows, since 2007, that the U.S. military shot two journalists and civilians in an area where nothing was happening.
These two articles alone bring down the accusation of spying by the U.S. government against Julian Assange.
Some vocabulary study is required. Giving people information means telling them something they are not aware of, it does not mean pointing out an open secret. As for spying, it means collecting data for the benefit (there is gain for the recipient) of a foreign power.
The open secret is not worth a kopeck on the espionage market. Since everyone knows about it, no one gains anything.
The impact of images on people is powerful, right. But using images is the basic job of all mainstream media, for the best and the worse.
The only thing that truly harms the United States of America in this story is the crime committed, brought to public knowledge by several media, the culprits having been clearly identified by witnesses as soon as it was committed. The Collateral murder video is one among many incriminating documents about the same crime.
Julian Paul Assange did not take any risk by broadcasting it because if he is condemned for having done it, the initial publishers of the Reuters Agency and the New York Time must be as well.
However, we know that it is not the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange who formally decided to publish the video Collateral Murder but Andy Müller Maguhn and the Wau Holland Foundation. If anyone was to be sued by the USA, it would be Andy Müller Maguhn.
The United States are engaged in a pathetic media film with the complicity of Ecuador, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and all those countries that, by saying nothing, validate a procedure for a crime that does not exist, condoning the torture and death of a citizen who has not even committed a crime.
According to Naomi Colvin, 126 lawyers have been working on Assange-WikiLeaks defence. And none of them read the newspapers?
Astounding noise for a non-event. The real arising question is WHY?
The next conspiracy question is : Why incarcerate him incommunicado, torture him, let him die in prison?
Is Assange a witness to be silenced? If not war crimes, which are mainly public now, is it about human trafficking networks and paedocriminality? Is it his knowledge about countries which persecuted him? Is it his discoveries about secret agencies methods, arrangements, people involved?
Is it his knowledge about WikiLeaks functioning and satellites such as the Courage Foundation, which never forgets to raise funds to pay for its enormous team of lawyers?
Some of these hypothesis are easy to validate :
We pray to the justice of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom if there has been abuse of public property, abuse of social property and breach of trust.
Collateral murder : prefabricated espionage ?!
Julian Assange is therefore a "project manager" on Project 04 Wikileaks, as defined by the contract that binds him to the Wau Holland Stiftung. He is also a kind of artist, a “creative director".
If Collateral murder is managed by a “creative director“, it cannot be an archive document with journalistic or factual value. It is a fictional document as far as the perpetrating entity (US army) has not authenticated the material inserted in the film, with the exact location, date and time of the shown events
What is a creative director?
"A creative director is a position often found within the graphic design, film, music, videogame, fashion, advertising, média, or entertainment, industries, but may be useful in other creative organizations such as web-development and software development firms as well
.A creative director is a vital role in all of the arts and entertainment industries, and can be seen as another element in any product development process. The creative director may also assume the roles of an art director, copywriter, or lead designer. The responsibilities of a creative director include leading the communication design, interactive design, and concept forward in any work assigned. For example, this responsibility is often seen in industries related to advertisement. The creative director is known to guide a team of employees with skills and experience related to graphic design, fine arts, motion graphics, and other creative industry fields. Some example works can include visual layout, brainstorming, and copywriting. To assume the role of a creative director, one must already have an existing set of skills and expertise in many areas. Often, these types of artists start up from the very beginning in fields that can relate to motion graphics, advertisement in television and book (or magazine) publishing."
What is a productor
"Produce" comes from the Latin "producerer" which means "to move forward". To produce is to make appear, to make exist, to create. However, the work of production takes place well before the film is made, since it is a question of gathering and implementing the means necessary for the making of the film. The producer, the production house (or company), which has the task of producing a film, are in fact entrepreneurs. They draw up a financing plan for the film, provide the money, but can also be at the origin of the idea for the film (which they then propose to a director) and the distribution: some thus impose the most highly rated stars of the Box Office".
Les mots du cinéma. Christine de Montvalo
Collateral murder was carried out by three producers : Julian Assange, Rop Gonggrijp (Dutch hacker and founder of the Internet service provider XS4ALL ), and surprise, an Icelandic deputy (Pirate Party then Icelandic Party), Birgitta Jonsdottir (Poet, writer, artist and publisher) .
If there is production, there is therefore "premeditation" of creation and distribution. If only a sensitive leaked document was put in "open source", there would be no producer position (Cf. def), all the more so, since three producers is a more than honourable number for a film of this content. Other clues reinforce the idea that Collateral murder is a filmic construction and therefore scripted. Thus, in addition to being a producer, the Icelandic MP Birgitta Jonsdottir is credited with being a scriptwriter.
A script,
is a stage secretary who writes shooting reports and keeps a shooting diary.
They are intended for use by the producer, editor, post-production and director of whom she is the memory. She ensures that the film editing respects the consistency established in the script she has timed. The work is performed according to accepted CBC or industry standards but there is latitude for independent action, judgment and initiative. She takes photos if necessary to be inserted in the shooting log. For these reasons, she is also called a
continuity-girl in the Anglo-Saxon world.
If there is a script on a shoot, it means that there is a script or scenario that must be respected. Collateral murder was therefore the subject of a screenplay, an idea reinforced by the credit of
Kristinn Hrafnsson who is "story development".
Is Birgitta JonsDottir the author of this script?!
If there is a story, there is fictionalization, and if there is fictionalization, there is necessarily a script. Soldiers have been credited, so sounds, sound effects and music have been worked on.
In short, nothing in the video Collateral murder is original, so it is not a journalistic source even though Wikileaks presents its brave technicians as "our courageous sources". Which is quite hilarious when you put this sentence in resonance with the 0.06 shot of the Collateral Murder video : "Wikileaks obtened and decrypted the video about you are about to see.
Wikileaks exist to help you safely reveal (I think
Seth Rich
and Bradley-Chelsea Manning
will taste the irony) important material to the world. We have an unbroken record in protecting confidential source." And here, one wonders if it is stupidity or perversity that has act the entity of unknown form because, acting in this way, it points the finger, "our courageous sources", at hypothetical government record thieves,
sources that are not really sources since they are artists.
The CIA agents must not know how to read because they hunted, persecuted, demonized the artist Julian Assange instead of attacking the only one who could have committed the crime, after examining his pedigree, the hacker Rop Gonggrijp. Clearly, all the hackers are falling through the cracks of the CIA and FBI nets : Mc McGrath, Bernd Fix, Rop Gonggrijp.
To fictionalize justice what could be more judicious than to fictionalize the object of the crime. Then, after having fictionalized the object of the crime, the criminal is staged in a hellish pursuit in which nobody ends up not understanding anything anymore.
Once the dangerous fictitious terrorist has been kidnapped, "terrorist" which is a bit of a stupide, it must be said, since he has been designated scapegoat by his delicious boss, the entity of unknown form, and dropped by his accomplices, all credited in the credits (all as guilty as the unfortunate Julian Assange), All that remains is to set up a parody of criminal procedure served by judges who knowingly ignore the law for more or less avowable reasons and lawyers, fashionable in the corridors of the CIA, who pretend not to know it.
Story tell a trial in the form of a sacrificial ceremony and that's it! In one fell swoop, the torture, dear to the "tortoradores" Garzon and Dershowitz, the crime, the violation of international laws, rendition, incommunicado incarceration, lying to the state, embezzlement are validated except that everyone forgets that this validation has no value since it is fictitious.
But this fiction makes a victim, a very real one: the citizen known as Julian Assange, tortured and dying in prison, or elsewhere, for a cause he did not choose to defend, quite the contrary. If there is a collateral murder in this story, it is him! Was the sacrificial lamb aware of the deadly trick played on him by the entity of unknown form?! Nothing is less sure.
The video collateral murder is presented as a full unideted gun camera video. Why did you put a dash between united and camera? full unideted gun - camera video. With the dash, the translation gives roughly this : full unideted gun - camera video, which doesn't mean much in terms of image work, whereas the version without the dash indicates that there is no manual intervention.
It is indeed a control camera, with, or without, lateral and vertical scanning. The camera shoots continuously without anything interfering. This is called a sequence shot. On such a video source, the editor takes a piece of T-shaped sample image from which it comes out in Y. For the document to have legal value, this sample sequence must not be edited. Only subtitling and dressing are allowed.
The first surprising thing is that the first shot that kills several civilians does not seem to come from the machine that is filming. It seems to arrive laterally, from the rooftops and not frontally from the helicopter. Moreover, the Apache helicopter, if there is one, is a noisy machine, yet none of the men on the ground seem to be aware of its presence. No one raises his head.
No one feels threatened. None of the shots seem to come from the helicopter, this is visible in 3.44. or 4.20 where the angle of fire seems to be incompatible with the angle of view of a helicopter shooting at the same time as it is filming.
In 4.44, there is a black, therefore a cut. There has been clearly edited so the tape has been worked on. It has no value, sourced or not, since it has been denatured. From 5.01, the image jumps continuously. One can observe a pano start (4.57-4.58) interrupted abruptly, probably to give a feeling of chaos. Cut. Change of shot in 5.00. Change of shot value and angle in 6.00 on the corpses.
Changing the image texture in 6.11. As the white balance is automatic on this kind of material, we can imagine a change of camera since changing the image setting. The image quality is very different between the two shots, especially in terms of contrast and definition. From 6.24 to 7.00 cut editing of several shots, 5 different shooting angles, incompatible with a witness camera fixed on a helicopter.
8.42 the shot and opposite the machine that films. It is not he who shoots. The priming of the roofs on some images shows that the helicopter is above, all ready, out no victim is worried about it, whereas it is supposed to have fired several times. It is difficult to determine if this position is compatible with the technical characteristics of an Apache helicopter. Can it fly so low?!1
2.13, a woman in light chador (this clothing detail allows to identify the country) passes by with a little boy without worrying about the helicopter when he has just shot. Change of plan before she gets out. Impossible with a control camera. There is editing. 30.29 Presence of civilians and civilian cars on a war scene that should be secured. Strange. They walk around as if they were safe. They still do not hear the helicopter.
Until about 27.00, the front of the journalists' car is still intact. It seems that a tank destroys the left front but the action does not seem compatible with the state of the car in the photo of the New York time of 2007. The car does not reappear in the film afterwards.
Too many values for different planes and angles of view. Noisy images. Strange sound. At no time are the witnesses aware of the presence of the helicopter. It could be a mix of several videos.
We ask the justice of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom to entrust this video to a group of experts for authentication (directors, editors, video game creators, historians, witnesses of the scene, journalists, sound engineers and military, but especially not the American military ...).
Until the images have been sourced, this video looks like a "fake", the credits also announces the color. It is a scenario of an event, a kind of docu-drama. In any case, it is in no way a source document since the image has been worked on at all levels. It has no legal value. No legal proceedings can be initiated on the basis of such a document.
One thing is very surprising. Since the first broadcast of this video, Chelsea Manning, the "official source" has been imprisoned and tortured, Assange has been imprisoned and tortured, but Wikileaks does not pay tribute to them at any point in the video (adding a few shots wouldn't be very difficult) or on the page presenting the video and does not call for their release. They disappeared from the story telling!
However, the Courage Foundation is calling for donations. DONATE!
When was Julian Assange dispossessed of his project and taken hostage by the unknown entity Wikileaks, whose domain names, and Collateral Murder, belong to John Shipton? Above all, other fundamental questions arise: How can a video, an incriminating piece of evidence in criminal proceedings, be exploited by Jeremy Zimmerman in a video promoting sexual massages? Who collects the copyrights?!
Alice King is close to Jérémie Zimmerman. She was also a guest at 3 Hans Crescent street.
Her specialty is dynamic pycho massages. She works with Jeremie Zimmerman on videos that associated with massage have hypnotic effects
Alice King also participates in all the organisations that spread lies and manipulate the public about Julian Assange's story : Chaos Computer Club, Center for Investigative Journalism, Logan Symposium.
Media: propaganda, Fakes News leaks and conflicts of interest. Censorship through social networks.
The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange did not create Wikileaks. The proof is written in the Wau Holland activity reports, which state that he was not the editor or founder of Wikileaks, but the leader of the Wikileaks Project 04 implemented by Andy Muller Maguhn at Wau Holland, is public.
The document "Projekt 04
: Informationsfreiheit verteidigen" Vorläufiger Transparenzbericht 2010" - "Project 04, Defending Freedom of Expression, Provisional Transparency Report 2010" - shows that Wau Holland's expenditure on the Wikileaks project (which has since been renamed Projekt 04) can be seen in the subtitle "Campaigns and Actions" on page 6 : "April 2010: Video-Produktion "Collateral Murder" ● Juli 2010 : "War Diary : Afghanistan War Logs" ● October 2010 : "War Diary : Iraq War Logs" ● November 2010: "CableGate : US Embassy Diplomatic Cables" "1. These are the activities of the 04 Wikileaks Project.
"In 2011, in addition to Project 04 "WikiLeaks",
the TOR
and "Chaos Macht Schule" projects were supported by the foundation "1 - thus begins the 2011 annual report. We have learned that the head of
Project 02 Tor "Anonymisation Network on the Internet"
has been
Andreas Lehner for many years and that he has continued the work with a 1750 Euros salary.
A report from
Wau Holland
tells us on what dates and for what reasons
Andy Müller Maguhn goes to Ellingham Hall where he is received by the owner of the premises Vaughan Smith, guarantor of Julian Assange in the context of his house arrest in pre-trial detention. In January 2011, the board delegate of the
Wau Holland Foundation
has "a discussion with a sector manager of Spiegel as a German media partner about the planned publications".
It is clear from this report that Andy Muller Maguhn manages the relationships with the German press.
In July 2011, he "visits a fundraising evening decided by the Board".1 It will conduct " negotiations with media partners" and conclude "agreements on the objectives and procedures that will be discussed in point 4.4 when the "Spy files" are published".2 The Board will also "discuss and agree on the objectives and procedures of the fundraising event".3 The Board of Directors will be responsible for the implementation of the "Spy files".
In August 2011, Andy Müller Maguhn is conducting "step-by-step negotiations on the work concerning Spy Files". 3 and a decision-making conversation with the media partner Spiegel for the other publications". 4 Finally, from 21 to 24 October, he and two other Board members, Klaus Schleisiek and Bernd Fix, will return to "a working meeting in London with the media partners for the Spy Files. Invoice reimbursements are clarified with the support staff at Elligham Hall". 5 Board member Bernd Fix participates in a press conference at the Frontline Club on the bank blocking lawsuit. 6 Finally, on 21 November 2011, Andy Müller Maguhn leads a "working meeting just before the publication of the Spy Files with media partners".
In 2011, project 04 Wikileaks, in addition to the infrastructure works, has completed 2 thematic complexes of public importance". 1 The infrastructure works consist of the construction of servers to centralise and make the documents available for use by the media partners. The raw documents were viewed and then researched by journalists to present them as stories in context. The anonymised publication of the documents was synchronised with the publications of the media partners.
"Through this process, the verification, contextualisation and security of the people quoted in the publications was guaranteed". 2 There are 4 major publications: throughout the year: documents concerning the following countries : Brazil, Sri Lanka, Great Britain, Sweden, USA, Guatemala, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, Jordan, Yemen, Thailand, India. The publication of 2 February 2011 unveils the US Wikileaks destruction project ("Zersetzungsplans"). On 25 April 2011 the "Guantanamo Files" and on 1 December 2011 the "Spy Files", the telecommunications surveillance documents, are published.
5.1 “Verwaltung”. "Management". "These are the management costs that are chargeable to the Foundation : accounting, legal advice, travel expenses of the members of the Board of Directors and of the delegates for project supervision. The day-to-day management of the business (record keeping, payment management, banking relations) is carried out on a voluntary basis by the members of the Board of Directors. 1" The sum is 24,256 Euros. It includes
Andy Müller Maguhn's 6 trips and Klaus Scheisiek and Bernd Fix's trip to England.
This part of the documents shows that all newspapers and media are involved in the publication of the cables of the Project 04 Wikileaks portal. They also show that the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange does not decide anything.
In the light of all these facts, it is clear that many newspapers and media are lying about the status and nature of Wikileaks. They make citizens believe that the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is the creator of a media called Wikileaks which publishes sensitive data, whereas it is a project developed by a German foundation and run by Germans. By behaving in this way, the media have violated the Munich Charter.
In the Assange case, all the media is lying. Citizens no longer have confidence in their media, the Assange affair has allowed us to show them that they are right.
Where else do mainstream media still lie? The alleged companion of the citizen known as Julian Assange, who looks like the alleged mother of Barack Obama? About what happens at the trial where only journalists accredited by Wikileaks and other partners are allowed to enter?
The mainstream media have lied about the misdeeds of the pathogen C19.
At no time did they provide information to their fellow citizens.
They have all simply reported government and WHO guidelines.
This is called propaganda. It is not journalism. Propaganda is a violation of the Munich Charter. Propaganda is a weapon of war.
Munich Charter
Declaration on the duties and rights of journalists
The right to information, free expression and criticism is one of the fundamental freedoms of every human being. This right of the public to know facts and opinions proceeds from all the duties and rights of journalists.
The responsibility of journalists towards the public takes precedence over any other responsibility, in particular towards their employers and public authorities.
The task of providing information necessarily entails limits which journalists themselves spontaneously impose on themselves. This is the purpose of the declaration of duties formulated here.
However, these duties can only be effectively respected in the exercise of the journalistic profession if the concrete conditions of professional independence and dignity are fulfilled. This is the purpose of the following declaration of rights.
Declaration of duties
The essential duties of the journalist, in researching, writing and commenting on events, are :
1) to respect the truth, whatever the consequences may be for himself, because of the public's right to know
2) to defend freedom of information, commentary and criticism
3) to publish only information whose origin is known or to accompany it, if necessary, with the necessary reservations; not to suppress essential information and not to alter texts and documents
4) not to use unfair methods to obtain information, photographs and documents
5) to respect the privacy of individuals
6) rectify any published information that proves to be inaccurate
7) to maintain professional secrecy and not to disclose the source of information obtained in confidence
8) to refrain from plagiarism, slander, libel, defamation, baseless accusations and to receive any benefit from the publication or deletion of information
9) never confuse the profession of journalist with that of advertiser or propagandist; never accept any instructions, direct or indirect, from advertisers
10) Refuse all pressure and accept editorial instructions only from those in charge of the editorial staff
Every journalist worthy of the name makes it a duty to observe strictly the principles set out above; recognising the law in force in each country, the journalist accepts, in matters of professional honour, only the jurisdiction of his or her peers, to the exclusion of any governmental or other interference.
Bill of Rights
1) Journalists demand free access to all sources of information and the right to freely investigate all facts that condition public life. The secrecy of public or private affairs may in such cases be invoked against the journalist only by way of exception on clearly expressed grounds
(2) The journalist has the right to refuse any subordination which would be contrary to the general line of his or her undertaking, as determined in writing in his or her contract of employment, as well as any subordination which is not clearly implied by that general line
(3) A journalist may not be compelled to perform a professional act or express an opinion that is contrary to his or her conviction or conscience
4) The editorial team must be compulsorily informed of any important decision likely to affect the life of the company
It must at least be consulted, before a final decision is taken, on any measure affecting the composition of the editorial staff: hiring, dismissal, transfer and promotion of journalists
5) In view of their function and responsibilities, journalists are entitled not only to the benefit of collective agreements, but also to a personal contract ensuring their material and moral security as well as a remuneration corresponding to their social role and sufficient to guarantee their economic independence
Munich, 1971
Some independent media and citizens links about the pathogen C19.
The Tanzanian president denounces the Covid test scam with a lot of humour and discernment.
Exposing the Gates Agenda in Africa
Dr Sydney Plotkin, expert on vaccines
Dr Plotkin recognized having done vaccines experimentations on persons under colonial domination, on orphans, on mentally retarded children, on children whose mothers were in prison; broad usage of human foetus.
This person was recently appointed (early November 2019) at 88 years old, to the Valneva scientific research council. Valneva is vaccine producer, well placed in the Covid19 vaccines race.
Are these ethics, prone to experiment on defenceless children and adults, with common aspects to Nazis medical and eugenics practices, violating basic human rights, Nuremberg code… the expected new normal? Are all lessons from War World II to be thrown into dishes?
Forced vaccination as a crime against humanity
A russian Colonel about COVID-19
A Russian Colonel talks about Coronavirus and depopulation (March 2020) "Until we get rid of the parasites that govern us, we will not be able to get rid of the other parasites.” Youtube censored the video.
Many doctors question the way in which health authorities calculate deaths. Deaths due to Covid19 are reported to be much lower than reported. I will leave it to the specialists.
Confinement totally illegal. Lawyer Carlo Brusa
The lawyer Maitre Carlo Brusa considers "that the confinement imposed on the French is totally illegal". - Selected piece of his long interview. Analysis of Corona Virus. Valerie Burgault, Phd in economics field in England
Euthanasia in Poland,54420,25889476,pani-barbara-zmarla-na-koronawirusa-bo-lekarze-spisali-ja.html?
Worldwide mainstream media propagated an incredibly biased view of the Assange case. Mainstream media backed without critical thinking the quasi-uniform covid19 measures from authorities throughout the world, allowing the Irrational to take precedence over the rationality and the medical knowledge and science. In both cases, they relay official speeches that serve, in the first case, private interests, in the second case, the interests of States disconnected from people interests.
We remind you that relaying state directives is propaganda. It is a violation of the Munich Charter. Indeed, propaganda is a weapon of war that transfigures the truth. It is the opposite of information.
Reporter Without Border Germany and France are very involved in the Assange case but they did not grant him the status of political prisoner even though we have shown that he was one, depriving him of their protection
Reporter Without Borders (RS)
Reporter Without Borders (RSF) was represented at the hearings in the person of
Rebecca Vincent,
Christian Mihr and Christophe Deloire.
According to Maxime Vivas, in 2008, RSF also received support from the Fondation de France, George Soros' Open Society Institute, the Sigrid Rausing Trust, the Overbrook Foundation, the Ford Foundation. In Wikipediaère
Many members of the Ford Foundation are believed to be members of Pilgrim Society.
It is legitimate to wonder if
Rebecca Vincent,
Christian Mihr,
Christophe Deloire
and the RSF board are defending freedom of speech and of the press through Assange case, or if they put priorities on private foundations interests linked to opaque political agenda.
The London based Center for Investigive Journalism (CIJ), created by the “founder“ of WikiLeaks Gavin Mc Fadyen, aka Gavin Hall, according to Wikileaks strorytelling, is financed by Georges Soros’s Open Society. Georges Soros admits that he played a major role in the Ukrainian “orange revolution“ process which ended by a new government for the benefits of US interests.
Ukrainian State is now sufficiently controlled by neo-Nazi parties to instore a new day-off in memory of the nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera, who committed massacres of Jewish people.
The newspaper Mediapart not only covered the orange revolution in a biased favourable manner, it now keeps under radar the scandalous rise of fascism in Ukraine. It is thus not surprising to see the Sorosian CIJ recommend to subscribe to the
Mediapart “French investigative news organisation“, in its 2018 booklet.
Along with Le Monde, Mediapart was the second French journal having heavily cooperated with (and profited of) WikiLeaks. While Julian Assange just started to sense the bitter prison barrels taste, Mediapart director Edwy Plenel hit him in the neck with a violent moral sentence : “There are plenty of legitimate reasons to be indifferent to the fate of Julian Assange…”.
The fact that Julian Assange was declared in « psychological torture » state by UN expert Niels Melzer, was effectively followed by a total indifference from his journalists : no one from his team wrote about it. The WJJA association was not indifferent to the contextual errors, imprecisions, deontological faults written in Mediapart pages about Assange case : they are analysed and demonstrated. Still, its covering was less indecent than journal Le Monde’s one, but a book about Assange related media shenanigans would be much longer to write than the Assange story itself.
Russia Today United Kingdom
Russia Today was founded in 2005, received the Emmy Awards in 2010 and has covered Occupy Wall street and the Guantanamo files. Assange and Snowden are the founding projects of the channel. Is Russia Today the Internationa Frontline Project – the Soros founded project of the Fronline Club in Russia?
Initially, Russia Today UK was a small business company registered in UK register with the number 05522952 with the capital of £84,000.
From the very beginning of the TV channel, Christopher Martin Wood seems to have been the sole shareholder.
In the annual report 2010 , it says that the Director is the sole shareholder who controls 100% of the capital - and there are 134,000 £ of assets.
The TV channel is barely growing in 2011 (£159,000).
Wood is still the majority shareholder in 2012 when Assange allows them to grow and ensure their notoriety.
The activity will more than triple in 2013: cash in bank and hand will be this year 628,000£. In 2015 the cash at bank 2015 is £3,500,000 £. It is a great expansion! Is this expansion linked to the influence of the Russian state in the company? Christopher Woods is still the only owner. But where does the money come from? 2013-2015 was the period when the RT became the centre of counter-information on the Donbass, Russia, the sanctions, the war in Europe. It gains in audience.
When the RT gains notoriety, it's been 3 years since Assange played the role of a product of appeal for the channel!
In 2016, Wood only has 75% of the shares. So there was a capital contribution, but where does it come from?
Cash in bank and hand decreases in 2017 to 1 470 000 £. In 2018 it is growing to 3 418 000 £. In 019 it is 3 369 000 £cash in hand. In 2020 there is 6 829 000 £.
In the annual report 2018 it is written that Russia Today has 70 employees, in 2016 67. In 2019 RT UK has 80 employees.
So it is a good going relative strong business company in UK.
The Media storytelling says that Russia Today UK is controlled and funded by the Russian government. But we can see that this is not true as it is a British company registered in the UK and selling television services. However, we do not know exactly what services this company sells and to whom.
It is impossible to find any information on Christopher Martin Wood, not a single CV and this is strange
We do only find one Chris Woods who might fit his profile. He participates in Don’t Extradite Assange. Chris Woods has always done the storytelling of Assange in the 3 Hans Crescent.
Chris Wood is a former BBC Panorama producer. Woods accuses Russia of killing civilians in Syria. This brings us back to John Shipton who met Bashar El Assad, a difficult meeting without a diplomatic agreement with Russia.
Is Chris Woods the BBC producer the same as Christopher Martin Wood the owner of the famous Russia Today UK Television.
Chris Woods“russia-is-killing-civilians-at-a-far-far-faster-rate-than-the-coalition”/
We would also like to remind you that Cassandra Fairbanks, who took part in the staging of the days preceding the kidnapping of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange from the building at 3 Hans Crescent Street, works for the Sputnik chain.
Cassandra Fairbanks
Twitter, Face Book and You Tube
We ask the justice of the sovereign governments of all the sovereign countries involved to investigate whether there was collusion and/or remuneration for spreading this propaganda.
We are also filing a complaint against Twitter for censorship. The blocking of our account occurred after our delegates were able to enter the closed courtroom. Why was our account blocked? A trial is public and our delegates are there to ensure that the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange receives a fair trial. Since then, our identified delegates have problem to connect on their twitter accounts.
However, Twitter has, to date, still not responded to our request for justification concerning the suspension of WJJA's account. The association's account is still blocked.
The WJJA also files a complaint against You Tube which forbids any possibility of comments or publications under the videos. This is a violation of the right of freedom of expression which, we remind you, is an inalienable fundamental right.
We keep the screenshots of these censures at the disposal of the judiciary.
On several occasions, FaceBook has censored some of our publications, notably on the Assange case, the Palentir company and Peter Thiel
The social networks censorship is rising exponentially in all domains. The freedom of speech, the democratic grounds are in great danger, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights risks soon to turn into an old piece of paper.
Censorship on You Tube
Since the first confinement, the Human Rights Association WJJA cannot publish any comments on You Tube.
The cursor remains grayed out and no validation of the comment is possible.
Censorship on Twitter
The WJJA's Twitter account has been suspended without giving any reason. To date, Twitter has still not responded to our request for an explanation and our account is still suspended.
And Elon Musk or not Elon Musk, WJJA banned for life from free speech for standing up for the citizen known as Julian Assange by publishing complaints, medical reports and requests for his release.
WJJA banned for life from Twitter for defending basic human rights, opposing torture, wrongful imprisonment, hostage taking and subversive war lies.
Elon Musk or not Elon Musk, no free speach, no free information!
Censorship on FaceBook
The fictionalisation of justice must be decreed a crime against humanity.
The United Kingdom, the United States, Sweden, Germany, countries that persecute Julian Assange, are bankrupt oligarchies in which the rulers (oligarchs) have no other choice to hide their crimes [voir avec Mk&B si l’attaque frontale est stratégique?], to maintain themselves in power and to maintain their way of life and their social status than to rob, appropriate, and plunder the property of others by enslaving populations under the yoke of protean and sprawling dictatorships.
In order to achieve their ends, to satisfy their voracity, they parasitize the institutions in order to take them over, a bit like termites colonizing a roof, using the organs of the state as illegitimate weapons. All fascist regimes act in this way, the Nazis in the first place. They begin by taking over institutions, then the media, which they transform into propaganda tools, and finally, when the manipulation is sufficiently effective, they drown out justice.
One of the first action during Hitler’s Third Reich was to transfer the application of laws and rights from the justice institutions to the repression forces such as militia (SA and SS), the police or the army, with of course a deviant view of the “law“ driven by a criminogenic ideology.
The first victims of totalitarian system are the journalists, the authentic journalists who assert their right to information, followed by judges and lawyers, the authentic judges and lawyers who enforce the laws, and finally the artists.
"Oligarchy is a political regime in which most power is in the hands of a few individuals, a few families or a small part of the population, usually a social class or caste. The source of their power can be wealth, tradition, military force, cruelty...
The oligarchy relies on a practice of collegial and discreet power. The organization of power can be relatively complex with different more or less informal circles. Oligarchic regimes are relatively unstable and often evolve towards monarchies."
Making Assange an object and his trial a fiction, without any identifiable procedure, ends up destroying justice itself, since it is based, when properly rendered, on facts, testimonies, and detailed indictments within a legal framework validated by governments, but it also ends up atomizing the structures of the State since judges, lawyers, and other civil servants no longer embody democratic or republican functions but play roles assigned to them by private interests independently of the peoples who are the guarantors of democratic structures.
Without fictionalization, there is no Assange procedure possible since Assange is not guilty of anything. Without fictionalization, Assange's trial has no place since, according to the texts in force, no crime has been committed and no law has been transgressed by the citizen known as Julian Assange. The English administration and government are indulging in a parody of justice, homologated by a decadent oligarchy acting in collusion, a parody of justice to which it gives substance through all sorts of abstruse, stammering and inaudible role-playing and speeches, which make us forget the emptiness of the elements against us.
In order to keep Julian Assange in prison and bring the extradition procedure to a conclusion, it has chosen to transfigure reality in order to evade its function as guarantor of the law and make herself guilty of crimes by giving the impression that it is not transgressing any text.
In the Assange Case, we are witnessing a judicial fable, not a trial. We are at the heart of mimesis, an imitation of reality, described by Platon philosopher as a prime danger for societies, hence for civilizations.
The major problem is that this fictionalized approach to legal procedure, this mimesis, makes any legal action impossible, stops justice, not only its finality but also the principles of collective life it represents and perpetuates, mimesis disintegrates societal rules. Mimesis does not exist. It is a simulacrum that prohibits any effective action on reality.
It is a decoy in which citizens are trapped, or victims of swindle, in order to neutralize their freedom of action, their free will, their critical thinking, their contradiction necessary to any democratic system. The mimesis is one of the weapons of the swindlers, force their "pigeons" to play a life-scale game but a game in which the rules change constantly to give the advantage to the one who dictates the rules
A Soros scenario, inescapably stages the "implacable fatality" of fate to which the individual, species, ecosystems must submit without reluctance but, devoid of the existential questioning of tragedy, it places individuals in front of vicious destructive circles. In the mouths of the media, this translates into "nothing can be done", which paralyses any opposition citizen action.
This is one of the basic manipulations of the Tavistok Institute or Imperial College on the populations. Hence the constant feeling that there is no way out, that no problem has a solution. This is true for the climate dossier, the pension dossier, the Social Security dossier, the homeless dossier... The anguish of tomorrow, the fear of dying, of destroying the planet, of no longer having a job, of being colonized by foreigners, of being forced to submit to the religion of others is the surest way to maintain power and the ability to extort money for the good cause.
Assange is not dying because it is impossible to get him out of jail. Assange is dying because the United States, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany are breaking the law.
Assange is dying because his lawyers do nothing to expose the truth and confuse the guilty, pretending not to know the laws and not pointing out any of the procedural flaws. Julian
Assange is dying because the government and the justice system in the United Kingdom is practicing or is complicit in the torture of which he is a victim.
Julian Assange is dying because citizens admit that countries can violate laws with impunity.
Julian Assange is dying because a few white-collar thugs have confiscated institutions to use them to their advantage to cover up their crimes. There is nothing inevitable about this case. There is just the will to make people believe it is.
It is our duty as citizens to save Julian Assange and, while saving him, to put in place the safeguards that will forever stop these international state collusions of a mafia nature. If there is a problem, there is a solution. And as far as the bankruptcy of corporations on a global scale is concerned, the solution is simple.
We have to lay off all the staff and rethink the managerial rules! As far as Assange is concerned, all that is needed is to force judges and states to respect the laws they are the guarantors of. As long as they exist, the prisons are made for people who break the laws.
The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange must be released immediately.
♔ The United States of America cannot prosecute him without violating several amendments to its constitution.
♔ Julian Paul Assange is a common name which has no legality. As the mother's signature on Julian Paul Hawkins' birth certificate is not legible, this birth certificate has no legal value. The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange does not have a clearly established identity or nationality.
In order to initiate legal proceedings against a citizen, he or she must have a legal identity, nationality and legal domicile.
♔ The charges against the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange are unfounded.
They are made without evidence and without witnesses for the prosecution. They are mostly fanciful and unjustified from a legal point of view. They're totally wacky.
♔ The courts that host the legal show imposed on the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange have no legal status. The City of London is governed by feudal law. It is not a sovereign state, subject to international law. No extradition proceedings can be tried there.
♔ Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States have opened proceedings on behalf of Julian Paul Assange. As this name is only a common name, all these proceedings are invalid. A citizen can only be prosecuted under his or her birth name.
♔ The creators and leaders of Wikileaks project 04, an entity of unknown form are : Andy Müller Maguhn, Bernd Fix, Klaus Schleisieck, Jens Ohlig, Winfried Motzkus and Hendrik Fulda.
♔ They are the only ones, along with Mr. John Shipton, if it is his identity, that are legally responsible for Wikileaks publications.
♔ The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is head of the Wikileaks 04 Project. He is producer and creative director of the docufiction Collateral murder.
For more than eleven years, the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange has been held hostage by private interest entities acting in collusion. He is treated like a slave.
These entities involve members of political parties, state officials, private sector actors, journalists and so on. These entities have violated all laws, including fundamental human rights laws.
To achieve their ends, these entities lied, transfigured reality, invented false charges, staged a fake trial. They have misled the people. They have robbed the populations by asking them to give money for a procedure that was not necessary and to pay lawyers who, for some of them, are not registered at the English bar and therefore cannot defend the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange.
The citizens who lead or are members of these entities have inflicted irreparable harm on the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange. They have misused the justice of their respective countries. They have corrupted the governmental, medical, judicial and institutional bodies of their respective countries. They have manipulated their fellow citizens and extorted money from them.
He is treated like a slave
We therefore call on the governments of the countries that participated in the persecution and torture of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange to open an investigation to identify the perpetrators and accomplices of this crime.
We call on all countries of sovereign states that are not involved in the persecution and torture of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange to kindly open an investigation to identify those responsible for the crimes and offences committed by members of these entities. They must operate within a regulatory structure in order to guarantee the objectivity of the investigations.
When fundamental human rights are violated in their entirety on the basis of lies and justice is no longer done within a legal framework, all citizens of all countries are at risk.
If members of Mafia entities are allowed to falsely prosecute a citizen under an illegal identity on false charges without observing the rules of fair trial, then they may persecute, imprison incommunicado, torture and if necessary murder any citizen who obstructs them or opposes their crimes.
We call on the judicial authorities of the countries concerned to make the investigations public,
to organise public trials, filmed and shared in open source on all media and to set up a website where all the progress of these investigations will be listed.
We ask the judicial authorities of the countries concerned to organise citizens' committees whose role will be to ensure the objectivity of the investigations and the regularity of the procedures.
♔ In order to avoid corruption and mafia abuses in a democratic country, the people must remain involved in every aspect of its institutions.
The people must be sovereign.
Letter to Boris Johnson calling for the immediate release of political prisoner hnown as Julian Paul Assange, aka Julian Paul Hawkins, aka Mendax.éronique/
In view of all the facts set out in this complaint, we call upon Mr Boris Johnson, and all the sovereign governments of the world to put an end to the storytelling of the Wikileaks-Julian Assange masquerade and the mock trials against the Julian Paul Assange, aka Julian Paul Hawkins, aka Mendax concept.
We call on the judiciary of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and all the sovereign governments of the world to put an end to the storytelling of the Wikileaks-Julian Assange masquerade and the mock trials against the Julian Paul Assange, aka Julian Paul Hawkins, aka Mendax concept.
We request Boris Johnson, the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and all the sovereign governments of the world to demand that the Mafia entities which are illegally imprisoning, incommunicado, on English soil or elsewhere, and torturing the citizen known as Julian Assange, release him immediately upon receipt of this complaint.
Julian Paul Assange was tortured. He is a hostage in the hands of his torturers. Everything must be done to free and protect him as soon as possible. This is a vital emergency.
We ask the judiciary of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and all sovereign governments of the world to ask the private entities, connected with the Mountbatten-Windsor family by City. Of London, responsible for the incommunicado detention and torture inflicted on him (them), to kindly release the person or persons who embody the concept Julian Paul Assange, aka Julian Paul Hawkins, aka Mendax, and to reveal the birth identity of the one who is easily identifiable by distinctive signs, and, where appropriate, the birth identities of each understudy.
We call on the judiciary of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and all the sovereign governments of the world to place under protection the one, and if need be, those who embody the concept Julian Paul Assange, aka Julian Paul Hawkins, aka Mendax, so that he can testify in safety and return to a normal life as a free man.
We recall, for all intents and purposes, that no human being, no living being can, and should not, be considered as a "disposable subject", even if it belongs to an intelligence agency, the police or the army, and that "altruistic suicide" should have no raison d'être in a world where civilised sovereign countries manage to negotiate.
We recall that sovereign governments have the duty to protect the citizens living on their territory, that they must help and protect all those who are at the service of their homeland and, if they have ratified the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to ensure the inviolability of fundamental human rights anywhere they are violated.
We urge Boris Johnson and the British government and all the sovereign governments of the world to enforce the UN ruling that demands that the citizen known as Julian Assange be released, compensated and taken to safety.
In view of the worldwide collusion evident in this affair, we ask Boris Johnson, the English government and all the sovereign governments of the world to kindly allow the citizen known as Julian Assange to place himself under the protection of the human rights association WJJA. Our delegates can pick it up at any time. They have several addresses in France. Our doctors have made every effort to ensure that he returns to civilian life in a safe and caring environment where he will be completely free. Our lawyers are only waiting for a word from him to help him.
We ask Boris Johnson, the sovereign English government and all the sovereign governments of the world to open a procedure to quickly compensate the citizen known as Julian Assange for the damages and tortures suffered. The citizen known as Julian Assange must be able to rebuild himself serenely without having to worry about his survival
The citizen known as Julian Paul Assange must be able to rebuild himself serenely without having to worry about his survival while waiting for investigations and procedures to allow him to regain his rights and take possession of his property.
We ask the French government and more particularly its Minister of Justice, Eric Dupont Moretti, a French lawyer with Juan Branco, of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange, to kindly grant him political asylum and then French nationality.
If it turns out that Mr Julian Paul Assange had no identity with regard to his membership of the Family Cult, we ask the French government to allow him to acquire one.
A peace decree issued by the Bolshevik government on 26th October 1917, adopted by the Congress of Soviets served as the basis for the Best Litovsk Peace Treaty, ending the war between Bolshevik Russia and the German Empire on 3rd March 1918 (including the publication of the Skype Picot agreements), and also puted an end to secret diplomacy.
"The government abolishes secret diplomacy and expresses for its part the firm intention to conduct the talks in full frankness, before the entire people; it immediately proceeds immediately to the complete publication of the secret treaties ratified or concluded by the government of the landowners and capitalists from February to 23 October 1917. These treaties, insofar as they are aimed, as in the majority of cases, at obtaining profits and privileges for Russian landowners and capitalists, at maintaining or increasing the annexations of the Great Russians, are immediately and unconditionally annulled by the government. »
About Bret-Litovs
We therefore call on the sovereign governments of the world to put an end to all forms of secret diplomacy, to dissolve the agencies in charge of this diplomacy, to put all documents in open source and to put an end to secrecy and reason of state.
We request the judiciary of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and of all the sovereign governments of the world ensure does the one, readily identifiable by distinctive signs, embodying the concept of Julian Paul Assange, aka Julian Paul Hawkins, aka Mendax and, where appropriate, to his understudies, to testify publicly about the crimes he witnessed and he suffered
We ask the judiciary of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and of all sovereign governments of the world to kindly film this testimony, make it public on all media and make it available in open source. Criminals and liars must take publicly the responsibility of their crimes. This is the rule when mob justice, respectful of the Fair Trial, is dispensed in a democracy
We call on the governments of the world to put an end to all forms of storytelling, to destroy the agencies that train storytellers, to ensure the financial independence of the media and to ensure that they comply with the Munich Charter. They violate the rules of democracy and political debate. Indeed, "without freedom to inform, any other freedom is illusory ». We ask the sovereign governments of the world to put an end to all forms of censorship, in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
In the case of Wikileaks-Assange & other private unknown form entities, the people were cheated, fleece, deprived free will because of lies proclaim and convey by some médias directed by entities, elements, agencies, of a private nature and of unknown legal forms.
All this crook, regardless of their degree of corruption, must be accountable for their actions so that citizens can understand their criminal mechanisms in order to guard against them in the future.
The sovereign government of the United Kingdom and the sovereign governments of the world have a duty to inform citizen of all countries as they are all victims of this lie and swindle.
Sovereign peoples have the right to know. Sovereign peoples have the right and duty to do justice. Justice is of their resort!
We recall that « demos », meaning people and « cratie », meaning power. Democracy is consequently the power of the people expressed by the people for the people
In a democracy, politicians, magistrates, police officers, military personnel and civil servants are only the representatives of a sovereign people, the servants of a sovereign state, itself at the service of its citizens. It is the sovereign people who give them orders. It is to the sovereign people that they are accountable when they fail in their mission or are guilty of misprision, dereliction of duty, abuse of power, treason.
In the Assange case, all the laws were violated by criminals whose birth identity remains to be determined because most of them act under pseudonyms (see Report 1 and complaints). For several decades now, they have been using entities, agencies, private and illegal elements of unknown form to violate and misuse international law.
All these violations of fundamental human rights and international law may have been committed because there are territories of lawlessness that respect neither the law of the countries in which they are located, nor international law and treaties.
We call upon the sovereign governments of the world to put an end to the special legal and fiscal regimes of the Dominions, City of London, Kingdom of Hanover and and all other same entities and place them under the jurisdiction of a sovereign state subject of International law.
Finally, we call on the sovereign governments of the world to put an end to human trafficking, slavery and paedocriminal networks and to destroy the entities responsible for them.
We recall that the citizen who embodies the Julian Paul Assange concept is a witness for the prosecution in these cases of human trafficking, slavery and paedocriminality. He is in the hands of the criminals whose crimes he has denounced. He is in great danger and his testimony is crucial to dismantling criminal networks and saving other lives. It is therefore urgent that the sovereign governments of the world mobilize to ensure that he is immediately released, taken to a safe place and placed under protection.
For WikiJustice Julian Assange and his teams
The President
Véronique Pidancet Barrière
Documents added on file about Julian Paul Hawkins, aka Julian Paul Assange, aka Mendax identity
About Julian Paul Hawkins Birth certificate
All the documents relating to this investigation, far too numerous, could not be attached to this complaint. They will be made available in open source as soon as possible. Some have not yet been studied.
They are at the disposal of all those who want to consult them as well as the pdf version of this complaint. Just ask for them via our mailbox :
If you have testimonies or documents to provide regarding the Assange case, or regarding any other case in which human rights and laws are violated, you can send them to our email address :
If you need help, you can contact us at our email address :
In accordance with the Munich Charter, we protect our sources.
Applying the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Charter, we respect the dignity, integrity, privacy, intimacy, security, freedom of expression and wishes of each person who contacts us.